925 resultados para World Federation of Science Journalists


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As classificações dos signos de C.S.Peirce começam a ser desenvolvidas em 1865 e se estendem a até, pelo menos, 1909. Vou apresentar o período que tem início em 1865, e possui dois momentos de intensa produção - "On a New List of Categories" e "On the Algebra of Logic: a contribution to the philosophy of notation". Em seguida apresento as dez classes de signos, uma morfologia que aparece no "Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic", e é desenvolvida a partir de 1903. Meu propósito aqui é familiarizar o leitor com as intrincadas classificações sígnicas de Peirce.


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In 2004, Lost debuted on ABC and quickly became a cultural phenomenon. Its postmodem take on the classic Robinson Crusoe desert island scenario gestures to a variety of different issues circulating within the post-9II1 cultural consciousness, such as terrorism, leadership, anxieties involving air travel, torture, and globalization. Lost's complex interwoven flashback and flash-forward narrative structure encourages spectators to creatively hypothesize solutions to the central mysteries of the narrative, while also thematically addressing archetypal questions of freedom of choice versus fate. Through an examination of the narrative structure, the significance of technological shifts in television, and fan cultures in Lost, this thesis discusses the tenuous notion of consumer agency within the current cultural context. Furthermore, I also explore these issues in relation to the wider historical post-9/II context.


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The University Women’s Club of St. Catharines was founded in 1921, two years after the formation of its national affiliate, the Canadian Federation of University Women. Membership was limited to women with university degrees. In early 2000 the constitution was expanded to include professions that now require university or college degrees. Associate members (non-voting) and student members were also accepted in 2007 by our local club. The purposes of the club are to assist in maintaining high standards of education in Canada, to stimulate members’ interest and participation in public affairs, to provide an opportunity for collective action, and to facilitate intellectual and social pursuits among members. The club takes an active interest in the status of women, provides scholarships at the university and high school levels, encourages reading in the formative years, makes charitable donations to support women and children’s services. In 1988 our club changed its name to Canadian Federation of University Women – St. Catharines at the direction of the National Office of CFUW.


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The Ontario Federation of Agriculture was established in 1936 and is the largest voluntary farm organization in Canada, representing 37,000 farm families. The Federation came about in response to the creation of the Canadian Chamber of Agriculture (later renamed the Canadian Federation of Agriculture) in 1935. The establishment of an Ontario branch was needed to provide a forum through which similar organizations from other provinces could communicate about farm issues that were of interprovincial, national, or international importance. The organization is led by farmers and is based in Guleph, Ontario. Their missionis to enable prosperous and sustainable farms. They accomplish this through lobbying, government and media relations, and community representation.


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Au premier trimestre 2009, le normalisateur mondial de la profession comptable (International Federation of Accountants) a publié deux documents destinés à apporter une aide aux professionnels de la comptabilité et de la finance sur leur prise en compte du développement durable et des parties prenantes d’une entreprise. En premier lieu, l’International Federation of Accountants propose un cadre d’analyse durable. Outil destiné aux comptables et financiers, il vise à faire de ces derniers un maillon essentiel du développement de nouvelles pratiques favorisant une performance économique, sociale et environnementale des entreprises. En second lieu, l’International Federation of Accountants vient de diffuser un guide international des bonnes pratiques en matière de gouvernance d’entreprise complétant les codes de gouvernance existant et ayant pour objectif d’inscrire les entreprises dans une approche stakeholder. A l’heure où la crise financière se fait ressentir et où la finance se trouve décriée pour s’être focalisée sur la valeur actionnariale, la position de l’International Federation of Accountants est révélatrice d’un changement de paradigme non sans conséquence pour la comptabilité, la finance et le droit.


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Although some are excited about the possibility of using current scientific research into the biological causes of sexual orientation to ground rights claims, I argue that basing rights claims on this research is unwise because this research, specifically the hormonal, genetic, and structural research, is organized around the inversion assumption, a conceptual scheme within which some aspect of the biology of gay men and lesbians is thought to be inverted along sex lines.While there are many reasons to worry about the use of the inversion assumption, I focus on problems that arise from a further set of claims that must be assumed in order to make the use of the inversion assumption coherent. This further set of assumptions includes the claims (1) that heterosexuality is the standard state and that (2) this standard state is sexually-dimorphic and (3) deterministic. I argue that this set of assumptions is problematic because it results in ideological consequences that are both sexist and heterosexist.


