958 resultados para Zeros of partial sums of the Riemann zeta function
Differences between the respiratory chain of the fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and its mammalian host are reported. Respiration, membrane potential, and oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria from P. brasiliensis spheroplasts were evaluated in situ, and the presence of a complete (Complex I-V) functional respiratory chain was demonstrated. In succinate-energized mitochondria, ADP induced a transition from resting to phosphorylating respiration. The presence of an alternative NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase was indicated by: (i) the ability to oxidize exogenous NADH and (ii) the lack of sensitivity to rotenone and presence of sensitivity to flavone. Malate/NAD(+)-supported respiration suggested the presence of either a mitochondrial pyridine transporter or a glyoxylate pathway contributing to NADH and/or succinate production. Partial sensitivity of NADH/succinate-supported respiration to antimycin A and cyanide, as well as sensitivity to benzohydroxamic acids, suggested the presence of an alternative oxidase in the yeast form of the fungus. An increase in activity and gene expression of the alternative NADH dehydrogenase throughout the yeast`s exponential growth phase was observed. This increase was coupled with a decrease in Complex I activity and gene expression of its subunit 6. These results support the existence of alternative respiratory chain pathways in addition to Complex I, as well as the utilization of NADH-linked substrates by P. brasiliensis. These specific components of the respiratory chain could be useful for further research and development of pharmacological agents against the fungus.
Considering that antioxidant flavonols have been reported to be beneficial to human health, but that their low water solubility and bioavailability limit their administration through systemic route, the development of suitable flavonol-carriers is of great importance for clinical therapeutics. The aim of this study was to prepare liposomes containing flavonols or not and evaluate their antioxidant activity. Vesicles were obtained by ethanol injection method and characterized in terms of entrapment efficiency, size and zeta potential. Inhibitory activity of liposomal flavonols on reactive oxygen species generation was assessed in vitro using luminol--H(2)O(2)--horseradish peroxidase technique. Antioxidant activity of liposomal flavonols is dependent on concentration and chemical structure of active compound. Quercetin and myricetin are the most active flavonols (IC(50) == 0.6--0.9 mu A mu mol/L), followed by kaempferol (IC(50) == 3.0--4.5 mu A mu mol/L) and galangin (IC(50) == 4.0--7.0 mu A mu mol/L). Our results suggest that antioxidant-loaded liposomes may be promising tools for therapy of diseases where oxidative stress is involved.
The dibenzylbutyrolactone lignan (-)-hinokinin (HK) was obtained by partial synthesis from (-)-cubebin, isolated from the dry seeds of the pepper, Piper cubeba. In view of the trypanocidal activity of HK and its potential as a lead compound for drug development, evaluation of its possible genotoxic activity is required. We have tested HK for possible genotoxicity and evaluated the compound`s effect on the activity of the clastogens doxorubicin (DXR) and methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) in the micronucleus (MN) assay with Chinese hamster lung fibroblast V79 cells. HK alone did not induce MN, at concentrations up to 128 mu M. In combined treatments, HK reduced the frequency of MN induced by MMS. With respect to DXR, HK exerted a protective effect at lower concentrations, but at higher concentrations it potentiated DXR clastogenicity. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Transpiration efficiency, W, the ratio of plant carbon produced to water transpired and carbon isotope discrimination of leaf dry matter, Delta(d)' were measured together on 30 lines of the C-4 species, Sorghum bicolor in the glasshouse and on eight lines grown in the field. In the glasshouse, the mean W observed was 4.9 mmol C mol(-1) H2O and the range was 0.8 mmol C mol(-1) H2O The mean Delta(d) was 3.0 parts per thousand and the observed range was 0.4 parts per thousand. In the field, the mean W was lower at 2.8 mmol C mol H2O and the mean Delta(d) was 4.6 parts per thousand. Significant positive correlations between W and Delta(d) were observed for plants grown in the glasshouse and in the field. The observed correlations were consistent with theory, opposite to those for C-4 species, and showed that variation in Delta(d) was an integrated measure of long-term variation in the ratio of intercellular to ambient CO2 partial pressure, p(i)/p(a). Detailed gas exchange measurements of carbon isotope discrimination during CO2 uptake, Delta(A) and p(i)/p(a) were made on leaves of eight S. bicolor lines. The observed relationship between Delta(A) and p(i)/p(a) was linear with a negative slope of 3.7 parts per thousand in Delta(A) for a unit change in p(i)/p(a). The slope of this linear relationship between Delta(A) and p(i)/p(a) in C-4 species is dependent on the leakiness of the CO2 concentrating mechanism of the C pathway, We estimated the leakiness (defined as the fraction of CO2 released in the bundle sheath by C-4 acid decarboxylations, which is lost by leakage) to be 0.2. We conclude that, although variation in Delta(d) observed in the 30 lines of S. bicolor is smaller than that commonly observed in C-4 species, it also reflects variation in transpiration efficiency, W. Among the eight lines examined in detail and in the environments used, there was considerable genotype x environment interaction.
