355 resultados para Weibull


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El comportamiento post-rotura de los vidrios laminados es uno de los temas que están siendo investigados para explicar la capacidad de carga remanente tras la rotura de la primera lámina. En investigaciones previas se ha observado que en el caso de impacto humano en vidrios recocidos se llega a una capacidad hasta 3 veces superior, sin explicación clara del comportamiento estructural del conjunto. Para realizar un acercamiento a la resistencia a la rotura del vidrio laminado se ha planificado una campaña de ensayos de rotura con anillos concéntricos de grandes superficies en vidrio recocido, termoendurecido y templado, con dos series adicionales de vidrio recocido y termoendurecido con una capa de butiral adherida justo después del proceso de fabricación. Para realizar la comparación de las distribuciones de Weibull de las distintas tensiones de rotura se utiliza un proceso iterativo basado en la distribución real de tensiones obtenida con un modelo de elementos finitos ajustado con datos experimentales. Las comparaciones finales muestran un aumento apreciable de la resistencia (45%) en el caso de vidrios recocidos, y menor en el de los termoendurecidos (25%).The post-fracture behavior of the laminated glasses is one of the research topics that are being studied to explain the load capacity after the break of the first sheet. Previous experimental work have shown, that in case of human impact in annealed glasses, the capacity of bearing load it can be up to 3 times higher without clear explanation of the structural behavior of the plate. To make an approximation to the post-fracture resistance, a experimental program to test annealed, heat-tempered and toughened glass plates has been prepared. Two additional series of annealed and heattempered, with a layer of polyvinyl butyral adhered just after the manufacturing process, have also been incorporated. Coaxial Double Ring with large test surface areas Coaxial Double Ring with large test surface areas is the standard that has been followed. To make the comparison of Weibull's distributions of the different fracture stress, an iterative process based on the actual stress distribution obtained with a finite elements model updated with experimental results has been used. Final comparisons show a great stress improvement for the annealed glass plates (45 %), and a minor increment for the heat-tempered (25 %).


