985 resultados para VENTILATOR WEANING


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A obesidade está relacionada com o desenvolvimento da diabetes, estresse oxidativo, esteatose hepática, alteração da sensibilidade hormonal e redução da capacidade termogênica pelo tecido adiposo marrom (TAM). Na obesidade, alterações do sistema dopaminérgico mesocorticolímbico podem levar ao vício por alimentos palatáveis. Todas estas características contribuem para o baixo gasto energético e o alto consumo alimentar. Para estudar os efeitos em longo prazo da obesidade infantil, utilizamos o modelo de redução do tamanho da ninhada. Para induzir a superalimentação neonatal, o tamanho da ninhada foi reduzido para 3 filhotes machos de PN3 21 (grupo SL). O grupo controle permaneceu com 10 filhotes (grupo NL). Em PN120, o grupo SL foi dividido em: SL que recebeu ração controle e SL-Ca que recebeu dieta controle suplementada com 10g/kg de CaCO3. Os sacrifícios ocorreram em PN120 e PN180. Durante todo o período experimental, avaliamos o consumo alimentar e peso corporal. Em PN175, avaliamos a preferência alimentar dos animais por uma dieta rica em açúcar ou em lipídio. Avaliamos os hormônios por ELISA, RIA e quimioluminescência; o conteúdo proteico por Western blotting no fígado, tecido adiposo branco (TAB) e marrom (TAM), adrenal e regiões cerebrais; as atividades enzimáticas no soro e no fígado por cinética enzimática. Em PN21, PN120 e PN180, avaliamos in vivo a atividade simpática do TAM. Ao desmame, os ratos SL apresentaram maior estado pró-oxidativo no fígado e plasma e menor sensibilidade às catecolaminas no TAB. Na idade adulta, a suplementação é capaz de melhorar o estado pró-oxidativo no fígado e plasma, a sensibilidade à insulina e a microesteatose no fígado. Tanto a alteração de metabolismo/ação da vitamina D e do glicocorticóide no tecido adiposo como a menor capacidade termogênica do TAM contribuem para a maior adiposidade dos animais do grupo SL. A suplementação com cálcio corrigiu parte dessas alterações. A superalimentação pós-natal levou a redução da via dopaminérgica e a maior preferencia por gordura, enquanto a suplementação com cálcio normalizou esta via apenas a nível hipotalâmico e corrigiu a preferência alimentar. Nossos dados destacam o impacto benéfico da suplementação dietética com cálcio, que pode ter um papel nutricional promissor para auxiliar a perda de peso e minimizar os distúrbios relacionados a obesidade e a síndrome metabólica dos animais obesos que foram superalimentados na lactação.


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We estimated the total number of pantropical spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuata) mothers killed without their calves (“calf deficit”) in all tuna purse-seine sets from 1973– 90 and 1996–2000 in the eastern tropical Pacific. Estimates were based on a tally of the mothers killed as reported by color pattern and gender, several color-pattern-based frequency tables, and a weaning model. Over the time series, there was a decrease in the calf deficit from approximately 2800 for the western-southern stock and 5000 in the northeastern stock to about 60 missing calves per year. The mean deficit per set decreased from approximately 1.5 missing calves per set in the mid-1970s to 0.01 per set in the late-1990s. Over the time series examined, from 75% to 95% of the lactating females killed were killed without a calf. Under the assumption that these orphaned calves did not survive without their mothers, this calf deficit represents an approximately 14% increase in the reported kill of calves, which is relatively constant across the years examined. Because the calf deficit as we have defined it is based on the kill of mothers, the total number of missing calves that we estimate is potentially an underestimate of the actual number killed. Further research on the mechanism by which separation of mother and calf occurs is required to obtain better estimates of the unobserved kill of dolphin calves in this fishery.