The synthetic peptide pilosulin 1, corresponding to the largest defined allergenic polypeptide found in the venom of the jumper ant Myrmecia pilosula, inhibited the incorporation of [methyl-H-3]thymidine into proliferating Epstein-Barr transformed (EBV) B-cells. The LD50 was four-fold lower in concentration than melittin, a cytotoxic peptide found in honey bee venom. Loss of cell viability was assessed by flow cytometry by measuring the proportion of cells that fluoresced in the presence of the fluorescent dye 7-aminoactinomycin D. Examination of proliferating EBV B-cells indicated that the cells lost viability within a few minutes exposure to pilosulin 1. Partial peptides of pilosulin 1 were less efficient in causing loss of cell viability and the results suggest that the 22 N-terminal residues are critical to the cytotoxic activity of pilosulin 1. Normal blood white cells were also labile to pilosulin I. T- and B-lymphocytes, monocytes and natural killer cells, however, were more labile than granulocytes. Analysis of pilosulin I using circular dichroism indicated that, in common with melittin and other Hymenoptera venom toxins, it had the potential to adopt an cc-helical secondary structure. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V, All rights reserved.
Molecular mechanisms of zinc potentiation were investigated in recombinant human alpha 1 glycine receptors (GlyRs) by whole-cell patch-clamp recording and [H-3]strychnine binding assays. In the wild-type (WT) GlyR, 1 mu M zinc enhanced the apparent binding affinity of the agonists glycine and taurine and reduced their concentrations required for half-maximal activation. Thus, in the WT GlyR, zinc potentiation apparently occurs by enhancing agonist binding. However, analysis of GlyRs incorporating mutations in the membrane-spanning domain M1-M2 and M2-M3 loops, which are both components of the agonist gating mechanism, indicates that most mutations uncoupled zinc potentiation from glycine-gated currents but preserved zinc potentiation of taurine-gated currents. One such mutation in the M2-M3 loop, L274A, abolished the ability of zinc to potentiate taurine binding but did not inhibit zinc potentiation of taurine-gated currents. In this same mutant where taurine acts as a partial agonist, zinc potentiated taurine-gated currents but did not potentiate taurine antagonism of glycine-gated currents, suggesting that zinc interacts selectively with the agonist transduction pathway. The intracellular M246A mutation, which is unlikely to bind zinc, also disrupted zinc potentiation of glycine currents. Thus, zinc potentiation of the GlyR is mediated via allosteric mechanisms that are independent of its effects on agonist binding.
We find some new examples to show nonuniquence for the heat flow of harmonic maps where weak solutions satisfy the same monotonicity property.
Alloys of Al, Al-0.15Mg, and Al-12Sn made using air atomized aluminum powder and pressed to green densities of 75 to 98 pet were sintered under argon or nitrogen. Sintering in argon is only effective at high green densities when magnesium is present. In contrast, highly porous aluminum can be sintered in nitrogen without the need for magnesium. The oxygen concentration in the gas is reduced by the aluminum through a self-gettering process. The outer layers of the porous powder compact serve as a getter for the inner layers such that the oxygen partial pressure is reduced deep within the pore network. Aluminum nitride then forms, either by direct reaction with the metal or by reduction of the oxide layer, and sintering follows.
Activity within motor areas of the cortex begins to increase 1 to 2 s prior to voluntary self-initiated movement (termed the Bereitschaftspotential or readiness potential). There has been much speculation and debate over the precise source of this early premovement activity as it is important for understanding the roles of higher order motor areas in the preparation and readiness for voluntary movement. In this study, we use high-field (3-T) event-related fMRI with high temporal sampling (partial brain volumes every 250 ms) to specifically examine hemodynamic response time courses during the preparation, readiness, and execution of purely self-initiated voluntary movement. Five right-handed healthy volunteers performed a rapid sequential finger-to-thumb movement performed at self-determined times (12-15 trials). Functional images for each trial were temporally aligned and the averaged time series for each subject was iteratively correlated with a canonical hemodynamic response function progressively shifted in time. This analysis method identified areas of activation without constraining hemodynamic response timing. All subjects showed activation within frontal mesial areas, including supplementary motor area (SMA) and cingulate motor areas, as well as activation in left primary sensorimotor areas. The time courses of hemodynamic responses showed a great deal of variability in shape and timing between subjects; however, four subjects clearly showed earlier relative hemodynamic responses within SMA/cingulate motor areas compared with left primary motor areas. These results provide further evidence that the SMA and cingulate motor areas are major contributors to early stage premovement activity and play an important role in the preparation and readiness for voluntary movement. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
It is largely known that the range of an insect diet is mostly determined by oviposition behavior, mainly in species with endophytic larvae such as Zabrotes subfasciatus. However, the proximate factors determining host choice and the subsequent steps leading to the expansion or reduction of the host number and occasional host shifts are largely unknown. We analyzed various factors determining host preference of Z. subfasciatus through the evaluation of: (i) oviposition preference of a wild population of Z subfasciatus on the usual host (bean) and unusual hosts (lentil, chickpea and soy), and the performance of the offspring; (ii) artificial selection for increasing preference for hosts initially less frequently chosen; (iii) comparison of oviposition behavior between two different populations (reared for similar to 30 generations in beans or chickpeas, respectively); (iv) oviposition timing on usual and unusual hosts; and (v) identification of preference hierarchies. We found that when using unusual hosts, there is no correlation between performance and preference and that the preference hierarchy changes only slightly when the population passes through several generations on the less frequently accepted host. We also found a positive response to artificial selection for increasing oviposition on the less preferred host; however, when the host-choice experiment involved two varieties of the usual host, the response was faster than when the choice involved usual and unusual hosts. Finally, beetles reared on an unusual host (chickpea) for 26 generations showed similar good fitness on both usual and unusual hosts, indicating that the use of a new host does not necessarily result in the loss of performance on the original host. Nevertheless, this population showed lower fitness on the usual host than that of the original population, suggesting an underlying partial trade-off phenomenon which may contribute to a broadening of diet of this insect species.