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Se ha procedido al análisis estadístico de un banco de datos de algo más de nueve mil probetas de tamaño estructural ensayadas a lo largo de la década final del s. XX y la inicial del s. XXI, provenientes de masas forestales de coníferas españolas. Las especies estudiadas (pinus sylsvestris, p. halepensis, p. pinaster, p. radiata, p. nigra) representan más del 80% de la superficie forestal española cubierta por coníferas, y ninguna especie de relevancia por volumen potencial de corta a medio plazo ha quedado excluida (quizá con la única excepción de p. pinea, y, con matices juniperus thurifera). Por lo tanto, puede considerarse una información razonablemente representativa de la población de coníferas españolas (en adelante, población objetivo), si bien los procedimientos de muestreo presentan marcadas diferencias en función de las especies. Los procedimientos de ensayo se han atenido, esencialmente, a la normativa europea de referencia, así como a la normativa española de clasificación de madera aserrada, básicamente UNE 56544, con los matices propios de las sucesivas ediciones de las indicadas normas durante un período de unos veinte años. El estudio se ha realizado con el objeto de caracterizar el estado de naturaleza de los principales parámetros resistentes la población objetivo (densidad, módulo de elasticidad longitudinal, y tensión de rotura en flexión pura), así como identificar posibles inconsistencias en la normativa vigente relacionada. Los resultados se han elaborado de forma operativa para su utilización, en una primera aproximación, en la ejecución de cálculos directos de fiabilidad estructural, tal como se plantean en las normativas ISO 2394, ISO 12491, ISO 13822, UNE EN 1990, Código Técnico de la Edificación español y Código Modelo Probabilístico. Inequívocamente, las variables resistentes de referencia de las coníferas españolas susceptibles de uso estructural presentan una variabilidad significativamente superior a la habitual en coníferas de origen en el Centro y Norte de Europa, así como en Norteamérica (en adelante, poblaciones de comparación). Esta diferencia es extrema en el caso de la resistencia, importante en el caso de la rigidez, y prácticamente testimonial en el caso de la densidad. Por otra parte, la rigidez y la densidad de la población objetivo es mucho mayor, para el mismo valor de la resistencia, que las de las poblaciones de comparación. Asimismo, las correlaciones entre las tres variables básicas son inferiores en la población objetivo respecto a la de comparación. Estos hechos llevan a que la aplicación del sistema de clases resistentes en uso conduzca a situaciones de dimensionado poco racionales, y marcadamente antieconómicas. Si bien el objeto del estudio no es el establecimiento de una “jerarquía” estructural de especies, sí deben subrayarse algunos aspectos particulares por especies. El p. nigra tiene los mayores valores centrales y los menores de dispersión de toda la población objetivo, y mayores valores centrales que cualquier referencia de la población de comparación: para la misma fiabilidad objetivo en supuestos habituales, en p.nigra puede ser necesario en torno a un 20% menos de volumen de madera que en p. sylvestris, y en torno a un 40% que en p. radiata . El p. radiata y el p. pinaster presentan los menores valores de centralidad y los mayores de dispersión, de toda la muestra objetivo en formatos aserrados (con la excepción de la densidad: el p. radiata presenta valores muy bajos, pero atípicamente baja variabilidad). Especies habitualmente “no consideradas” como el p. pinea, presentan valores notablemente altos de centralidad, especialmente en la variable densidad. Otro caso de interés es p. halepensis, con prestaciones estructurales muy elevadas, teniendo en cuenta la proveniencia de masas carentes de un manejo adecuado (a efectos de producción maderable). Al contrario que en las poblaciones de comparación, la densidad de las coníferas españolas se representa claramente por distribuciones lognormales, frente a las distribuciones normales que se consideran en la literatura para la misma variable básica. Esto no tiene consecuencias relevantes en la fiabilidad estructural de las uniones, debido a los bajos coeficientes de variación (entre el 10 y 13%, típicamente). Para la tensión de rotura en flexión, parece haber una marcada diferencia entre el tipo de distribución que representa a las poblaciones no clasificadas o rechazadas (que es claramente Lognormal) y la que representa a las poblaciones clasificadas (que parece ser de tipo Weibull de tres parámetros). La distinción va más allá de la sutileza matemática: si la distribución fuese lognormal para todos los casos, la ineficiencia de la aplicación del sistema de clases resistentes aún sería más acusada que lo anteriormente indicado. La distribución normal, sólo representa adecuadamente el estado de naturaleza del módulo de elasticidad y la tensión de rotura de maderas no escuadradas (cilindradas, descortezadas, o simplemente desramadas), y del módulo de elasticidad de las muestras rechazadas. Las coníferas no clasificadas, arrojan valores relativamente elevados de resistencia, lo que hace pensar en la conveniencia de la definición de un “protocolo de mínimos” para posibilitar su uso en el marco normativo actual. Se ha ejemplificado cómo de la aplicación de técnicas probabilísticas utilizando como fundamento los resultados del análisis realizado, resulta un ahorro material potencialmente notable en la población objetivo (en la horquilla del 30 al 60%, dependiendo del estado límite que gobierne el dimensionamiento), respecto a la aplicación directa de los protocolos normativos a partir de la aplicación de la norma de clasificación española. Complementariamente, se han elaborado modelos de variabilidad de los parámetros de las distribuciones propuestas, al objeto de facilitar la aplicación de técnicas de actualización bayesiana. Estas técnicas tienen particular relevancia en el entorno español, por dos razones. Una de ellas, es que suponen, de hecho, la única manera de tratar la cuestión de la seguridad de estructuras prexistentes en un marco matemático-formal consistente con la normativa. La otra, es que permiten la utilización de maderas procedentes de medios de producción con niveles de control de calidad mínimos, incluso casi inexistentes, con inversiones en coste de ensayos comparativamente irrelevantes. ABSTRACT A group of databases making a total of ca. 9.000 beams produced by sawing coniferous species from Spain, tested according EN 384 (1) and visually graded according Spanish standards were analyzed. The main goal was to reach a detailed comprehension about the true state of nature of the three reference structural properties (density, MOR and MOE), in the conditions the material reaches the real market. This goal has been addressed through the detailed adjustment of the proper probabilistic model to the data available. The most important outcome has been the proposal of a set of distribution parameters for the target species, ready to be used in direct probabilistic calculation. This use is exemplified through structural reliability calculations, establishing a priori data for Bayesian reliability updating, Spanish code calibration suggestions, and parameters proposal for the Probabilistic Model Code (2).