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Teeth of 71 estuarine dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) incidentally caught on the coast of Paraná State, southern Brazil, were used to estimate age. The oldest male and female dolphins were 29 and 30 years, respectively. The mean distance from the neonatal line to the end of the first growth layer group (GLG) was 622.4 ±19.1 μm (n=48). One or two accessory layers were observed between the neonatal line and the end of the first GLG. One of the accessory layers, which was not always present, was located at a mean of 248.9 ±32.6 μm (n=25) from the neonatal line, and its interpretation remains uncertain.The other layer, located at a mean of 419.6 ±44.6 μm (n=54) from the neonatal line, was always present and was first observed between 6.7 and 10.3 months of age. This accessory layer could be a record of weaning in this dolphin. Although no differences in age estimates were observed between teeth sectioned in the anterior-posterior and buccal-lingual planes, we recommend sectioning the teeth in the buccal-lingual plane in order to obtain on-center sections more easily. We also recommend not using teeth from the most anterior part of the mandibles for age estimation. The number of GLGs counted in those teeth was 50% less than the number of GLGs counted in the teeth from the median part of the mandible of the same animal. Although no significant difference (P>0.05) was found between the total lengths of adult male and female estuarine dolphins, we observed that males exhibited a second growth spurt around five years of age. This growth spurt would require that separate growth curves be calculated for the sexes. The asymptotic length (TL∞), k, and t0 obtained by the von Bertalanffy growth model were 177.3 cm, 0.66, and –1.23, respectively, for females and 159.6 cm, 2.02, and –0.38, respectively, for males up to five years, and 186.4 cm, 0.53 and –1.40, respectively, for males older than five years. The total weight (TW)/total length (TL) equations obtained for male and female estuarine dolphins were TW = 3.156 × 10−6 × TL 3.2836 (r=0.96), and TW = 8.974 × 10−5 × TL 2.6182 (r=0.95), respectively.


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Understanding the ontogenetic relationship between juvenile Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) and their foraging habitat is key to understanding their relationship to available prey and ultimately their survival. We summarize dive and movement data from 13 young-of-the-year (YOY) and 12 yearling Steller sea lions equipped with satellite dive recorders in the Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands (n=18), and Washington (n=7) from 1994 to 2000. A total of 1413 d of transmission (x =56.5 d, range: 14.5–104.1 d) were received. We recorded 222,073 dives, which had a mean depth of 18.4 m (range of means: 5.8−67.9 m; SD=16.4). Alaska YOY dived for shorter periods and at shallower depths (mean depth=7.7 m, mean duration=0.8 min, mean maximum depth=25.7 m, and maximum depth=252 m) than Alaska yearlings (x =16.6 m, 0=1.1 min, x = 63.4 m, 288 m), whereas Washington yearlings dived the longest and deepest (mean depth=39.4 m, mean duration=1.8 min, mean maximum depth=144.5 m, and maximum depth=328 m). Mean distance for 564 measured trips was 16.6 km; for sea lions ≤10 months of age, trip distance (7.0 km) was significantly less than for those >10 months of age (24.6 km). Mean trip duration for 10 of the 25 sea lions was 12.1 h; for sea lions ≤10 months of age, trip duration was 7.5 h and 18.1 h for those >10 months of age. We identified three movements types: long-range trips (>15 km and >20 h), short-range trips (<15 km and <20 h) during which the animals left and returned to the same site, and transits to other haul-out sites. Long-range trips started around 9 months of age and occurred most frequently around the assumed time of weaning, whereas short-range trips happened almost daily (0.9 trips/day, n=426 trips). Transits began as early as 7 months of age, occurred more often after 9 months of age, and ranged between 6.5 and 454 km. The change in dive characteristics coincided with the assumed onset of weaning. These yearling sea lion movement patterns and dive characteristics suggest that immature Steller sea lions are as capable of making the same types of movements as adults.


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The development of infant Macaca thibetana was studied at Mount Emei, China, and compared to that of other macaque species. It was found that there are many common features in the process of infant socialization in species of the genus Macaca: mothers play an important and active role, other group members influence the infants' development to a greater or lesser extent and play is a major activity in the life of infants. Some differences were found to exist, however, between macaque species. These included differences in maternal care behaviour such as 'len', leaving time and weaning time. Paternal behaviours were also found to vary within and among species. Tibetan macaque males care for infants extensively, and they may use infants as an agonistic buffer. The natural and social environment may also influence differences between macaque species in infant development.


