1000 resultados para Vidas Secas
Droughts surfaced in 1877 as a crucial problem for the birthing Brazilian nation. Engineers, who formed the country's technical and scientific elite, took it upon themselves to study, understand and fight the problem through planned actions of intervention on space. This work, based on proposals and discussions contained in engineering magazines and reports, aims to provide elements for the comprehension of how these systematized actions against droughts, in the Iate nineteenth and early twentieth century, contributed to spatial analysis and the formation of a (then-inexistent) regional and territorial planning discipline in Brazi!. Engineers, by taking up the position of masterminds in the country's modernization, guaranteed for themselves personal economic stability, social prestige and political power. By understanding nature, either as a resource to be exploited or an adversary to national progress, they contributed to the delimitation of the region now known as the Northeast. By seeking to understand the drought phenomenon, they created knowledge about the space they sought to intervene on; by constructing their projects amid political and economical difficulty, they changed the organizational structures of cities and country in the northeast. The proposals for açudes (Iarge water reservoirs) allowed the fixation of population and the resistance against droughts; the roads - railroads and automotive roadways - connected the sertão to the capitais and the coast, speeding up help to the affected populations during droughts and allowing the circulation of goods so as to strengthen the local economies in normal rimes. The adopted practices and techniques, adapted from foreign experience and developed through trial and improvement, were consolidated as an eminently spatial intervention course, even if a theoretical body of regional or territorial planning wasn't formed in Brazil. Regional Planning proper was first applied in the country in the Northeast itself, in the 1950s, based off an economical view of reality in order to achieve development. The engineer's work prior tothat date, however, cannot be dlsconsldered. It was proved that, despite facing financial and political hurdles, engineers had a profound commitment to the problem and intended to act systematically to transform the economical and social relations in the region, in order to be victorious in their struggle against droughts
Cómo los docentes pueden ayudar a sus estudiantes a crear sus vidas y cumplir sus sueños
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura, 2016.
In the first decades of 20th century the just instituted Brazilian Republic faced the challenge to modernize the country. Considering that the progress was associated with the exhaustion of the forest reserves and with climatic changes, two big issues were seen as fundamental: To Fight the Droughts and To Defend the Forests; headed by professionals who were dedicated to these ideals. This research starts from the premise that these were the main challenges enforced by nature to the Brazilian development; the general objective was delimited in the search to understand the meaning and the conception of the natural world by this group of professionals who faced the shock between modernizing the country and conserving its natural resources. Aiming to contribute with the construction of the Brazilian environmental history and to bring historical elements to the debate about the environment in the country, the author concentrates his attention to the analyses, the discussions and the actions that preceded the regulation on the use of natural resources and the implementation of the environmental legislation in Brazil, occurred in 1934. The investigation uses as methodological basis the theoretical directions of environmental history, using sources of data still little explored and valued. In such way, it is taken as starting point some published papers about this subject during the period between 1889 and 1934 in two technical magazines the Revista Brazil Ferro-Carril and the Revista do Club de Engenharia. National engineering played a basic role in this process while arguing, projecting and constructing the development. The formulated proposals, after being divulged, had fomented the interchange with other professionals and had favored the advance of ambient questions in Brazil, in the sense to preserve natural resources, to construct more harmonic relations between the society and the nature and to equate the development with the environment preservation
Droughts surfaced in 1877 as a crucial problem for the birthing Brazilian nation. Engineers, who formed the country's technical and scientific elite, took it upon themselves to study, understand and fight the problem through planned actions of intervention on space. This work, based on proposals and discussions contained in engineering magazines and reports, aims to provide elements for the comprehension of how these systematized actions against droughts, in the Iate nineteenth and early twentieth century, contributed to spatial analysis and the formation of a (then-inexistent) regional and territorial planning discipline in Brazi!. Engineers, by taking up the position of masterminds in the country's modernization, guaranteed for themselves personal economic stability, social prestige and political