920 resultados para Water use
植被覆盖对陆地生态系统的水分循环起着重要作用。径流对植被变化在不同时间尺度的响应研究,对区域生态环境建设及水资源管理具有重要的参考价值。该文介绍基于对比流域法,在多年平均、年际、季节等不同时间尺度径流对植被变化响应的研究结果。多年平均尺度上,由植被类型更替引起的径流绝对变化量,湿润区较干旱区大,其相对变化量在干旱区严重;年际尺度上,因植被变化,径流从一种平衡状态到另一种平衡状态的响应时间因抚育措施和地区不同而不同,造林情况下,湿润地区一般需要15~20 a,干旱地区约需25 a甚至更长,森林自然恢复情况下则需要上百年;季节尺度上,径流对植被变化的响应在季风影响区较四季湿润地区强烈。流量历时曲线研究表明,干旱地区造林,其基流无论在量或发生概率的变化上均较湿润区强烈。
研究了黄土丘陵区引种草种柳枝稷 ( Panicum virgatum)的光合生理生态特性 ,比较了不同叶位叶片光合速率 ( Pn)、蒸腾速率 ( Tr)、水分利用效率 ( WUE)的日变化以及环境因子的作用。结果表明 ,柳枝稷叶片 Pn日变化曲线为双峰型 ,中午“光合降低”主要是由于叶温过高导致呼吸高引起的净光合速率降低。叶龄增大 ,叶片 Pn日变化相对较平缓 ,其中壮龄叶Pn日变化最为平缓。幼龄叶 Tr的日变化为双峰型 ,随叶龄增大 (叶位下降 )而成为单峰型。WUE的日变化可划分为上午的降低和下午的波动 2个阶段 ,最上充分展开叶 (旗叶 )的WUE始终最高。
在试验室内 ,进行了地下滴灌埋管深度对不同生育时期冬小麦根系生长和地上部分生长影响的试验研究。结果表明 :2 0 cm和 4 0 cm埋管深度的水分分布特征 ,在生育早期抑制地上部分营养生长 ,促进冬小麦蹲苗 ;而中后期则促进生殖生长 ,产量和水分利用效率较高。不考虑犁底层影响时 ,在重壤土上 4 0 cm是冬小麦进行地下滴灌的较好埋深
提出了以新修梯田耕作栽培技术和作物抗旱节水技术为中心的燕沟流域基本农田粮食高产综合配套技术体系 ,并在燕沟流域经过 3年试验示范 ,使粮食生产潜力实现率由原来的 2 3%~ 48% ,平均已达到 5 4 %~ 64% ,典型的抗旱节水综合试验示范地块的潜力实现率提高到 78%~ 87% ;作物平均单产和水分利用效率较原来分别提高了 63%和 5 9.1 % ,粮食单产平均较 1 997年翻了两番 ,粮食产量较 1 997年提高了 33.7%~ 62 .1 % ,人均产粮达到了 5 0 0 kg以上 ,基本实现了减地不减产和增产增效的效果
Potted seadlings of Pinus koraiensis , Fraxinus mandshurica,Juglans mandshurica,Tilia amurensis, and Quercus mongolica ,which are five dominant species in the Korean pine broadleaf forest at Changbai mountain,were grown in different soil moistures.We designed three soil moisture scenarios:85%~100%(high water,CK),65%~85% (medium water,MW) and 45%~65% (low water,LW) of field water holding capacity.The results show that characteristics of typical drought resistance on the leaves are significantly developed.The net photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency of F. mandshurica were higher compared with CK at MW.The net photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency of other 4 tree species at CK were lower than those at MW and LW.The transpiration rate of 5 tree species responses differently to various soil water status.
In the present study, we used the eddy covariance method to measure CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and an alpine shrubland meadow ecosystem (37°36'N, 101°18'E; 3 250 m a.s.l.) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China, during the growing season in 2003, from 20 April to 30 September. This meadow is dominated by formations of Potentilla fruticosa L. The soil is Mol-Cryic Cambisols. During the study period, the meadow was not grazed. The maximum rates of CO2 uptake and release derived from the diurnal course of CO2 flux were -9.38 and 5.02 μmol•m-2•s-1, respectively. The largest daily CO2 uptake was 1.7 g C•m-2•d-1 on 14 July, which is less than half that of an alpine Kobresia meadow ecosystem at similar latitudes. Daily CO2 uptake during the measurement period indicated that the alpine shrubland meadow ecosystem may behave as a sink of atmospheric CO2 during the growing season. The daytime CO2 uptake was correlated exponentially or linearly with the daily photo synthetic photon flux density each month. The daytime average water use efficiency of the ecosystem was 6.47 mg CO2/g H2O. The efficiency of the ecosystem increased with a decrease in vapor pressure deficit.