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We examined socio-economic variables that contribute to malnutrition in selected communities in the Lake Victoria basin during 2001. The study was carried out in nine districts and hinterland communities up to 25 km awayfrom the beach were used as the reference population. The main variables examined were: feeding habits, income and intra-household food distribution and living standards. Others included disease and health, sanitation and hygiene, childcare and mothers' age and workload, weaning practices, agricultural production and food availability, care during pregnancy and food taboos.


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The ontogenetic development of the digestive enzymes amylase, lipase, trypsin, and alkaline phosphatase and the effect of starvation in miiuy croaker Miichthys miiuy larvae were studied. The activities of these enzymes were detected prior to exogenous feeding, but their developmental patterns differed remarkably. Trypsin activity continuously increased from 2 days after hatching (dah), peaked on 20 dah, and decreased to 25 dah at weaning. Alkaline phosphatase activity oscillated at low levels within a small range after the first feeding on 3 dah. In contrast, amylase and lipase activities followed the general developmental pattern that has been characterized in fish larvae, with a succession of increases or decreases. Amylase, lipase, and trypsin activities generally started to increase or decrease at transitions from endogenous to exogenous feeding or diet changes, suggesting that these enzymatic activities can be modulated by feeding modes. The activities of all the enzymes remained stable from 25 dah onwards, coinciding with the formation of gastric glands and pyloric caecum. These results imply that specific activities of these enzymes underwent changes due to morphological and physiological modifications or diet shift during larval development but that they became stable after the development of the digestive organs and associated glands was fully completed and the organs/glands functioned. Trypsin and alkaline phosphatase were more sensitive to starvation than amylase and lipase because delayed feeding up to 2 days after mouth opening was able to adversely affect their activities. Enzyme activities did not significantly differ among feeding groups during endogenous feeding; however, all activities were remarkably reduced when delayed feeding was within 3 days after mouth opening. Initiation of larvae feeding should occur within 2 days after mouth opening so that good growth and survival can be obtained in the culture.


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Objective: To develop sedation, pain, and agitation quality measures using process control methodology and evaluate their properties in clinical practice. Design: A Sedation Quality Assessment Tool was developed and validated to capture data for 12-hour periods of nursing care. Domains included pain/discomfort and sedation-agitation behaviors; sedative, analgesic, and neuromuscular blocking drug administration; ventilation status; and conditions potentially justifying deep sedation. Predefined sedation-related adverse events were recorded daily. Using an iterative process, algorithms were developed to describe the proportion of care periods with poor limb relaxation, poor ventilator synchronization, unnecessary deep sedation, agitation, and an overall optimum sedation metric. Proportion charts described processes over time (2 monthly intervals) for each ICU. The numbers of patients treated between sedation-related adverse events were described with G charts. Automated algorithms generated charts for 12 months of sequential data. Mean values for each process were calculated, and variation within and between ICUs explored qualitatively. Setting: Eight Scottish ICUs over a 12-month period. Patients: Mechanically ventilated patients. Interventions: None. Measurements and Main Results: The Sedation Quality Assessment Tool agitation-sedation domains correlated with the Richmond Sedation Agitation Scale score (Spearman [rho] = 0.75) and were reliable in clinician-clinician (weighted kappa; [kappa] = 0.66) and clinician-researcher ([kappa] = 0.82) comparisons. The limb movement domain had fair correlation with Behavioral Pain Scale ([rho] = 0.24) and was reliable in clinician-clinician ([kappa] = 0.58) and clinician-researcher ([kappa] = 0.45) comparisons. Ventilator synchronization correlated with Behavioral Pain Scale ([rho] = 0.54), and reliability in clinician-clinician ([kappa] = 0.29) and clinician-researcher ([kappa] = 0.42) comparisons was fair-moderate. Eight hundred twenty-five patients were enrolled (range, 59-235 across ICUs), providing 12,385 care periods for evaluation (range 655-3,481 across ICUs). The mean proportion of care periods with each quality metric varied between ICUs: excessive sedation 12-38%; agitation 4-17%; poor relaxation 13-21%; poor ventilator synchronization 8-17%; and overall optimum sedation 45-70%. Mean adverse event intervals ranged from 1.5 to 10.3 patients treated. The quality measures appeared relatively stable during the observation period. Conclusions: Process control methodology can be used to simultaneously monitor multiple aspects of pain-sedation-agitation management within ICUs. Variation within and between ICUs could be used as triggers to explore practice variation, improve quality, and monitor this over time