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One of the aims of COST C14 action is the assessment and evaluation of pedestrian wind comfort. At present there is no general rule available that is applied across Europe. There are several criteria that have been developed and applied in different countries. These criteria are based on the definition of two independent parameters, a threshold effective wind speed and a probability of exceedence of this threshold speed. The difficulty of the criteria comparison arises from the two-dimensional character of the criteria definition. An effort is being made to compare these criteria, trying both to find commonalities and to clearly identify differences, in order to build up the basis for the next step: to try to define common criteria (perhaps with regional and seasonal variations). The first point is to define clearly the threshold effective wind speed (mean velocity definition parameters: averaging interval and reference height) and equivalence between different ways of defining the threshold effective wind speed (mean wind speed, gust equivalent mean, etc.) in comparable terms (as far as possible). It can be shown that if the wind speed at a given location is defined in terms of a probability distribution, e.g. Weibull function, a given criterion is satisfied by an infinite set of wind conditions, that is, of probability distributions. The criterion parameters and the Weibull function parameters are linked to each other, establishing a set called iso-criteria lines (the locus of the Weibull function parameters that fulfil a given criterion). The relative position of iso-criteria lines when displayed in a suitable two-dimensional plane facilitates the comparison of comfort criteria. The comparison of several wind comfort criteria, coming from several institutes is performed, showing the feasibility and limitations of the method.


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The purpose of this research is to characterise the mechanical properties of multicrystalline silicon for photovoltaic applications that was crystallised from silicon feedstock with a high content of several types of impurities. The mechanical strength, fracture toughness and elastic modulus were measured at different positions within a multicrystalline silicon block to quantify the effect of impurity segregation on these mechanical properties. The microstructure and fracture surfaces of the samples was exhaustively analysed with a scanning electron microscope in order to correlate the values of mechanical properties with material microstructure. Fracture stresses values were treated statistically via the Weibull statistics. The results of this research show that metals segregate to the top of the block, produce moderate microcracking and introduce high thermal stresses. Silicon oxide is produced at the bottom part of the silicon block, and its presence significantly reduces the mechanical strength and fracture toughness of multicrystalline silicon due to both thermal and elastic mismatch between silicon and the silicon oxide inclusions. Silicon carbide inclusions from the upper parts of the block increase the fracture toughness and elastic modulus of multicrystalline silicon. Additionally, the mechanical strength of multicrystalline silicon can increase when the radius of the silicon carbide inclusions is smaller than ~10 µm. The most damaging type of impurity inclusion for the multicrystalline silicon block studied in this work was amorphous silicon oxide. The oriented precipitation of silicon oxide at grain and twin boundaries eases the formation of radial cracks between inclusions and decreases significatively the mechanical strength of multicrystalline silicon. The second most influencing type of impurity inclusions were metals like aluminium and copper, that cause spontaneous microcracking in their surroundings after the crystallisation process, therefore reducing the mechanical response of multicrystalline silicon. Therefore, solar cell producers should pay attention to the content of metals and oxygen within the silicon feedstock in order to produce solar cells with reliable mechanical properties.


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I measured the strength of interaction between a marine herbivore and its growing resource over a realistic range of absolute and relative abundances. The herbivores (hermit crabs: Pagurus spp.) have slow and/or weak functional and numerical responses to epiphytic diatoms (Isthmia nervosa), which show logistic growth in the absence of consumers. By isolating this interaction in containers in the field, I mimicked many of the physical and biological variables characteristic of the intertidal while controlling the densities of focal species. The per capita effects of consumers on the population dynamics of their resource (i.e., interaction strength) were defined by using the relationship between hermit crab density and proportional change in the resource. When this relationship is fit by a Weibull function, a single parameter distinguishes constant interaction strength from one that varies as a function of density. Constant interaction strength causes the proportion of diatoms to fall linearly or proportionally as hermit crab density increases whereas per capita effects that increase with density cause an accelerating decline. Although many mathematical models of species interactions assume linear dynamics and invariant parameters, at least near equilibrium, the per capita effects of hermit crabs on diatoms varied substantially, apparently crossing a threshold from weak to strong when consumption exceeded resource production. This threshold separates a domain of coexistence from one of local extinction of the resource. Such thresholds may help explain trophic cascades, resource compensation, and context-dependent interaction strengths, while indicating a way to predict trophic effects, despite nonlinearities, as a function of vital rates.


