852 resultados para Zatulovskaja, Irina


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Phytoplankton of a surface strongly desalinated water lens was investigated on the basis of materials collected during Cruise 57 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in September 2007. The lens with salinity <18 psu had area of ca. 19000 sq. km and was located in the northwestern part of the Kara Sea near the eastern coast of Novaya Zemlya. It was a specific biotope that had been isolated from surrounding waters for more than three months. In the investigated area 66 algae species were identified. The maximal species diversity was found in the upper layers of the desalinated lens, where species number was 1.5 to 3 times higher than in other parts of the water column. Phytoplankton abundance in the upper layers of the lens was 1.5 to 4.5 times higher than in its lower part and generally higher than below the picnocline. Diatoms were the most abundant group in the upper layers of the lens, while flagellates dominated in the subpicnocline part of the water column. Maximal values of phytoplankton biomass were observed everywhere in the upper layers of the lens, where they were 1.2 to 3.7 times higher than in the lower part of the lens and 1.3 to 7.2 times higher than in the layer below the picnocline. Dinoflagellates generally gave the most contribution to total phytoplankton biomass. Phytoplankton of the desalinated surface lens in the northwestern part of the Kara Sea by its composition and quantitative parameters had the nearest resemblance to a phytocenosis that we observed two weeks later at a shallow desalinated shelf closely adjacent to the Ob estuary.


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Based on results of field observations in August 1998, July 2000, and August 2001 composition and quantitative distribution of coccolithophorids in the middle part of the Eastern Bering Sea shelf between 56°052'N and 59°019'N was characterized. Emiliania huxleyi abundance, biomass, and population structure as well as role of species in the coccolithophorid community and phytoplankton as a whole were evaluated. Abundance of the species in the upper mixed layer in bloom areas was 1-3 mln cells/l and biomass made up 30-75 mg C/m**3. E. huxleyi share in total phytoplankton numbers and biomass at that reached 98% and 84% respectively. Significant spatial heterogeneity of E. huxleyi, quantitative distribution and population size structure, as well as asynchronism in population development in neighboring parts of the bloom area were shown. The time period, during which population structure in certain part of the area shifts from domination of juvenile cells without coccoliths to a phase of active detritus formation with dying coccolithophorid cells involved, may be estimated as two weeks. A conclusion is made that after anomalous E. huxleyi bloom in 1997 mass development of coccolithophorids became a characteristic feature of phytoplankton community's seasonal succession in the middle part of the Eastern Bering Sea shelf.


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An analysis was made of composition and content of nutrients, salts, particulate and dissolved organic matter, and various plankton groups in a series of samples collected by a 140-liter sampling bottle to depth up to 150 m at 4 equatorial stations between 97° and 154°W. Large and small phytoplankton, bacteria (aggregated and dispersed), heterotrophic flagellates, infusorians, radiolarians, foraminifers, fine filter-feeders, small and large, mostly herbivorous copepods, cyclopoids, predatory calanoids, and other predators were investigated separately. Trophic relations between these elements are established from personal and published data, and rate of their metabolism and some other physiological parameters are determined. Such functional characteristics as extent of satisfaction of food requirements of organisms belonging to various trophic groups, intensity of trophic relations, balance between production and consumption by individual elements of the community, ecological efficiency, and net and specific production of the groups distinguished, of individual trophic levels, of total zooplankton, and of the community as a whole are calculated. Variations of these characteristics along the equator with decreasing upwelling intensity are examined and their possible causes and mechanisms are discussed.


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Phytoplankton community was studied in the Bering Strait and over the shelf, continental slope, and deep-water zones of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas in the middle of the vegetative season (July-August 2003). Its structure was analyzed in relation to ice conditions and seasonal patterns of water warming, stratification, and nutrient concentrations. Overall variations in phytoplankton abundance from 200 to 6000000 cells/l and biomass from 0.1 to 444.1 µg C/l.were estimated. The bulk of phytoplankton cells concentrated in the seasonal picnocline at depths 10-25 m. The highest values of cell abundance and biomass were recorded in regions influenced by inflow of Bering Sea waters or characterized by intense hydrodynamics, such as the Bering Strait, Barrow Canyon, and the outer shelf and slope of the Chukchi Sea. In the middle of the vegetative season, phytoplankton in the study region of the Western Arctic proved to comprise three successional (seasonal) assemblages: early spring, late spring, and summer assemblages. Their spatial distribution was dependent mainly on local features of hydrological and nutrient regimes rather than on general latitudinal trends of seasonal succession characteristic of arctic ecosystems.


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A research was carried out along a transect from the Yamal Peninsula coast towards the outer shelf of the southwestern the Kara Sea in September 2007. 130 phytoplankton species were identified, among which 63 were found in the area for the first time. Total phytoplankton abundance varied from of 0.2 x10**9 to 11.3x10**9 cells/m**2, while biomass from 43 to 1057 mgC/m**2. A well pronounced cross-shelf zoning in phytoplankton communities was ascertained. The inner shelf zone about 30 km wide with depths down to 30 meters was characterized by predominance of diatoms (up to 80% of total algal abundance and biomass). The second group by value was dinoflagellates. Seaward in the area of depth increase from 30 to 140 m, the zone of the Yamal Current was located, which was 40 km wide and notable for its active water dynamics. Total abundance in the zone was maximal for the entire investigated area: up to 11.3x10**9 cells/m**2. Autotrophic flagellates were the leading group in phytoplankton, their share in total abundance reached 56-82%. Further than 70 km from the shore, the outer shelf zone was found with the water column rigidly stratified. The highest for the whole area phytoplankton biomass was identified here (up to 1.06 gC/m**2), 80% of which concentrated above the halocline. Diatoms dominated in phytoplankton abundance (up to 92%) and biomass (up to 90%) that resulted from mass development of two species: Chaetoceros diadema and Leptocylindrus danicus.


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Material was collected in the Ob River estuary and the adjacent shallow Kara Sea shelf between 71°14.0'N and 75°33.0'N at the end of September 2007. Latitudinal zonation in phytoplankton distribution was demonstrated; this zonation was determined by changes in salinity and concentration of nutrients. Characteristic of the phytocenosis in the southern desalinated zone composed of freshwater diatom and green algae species were high population density (1500000 cells/l), biomass (210 ?g C/l), chlorophyll concentration (4.5 ?g/l), and uniform distribution in the water column. High primary production (~40 ?g C/l/day) was recorded in the upper 1.5 m layer. The estuarine frontal zone located to the north had a halocline at depth 3-5 m. Freshwater species with low abundance (250000 cells/l), biomass (24 ?g C/l), and chlorophyll concentration (1.5 ?g/l) dominated above the halocline. Marine diatom algae, dinoflagellates, and autotrophic flagellates formed a considerable part of the phytocenosis below the halocline; community characteristics were two-fold lower as compared with the upper layer. Maximal values of primary production (~10 ?g C/l/day) were recorded in the upper 1.5 m layer. The phytocenosis in the seaward zone was formed by marine alga species and was considerably poorer as compared with the frontal zone. Assimilation rates of carbon per chlorophyll a at the end of the vegetation season within the studied area were low, average 0.4-1.0 ?g C/?g Chl/hour in the upper layer and 0.03-0.1 ?g C/?g Chl/hour below the pycnocline.