331 resultados para Woodland
Vector-borne disease emergence in recent decades has been associated with different environmental drivers including changes in habitat, hosts and climate. Lyme borreliosis is among the most important vector-borne diseases in the Northern hemisphere and is an emerging disease in Scotland. Transmitted by Ixodid tick vectors between large numbers of wild vertebrate host species, Lyme borreliosis is caused by bacteria from the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato species group. Ecological studies can inform how environmental factors such as host abundance and community composition, habitat and landscape heterogeneity contribute to spatial and temporal variation in risk from B. burgdorferi s.l. In this thesis a range of approaches were used to investigate the effects of vertebrate host communities and individual host species as drivers of B. burgdorferi s.l. dynamics and its tick vector Ixodes ricinus. Host species differ in reservoir competence for B. burgdorferi s.l. and as hosts for ticks. Deer are incompetent transmission hosts for B. burgdorferi s.l. but are significant hosts of all life-stages of I. ricinus. Rodents and birds are important transmission hosts of B. burgdorferi s.l. and common hosts of immature life-stages of I. ricinus. In this thesis, surveys of woodland sites revealed variable effects of deer density on B. burgdorferi prevalence, from no effect (Chapter 2) to a possible ‘dilution’ effect resulting in lower prevalence at higher deer densities (Chapter 3). An invasive species in Scotland, the grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), was found to host diverse genotypes of B. burgdorferi s.l. and may act as a spill-over host for strains maintained by native host species (Chapter 4). Habitat fragmentation may alter the dynamics of B. burgdorferi s.l. via effects on the host community and host movements. In this thesis, there was lack of persistence of the rodent associated genospecies of B. burgdorferi s.l. within a naturally fragmented landscape (Chapter 3). Rodent host biology, particularly population cycles and dispersal ability are likely to affect pathogen persistence and recolonization in fragmented habitats. Heterogeneity in disease dynamics can occur spatially and temporally due to differences in the host community, habitat and climatic factors. Higher numbers of I. ricinus nymphs, and a higher probability of detecting a nymph infected with B. burgdorferi s.l., were found in areas with warmer climates estimated by growing degree days (Chapter 2). The ground vegetation type associated with the highest number of I. ricinus nymphs varied between studies in this thesis (Chapter 2 & 3) and does not appear to be a reliable predictor across large areas. B. burgdorferi s.l. prevalence and genospecies composition was highly variable for the same sites sampled in subsequent years (Chapter 2). This suggests that dynamic variables such as reservoir host densities and deer should be measured as well as more static habitat and climatic factors to understand the drivers of B. burgdorferi s.l. infection in ticks. Heterogeneity in parasite loads amongst hosts is a common finding which has implications for disease ecology and management. Using a 17-year data set for tick infestations in a wild bird community in Scotland, different effects of age and sex on tick burdens were found among four species of passerine bird (Chapter 5). There were also different rates of decline in tick burdens among bird species in response to a long term decrease in questing tick pressure over the study. Species specific patterns may be driven by differences in behaviour and immunity and highlight the importance of comparative approaches. Combining whole genome sequencing (WGS) and population genetics approaches offers a novel approach to identify ecological drivers of pathogen populations. An initial analysis of WGS from B. burgdorferi s.s. isolates sampled 16 years apart suggests that there is a signal of measurable evolution (Chapter 6). This suggests demographic analyses may be applied to understand ecological and evolutionary processes of these bacteria. This work shows how host communities, habitat and climatic factors can affect the local transmission dynamics of B. burgdorferi s.l. and the potential risk of infection to humans. Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in pathogen dynamics poses challenges for the prediction of risk. New tools such as WGS of the pathogen (Chapter 6) and blood meal analysis techniques will add power to future studies on the ecology and evolution of B. burgdorferi s.l.
