993 resultados para Western District (Vic.) -- Pictorial works


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Interactive whiteboards (IWB) consist of a set of technological equipment organized in order to fulfill a specific task, enabling the development of didactic activities. Because they are associated to computers’ potentiality, interactive whiteboards can provide bigger interactivity between: teacher and students, students and content, and among students. This work’s main objective is to present some of the results yielded from a research related to the way students perceive interactive whiteboards in the classroom. In order to analyze the IWB usage dynamics, some educational applications in the field of mathematics were applied in the 3rd grade of elementary school. Aside from observation, video recordings were made and students were interviewed about the interactive whiteboard, in order to understand how these students observe and engage with the technological tool. IWB do not transform classroom’s reality by themselves, however, their physical presence and usage amount to external reinforcement can change student’s behavior positively.


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Background Where malaria endemicity is low, control programmes need increasingly sensitive tools for monitoring malaria transmission intensity (MTI) and to better define health priorities. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in a low endemicity area of the Peruvian north-western coast to assess the MTI using both molecular and serological tools. Methods Epidemiological, parasitological and serological data were collected from 2,667 individuals in three settlements of Bellavista district, in May 2010. Parasite infection was detected using microscopy and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Antibodies to Plasmodium vivax merozoite surface protein-119 (PvMSP119) and to Plasmodium falciparum glutamate-rich protein (PfGLURP) were detected by ELISA. Risk factors for exposure to malaria (seropositivity) were assessed by multivariate survey logistic regression models. Age-specific antibody prevalence of both P. falciparum and P. vivax were analysed using a previously published catalytic conversion model based on maximum likelihood for generating seroconversion rates (SCR). Results The overall parasite prevalence by microscopy and PCR were extremely low: 0.3 and 0.9%, respectively for P. vivax, and 0 and 0.04%, respectively for P. falciparum, while seroprevalence was much higher, 13.6% for P. vivax and 9.8% for P. falciparum. Settlement, age and occupation as moto-taxi driver during previous year were significantly associated with P. falciparum exposure, while age and distance to the water drain were associated with P. vivax exposure. Likelihood ratio tests supported age seroprevalence curves with two SCR for both P. vivax and P. falciparum indicating significant changes in the MTI over time. The SCR for PfGLURP was 19-fold lower after 2002 as compared to before (λ1 = 0.022 versus λ2 = 0.431), and the SCR for PvMSP119 was four-fold higher after 2006 as compared to before (λ1 = 0.024 versus λ2 = 0.006). Conclusion Combining molecular and serological tools considerably enhanced the capacity of detecting current and past exposure to malaria infections and related risks factors in this very low endemicity area. This allowed for an improved characterization of the current human reservoir of infections, largely hidden and heterogeneous, as well as providing insights into recent changes in species specific MTIs. This approach will be of key importance for evaluating and monitoring future malaria elimination strategies.


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Abstract Background The study of the distribution and ecology of sandfly species is essential for epidemiological surveillance and estimation of the transmission risk of Leishmania spp. infection. Findings In the present study, sandflies were captured in native fragmented forest areas in Rubião Júnior district, Botucatu municipality, São Paulo state, Brazil, between September 2001 and January 2005. A minimum of two automatic light traps were installed per night from 6 pm to 8 am, in different months, resulting in approximately 900 collecting hours. During this period, 216 sandfly specimens of sixteen species were captured. Pintomyia monticola and Brumptomyia guimaraesi were the most abundant with 56 specimens (25.93%) captured per species, followed by Pintomyia fischeri 28 (12.96%) and Psathyromyia pascalei 18 (8.33%). Other captured species were Lutzomyia amarali, Sciopemyia sordellii, Psathyromyia aragaoi, Nyssomyia whitmani, Migonemyia migonei, Pintomyia bianchigalatiae, Pintomyia misionensis, Brumptomyia carvalheiroi, Brumptomyia cardosoi, Brumptomyia cunhai, Brumptomyia nitzulescui, Brumptomyia brumpti and Brumptomyia spp. represented by 58 (26.85%) specimens. Conclusions Although less frequently found, the presence of Pintomyia fischeri, Nyssomyia whitmani and Migonemyia migonei, known vectors of Leishmania braziliensis, indicates risk of American cutaneous leishmaniasis occurrence. Moreover, the absence of Lutzomyia longipalpis-the main vector of Leishmania infantum chagasi, which is the agent of American visceral leishmaniasis-suggests that there is no risk of introduction and establishment of this disease in the studied area.


