944 resultados para Visual Speech Recognition, Multiple Views, Frontal View, Profile View


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This thesis addresses the viability of automatic speech recognition for control room systems; with careful system design, automatic speech recognition (ASR) devices can be useful means for human computer interaction in specific types of task. These tasks can be defined as complex verbal activities, such as command and control, and can be paired with spatial tasks, such as monitoring, without detriment. It is suggested that ASR use be confined to routine plant operation, as opposed the critical incidents, due to possible problems of stress on the operators' speech.  It is proposed that using ASR will require operators to adapt a commonly used skill to cater for a novel use of speech. Before using the ASR device, new operators will require some form of training. It is shown that a demonstration by an experienced user of the device can lead to superior performance than instructions. Thus, a relatively cheap and very efficient form of operator training can be supplied by demonstration by experienced ASR operators. From a series of studies into speech based interaction with computers, it is concluded that the interaction be designed to capitalise upon the tendency of operators to use short, succinct, task specific styles of speech. From studies comparing different types of feedback, it is concluded that operators be given screen based feedback, rather than auditory feedback, for control room operation. Feedback will take two forms: the use of the ASR device will require recognition feedback, which will be best supplied using text; the performance of a process control task will require task feedback integrated into the mimic display. This latter feedback can be either textual or symbolic, but it is suggested that symbolic feedback will be more beneficial. Related to both interaction style and feedback is the issue of handling recognition errors. These should be corrected by simple command repetition practices, rather than use error handling dialogues. This method of error correction is held to be non intrusive to primary command and control operations. This thesis also addresses some of the problems of user error in ASR use, and provides a number of recommendations for its reduction.


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The research presented in this paper is part of an ongoing investigation into how best to incorporate speech-based input within mobile data collection applications. In our previous work [1], we evaluated the ability of a single speech recognition engine to support accurate, mobile, speech-based data input. Here, we build on our previous research to compare the achievable speaker-independent accuracy rates of a variety of speech recognition engines; we also consider the relative effectiveness of different speech recognition engine and microphone pairings in terms of their ability to support accurate text entry under realistic mobile conditions of use. Our intent is to provide some initial empirical data derived from mobile, user-based evaluations to support technological decisions faced by developers of mobile applications that would benefit from, or require, speech-based data entry facilities.


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Speech recognition technology is regarded as a key enabler for increasing the usability of applications deployed on mobile devices -- devices which are becoming increasingly prevalent in modern hospital-based healthcare. Although the use of speech recognition is not new to the hospital-based healthcare domain, its use with mobile devices has thus far been limited. This paper presents the results of a literature review we conducted in order to observe the manner in which speech recognition technology has been used in hospital-based healthcare and to gain an understanding of how this technology is being evaluated, in terms of its dependability and reliability, in healthcare settings. Our intent is that this review will help identify scope for future uses of speech recognition technologies in the healthcare domain, as well as to identify implications for the meaningful evaluation of such technologies given the specific context of use.


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The research presented in this paper is part of an ongoing investigation into how best to incorporate speech-based input within mobile data collection applications. In our previous work [1], we evaluated the ability of a single speech recognition engine to support accurate, mobile, speech-based data input. Here, we build on our previous research to compare the achievable speaker-independent accuracy rates of a variety of speech recognition engines; we also consider the relative effectiveness of different speech recognition engine and microphone pairings in terms of their ability to support accurate text entry under realistic mobile conditions of use. Our intent is to provide some initial empirical data derived from mobile, user-based evaluations to support technological decisions faced by developers of mobile applications that would benefit from, or require, speech-based data entry facilities.


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Speech recognition technology is regarded as a key enabler for increasing the usability of applications deployed on mobile devices -- devices which are becoming increasingly prevalent in modern hospital-based healthcare. Although the use of speech recognition is not new to the hospital-based healthcare domain, its use with mobile devices has thus far been limited. This paper presents the results of a literature review we conducted in order to observe the manner in which speech recognition technology has been used in hospital-based healthcare and to gain an understanding of how this technology is being evaluated, in terms of its dependability and reliability, in healthcare settings. Our intent is that this review will help identify scope for future uses of speech recognition technologies in the healthcare domain, as well as to identify implications for the meaningful evaluation of such technologies given the specific context of use.