Clearing woodlands is practised world-wide to increase crop and livestock production, but can result in unintended consequences including woody regrowth and land degradation. The pasture response of 2 eucalypt woodlands in the central Queensland rangelands to killing trees with herbicides, in the presence or absence of grazing and regular spring burning, was recorded over 7 or 8 years to determine the long-term sustainability of these common practices. Herbage mass and species composition plus tree dynamics were monitored in 2 replicated experiments at each site. For 8 years following herbicide application, killing Eucalyptus populnea F. Muell. (poplar box) trees resulted in a doubling of native pasture herbage mass from that of the pre-existing woodland, with a tree basal area of 8.7 m2 ha-1. Conversely, over 7 years with a similar range of seasons, killing E. melanophloia F. Muell. (silver-leaved ironbark) trees of a similar tree basal area had little impact on herbage mass grown or on pasture composition for the first 4 years before production then increased. Few consistent changes in pasture composition were recorded after killing the trees, although there was an increase in the desirable grasses Dichanthium sericeum (R. Br.) A. Camus (Queensland bluegrass) and Themeda triandra Forssk. (kangaroo grass) when grazed conservatively. Excluding grazing allowed more palatable species of the major grasses to enhance their prominence, but seasonal conditions still had a major influence on their production in particular years. Pasture crown basal area was significantly higher where trees had been killed, especially in the poplar box woodland. Removing tree competition did not have a major effect on pasture composition that was independent of other management impositions or seasons, and it did not result in a rapid increase in herbage mass in both eucalypt communities. The slow pasture response to tree removal at one site indicates that regional models and economic projections relating to tree clearing require community-specific inputs.
Scale 1:25,000; 1 cm. to 250 m.
Scale 1:25,000; 1 cm. to 250 m.
O fogo é um processo frequente nas paisagens do norte de Portugal. Estudos anteriores mostraram que os bosques de azinheira (Quercus rotundifolia) persistem após a passagem do fogo e ajudam a diminuir a sua intensidade e taxa de propagação. Os principais objetivos deste estudo foram compreender e modelar o efeito dos bosques de azinheira no comportamento do fogo ao nível da paisagem da bacia superior do rio Sabor, localizado no nordeste de Portugal. O impacto dos bosques de azinheira no comportamento do fogo foi testado em termos de área e configuração de acordo com cenários que simulam a possível distribuição destas unidades de vegetação na paisagem, considerando uma percentagem de ocupação da azinheira de 2.2% (Low), 18.1% (Moderate), 26.0% (High), e 39.8% (Rivers). Estes cenários tiveram como principal objetivo testar 1) o papel dos bosques de azinheira no comportamento do fogo e 2) de que forma a configuração das manchas de azinheira podem ajudar a diminuir a intensidade da linha de fogo e área ardida. Na modelação do comportamento do fogo foi usado o modelo FlamMap para simular a intensidade de linha do fogo e taxa de propagação do fogo com base em modelos de combustível associados a cada ocupação e uso do solo presente na área de estudo, e também com base em fatores topográficos (altitude, declive e orientação da encosta) e climáticos (humidade e velocidade do vento). Foram ainda usados dois modelos de combustível para a ocupação de azinheira (áreas interiores e de bordadura), desenvolvidos com base em dados reais obtidos na região. Usou-se o software FRAGSATS para a análise dos padrões espaciais das classes de intensidade de linha do fogo, usando-se as métricas Class Area (CA), Number of Patches (NP) e Large Patches Index (LPI). Os resultados obtidos indicaram que a intensidade da linha de fogo e a taxa de propagação do fogo variou entre cenários e entre modelos de combustível para o azinhal. A intensidade média da linha de fogo e a taxa média de propagação do fogo decresceu à medida que a percentagem de área de bosques de azinheira aumentou na paisagem. Também foi observado que as métricas CA, NP e LPI variaram entre cenários e modelos de combustível para o azinhal, decrescendo quando a percentagem de área de bosques de azinheira aumentou. Este estudo permitiu concluir que a variação da percentagem de ocupação e configuração espacial dos bosques de azinheira influenciam o comportamento do fogo, reduzindo, em termos médios, a intensidade da linha de fogo e a taxa de propagação, sugerindo que os bosques de azinhal podem ser usados como medidas silvícolas preventivas para diminuir o risco de incêndio nesta região.