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Three decades after the unsuccessful 1913-1914 strike at the Lake District copper mines of Michigan, workers organized as Local 584 of the International Union of Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers (Mine Mill) signed a union contract with Calumet & Hecla Consolidated Copper Company. C & H was the last and most significant of the region’s three major copper mining companies to unionize during the three-year period from 1939 to 1942. This paper tells the untold history of the successful union drives in the Lake District’s copper mines, starting with Copper Range Company in 1939 and encompassing the subsequent unionizations of Quincy Mining Company and finally C & H. The paper develops thematic connections between the 1913-1914, including Mine Mill’s lineage to the Western Federation of Miners, parallel ethnic dimensions, and, most significantly, the contrasting role of state authority between the two time periods. The paper carries the Lake District’s labor history forward to 1955 to include United Steelworkers’ successful challenge to Mine Mill in 1950 and the strike of 1955. This history also incorporates source material from the papers of highly influential union organizer and representative Eugene Saari, material which to date has not been integrated into the labor history of the region. This paper has not yet been submitted.


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Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History, volume 6 (CMR 6), covering the years 1500-1600, is a continuing volume in a history of relations between followers of the two faiths as it is recorded in their written works. Together with introductory essays, it comprises detailed entries on all the works known from this century. This volume traces the attitudes of Western Europeans to Islam, particularly in light of continuing Ottoman expansion, and early despatches sent from Portuguese colonies around the Indian Ocean. The result of collaboration between numerous leading scholars, CMR 6, along with the other volumes in this series, is intended as a fundamental tool for research in Christian-Muslim relations.


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The effect of a traditional Ethiopian lupin processing method on the chemical composition of lupin seed samples was studied. Two sampling districts, namely Mecha and Sekela, representing the mid- and high-altitude areas of north-western Ethiopia, respectively, were randomly selected. Different types of traditionally processed and marketed lupin seed samples (raw, roasted, and fi nished) were collected in six replications from each district. Raw samples are unprocessed, and roasted samples are roasted using fi rewood. Finished samples are those ready for human consumption as snack. Thousand seed weight for raw and roasted samples within a study district was similar (P > 0.05), but it was lower (P < 0.01) for fi nished samples compared to raw and roasted samples. The crude fi bre content of fi nished lupin seed sample from Mecha was lower (P < 0.01) than that of raw and roasted samples. However, the different lupin samples from Sekela had similar crude fi bre content (P > 0.05). The crude protein and crude fat contents of fi nished samples within a study district were higher (P < 0.01) than those of raw and roasted samples, respectively. Roasting had no effect on the crude protein content of lupin seed samples. The crude ash content of raw and roasted lupin samples within a study district was higher (P < 0.01) than that of fi nished lupin samples of the respective study districts. The content of quinolizidine alkaloids of fi nished lupin samples was lower than that of raw and roasted samples. There was also an interaction effect between location and lupin sample type. The traditional processing method of lupin seeds in Ethiopia has a positive contribution improving the crude protein and crude fat content, and lowering the alkaloid content of the fi nished product. The study showed the possibility of adopting the traditional processing method to process bitter white lupin for the use as protein supplement in livestock feed in Ethiopia, but further work has to be done on the processing method and animal evaluation.


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In Nepal, changing demographic patterns are leading to changes in land use. The high level of outmigration of men in the hills of Kaski District, Western Development Region of Nepal, is affecting the household structure but also land management. Land is often abandoned, as the burden on those left behind is too high. How do these developments affect the state of the land in terms of land degradation? To find out, we studied land degradation, land abandonment caused by outmigration, and existing sustainable land management practices in a subwatershed in Kaski District. Mapping was done using the methodology of the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT). While previous studies expected land abandonment to exacerbate slope erosion, we demonstrate in this paper that it is in fact leading to an increase in vegetation cover due to favourable conditions for ecosystem recovery. However, negative impacts are several, including the increase of invasive species harmful to livestock and a decline in soil fertility. Traditional land management practices such as terraces and forest management exist. To date, however, these measures fail to take account of the changing population dynamics in the region, making the question of how migration and land degradation are linked worth revisiting.