power. By understanding nature, either as a resource to be exploited or an adversary to national progress, they contributed to the delimitation of the region now known as the Northeast. By seeking to understand the drought phenomenon, they created knowledge about the space they sought to intervene on; by constructing their projects amid political and economical difficulty, they changed the organizational structures of cities and country in the northeast. The proposals for açudes (Iarge water reservoirs) allowed the fixation of population and the resistance against droughts; the roads - railroads and automotive roadways - connected the sertão to the capitais and the coast, speeding up help to the affected populations during droughts and allowing the circulation of goods so as to strengthen the local economies in normal rimes. The adopted practices and techniques, adapted from foreign experience and developed through trial and improvement, were consolidated as an eminently spatial intervention course, even if a theoretical body of regional or territorial planning wasn't formed in Brazil. Regional Planning proper was first applied in the country in the Northeast itself, in the 1950s, based off an economical view of reality in order to achieve development. The engineer's work prior tothat date, however, cannot be dlsconsldered. It was proved that, despite facing financial and political hurdles, engineers had a profound commitment to the problem and intended to act systematically to transform the economical and social relations in the region, in order to be victorious in their struggle against droughts
Resumo: Diversos surtos de Salmonella ocasionados pelo consumo de tomate contaminados com este micro-organismo têm sido relatados ultimamente, o que torna primordial a investigação sobre a presença desse patógeno nesse alimento. Métodos que permitam a avaliação rápida da presença de Salmonella em alimentos são de suma importância. O objetivo desse estudo foi comparar o método tradicional da Food and Drug Administration - Bacteriologycal Analytical Manual (FDA-BAM) com um método rápido da mini Vitek Immuno Diagnostic System Assay (Mini?Vidas-SLM)-bioMérieux, para detecção de Salmonella Brazil inoculada artificialmente na superfície de tomates. Foram analisadas 215 amostras de tomates inoculadas artificialmente com Salmonella Brazil com níveis de inóculos variando de 0,4 a 940 UFC/tomate. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os métodos estudados apresentaram uma ótima concordância entre si, para todas as faixas de inóculo analisadas.
An economical solution for cementing oil wells is the use of pre-prepared dry mixtures containing cement and additives. The mixtures may be formulated, prepared and transported to the well where is added water to be pumped.Using this method, becomes dispensable to prepare the cement mixes containing additives in the cementing operation, reducing the possibility of error. In this way, the aim of this work is to study formulations of cement slurries containing solid additives for primary cementing of oil wells onshore for typical depths of 400, 800 and 1,200 meters. The formulations are comprised of Special Class Portland cement, mineral additions and solids chemical additives.The formulated mixtures have density of 1.67 g / cm ³ (14.0 lb / gal). Their optimization were made through the analysis of the rheological parameters, fluid loss results, free water, thickening time, stability test and mechanical properties.The results showed that mixtures are in conformity the specifications for cementing oil wells onshore studied depths
44 p.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de mestre no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de mestre no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.
Furacões, Tornados, Sismos, Cheias, Secas, Erupções Vulcânicas, Tsunamis, entre outros, são fenómenos naturais que fazem parte do quotidiano do nosso planeta. Todos eles tem capacidade para devastarem repentinamente qualquer zona do planeta, deixando clara a nossa vulnerabilidade e fragilidade perante estes eventos extremos. É uma vulnerabilidade que em cada ano responde por milhares de mortos, feridos, desaparecidos e desalojados que em cada ano afetam a humanidade e destroem as economias e meios de subsistência. Há que sublinhar que, nas últimas décadas, milhões de pessoas perderam a vida em consequência destes desastres e o quadro tende a agravar-se como indicam as estimativas das Nações Unidas que apontam para que, nos próximos anos, estas catástrofes provoquem, perdas médias anuais, de 100.000 vidas e custos de 250.000 milhões de euros. Os sismos exercem claramente um impacto de grande gravidade, a curto e longo prazo, na vida económica e social das regiões. Os seus efeitos adversos afectam as infra-estruturas, a economia, o património material, natural e cultural, o ambiente e o turismo. Por outras palavras, os sismos têm um impacto negativo global na coesão económica e social das regiões. Em Portugal continental, a sismicidade histórica e instrumental revela-nos a existência de eventos geradores de destruição no território nacional. É uma sismicidade dispersa, reveladora da atividade de algumas das falhas cartografadas. É na região a sudoeste do Cabo de S. Vicente, entre o Banco de Gorringe e a costa oeste Portuguesa que se encontra uma das zonas sismogénicas mais ativas.