As estradas e tráfego inerente surgem como a criação antrópica mais conspícua e penetrante na paisagem natural, sendo considerados os principais agentes causadores de fragmentação e destruição de habitats, assim como representam um obstáculo físico sem precedentes, limitando as relações directas entre os indivíduos, por diminuição da frequência de dispersão e aumento da mortalidade por atropelamento, impedindo o fluxo natural de genes e suscitando o aumento de fenómenos de inbreeding e perda de heterozigotia. Todos os impactes deletérios associados às rodovias são claramente perceptíveis em vertebrados, onde as aves de rapinas nocturnas não são excepção. Uma vez que estas rapaces beneficiam das suas bermas e orlas, como locais de poiso, nidificação ou como corredores de dispersão através da paisagem, são frequentemente vítimas de mortalidade por atropelamento em estradas, sendo esta problemática considerada actualmente uma das mais recentes e importantes formas de mortalidade não natural em rapinas nocturnas e vinculada como um dos maiores problemas de conservação que afecta este grupo. Não obstante, esse mútuo efeito de atracção/repulsa das estradas a estas rapaces, as rodovias criam uma barreira específica que limita a dinâmica, comportamento e densidade populacional das espécies residentes, reconhecendo-se que o isolamento daí resultante, pode comprometer a viabilidade populacional a longo prazo, podendo mesmo conduzir a altos riscos de extinção das populações locais devido a efeitos estocásticos. Mediante esta problemática, este trabalho debruçou-se sobre um único objectivo principal: a avaliação do impacte das rodovias e do tráfego, na densidade das aves de rapina nocturnas. Este estudo foi efectuado na região Alentejana, abrangendo uma área de cariz tipicamente mediterrânico, delimitada pelas localidades de Montemor-o-Novo, Arraiolos e Évora, sendo seccionada por 143 quilómetros de estradas, divididas em autoestrada, rodovias com elevada e reduzida densidade de tráfego. A monitorização das rapinas nocturnas foi conduzida em dois anos amostrais (2005 e 2007), tendo sido focalizada sobretudo em duas espécies de Strigiformes, a Coruja do-mato Strix aluco e o Mocho-galego Athene noctua, recorrendo ao uso de playbacks com reprodução de vocalizações de indivíduos conspecíficos. Foram usadas 32 variáveis explicativas integradas em três grandes grupos: variáveis de estrada, métricas da paisagem, uso do solo, tendo sido analiticamente testadas, recorrendo à aplicação de Modelos Lineares Generalizados. Os principais resultados obtidos demonstram que as variáveis de estrada, aliadas à densidade de tráfego e ruído inerente à sua circulação, são provavelmente, responsáveis por um comportamento de repulsa das espécies de aves de rapina nocturnas em estudo, apresentando estas densidades mais elevadas longe de áreas antropicamente perturbadas e, portanto, de menor qualidade que se encontram adjacentes às rodovias. Todavia a presença de habitat favorável a estas rapaces é provavelmente o descritor com maior poder estatístico no que concerne à sua distribuição e densidade, sendo os montados densos e a presença de zonas agrícolas de sequeiro, positivamente correlacionadas, respectivamente com a densidade de casais reprodutores de Coruja-do-mato e Mocho-galego. Mediante a observação dos resultados será veemente a aplicação de medidas de mitigação específicas, que fundamentalmente considerem o afastamento dos efectivos populacionais longe das estradas e tráfego, conservando e assegurando as características estruturais, requisitos e qualidade dos habitats, de modo a incrementar e garantir a viabilidade e densidade das populações, fidelizando a territorialidade e permanência destas aves nestas áreas. Adicionalmente deverá investir-se na conectividade das manchas de paisagem fragmentada pelas rodovias, criando opções de conservação estratégicas, em zonas ecologicamente mais sensíveis, que não somente minimizem o efeito de repulsa reconhecido nestas aves, mas também os níveis de mortalidade por atropelamento, tornando os ecossistemas mais funcionais para a sobrevivência destes rapaces. ABSTRACT; Roads and traffic are the most conspicuous and pervasive human creation, being the great responsible for fragmentation and habitats destruction, reducing animal movement through landscape, which implies decrease of gene flow and loss of variability that can fragmented populations, thus reducing their sizes and