777 resultados para Working with boys
Aplicació per funcionalitats de gestió d'stock d'un magatzem i control de presencia dels operaris que hi treballen amb dispositius mòbils utilitzant tècniques de disseny centrat en l'usuari dintre del paradigme d'interacció humana amb els ordinadors.
eatright.eu is the first all-island food skills website designed for trainers and teachers working with Early School Leavers. This innovative resource was developed by safefood and the Food Standards Agency in Northern Ireland with input from trainers, teachers, project workers and Early School Leavers. eatright.eu is packed with relevant, up-to-date information and fun, engaging activities for a range of abilities. Using worksheets, videos, games and activities, Early School Leavers can find out more about: 1. Healthy eating 2. Food safety 3. Physical activity & energy balance
Evidence Review 5 - Increasing employment opportunities and improving workplace health Briefing 5a - Workplace interventions to improve health and wellbeing Briefing 5b - Working with local employers to promote good quality work Briefing 5c - Increasing employment opportunities and retention for people with a long-term health condition or disability Briefing 5d - Increasing employment opportunities and retention for older people This set of documents, commissioned by Public Health England, and written by the UCL Institute of Health Equity, address the role of employment opportunities and good quality work in improving health. These papers provide a summary of evidence on the effects of unemployment and poor working conditions on health and the unequal distribution of these effects. They then outlines the potential actions that can be taken in local areas around four specific topics: - Workplace interventions to improve health and well-being- Working with local employers to encourage, incentivise and enforce good quality work- Interventions to increase employment opportunities and retention for people with a long-term health condition or disability- Interventions to increase employment opportunities and retention for older people The full evidence review and four shorter summary briefings are available to download above. This document is part of a series. An overview document which provides an introduction to this and other documents in the series, and links to the other topic areas, is available on the ‘Local Action on health inequalities’ project page. A video of Michael Marmot introducing the work is also available on our videos page.
The latest results from the study paint a picture of how these families are faring across a range of areas in their lives including their health, family life and financial and economic circumstances. In general the findings show that three-year-olds in Ireland are in good health with a few notable public health and related issues (including overweight and obesity), there is overall stability in family structures over the short term and that the recession has had a substantial effect on families with young children over the last number of years. These are the first longitudinal findings from the study. The first wave of fieldwork with the families of the Infant Cohort included approximately 11,100 nine-month-olds, their parents and carers. Interviews began in September 2008 and were completed in March 2009. Interviews for the second round of interviews with this cohort took place between January and August 2011. A total of 90% of the original sample of nine-month-olds were successfully re-interviewed. (A full download of the results released today, presented in three briefing documents can be found by clicking here. Key findings include: Health â?¢ Most of the children were described as being in good health; 75% were rated as very healthy and a further 23% were rated as healthy, but a few minor problems. Girls were more likely to be reported as very healthy (78%) compared with boys (72%). â?¢ One in four or almost one quarter of three-year-old children were overweight (19%) or obese (6%). â?¢ Childrenâ?Ts weight was related to household social class. 5% of children in families in the professional/managerial group were classified as obese at three years of age compared with 9% of those in the most disadvantaged social class group. However, at least one-fifth of children in every social class were overweight. â?¢ Childrens consumption of energy-dense foods such as crisps, sweets, chips, and non-diet fizzy drinks increased as parental education fell. 63% of children whose mother had a lower secondary education or less ate at least one portion of crisps compared with 36% of those from degree-level backgrounds, although consumption of biscuits/chocolates was over 70% for both groups of children. â?¢ Two-thirds (66%) of three-year-olds had received at least one course of antibiotics in the 12 months preceding the interview. Children with a full medical card (35% of the sample) or a GP-only medical card (5% of the sample) were more likely to have received a course of antibiotics than â?¢ Children with a full medical card received a higher number of antibiotic courses on average (2.6) compared with those without a medical card (2.1). â?¢ Just under 16% of three-year-old children were reported as having at least one longstanding illness, condition or disability. The most commonly reported illness types included Asthma (5.8%), Eczema/Skin allergies (3.9%) and Food/digestive allergies (1.2%) Family Life and Childcare â?