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In this paper, we propose a speech recognition engine using hybrid model of Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). Both the models have been trained independently and the respective likelihood values have been considered jointly and input to a decision logic which provides net likelihood as the output. This hybrid model has been compared with the HMM model. Training and testing has been done by using a database of 20 Hindi words spoken by 80 different speakers. Recognition rates achieved by normal HMM are 83.5% and it gets increased to 85% by using the hybrid approach of HMM and GMM.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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OBJECTIVE: Cochlear implantation (CI) is a standard treatment for severe-profound sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). However, consensus has yet to be reached on its effectiveness for hearing loss caused by auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD). This review aims to summarize and synthesize current evidence of the effectiveness of CI in improving speech recognition in children with ANSD. DESIGN: Systematic review. STUDY SAMPLE: A total of 27 studies from an initial selection of 237. RESULTS: All selected studies were observational in design, including case studies, cohort studies, and comparisons between children with ANSD and SNHL. Most children with ANSD achieved open-set speech recognition with their CI. Speech recognition ability was found to be equivalent in CI users (who previously performed poorly with hearing aids) and hearing-aid users. Outcomes following CI generally appeared similar in children with ANSD and SNHL. Assessment of study quality, however, suggested substantial methodological concerns, particularly in relation to issues of bias and confounding, limiting the robustness of any conclusions around effectiveness. CONCLUSIONS: Currently available evidence is compatible with favourable outcomes from CI in children with ANSD. However, this evidence is weak. Stronger evidence is needed to support cost-effective clinical policy and practice in this area.


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The study of acoustic communication in animals often requires not only the recognition of species specific acoustic signals but also the identification of individual subjects, all in a complex acoustic background. Moreover, when very long recordings are to be analyzed, automatic recognition and identification processes are invaluable tools to extract the relevant biological information. A pattern recognition methodology based on hidden Markov models is presented inspired by successful results obtained in the most widely known and complex acoustical communication signal: human speech. This methodology was applied here for the first time to the detection and recognition of fish acoustic signals, specifically in a stream of round-the-clock recordings of Lusitanian toadfish (Halobatrachus didactylus) in their natural estuarine habitat. The results show that this methodology is able not only to detect the mating sounds (boatwhistles) but also to identify individual male toadfish, reaching an identification rate of ca. 95%. Moreover this method also proved to be a powerful tool to assess signal durations in large data sets. However, the system failed in recognizing other sound types.


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A comunicação verbal humana é realizada em dois sentidos, existindo uma compreensão de ambas as partes que resulta em determinadas considerações. Este tipo de comunicação, também chamada de diálogo, para além de agentes humanos pode ser constituído por agentes humanos e máquinas. A interação entre o Homem e máquinas, através de linguagem natural, desempenha um papel importante na melhoria da comunicação entre ambos. Com o objetivo de perceber melhor a comunicação entre Homem e máquina este documento apresenta vários conhecimentos sobre sistemas de conversação Homemmáquina, entre os quais, os seus módulos e funcionamento, estratégias de diálogo e desafios a ter em conta na sua implementação. Para além disso, são ainda apresentados vários sistemas de Speech Recognition, Speech Synthesis e sistemas que usam conversação Homem-máquina. Por último são feitos testes de performance sobre alguns sistemas de Speech Recognition e de forma a colocar em prática alguns conceitos apresentados neste trabalho, é apresentado a implementação de um sistema de conversação Homem-máquina. Sobre este trabalho várias ilações foram obtidas, entre as quais, a alta complexidade dos sistemas de conversação Homem-máquina, a baixa performance no reconhecimento de voz em ambientes com ruído e as barreiras que se podem encontrar na implementação destes sistemas.


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This research has made contributions to the area of spoken term detection (STD), defined as the process of finding all occurrences of a specified search term in a large collection of speech segments. The use of visual information in the form of lip movements of the speaker in addition to audio and the use of topic of the speech segments, and the expected frequency of words in the target speech domain, are proposed. By using these complementary information, improvement in the performance of STD has been achieved which enables efficient search of key words in large collection of multimedia documents.