densities. All deleterious impacts associated with roads are clearly visible in vertebrates, where owls aren't exception, being frequent victims of road mortality, since they can use roadside habitats and edges for hunting, nesting or dispersal corridors through the landscape, being nowadays one of the most recent and important causes of nonnatural mortality in owls and has been recognized as one of the largest conservation problems affecting this group. However, the attractive and avoidance effect of roads and his edges on owls creates a barrier effect that limits dynamics, behaviour and breeding density of resident species, recognizing that possible isolation, could compromise populations survival, make them more vulnerable to high risks of local extinction due to stochastic effects. Despite that, several authors suggest that owls use roads to hunt, as marginal habitats, or for navigation corridors through the landscape ln this context, the major aims of this study was to verify if there are negative effects of roads on the density of owls, considering traffic as an influencing factor. This study was conducted in Alentejo, covering a typical Mediterranean area, including three main localities Montemor-o-Novo, Évora and Arraiolos, being sectioned by 143 km of roads, including highway, roads with high traffic density, and the remaining with low traffic density. The owl census was conducted in two sampling years (2005 and 2007) and was focused mainly on Little owl Athene noctua and Tawny Owl Strix aluco species, using the playback technique, with conspecific calls. We used 32 explanatory variables, mainly included in three groups: road variables, landscape metrics and land use, having been analytically tested, with application of Generalised Linear Models. The main results show that noisy roads with high traffic density are probably the most responsible for the avoidance behaviour of owls, under the study area, showing density depression near high anthropogenic disturbed areas adjacent to roads. However, the presence of habitat quality to these birds is probably the descriptor with greater statistical power, considering its distribution and density, with the dense oak woodland and croplands and arable lands, positively correlated, respectively with Tawny owl and Little owl density. ln consequence, the great conservation effort should be done in order to keep breeding populations away from roads and traffic, ensuring the structural features, requirements and quality of its habitats in order to enhance and ensure the viability and density of owl's populations in these areas. ln addition, it is important to invest in connectivity between roadside fragmented patches, creating strategic conservation options, in sensitive areas, which minimize the avoidance effect, recognized in owls, but also road-kill levels, making ecosystems more functional to survival of these top predators.
Do improved pastures affect enzymatic activity and C and N dynamics in soils of the montado system ?
Vast montado areas are threatened by degradation, as the result of a long history of land use changes. Since improved pastures have been installed aiming soil quality improvement and system sustainability, it is crucial to evaluate the effects of these management changes on soil organic matter status and soil biological activity, as soil quality indicators. Therefore, a 35-yr old improved pasture and a natural pasture were studied, considering areas beneath tree canopy and in the open. Total organic C, total N, hot water soluble (HWS) and particulate (POM) C, microbial biomass C (MBC) and N (MBN), C mineralization rate (CMR) and net N mineralization rate (NMR) were determined. In addition, for a 1-yr period, soil β-glucosidase, urease, proteases and acid phosphomonoesterase were periodically determined. Improved pasture promoted the increase of soil C and N through POM-C increment, particularly beneath the trees canopies. The two study pastures did not show differences regarding soil microbial biomass, but variations in CMR, HWS-C and N availability (proteases and urease activities) suggest divergent soil microbial communities. Tree regulator role on C, N and P transformation processes in soil was confirmed
Partição de nicho isotópico por pequenos mamíferos em formações florestais de uma savana neotropical
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Ecologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, 2016.