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Biogas production is the conversion of the organic material into methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) under anaerobic conditions. Anaerobic digestion (AD) is widely used in continental and Scandinavian communities as both a waste treatment option and a source of renewable energy. Ireland however lags behind this European movement. Numerous feedstocks exist which could be digested and used to fuel a renewable transport fleet in Ireland. An issue exists with the variety of feedstocks; these need to be assessed and quantified to ascertain their potential resource and application to AD. From literature the ideal C:N ratio is between 25 and 30:1. Low levels of C:N (<15) can lead to problems with ammonia inhibition. Within the digester a plentiful supply of nutrients and a balanced C:N is required for stable performance. Feedstocks were sampled from a range of over 100 different substrates in Ireland including for first, second and third generation feedstocks. The C:N ranged from 81:1 (Winter Oats) to 7:1 (Silage Effluent). The BMP yields were recorded ranging from 38 ± 2.0 L CH4 kg−1 VS for pig slurry (weaning pigs) to 805 ± 57 L CH4 kg−1 VS for used cooking oil (UCO). However the selection of the best preforming feedstock in terms of C:N ratio or BMP yield alone is not sufficiently adequate. A total picture has to be created which includes C:N ratio, BMP yield, harvest yield and availability. Potential feedstocks which best meet these requirements include for Grass silage, Milk processing waste (MPW) and Saccharina latissima. MPW has a potential of meeting over 6 times the required energy for Ireland’s 2020 transport in energy targets. S. Latissima recorded a yield of over 10,000 GJ ha-1 yr-1 which out ranks traditional second generation biofuels by a factor of more than 4.


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The role of antibodies in chronic injury to organ transplants has been suggested for many years, but recently emphasized by new data. We have observed that when immunosuppressive potency decreases either by intentional weaning of maintenance agents or due to homeostatic repopulation after immune cell depletion, the threshold of B cell activation may be lowered. In human transplant recipients the result may be donor-specific antibody, C4d+ injury, and chronic rejection. This scenario has precise parallels in a rhesus monkey renal allograft model in which T cells are depleted with CD3 immunotoxin, or in a CD52-T cell transgenic mouse model using alemtuzumab to deplete T cells. Such animal models may be useful for the testing of therapeutic strategies to prevent DSA. We agree with others who suggest that weaning of immunosuppression may place transplant recipients at risk of chronic antibody-mediated rejection, and that strategies to prevent this scenario are needed if we are to improve long-term graft and patient outcomes in transplantation. We believe that animal models will play a crucial role in defining the pathophysiology of antibody-mediated rejection and in developing effective therapies to prevent graft injury. Two such animal models are described herein.


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CT and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) are ubiquitous in the clinic. Their preclinical equivalents are valuable imaging methods for studying disease models and treatment. We have developed a dual source/detector X-ray imaging system that we have used for both micro-CT and DSA studies in rodents. The control of such a complex imaging system requires substantial software development for which we use the graphical language LabVIEW (National Instruments, Austin, TX, USA). This paper focuses on a LabVIEW platform that we have developed to enable anatomical and functional imaging with micro-CT and DSA. Our LabVIEW applications integrate and control all the elements of our system including a dual source/detector X-ray system, a mechanical ventilator, a physiological monitor, and a power microinjector for the vascular delivery of X-ray contrast agents. Various applications allow cardiac- and respiratory-gated acquisitions for both DSA and micro-CT studies. Our results illustrate the application of DSA for cardiopulmonary studies and vascular imaging of the liver and coronary arteries. We also show how DSA can be used for functional imaging of the kidney. Finally, the power of 4D micro-CT imaging using both prospective and retrospective gating is shown for cardiac imaging.