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Over the course of the last decade, infrared (IR) and particularly thermal IR imaging based face recognition has emerged as a promising complement to conventional, visible spectrum based approaches which continue to struggle when applied in practice. While inherently insensitive to visible spectrum illumination changes, IR data introduces specific challenges of its own, most notably sensitivity to factors which affect facial heat emission patterns, e.g. emotional state, ambient temperature, and alcohol intake. In addition, facial expression and pose changes are more difficult to correct in IR images because they are less rich in high frequency detail which is an important cue for fitting any deformable model. In this paper we describe a novel method which addresses these major challenges. Specifically, when comparing two thermal IR images of faces, we mutually normalize their poses and facial expressions by using an active appearance model (AAM) to generate synthetic images of the two faces with a neutral facial expression and in the same view (the average of the two input views). This is achieved by piecewise affine warping which follows AAM fitting. A major contribution of our work is the use of an AAM ensemble in which each AAM is specialized to a particular range of poses and a particular region of the thermal IR face space. Combined with the contributions from our previous work which addressed the problem of reliable AAM fitting in the thermal IR spectrum, and the development of a person-specific representation robust to transient changes in the pattern of facial temperature emissions, the proposed ensemble framework accurately matches faces across the full range of yaw from frontal to profile, even in the presence of scale variation (e.g. due to the varying distance of a subject from the camera). The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated on the largest public database of thermal IR images of faces and a newly acquired data set of thermal IR motion videos. Our approach achieved perfect recognition performance on both data sets, significantly outperforming the current state of the art methods even when they are trained with multiple images spanning a range of head views.


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In this paper, we propose a novel direction for gait recognition research by proposing a new capture-modality independent, appearance-based feature which we call the Back-filled Gait Energy Image (BGEI). It can can be constructed from both frontal depth images, as well as the more commonly used side-view silhouettes, allowing the feature to be applied across these two differing capturing systems using the same enrolled database. To evaluate this new feature, a frontally captured depth-based gait dataset was created containing 37 unique subjects, a subset of which also contained sequences captured from the side. The results demonstrate that the BGEI can effectively be used to identify subjects through their gait across these two differing input devices, achieving rank-1 match rate of 100%, in our experiments. We also compare the BGEI against the GEI and GEV in their respective domains, using the CASIA dataset and our depth dataset, showing that it compares favourably against them. The experiments conducted were performed using a sparse representation based classifier with a locally discriminating input feature space, which show significant improvement in performance over other classifiers used in gait recognition literature, achieving state of the art results with the GEI on the CASIA dataset.


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The inferior temporal cortex (IT) of monkeys is thought to play an essential role in visual object recognition. Inferotemporal neurons are known to respond to complex visual stimuli, including patterns like faces, hands, or other body parts. What is the role of such neurons in object recognition? The present study examines this question in combined psychophysical and electrophysiological experiments, in which monkeys learned to classify and recognize novel visual 3D objects. A population of neurons in IT were found to respond selectively to such objects that the monkeys had recently learned to recognize. A large majority of these cells discharged maximally for one view of the object, while their response fell off gradually as the object was rotated away from the neuron"s preferred view. Most neurons exhibited orientation-dependent responses also during view-plane rotations. Some neurons were found tuned around two views of the same object, while a very small number of cells responded in a view- invariant manner. For five different objects that were extensively used during the training of the animals, and for which behavioral performance became view-independent, multiple cells were found that were tuned around different views of the same object. No selective responses were ever encountered for views that the animal systematically failed to recognize. The results of our experiments suggest that neurons in this area can develop a complex receptive field organization as a consequence of extensive training in the discrimination and recognition of objects. Simple geometric features did not appear to account for the neurons" selective responses. These findings support the idea that a population of neurons -- each tuned to a different object aspect, and each showing a certain degree of invariance to image transformations -- may, as an assembly, encode complex 3D objects. In such a system, several neurons may be active for any given vantage point, with a single unit acting like a blurred template for a limited neighborhood of a single view.