Bien que l’os soit une matière première ayant joué un rôle essentiel au sein des activités quotidiennes des Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent, il existe à ce jour très peu d’analyses systématiques de l’outillage en os et des débris de fabrication retrouvés en Iroquoianie. Afin de pallier ces lacunes, ce mémoire de maitrise porte sur l’analyse des vestiges en os ouvragés récupérés sur le site villageois Mailhot-Curran (BgFn-2), occupé durant le Sylvicole supérieur tardif par une communauté iroquoienne du Saint-Laurent. Plus précisément, l’étude consiste à analyser l’industrie osseuse en portant une attention particulière aux déchets de fabrication. Cet examen attentif a pour principal objectif de documenter les modes de gestion et de sélection de la matière première ainsi que d’améliorer la compréhension des techniques préhistoriques employées pour la fabrication des objets en os. Au moyen d’analyses technologiques, zooarchéologiques et tracéologiques, il sera possible de classifier les déchets de fabrication, de documenter leur origine technologique et, ultimement, de reconstituer un certain nombre de chaines opératoires. Une étude détaillée de la distribution spatiale des artéfacts permettra également de mieux comprendre l’organisation des activités dans l’espace villageois. Ce mémoire a aussi pour objectif de fournir des balises méthodologiques et empiriques relatives à l’étude des déchets de fabrications en os, afin de démontrer la pertinence de considérer ces derniers dans la compréhension des systèmes socioéconomiques et culturels.
Bien que l’os soit une matière première ayant joué un rôle essentiel au sein des activités quotidiennes des Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent, il existe à ce jour très peu d’analyses systématiques de l’outillage en os et des débris de fabrication retrouvés en Iroquoianie. Afin de pallier ces lacunes, ce mémoire de maitrise porte sur l’analyse des vestiges en os ouvragés récupérés sur le site villageois Mailhot-Curran (BgFn-2), occupé durant le Sylvicole supérieur tardif par une communauté iroquoienne du Saint-Laurent. Plus précisément, l’étude consiste à analyser l’industrie osseuse en portant une attention particulière aux déchets de fabrication. Cet examen attentif a pour principal objectif de documenter les modes de gestion et de sélection de la matière première ainsi que d’améliorer la compréhension des techniques préhistoriques employées pour la fabrication des objets en os. Au moyen d’analyses technologiques, zooarchéologiques et tracéologiques, il sera possible de classifier les déchets de fabrication, de documenter leur origine technologique et, ultimement, de reconstituer un certain nombre de chaines opératoires. Une étude détaillée de la distribution spatiale des artéfacts permettra également de mieux comprendre l’organisation des activités dans l’espace villageois. Ce mémoire a aussi pour objectif de fournir des balises méthodologiques et empiriques relatives à l’étude des déchets de fabrications en os, afin de démontrer la pertinence de considérer ces derniers dans la compréhension des systèmes socioéconomiques et culturels.