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Neste trabalho, foi proposta uma nova família de distribuições, a qual permite modelar dados de sobrevivência quando a função de risco tem formas unimodal e U (banheira). Ainda, foram consideradas as modificações das distribuições Weibull, Fréchet, half-normal generalizada, log-logística e lognormal. Tomando dados não-censurados e censurados, considerou-se os estimadores de máxima verossimilhança para o modelo proposto, a fim de verificar a flexibilidade da nova família. Além disso, um modelo de regressão locação-escala foi utilizado para verificar a influência de covariáveis nos tempos de sobrevida. Adicionalmente, conduziu-se uma análise de resíduos baseada nos resíduos deviance modificada. Estudos de simulação, utilizando-se de diferentes atribuições dos parâmetros, porcentagens de censura e tamanhos amostrais, foram conduzidos com o objetivo de verificar a distribuição empírica dos resíduos tipo martingale e deviance modificada. Para detectar observações influentes, foram utilizadas medidas de influência local, que são medidas de diagnóstico baseadas em pequenas perturbações nos dados ou no modelo proposto. Podem ocorrer situações em que a suposição de independência entre os tempos de falha e censura não seja válida. Assim, outro objetivo desse trabalho é considerar o mecanismo de censura informativa, baseado na verossimilhança marginal, considerando a distribuição log-odd log-logística Weibull na modelagem. Por fim, as metodologias descritas são aplicadas a conjuntos de dados reais.


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A floresta Amazônica possui um papel ambiental, social e econômico importante para a região, para o país e para o mundo. Dessa forma, técnicas de exploração que visam a diminuição dos impactos causados à floresta são essenciais. Com isso, o objetivo dessa tese é comparar a Exploração de Impacto Reduzido com a Exploração Convencional na Amazônia brasileira através de modelos empíricos de árvore individual de crescimento e produção. O experimento foi instalado na fazenda Agrossete, localizada em Paragominas - PA. Em 1993, três áreas dessa fazenda foram selecionadas para exploração. Na primeira área, 105 hectares foram explorados através da Exploração de Impacto Reduzido. Na segunda área, 75 hectares foram submetidos à Exploração Convencional. E, por fim, a terceira área foi mantida como área testemunha. A coleta de dados de diâmetro à altura do peito e a identificação das espécies dentro de uma parcela de 24,5 hectares, instalada aleatoriamente em cada área, foi realizada nos anos de 1993 (antes da colheita), 1994 (seis meses depois da colheita), 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006 e 2009. Dessa forma, as três áreas foram comparadas através do ajuste de um modelo de incremento diamétrico, considerando que efeito estocástico podia assumir outras quatro distribuições além da distribuição normal, de um modelo de probabilidade de mortalidade e de um modelo de probabilidade de recrutamento. O comportamento do incremento diamétrico indicou que as áreas que foram submetidas a exploração possuem o mesmo comportamento em quase todos os grupos de espécies, com exceção do grupo de espécies intermediárias. Os indivíduos que são submetidos a exploração possuem um maior crescimento em diâmetros quando comparados com área que não sofreu exploração. Além disso, assumir o efeito estocástico com distribuição Weibull melhorou o ajuste dos modelos. Em relação à probabilidade de mortalidade, novamente as áreas que sofreram exploração possuem comportamento semelhante quanto à mortalidade, mas diferente da área que não foi explorada, sendo que os indivíduos localizados nas áreas exploradas possuem uma maior probabilidade de morte em relação aos presentes na área não explorada. Os modelos de probabilidade de recrutamento indicaram diferença apenas entre as áreas exploradas e a área controle. Sendo que, as áreas exploradas apresentaram uma maior taxa de recrumento em comparação a área não explorada. Portanto, o comportamento individual das árvores após a exploração é o mesmo na Exploração Convencional e na Exploração de Impacto Reduzido.