The problem of the negative values of the interaction parameter in the equation of Frumkin has been analyzed with respect to the adsorption of nonionic molecules on energetically homogeneous surface. For this purpose, the adsorption states of a homologue series of ethoxylated nonionic surfactants on air/water interface have been determined using four different models and literature data (surface tension isotherms). The results obtained with the Frumkin adsorption isotherm imply repulsion between the adsorbed species (corresponding to negative values of the interaction parameter), while the classical lattice theory for energetically homogeneous surface (e.g., water/air) admits attraction alone. It appears that this serious contradiction can be overcome by assuming heterogeneity in the adsorption layer, that is, effects of partial condensation (formation of aggregates) on the surface. Such a phenomenon is suggested in the Fainerman-Lucassen-Reynders-Miller (FLM) 'Aggregation model'. Despite the limitations of the latter model (e.g., monodispersity of the aggregates), we have been able to estimate the sign and the order of magnitude of Frumkin's interaction parameter and the range of the aggregation numbers of the surface species. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
Reinforcement Omission Effects (ROEs), indicated by higher rate of responses after nonreinforced trials in a partial reinforcement schedule, have been interpreted as behavioral transient facilitation after nonreinforcement induced by primary frustration, and/or behavioral transient inhibition after reinforcement induced by demotivation or temporal control. The size of the ROEs should depend directly on the reinforcement magnitude. The present experiment aimed to clarify the relationship between reinforcement magnitude and the omission effects manipulating the magnitude linked to discriminative stimuli in a partial reinforcement FI schedule. The results showed that response rates were higher after omission than after reinforcement delivery. Besides, response rates were highest immediately after the reinforcement omission of a larger magnitude than of a smaller magnitude. These data are interpreted in terms of ROEs multiple process behavioral facilitation after nonreinforcement, and behavioral transient inhibition after reinforcement. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Hepatocyte proliferation and apoptosis (programmed cell death) occur during the liver parenchyma regeneration and the liver size modeling is mainly controlled by hepatocyte apoptosis. The purpose of the present study was to verify the influence of immunosuppressant drugs on these phenomena by utilizing tissue microarray techniques. Thirty-six weaning rats (age 21-23 days, weight 30-50 g) were divided into six groups: control, sham, hepatectomy, hepatectomy plus solumedrol, hepatectomy plus CsA, and hepatectomy plus Tac. The animals were killed one day after hepatectomy, and the remnant livers were weighed and harvested for tissue microarray sections. Liver cell proliferation was evaluated by staining for PCNA and apoptosis was detected by the TUNEL method. It was verified that CsA promoted a decrease in the liver weight, Tac and CsA decreased the proliferation index of hepatocytes, and glucocorticoid had no significant effects. The apoptosis index was not altered by hepatectomy or immunosuppressants. Our data indicate that, in the growing rat, CsA and Tac have negative effects on hepatocyte proliferation and have no effect on the hepatocyte apoptosis.
Considering that mycobacterial heat-shock protein 65 (hsp65) gene transfer can elicit a profound antitumoral effect, this study aimed to establish the safety, maximum-tolerated dose (MTD) and preliminary efficacy of DNA-hsp65 immunotherapy in patients with advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). For this purpose, 21 patients with unresectable and recurrent HNSCC were studied. Each patient received three ultrasound-guided injections at 21-day intervals of: 150, 600 or 400 mu g of DNA-hsp65. Toxicity was graded according to CTCAE directions. Tumor volume was measured before and after treatment using computed tomography scan. The evaluation included tumor mass variation, delayed-type hypersensitivity response and spontaneous peripheral blood mononuclear cell proliferation before and after treatment. The MTD was 400 mg per dose. DNA-hsp65 immunotherapy was well tolerated with moderate pain, edema and infections as the most frequent adverse effects. None of the patients showed clinical or laboratory alterations compatible with autoimmune reactions. Partial response was observed in 4 out of 14 patients who completed treatment, 2 of which are still alive more than 3 years after the completion of the trial. Therefore, DNA-hsp65 immunotherapy is a feasible and safe approach at the dose of 400 mg per injection in patients with HNSCC refractory to standard treatment. Further studies in a larger number of patients are needed to confirm the efficacy of this novel strategy.