La luminescence optique (OSL) a été mesurée sur dix-sept fragments de poterie collectés à Mailhot-Curran (BgFn-2), un site archéologique du Sylvicole supérieur tardif localisé dans le sud-ouest du Québec. Le but principal de ce projet était de dater ce site qui est considéré jusqu’à maintenant comme le plus récent site préhistorique de la concentration de Saint-Anicet, afin de poser un jalon dans la chronologie des sites de cette région. L’OSL a été utilisée conjointement à la datation par radiocarbone (14C) et la sériation du matériel archéologique. L’hypothèse archéologique propose que le village aurait été occupé pendant les années 1518 à 1530 de notre ère (Chapdelaine 2015a). Les résultats que nous proposons dans ce présent mémoire appuient cette proposition. Nous avons obtenu un âge de 490 ± 49 ans (année de référence : 2013), correspondant à l’année 1523 de notre ère avec une probabilité d’occupation du site Mailhot-Curran entre les années 1474 et 1572. Le programme de datation par luminescence optique a été réalisé sur des fragments de poterie domestique composés d’argile de la Mer de Champlain datant de la période du Quaternaire récent. La datation par stimulation infrarouge (IRSL) a été préférentiellement utilisée sur des aliquotes de grains fins polyminéraliques. Pour la détermination des doses équivalentes, un protocole SAR (Murray et Wintle 2000) modifié pour la mesure des feldspaths et incluant un lessivage optique a été utilisé (Lamothe et al. 2004). Les valeurs g ont été mesurées en suivant le protocole proposé par Auclair et al. (2003). La correction de Huntley et Lamothe (2001) a été utilisée afin de corriger les doses équivalentes mesurées pour la décroissance anormale du signal feldspathique. Les doses annuelles ont pour leur part été déterminées par des mesures réalisées in situ et en laboratoire. Les résultats que nous présentons dans ce mémoire sont affectés par une dispersion assez large. Cette variabilité a été prise en compte par des méthodes statistiques pour la détermination de l’âge probable de l’occupation du site Mailhot-Curran.
La luminescence optique (OSL) a été mesurée sur dix-sept fragments de poterie collectés à Mailhot-Curran (BgFn-2), un site archéologique du Sylvicole supérieur tardif localisé dans le sud-ouest du Québec. Le but principal de ce projet était de dater ce site qui est considéré jusqu’à maintenant comme le plus récent site préhistorique de la concentration de Saint-Anicet, afin de poser un jalon dans la chronologie des sites de cette région. L’OSL a été utilisée conjointement à la datation par radiocarbone (14C) et la sériation du matériel archéologique. L’hypothèse archéologique propose que le village aurait été occupé pendant les années 1518 à 1530 de notre ère (Chapdelaine 2015a). Les résultats que nous proposons dans ce présent mémoire appuient cette proposition. Nous avons obtenu un âge de 490 ± 49 ans (année de référence : 2013), correspondant à l’année 1523 de notre ère avec une probabilité d’occupation du site Mailhot-Curran entre les années 1474 et 1572. Le programme de datation par luminescence optique a été réalisé sur des fragments de poterie domestique composés d’argile de la Mer de Champlain datant de la période du Quaternaire récent. La datation par stimulation infrarouge (IRSL) a été préférentiellement utilisée sur des aliquotes de grains fins polyminéraliques. Pour la détermination des doses équivalentes, un protocole SAR (Murray et Wintle 2000) modifié pour la mesure des feldspaths et incluant un lessivage optique a été utilisé (Lamothe et al. 2004). Les valeurs g ont été mesurées en suivant le protocole proposé par Auclair et al. (2003). La correction de Huntley et Lamothe (2001) a été utilisée afin de corriger les doses équivalentes mesurées pour la décroissance anormale du signal feldspathique. Les doses annuelles ont pour leur part été déterminées par des mesures réalisées in situ et en laboratoire. Les résultats que nous présentons dans ce mémoire sont affectés par une dispersion assez large. Cette variabilité a été prise en compte par des méthodes statistiques pour la détermination de l’âge probable de l’occupation du site Mailhot-Curran.