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La thèse examine les liens entre la vision pluraliste de la science et l’éthique de la médecine tibétaine et les nouvelles pratiques en médecine occidentale, soit la longévité et la recherche sur la génétique amélioratrice. Elle cherche à cerner l’apport que la médecine tibétaine peut apporter aux recherches occidentales sur la longévité et la génétique humaine amélioratrice. Elle traite donc d’un enjeu social clé et du débat qui s’y rattache. La découverte et la description sont centrales à la méthodologie et informent l’analyse. Nous avons examiné dans un premier temps, les travaux de recherche sur la longévité reliée à la génétique amélioratrice (mémoire et muscles). Nous nous sommes penchés également sur les fondements de la médecine tibétaine en tant que système intégré. Pour ce faire, nous avons traité des notions telles que la santé, l’identité, la perfection et l’immortalité. Notre cadre conceptuel repose sur la théorie bouddhiste de l’interdépendance qui se caractérise par la formulation de catégories qui ensuite sont synthétisées dans l’essence; les deux niveaux d’interprétation de la théorie sont décrits en détail avant de passer à une comparaison avec la notion de complexité occidentale. La médecine tibétaine de fait présente un système où l’éthique et la science sont intégrées et se prête bien à une comparaison avec la vision pluraliste de la science à partir d’une perspective éthique/bioéthique. Les commentaires recueillis auprès des experts nous ont permis de cerner comment la science, l’éthique et l’amélioration de la longévité sont définies au sein des deux paradigmes de l’Est et de l’Ouest. Nos résultats montrent six points qui se dégagent au terme de cette recherche permettent de jeter un pont sur la vision pluraliste de ces paradigmes. Ceux-ci transcendent les points de vue doctrinaux individuels de religions ainsi que du monde scientifique occidental. Plus que tout, ils laissent entrevoir un cadre de références novatrices qui contribuera à la prise de décision à l’égard de questionnements bioéthiques.


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Information communication technology (IC T) has invariably brought about fundamental changes in the way in which libraries gather. preserve and disseminate information. The study was carried out with an aim to estimate and compare the information seeking behaviour (ISB) of the academics of two prominent universities of Kerala in the context of advancements achieved through ICT. The study was motivated by the fast changing scenario of libraries with the proliferation of many high tech products and services. The main purpose of the study was to identify the chief source of information of the academics, and also to examine academics preference upon the form and format of information source. The study also tries to estimate the adequacy of the resources and services currently provided by the libraries.The questionnaire was the central instrument for data collection. An almost census method was adopted for data collection engaging various methods and tools for eliciting data.The total population of the study was 957, out of which questionnaire was distributed to 859 academics. 646 academics responded to the survey, of which 564 of them were sound responses. Data was coded and analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software and also with the help of Microsofl Excel package. Various statistical techniques were engaged to analyse data. A paradigm shift is evident by the fact that academies push themselves towards information in internet i.e. they prefer electronic source to traditional source and the very shift is coupled itself with e-seeking of information. The study reveals that ISB of the academics is influenced priman'ly by personal factors and comparative analysis shows that the ISB ofthc academics is similar in both universities. The productivity of the academics was tested to dig up any relation with respect to their ISB, and it is found that productivity of the academics is extensively related with their ISB. Study also reveals that the users ofthe library are satisfied with the services provided but not with the sources and in conjunction, study also recommends ways and means to improve the existing library system.


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Extensive use of the Internet coupled with the marvelous growth in e-commerce and m-commerce has created a huge demand for information security. The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol is the most widely used security protocol in the Internet which meets this demand. It provides protection against eaves droppings, tampering and forgery. The cryptographic algorithms RC4 and HMAC have been in use for achieving security services like confidentiality and authentication in the SSL. But recent attacks against RC4 and HMAC have raised questions in the confidence on these algorithms. Hence two novel cryptographic algorithms MAJE4 and MACJER-320 have been proposed as substitutes for them. The focus of this work is to demonstrate the performance of these new algorithms and suggest them as dependable alternatives to satisfy the need of security services in SSL. The performance evaluation has been done by using practical implementation method.


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Today higher education system and R&D in science & Technology has undergone tremendous changes from the traditional class room learning system and scholarly communication. Huge volume of Academic output and scientific communications are coming in electronic format. Knowledge management is a key challenge in the current century .Due to the advancement of ICT, Open access movement, Scholarly communications, Institutional repositories, ontology, semantic web, web 2.0 etc has revolutionized knowledge transactions and knowledge management in the field of science & technology. Today higher education has moved into a stage where competitive advantage is gained not just through access of infonnation but more importantly from new Knowledge creations.This paper examines the role of institutional repository in knowledge transactions in current scenario of Higher education.


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Magnetic Resonance Imaging play a vital role in the decision-diagnosis process of brain MR images. For an accurate diagnosis of brain related problems, the experts mostly compares both T1 and T2 weighted images as the information presented in these two images are complementary. In this paper, rotational and translational invariant form of Local binary Pattern (LBP) with additional gray scale information is used to retrieve similar slices of T1 weighted images from T2 weighted images or vice versa. The incorporation of additional gray scale information on LBP can extract more local texture information. The accuracy of retrieval can be improved by extracting moment features of LBP and reweighting the features based on users’ feedback. Here retrieval is done in a single subject scenario where similar images of a particular subject at a particular level are retrieved, and multiple subjects scenario where relevant images at a particular level across the subjects are retrieved