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The episodic occurrence of debris flow events in response to stochastic precipitation and wildfire events makes hazard prediction challenging. Previous work has shown that frequency-magnitude distributions of non-fire-related debris flows follow a power law, but less is known about the distribution of post-fire debris flows. As a first step in parameterizing hazard models, we use frequency-magnitude distributions and cumulative distribution functions to compare volumes of post-fire debris flows to non-fire-related debris flows. Due to the large number of events required to parameterize frequency-magnitude distributions, and the relatively small number of post-fire event magnitudes recorded in the literature, we collected data on 73 recent post-fire events in the field. The resulting catalog of 988 debris flow events is presented as an appendix to this article. We found that the empirical cumulative distribution function of post-fire debris flow volumes is composed of smaller events than that of non-fire-related debris flows. In addition, the slope of the frequency-magnitude distribution of post-fire debris flows is steeper than that of non-fire-related debris flows, evidence that differences in the post-fire environment tend to produce a higher proportion of small events. We propose two possible explanations: 1) post-fire events occur on shorter return intervals than debris flows in similar basins that do not experience fire, causing their distribution to shift toward smaller events due to limitations in sediment supply, or 2) fire causes changes in resisting and driving forces on a package of sediment, such that a smaller perturbation of the system is required in order for a debris flow to occur, resulting in smaller event volumes.


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The Esperanza Zn-Pb-Ag vein, owned by Compañía de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., lies over 4000 to 4650 masl in the Western Cordillera of the Peruvian Central Andes. The Esperanza low sulphidation epithermal vein trends ~E-W along 1500 m; it dips to the South and can be followed to 350 m depth. As other veins of the district, like Teresita and Bienaventurada, it is hosted by intermediate to felsic volcanics (andesitic to dacitic compositions) of the Huachocolpa Group (Middle Miocene to Upper Pliocene). The mineralisation occurs mostly as open space filling related to fracture development during the Quechua III deformational event. Main ore minerals are sphalerite, galena, tetrahedrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and Ag and Pb sulfosalts; quartz, barite and calcite are the main gangue minerals. Current production grades are ~5% Zn, ~8Oz/t Ag, ~3% Pb; usually very low Cu (mean ~0.04%).


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Author: Torgeir Ehler Title: One of Us: Joseph Conrad's Under Western Eyes and A Personal Record Advisor: Jan Gorak Degree Date: June 2009 Abstract This present work explores the relationship of Joseph Conrad's status as a Polish exile to his creative and biographical work. Its main focus is on the tandem publications of the novel Under Western Eyes and his autobiographical volume A Personal Record, both published within a year of each other and written contemporaneously. The first chapter is a short biographical survey of Conrad's life and addresses some later biographical works by his wife, among others. An overview of critical works that deal with Under Western Eyes is presented in the second chapter. An investigation into narrative structure and its use in creating a heteroglossic text is investigated in the third chapter. How this strategy reflects Conrad's personal stake in the novel and how the novel and its creation affected the author's ability to cope with his own homo-duplex geographies is also addressed herein. The fourth chapter then concerns itself with Conrad's attempt to create a truly heteroglossic, autobiographically based persona for public consumption in Britain, while keeping true to his function as a `cultural bridge'. An early effort at communicating the exile's predicament and failure to bridge the cultural divide in the story `Amy Foster' is taken up in the fifth and final chapter. The legacy of Conrad's effort is also discussed herein as relevant to the work of Milan Kundera and Erich Maria Remarque.