Dada la amenaza actual de los procesos de desertificación en el mundo, las zonas secas en que estos anidan, constituyen prioridades para los diferentes actores que con ellas conviven o interactúan. En Cuba, que no está exenta de la presencia de estos ecosistemas, se conoce de la existencia de una amplia gama de trabajos de investigación provenientes de diferentes disciplinas y que en muchos casos tratan la geografía de estas regiones de manera particular o tangencialmente. Sin embargo, aún existen vacíos de información y cierta incomunicación entre investigadores, decisores y pobladores en general, que de ser eliminados pudieran potenciar aún más las acciones llevadas a cabo para mejorar las condiciones ambientales en estas áreas. En tal sentido, se presenta una propuesta de diseño de un compendio de información, como producto de información que garantiza la gestión del conocimiento en la temática de las zonas secas de Cuba, sirviendo como basamento sólido a la toma de decisiones a todos los niveles, dando respuesta a la situación de dispersión de información, sobre la temática y poniendo en manos de los usuarios una información gestionada atendiendo a sus necesidades, que al someterse al criterio de expertos en la temática, se convierte en un producto de gestión del conocimiento que brindará los enfoques, tendencias y vacíos informativos dentro de la problemática tan sensible como la sequía.
A Atenção Primária em Saúde após a Reforma Psiquiátrica preconiza o paciente com doença mental como um ser capaz de interagir com o medio e capaz de ser transformado por este; com o direito universal de ser atendido de maneira integral, intersetorial e humanizada. A saúde mental sofre o impacto das dimensões sociais e ambientais do dia a dia, da forma como o sujeito vive, se alimenta, trabalha e se relaciona com os outros da mesma espécie. Na atualidade tem se observado, um incremento do número de pacientes com doenças mentais e, um aumento na prescrição e consumo de medicamentos psicotrópicos, gerando muitas vezes uso indiscriminado e até desnecessário, causando dependência e piorando o estilo e qualidade de vida de pacientes e familiares. O presente projeto de intervenção analisa a situação do município Arapúa na atualidade, e retoma essa situação como um problema significativo no desenvolvimento da saúde pública na área de abrangência. Assim, a Equipe de Saúde da Família desenhou diretrizes de trabalho para o individuo, o meio e os familiares ou acompanhantes/cuidadores dos pacientes com doenças mentais com a finalidade de melhorar a qualidade de vida e promover estilos de vida mais saudáveis, diminuindo ao mesmo tempo o consumo abusivo de medicamentos psicotrópicos. Foi elaborado um plano de intervenção focado nas principais causas e esperamos, ao finalizar este trabalho, ter aumentado o conhecimento dos profissionais da saúde sobre o acolhimento, tratamento e acompanhamento destes pacientes, melhorar o estilo e qualidade de vida dos familiares e pacientes com doenças mentais, assim como uma diminuição significativa no consumo de medicamentos psicotrópicos.
It was proposed to evaluate the hydroponic lettuce production, variety Vera, on inclined benches with channels of 100 mm, and Nutrient Film Technique, as answer to carbon dioxide application and evaporative cooling. There were five cycles of cultivation from March, 20th to April, 17th (C1); from May, 25th to June, 29th (C2); from July, 13th to August, 20th (C3); from August, 27th to October, 10th (C4); from December, 12th to January, 10th (C5). In three greenhouses were tested the following systems: (A1) without evaporative cooling air CO2 aerial injection, (A2) with CO2 aerial injection and without evaporative cooling and (A3) with CO2 aerial injection and pad-fan evaporative cooling system. The fresh and dry mass of leaves in grams, number of leaves and leaf area in square millimeter were evaluated. The completely randomized statistical analysis was used. The cycle C1 were used 48 replications, for cycles C2, C3 and C5 were used 64 replications and C5 were used 24 replications. The results showed that greenhouse with evaporative cooling system and CO2 allow better development and greater lettuce yield. It was possible to conclude that the aerial injection of CO2, in the absence of evaporative cooling system, did not lead increasing the lettuce productivity to most cycles. Bigger lettuce leaf areas were found in periods with higher temperatures.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física