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Objective: To compare the efficacy of gentamicin, nebulised via the endotracheal tube (ET), with that of parenteral cefotaxime or parenteral cefuroxime in preventing the formation of ET biofilm.

Setting: General intensive care units in two university teaching hospitals.

Design: The microbiology of ET biofilm from 36 ICU patients eligible to receive antibiotic prophylaxis was examined. Peak and trough tracheal concentrations of gentamicin, cefotaxime or cefuroxime were measured in each patient group, on the 2nd day of intubation.

Patients: Twelve patients received gentamicin (80 mg) nebulised in 4 ml normal saline every 8 h, 12 cefotaxime (1 g, 12 hourly) and 12 cefuroxime (750 mg, 8 hourly). Prophylaxis was continued for the duration of intubation.

Measurements and results: Samples of tracheal secretions were taken on the 2nd day of ventilation for determination of antibiotic concentrations. Following extubation, ETs were examined for the presence of biofilm. Pathogens considered to be common aetiological agents for VAP included Staphylococcus aureus, enterococci, Enterobacteriaceae and pseudomonads. While microbial biofilm was found on all ETs from the cephalosporin group, microbial biofilm of these micro-organisms was found on 7 of the 12 ET tubes from patients receiving cefotaxime [S. aureus (4), pseudomonads (1), Enterobacteriaceae (1), enterococcus (1)] and 8 of the 12 ET tubes from patients receiving cefuroxime [Enterobacteriaceae (6), P. aeruginosa (1) and enterococcus (1)]. While microbial biofilm was observed on five ETs from patients receiving nebulised gentamicin, none of these were from pathogens for ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Tracheal concentrations of both cephalosporins were lower than those needed to inhibit the growth of pathogens recovered from ET tube biofilm. The median (and range) concentrations for cefotaxime were 0.90 (<0.23–1.31) mg/l and 0.28 (<0.23–0.58) mg/l for 2 h post-dose and trough samples, respectively. Two hours post-dose concentrations of cefuroxime (median and range) were 0.40 (0.34–0.83) mg/l, with trough concentrations of 0.35 (<0.22–0.47) mg/l. Tracheal concentrations (median and range) of gentamicin measured 1 h post-nebulisation were 790 (352–>1250) mg/l and then, before the next dose, were 436 (250–1000) mg/l.

Conclusion: Nebulised gentamicin attained high concentrations in the ET lumen and was more effective in preventing the formation of biofilm than either parenterally administered cephalosporin and therefore may be effective in preventing this complication of mechanical ventilation.


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Background: Lung protective ventilation has been widely adopted for the management of acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome ( ARDS). Consequently, ventilator associated lung injury and mortality have decreased. It is not known if this ventilation strategy changes the prognostic value of previously identified demographic and pulmonary predictors of mortality, such as respiratory compliance and the arterial oxygen tension to inspired oxygen fraction ratio (Pao(2)/Fio(2)).


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Reduced feed intake and hence lower growth rates commonly occur when the environment of the pig changes, e.g. at weaning and when pigs are moved from growing accommodation to finishing accommodation. It is hypothesised that if environmental factors, such as feeder type, remain the same in the weaning and finishing accommodation this 'growth check' may be reduced. A total of 640 pigs in 32 pens of 20 pigs per pen were used to investigate the effects of two feeder types and changing or not changing the feeder type at 10 weeks of age on growth performance and behaviour in the periods from 4 to 10, 10 to finish (22) and from 4 to finish (22) weeks of age, respectively. The two feeder types tested were a 'wet and dry' single-space (S) feeder and a 'dry' multi-space feeder (M).