¢ While the overall distribution of family structure was stable, there have been transitions from one-parent families to two-parent families and vice-versa over the 27 months between interview â?" approximately 2 to 3 percent in each direction. â?¢ 50% of three year olds were in some form of non-parental childcare for eight or more hours a week. The most common form used was centre-based childcare which almost tripled between nine months and three years, from 11% to 30%. â?¢ A similar percentage of grandparents were caring for children at both nine months and three years, 12% and 11% respectively. A total of 10% of three-year-olds were being minded by a childminder, an increase of 3 percentage points from when the children were nine months of age. â?¢ Children who were in some form of non-parental childcare were spending an average of 23 hours a week in their main type of childcare. â?¢ At time of interview the vast majority of mothers reported that they had regular contact with the Study Childâ?Ts grandparents (91%). In offering support to parents, grandparents were most likely to babysit (50%), and buy clothes (40%) at least on a monthly basis. One-parent families were more likely than two-parent families to receive financial support from grandparents with just under one-third (66%) of one-parent families receiving financial support from grandparents at least once every three months. â?¢ The most frequently used discipline technique was â?~discussing or explaining why the behaviour was wrongâ?T, with 63% of mothers saying they always did this. â?¢ 12% of mothers said they used â?~smackingâ?T as a form of discipline now and again and less than 1% used â?~smackingâ?T as a form of discipline more frequently. Over half reported that they never smacked the Study Child. Financial and Economic Circumstances â?¢ Just over half (53%) of mothers of three-year-olds worked outside the home, 38% said they were on home duties and 6% said they were unemployed. â?¢ The biggest change in terms of the work status of three-year-oldsâ?T parents was an increase in the percentage of unemployed fathers â?" 6% when the child was nine months rising to almost 14% when s/he was three years of age. â?¢ 61% of families of three-year-olds reported experiencing difficulties in making â?~ends meetâ?T. This was a substantial increase from 44% in the first round of interviews when the children were nine-months-old. â?¢ Almost two thirds (63%) of all families with three-year-olds reported that the recession had had a very significant or significant effect on them. â?¢ The most frequently recorded effects were: a reduction in wages (63%); canâ?Tt afford luxuries (54%), social welfare reduction (53%) and canâ?Tt afford/cut back on basics (32%). Growing Up in Ireland is a Government funded study tracking the development of two nationally representative cohorts of children: an Infant Cohort which was interviewed initially at nine months and subsequently at three years of age; and a Child Cohort which was interviewed initially at nine years and subsequently at 13 years of age. The study is being conducted by a consortium of researchers led by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) and Trinity College Dublin. For Further Information Please Contact: Jillian Heffernan Communications Officer, Growing Up in Ireland Tel: 01 896 3378 Mobile: 087 9016880This resource was contributed to our repository by the National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
A brief intervention using motivational and cognitive behavioural approaches to help change drug use. Also offer alternative brief interventions for clients not suited to the current approach. This manual is divided into five sections: Section 1. Context Key points from the National Drug Strategy Monograph No 51. Models of Intervention and Care for Psychostimulant Users are included to present the evidence supporting this type of intervention for regular amphetamine users. A flow-chart to place the intervention in a treatment context. Section 2. Brief background to the study and summary of results of evaluation A brief description of how the study was developed, undertaken and evaluated. A brief description of the evaluation outcome data (detailed results will be published separately). Section 3. The intervention The CBT intervention is presented in a clear and easy to use format for practitioners. Section 4. Suggested alternative brief interventions for those not suitable for the current intervention This section provides an overview of recommendations for alternative interventions for psychostimulant users who are unsuitable for the CBT intervention (e.g. those who are not considering change, experimental users etc). Section 5. Other available resources This section lists a range of other resources that are currently available for practitioners working with psychostimulant users. This treatment guide has not been designed to stand alone. Rather, practitioners are encouraged to: 1. Acquaint themselves with the current research and clinical literature. The recently completed monograph Models of Intervention and Care for Psychostimulant Users is an excellent resource for current evidence supporting practice in this area. 2. Undertake training in CBT and motivational enhancement techniques if unfamiliar with these approaches. 3. Obtain ongoing clinical supervision.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Barnardos supports children whose well-being is under threat, by working with them, their families and communities and by campaigning for the rights of children. Barnardos was established in Ireland in 1962 and is Ireland’s leading independent Children's charity. Â