The photosynthetic pathway of plant species collected at Menyuan, Henan, and Maduo sites, east of Tibetan Plateau, China, during the growing season were studied using stable carbon isotopes in leaves. The 232 samples leaves analyzed belonged to 161 species, 30 families, and 94 genera. The delta(13)C values (from -24.6 to -29.2 %o) indicated that all the considered species had a photosynthetic C-3 pathway. The absence of plant species with C-4 photosynthetic pathway might be due to the extremely low air temperature characterizing the Tibetan Plateau. The average delta(13)C value was significantly (p < 0.05) different between annuals and perennials at the three considered study sites. Hence the longer-lived species had greater water-use efficiency (WUE) than shorter-lived species, that is, longer-lived species are better adapted to the extreme environmental conditions of the Tibetan Plateau.
[1] The alpine meadow ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau may play a significant role in the regional carbon cycle. To assess the CO2 flux and its relationship to environmental controls in the ecosystem, eddy covariance of CO2, H2O, and energy fluxes was measured with an open-path system in an alpine meadow on the plateau at an elevation of 3,250 m. Net ecosystem CO2 influx (Fc) averaged 8.8 g m(-2) day(-1) during the period from August 9 to 31, 2001, with a maximum of 15.9 g m(-2) day(-1) and a minimum of 2.3 g m(-2) day(-1). Daytime Fc averaged 16.7 g m(-2) day(-1) and ranged from 10.4 g m(-2) day(-1) to 21.7 g m(-2) day(-1) during the study period. For the same photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), gross CO2 uptake (Gc) was significantly higher on cloudy days than on clear days. However, mean daily Gc was higher on clear days than on cloudy days. With high PPFD, Fc decreased as air temperature increased from 10degreesC to 23degreesC. The greater the difference between daytime and nighttime air temperatures, the more the sink was strengthened. Daytime average water use efficiency of the ecosystem (WUEe) was 8.7 mg (CO2)(g H2O)(-1); WUEe values ranged from 5.8 to 15.3 mg (CO2)(g H2O)(-1). WUEe increased with the decrease in vapor pressure deficit. Daily albedo averaged 0.20, ranging from 0.19 to 0.22 during the study period, and was negatively correlated with daily Fc. Our measurements provided some of the first evidence on CO2 exchange for a temperate alpine meadow ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, which is necessary for assessing the carbon budget and carbon cycle processes for temperate grassland ecosystems.
1 喀斯特石漠化区植物叶片δ13C值的时空变化
© 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.Throughout the southern US, past forest management practices have replaced large areas of native forests with loblolly pine plantations and have resulted in changes in forest response to extreme weather conditions. However, uncertainty remains about the response of planted versus natural species to drought across the geographical range of these forests. Taking advantage of a cluster of unmanaged stands (85-130year-old hardwoods) and managed plantations (17-20year-old loblolly pine) in coastal and Piedmont areas of North Carolina, tree water use, cavitation resistance, whole-tree hydraulic (Ktree) and stomatal (Gs) conductances were measured in four sites covering representative forests growing in the region. We also used a hydraulic model to predict the resilience of those sites to extreme soil drying. Our objectives were to determine: (1) if Ktree and stomatal regulation in response to atmospheric and soil droughts differ between species and sites; (2) how ecosystem type, through tree water use, resistance to cavitation and rooting profiles, affects the water uptake limit that can be reached under drought; and (3) the influence of stand species composition on critical transpiration that sets a functional water uptake limit under drought conditions. The results show that across sites, water stress affected the coordination between Ktree and Gs. As soil water content dropped below 20% relative extractable water, Ktree declined faster and thus explained the decrease in Gs and in its sensitivity to vapor pressure deficit. Compared to branches, the capability of roots to resist high xylem tension has a great impact on tree-level water use and ultimately had important implications for pine plantations resistance to future summer droughts. Model simulations revealed that the decline in Ktree due to xylem cavitation aggravated the effects of soil drying on tree transpiration. The critical transpiration rate (Ecrit), which corresponds to the maximum rate at which transpiration begins to level off to prevent irreversible hydraulic failure, was higher in managed forest plantations than in their unmanaged counterparts. However, even with this higher Ecrit, the pine plantations operated very close to their critical leaf water potentials (i.e. to their permissible water potentials without total hydraulic failure), suggesting that intensively managed plantations are more drought-sensitive and can withstand less severe drought than natural forests.
El litoral de Alicante ha sufrido grandes transformaciones territoriales desde las décadas de 1960 y 1970 a raíz de la actividad turística. Uno de los servicios que necesita esta actividad, entre otros, es el abastecimiento de agua potable. En este sentido, por su papel estratégico, el suministro de agua en alta es decisivo para abastecer a los municipios turístico-residenciales. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer y analizar los diferentes sistemas de abastecimiento de agua en alta en la costa de Alicante, sus características, infraestructuras, recursos hídricos disponibles y medidas de gestión llevados a cabo. Algunas de las conclusiones extraídas son el papel estratégico que ejercen en el territorio, especialmente con el agua, un recurso escaso y de vital importancia para la orla costera alicantina, sobre todo en los meses estivales.