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Oggigiorno la ricerca di nuovi materiali per gradatori di campo da impiegarsi in accessori di cavi ha iniziato a studiare alcuni materiali nano dielettrici con proprietà elettriche non lineari con la tensione ed aventi proprietà migliorate rispetto al materiale base. Per questo motivo in questo elaborato si sono studiati materiali nanostrutturati a base di polietilene a bassa densità (LDPE) contenenti nano polveri di grafene funzionalizzato (G*), ossido di grafene (GO) e carbon black (CB). Il primo obiettivo è stato quello di selezionare e ottimizzare i metodi di fabbricazione dei provini. La procedura di produzione è suddivisa in due parti. Nella prima parte è stata utilizzatala tecnica del ball-milling, mentre nella seconda un pressa termica (thermal pressing). Mediante la spettroscopia dielettrica a banda larga (BDS) si sono misurate le componenti reali e immaginarie della permettività e il modulo della conducibilità del materiale, in tensione alternata. Il miglioramento delle proprietà rispetto al provino di base composto dal solo polietilene si sono ottenute quando il quantitativo delle nanopolveri era maggiore. Le misure sono state effettuate sia a 3 V che a 1 kV. Attraverso misurazioni di termogravimetria (TGA) si è osservato l’aumento della resistenza termica di tutti i provini, soprattutto nel caso quando la % di nanopolveri è maggiore. Per i provini LDPE + 0.3 wt% GO e LDPE + 0.3 wt% G* si è misurata la resistenza alle scariche parziali attraverso la valutazione dell’erosione superficiale dei provini. Per il provino contenente G* è stato registrato una diminuzione del 22% del volume eroso, rispetto al materiale base, mentre per quello contenente GO non vi sono state variazioni significative. Infine si è ricercata la resistenza al breakdown di questi ultimi tre provini sopra citati. Per la caratterizzazione si è fatto uso della distribuzione di Weibull. Lo scale parameter α risulta aumentare solo per il provino LDPE + 0.3 wt% G*.


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Modeling of self-similar traffic is performed for the queuing system of G/M/1/K type using Weibull distribution. To study the self-similar traffic the simulation model is developed by using SIMULINK software package in MATLAB environment. Approximation of self-similar traffic on the basis of spline functions. Modeling self-similar traffic is carried outfor QS of W/M/1/K type using the Weibull distribution. Initial data are: the value of Hurst parameter H=0,65, the shape parameter of the distribution curve α≈0,7 and distribution parameter β≈0,0099. Considering that the self-similar traffic is characterized by the presence of "splashes" and long-termdependence between the moments of requests arrival in this study under given initial data it is reasonable to use linear interpolation splines.


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On the basis of aerial photographs of sea ice floes in the marginal ice zone (MIZ) of Prydz Bay acquired from December 2004 to February 2005 during the 21st Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition, image processing techniques are employed to extract some geometric parameters of floes from two merged transects covering the whole MIZ. Variations of these parameters with the distance into the MIZ are then obtained. Different parameters of floe size, namely area, perimeter, and mean caliper diameter (MCD), follow three similar stages of increasing, flat and increasing again, with distance from the open ocean. Floe shape parameters (roundness and the ratio of perimeter to MCD), however, have less significant variations than that of floe size. Then, to modify the deviation of the cumulative floe size distribution from the ideal power law, an upper truncated power-law function and a Weibull function are used, and four calculated parameters of the above functions are found to be important descriptors of the evolution of floe size distribution in the MIZ. Among them, Lr of the upper truncated power-law function indicates the upper limit of floe size and roughly equals the maximum floe size in each square sample area. L0 in the Weibull distribution shows an increasing proportion of larger floes in squares farther from the open ocean and roughly equals the mean floe size. D in the upper truncated power-law function is closely associated with the degree of confinement during ice breakup. Its decrease with the distance into MIZ indicates the weakening of confinement conditions on floes owing to wave attenuation. The gamma of the Weibull distribution characterizes the degree of homogeneity in a data set. It also decreases with distance into MIZ, implying that floe size distributes increase in range. Finally, a statistical test on floe size is performed to divide the whole MIZ into three distinct zones made up of floes of quite different characteristics. This zonal structure of floe size also agrees well with the trends of floe shape and floe size distribution, and is believed to be a straightforward result of wave-ice interaction in the MIZ.