In partnership with the VEC WTID has delivered Nutrition Level 5 FETAC to a group of 24 learners, 4 being members of the Travelling community. This module was also delivered to 5 Childcare staff at WTIDs pre-school service. Staff of the Harmony Afterschool Service undertakes baking activities each week with the children. Group work has been facilitated with 16 men who were on a BTEI on salt, sugar, caffeine and fibre, as well as with a young girls group on food tasting of various fruits, cheeses and how to make healthy potato wedges and other healthy snacks. WTID as part of the local Traveller Interagency Group are writing a well-being manual to be used with community groups working with Travellers- Healthy Eating is a module of this manual. Plans are in place to run a First Instincts Men's Health programme which will run over an 8 week period with workshops, weigh ins and provision of a healthy breakfast on each morning. HSE West; FAS CE scheme; Involve: Senior Youth Worker; Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Childcare Service; Pobal Initiative Type Community Food Centres Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Galway Target Groups At risk youth Children ( 4-12 years) Children (0-4 years) Children (13-18 years) Families Lone parents Men Older people People with mental health difficulties Travellers Unemployed Women Funding HSE West; FAS CE scheme; Involve: Senior Youth Worker; Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Childcare Service; Pobal Partner Agencies Equal Ireland FÃÂS Galway County Council GCCCC GRD HSE Involve RAPID VEC Adult Education Service
Pacesetters is a partnership between local communities who experience health inequalities, the NHS and the Department of Health (DH). The Equality and Human Rights Group (EHRG) of DH is working with six strategic health authorities (SHAs) on the programme.
Among the key points of the Digital Strategy are: Dedicated multi-annual funding to schools to invest in technology Build on the successful roll-out of high-speed broadband to every second-level school by investing in high-speed wifi networks in every school Integration of digital skills in the curriculum and in assessment Develop opportunities for students to take an in-depth ICT course at Leaving Cert, as well as embedding digital skills within other subjects Promotion of the use of e-portfolios at primary and post-primary level Provide enhanced digital content to schools, including working with cultural institutions, sporting bodies and other to expand this range of resources Embed ICT skills as part of initial teacher education and ongoing training for teachers
This aide memoire leaflet and poster is designed for health professionals working with parents who have mental health issues, including substance misuse, to help them think beyond the individual and consider their children or family members. Involving the family is likely to lead to improved recovery rates.
This document seeks to explore the nature of prevention work in the world of drugs and alcohol. Furthermore, it seeks to offer practical advice and support to those engaged in prevention work, and to give direction to those embarking on new prevention initiatives.It is a guide to what effective prevention means. The document is primarily for those working with young people; however, many of the principles also apply within an adult context.
Personal and Public Involvement (PPI) is an essential component in the delivery of truly person centred services.�It is also a statutory duty.�The PHA has leadership responsibilities in respect of the implementation of PPI across HSC.�One of the ways in which the PHA discharges that leadership function, is through the Regional HSC PPI Forum.�This body brings together all HSC organisations, working alongside service users and carers, to bring a focus on involvement.�It promotes the sharing of best practice, identifies and tackles issues of common concern and providers a platform for the active participation of service users and carers.� Each year in response to a Priorities for Action (PFA) target, the PHA, working with HSC partners, service users and carers in the Forum, develop an Annual Report on PPI work taken forward through the Forum.The report for 2012/13 details progress in a number of important areas such as training, development of standards etc.
This�second annual report of the Director of Public Health highlights the many public health challenges that affect people in Northern Ireland.It demonstrates how the public health team tackles this complex agenda by working with many statutory, community and voluntary partner organisations across health, local government, education, housing and other sectors.
This factsheet has been produced in response to requests from parents and those working with young people for information on 'new psychoactive substances' (NPS).
This first annual report of the Director of Public Health highlights the many public health challenges that affect people in Northern Ireland and how the�public health team tackles this complex agenda by working with many statutory, community and voluntary partner organisations across health, local government, education, housing and other sectors.