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The distribution and composition of Amphipoda assemblages were analysed off the coasts of Alicante (Spain, Western Mediterranean), a disturbed area affected by several co-occurring anthropogenic impacts. Although differences among sampled stations were mainly related to natural parameters, anthropogenic activities were linked with changes in amphipod assemblages. Expansion of the Port of Alicante, a sewage outfall and a high salinity brine discharge could be causing the disappearance of amphipods at stations closer to these disturbances. However, the completion of port enlargement works and mitigatory dilution of the brine discharge has led to the recovery of the amphipod assemblage. Among the natural parameters, depth determines the distribution of some of the species. While Siphonoecetes sabatieri was abundant at shallow stations, Ampelisca spp., Photis longipes, Pseudolirius kroyeri, Apherusa chiereghinii and Phtisica marina were more abundant at deeper stations. Grain size and percentage of organic matter also influenced amphipod distribution, resulting in changes in species composition and in the relative percentages of different trophic groups. Species such as Ampelisca brevicornis, Perioculodes longimanus, Urothoe hesperiae and Urothoe elegans were more abundant at stations with a high content of fine sand. Carnivorous species, mainly of the Oedicerotidae family, were more abundant at those stations with a low organic matter content, while detritivorous species were more abundant at stations with a higher mud content. Among 62 identified species, three were reported for the first time from the Spanish Mediterranean coast, two species were recorded for the second time and a new species of Siphonoecetes was found, Siphonoecetes (Centraloecetes) bulborostrum. These results confirm the need for further data on amphipods from the Mediterranean Spanish coast.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: An accurate map of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts exclusive of the District of Maine : compiled pursuant to an act of the General Court from actual surveys of the several towns &c. taken by their order, exhibiting the boundary lines of the Commonwealth, the counties and towns, the principal roads, rivers, mountains, mines, islands, rocks, shoals, channels, lakes, ponds, falls, mills, manufactures & public buildings, with the true latitudes & longitudes, &c., by Osgood Carleton. It was published and sold by O. Carleton and I. Norman in 1795. Scale [ca. 1:281,560]. This layer is image 2 of 2 total images, representing the western portion of the two sheet source map. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Massachusetts State Plane Coordinate System, Mainland Zone (in Feet) (Fipszone 2001). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, bridges, academies, meeting houses, court houses, drainage, mountains, iron ore deposits, coastal navigational hazards, state, county, and town boundaries, distances of individual towns from Boston and the shire towns, and more. Relief is shown pictorially. Includes illustrative cartouche. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps of Massachusetts from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates (1755-1922), scales, and purposes. The digitized selection includes maps of: the state, Massachusetts counties, town surveys, coastal features, real property, parks, cemeteries, railroads, roads, public works projects, etc.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Plan of burnt district (by fire of Nov. 9th and 10th, 1872) : showing street improvements as adopted by Board of Street Commissioners and City Council, 1873, Thos. W. Davis, city surveyor ; presented by the Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Co. It was published in 1876. Shows street improvements, property lots, lot ownership, and square footage of lots affected by the fire of 1872. Covers area bounded by Washington St. to Oliver St., State St. to Summer St. and Atlantic Ave., Boston, Massachusetts. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Massachusetts State Plane Coordinate System, Mainland Zone (in Feet) (Fipszone 2001). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, or other information associated with the principal map. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps of Massachusetts from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates (1755-1922), scales, and purposes. The digitized selection includes maps of: the state, Massachusetts counties, town surveys, coastal features, real property, parks, cemeteries, railroads, roads, public works projects, etc.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Map of the Metropolitan District of Boston : showing local public reservations, the holdings of the Metropolitan Park Commission and additions which have been proposed. It was originally published in the Report of the Board of Metropolitan Park Commissioners, Jan. 1899 to "accompany report of Olmsted Brothers, Landscape Architects, Dec. 1st, 1898." Scale 1:62,500. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Massachusetts State Plane Coordinate System, Mainland Zone (in Feet) (Fipszone 2001). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows local parks and reservations over one half acre, Metropolitan reservations and parkways taken or provided for, and proposed additions to the Metropolitan system. Features include parks, roads, railroads, drainage, town boundaries and more. Relief is shown by contours and spot heights. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps of Massachusetts from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates (1755-1922), scales, and purposes. The digitized selection includes maps of: the state, Massachusetts counties, town surveys, coastal features, real property, parks, cemeteries, railroads, roads, public works projects, etc.