This thesis investigates the place-names of four parishes in Berwickshire and compares coastal and inland naming patterns. Berwickshire is a large county that borders on northern England and historically formed part of Anglo-Saxon Northumbria. Partly due to the survival of extensive archives from the medieval priory of Coldingham, preserved in Durham Cathedral Archives, this county holds some of Scotland’s earliest recorded place- names. The parishes that form the research area are grouped together in the north-east of the county. Two of these parishes, Abbey St Bathans and Bunkle & Preston, are inland, and two, Cockburnspath and Coldingham, have extensive coastlines. The diversity of this group of parishes allows a comparative study of the place-names of coastal and inland areas to be undertaken. The topography of Berwickshire’s thirty-two parishes is very varied, and the four parishes have been chosen to reflect this range of landscapes. The place-names within the four parishes examined in this thesis derive almost exclusively from Old English, Older Scots, Modern Scots including Standard Scottish English, with a small minority derived from Old Norse, Gaelic, and Brittonic. The chronology of Old English, Older Scots, and Modern Scots is defined as given in the Concise Scots Dictionary: Old English is the period up to 1100, Older Scots is the period 1100-1700, and Modern Scots is the period 1700 onwards (CSD, 1985: xiii). Often with place-names it is not possible to give a precise dating for the coining of a toponym. For the purposes of this study, the language label given for a toponym is that of the date of the earliest record of the place-name with earlier linguistic evidence supplementing discussion. This thesis focuses on the names of topographic features, for example hills, rocks and woodland, and the role of perception in their naming. In order to compare the role of perception in inland and coastal naming, this thesis includes a diachronic study of the toponymy of the research area, along with two case studies. The first of these is a study of the toponymy of relief features, which focuses on generic elements in order to compare the perception of one type of referent in the two environments. The second is a study of the ‘colour’ category, which focuses on qualifying elements in order to compare the use of colour terms in the two environments. This thesis is the first comparative study of inland and coastal place-names, and it is one of the first to investigate new ways of using fieldwork as a central part of its methodology. In doing so it proposes innovative and nuanced ways to understand the toponymy of diverse landscapes within a community.
In Andalusia, southern Spain, each game estate applies its own rules and presents its results in annual hunting reports, which have been mandatory for Spanish game estates since 1989. We used the information about hunting yields, included in 32134 annual hunting reports produced during the period 1993/94 to 2001/02 by 6049 game estates, to determine the current distribution of hunting yields of big and small game species in Andalusia. Using generalised linear models and a geographic information system, we determined the most favourable municipalities to big and small game, respectively, and delimited potential areas to attain good hunting yields for big and small game at a 1-km2 resolution. Municipalities and areas favourable to big game are mainly located in the Sierra Morena and the westernmost fringe of the Betic Range, while those favourable to small game occupy the upper Guadalquivir River valley. There is a clear segregation between big and small game species according to the physiography and land uses of the territory. Big game species are typical of Mediterranean woodland areas, while the most emblematic small game species prefer agricultural areas. Our results provide a territorial ordination of hunting yields in southern Spain and have several potential applications in strategic planning for hunting activities and biodiversity conservation in Andalusia that can be extrapolated to other regions.
Cork oak tree (Quercus suber L.), in Portugal, is considered the national tree and have special demands and legal protection when dealing with silviculture management (pruning, debarking, thinning). Being a species of slow growth, cork oak transplanting procedures can be a valuable asset either from the economic or ecological rationales to relocate trees, re-populate areas affected by high tree mortality, increase tree density to control erosion on montado ecosystems or landscape design. This study focuses the impacts and physiological responses of ten juvenile rain fed cork oak trees (with diameter at breast height between 6 and 16cm), when subjected to transplant operations. The work was conducted in a cork oak woodland experimental plot at the campus of the University of Évora (SW Portugal), during the year of 2015. Tree’s transplants were performed with a truck-mounted hydraulic spade transplanter coupled with a proposed methodology to maximize tree survival rates, addressing techniques to limit canopy transpiration and to improve root systems prior to transplant. Tree ecophysiological indicators (sap flow, leaf water potentials and stomatal conductance) were monitored comprising the periods before and after transplant operations, and water stress avoidance practices were established to promote post-transplant tree status recovery, including irrigation to match average daily accumulated sap flow. Transplant operations were considered successful when the tree's water uptake inferred from sap flow exhibited a high correlation with solar radiation and returned to its undisturbed or pre-transplant water potential gradients in the following 2 to 3 weeks. The post-transplant tree nourishment follow up included permanent sap flow measurements and identified the time elapsed after transplantation from which the tree recovers its normal transpiration thresholds and response. Our results suggest that by following the proposed methodology the sampled cork oak trees exhibited a transplant success rate of 90%.