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Includes bibliographical references and index (vol. 6).


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The strain dependence of particle cracking in aluminum alloys A356/357 in the T6 temper has been studied in a range of microstructures produced by varying solidification rate and Mg content, and by chemical (Sr) modification of the eutectic silicon. The damage accumulates linearly with the applied strain for all microstructures, but the rate depends on the secondary dendrite arm spacing and modification state. Large and elongated eutectic silicon particles in the unmodified alloys and large pi-phase (Al9FeMg3Si5) particles in alloy A357 show the greatest tendency to cracking. In alloy A356, cracking of eutectic silicon particles dominates the accumulation of damage while cracking of Fe-rich particles is relatively unimportant. However, in alloy A357, especially with Sr modification, cracking of the large pi-phase intermetallics accounts for the majority of damage at low and intermediate strains but becomes comparable with silicon particle cracking at large strains. Fracture occurs when the volume fraction of cracked particles (eutectic silicon and Fe-rich intermetallics combined) approximates 45 pct of the total particle volume fraction or when the number fraction of cracked particles is about 20 pct. The results are discussed in terms of Weibull statistics and existing models for dispersion hardening.


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We investigate whether relative contributions of genetic and shared environmental factors are associated with an increased risk in melanoma. Data from the Queensland Familial Melanoma Project comprising 15,907 subjects arising from 1912 families were analyzed to estimate the additive genetic, common and unique environmental contributions to variation in the age at onset of melanoma. Two complementary approaches for analyzing correlated time-to-onset family data were considered: the generalized estimating equations (GEE) method in which one can estimate relationship-specific dependence simultaneously with regression coefficients that describe the average population response to changing covariates; and a subject-specific Bayesian mixed model in which heterogeneity in regression parameters is explicitly modeled and the different components of variation may be estimated directly. The proportional hazards and Weibull models were utilized, as both produce natural frameworks for estimating relative risks while adjusting for simultaneous effects of other covariates. A simple Markov Chain Monte Carlo method for covariate imputation of missing data was used and the actual implementation of the Bayesian model was based on Gibbs sampling using the free ware package BUGS. In addition, we also used a Bayesian model to investigate the relative contribution of genetic and environmental effects on the expression of naevi and freckles, which are known risk factors for melanoma.


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We consider the problem of estimating P(Yi + (...) + Y-n > x) by importance sampling when the Yi are i.i.d. and heavy-tailed. The idea is to exploit the cross-entropy method as a toot for choosing good parameters in the importance sampling distribution; in doing so, we use the asymptotic description that given P(Y-1 + (...) + Y-n > x), n - 1 of the Yi have distribution F and one the conditional distribution of Y given Y > x. We show in some specific parametric examples (Pareto and Weibull) how this leads to precise answers which, as demonstrated numerically, are close to being variance minimal within the parametric class under consideration. Related problems for M/G/l and GI/G/l queues are also discussed.


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The estimation of P(S-n > u) by simulation, where S, is the sum of independent. identically distributed random varibles Y-1,..., Y-n, is of importance in many applications. We propose two simulation estimators based upon the identity P(S-n > u) = nP(S, > u, M-n = Y-n), where M-n = max(Y-1,..., Y-n). One estimator uses importance sampling (for Y-n only), and the other uses conditional Monte Carlo conditioning upon Y1,..., Yn-1. Properties of the relative error of the estimators are derived and a numerical study given in terms of the M/G/1 queue in which n is replaced by an independent geometric random variable N. The conclusion is that the new estimators compare extremely favorably with previous ones. In particular, the conditional Monte Carlo estimator is the first heavy-tailed example of an estimator with bounded relative error. Further improvements are obtained in the random-N case, by incorporating control variates and stratification techniques into the new estimation procedures.