968 resultados para Vírus da AIDS
Paracoccidioidomycosis is one of the most frequent systemic and endemic mycoses of Latin America caused by a dimorphic fungus. In AIDS patients, paracoccidioidomycosis appears as a severe and disseminated disease with a wide spectrum of clinical findings. The CD4 counts are usually less than 200 cell/mu L. We present a case of disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis with peripleuritis and subcutaneous abscesses on the chest wall as initial manifestation of AIDS. In endemic countries, paracoccidioidomycosis should be included as an opportunistic infection in AIDS.
O aumento do risco cardiovascular é considerada uma importante complicação da infecção Infecção por Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (VIH) e da terapêutica anti-retroviral (TARV). À disfunção endotelial característica do processo inflamatório crónico desencadeado pela infecção retroviral, associa-se a disfunção metabólica induzida pela terapêutica, predispondo, em conjunto, para a aterogénese precoce. O reconhecimento deste aumento de risco cardiovascular permite-nos elaborar estratégias de prevenção e optimização terapêutica que passam pelo uso criterioso de hipolipemiantes e modificação da TARV, consoante a avaliação do risco cardiovascular global de cada doente.
In the last years, new techniques of neuroimages and histopathological methods have been added to the management of cerebral mass lesions in patients with AIDS. Stereotactic biopsy is necessary when after 14 days of empirical treatment for Toxoplasma gondii encephalitis there is no clinical or neuroradiologic improvement. We report a woman with AIDS who developed a single focal brain lesion on the right frontal lobe. She presented a long history of headache and seizures. After two weeks of empirical treatment for toxoplasma encephalitis without response, a magnetic resonance image with spectroscopy was performed and showed a tumoral pattern with a choline peak, diminished of N-acetyl-aspartate and presence of lactate. A stereotactic biopsy was performed. Histopathological diagnosis was a diffuse oligodendroglioma type A. A microsurgical resection of the tumor was carried out and antiretroviral treatment was started. To date she is in good clinical condition, with undetectable plasma viral load and CD4 T cell count > 200 cell/uL.
Recently, reactivation of Chagas disease (meningoencephalitis and/or myocarditis) was included in the list of AIDS-defining illnesses in Brazil. We report a case of a 52-year-old patient with no history of previous disease who presented acute meningoencephalitis. Direct examination of blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) showed Trypanosoma cruzi. CSF culture confirmed the diagnosis. Serological assays for T. cruzi and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) were positive. Despite treatment with benznidazol and supportive measures, the patient died 24 hours after hospital admission. In endemic areas, reactivation of Chagas disease should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of meningoencephalitis among HIV-infected patients, and its presence is indicative of AIDS.
Na infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH) estão descritas alterações cardiovasculares, tanto estruturais como funcionais. Com o objectivo de fazer o rastreio das referidas alterações no propósito de uma intervenção terapêutica precoce, foi efectuada uma avaliação clínica e laboratorial prospectiva em 32 crianças com infecção pelo VIH, com idades compreendidas entre três meses e 13 anos (média = 3.11 +/- 3.51 anos). Em 90% dos doentes identificou-se transmissão perinatal. Vinte e duas crianças (69%) estavam sintomáticas, sendo a sintomatologia moderada em nove e grave em oito. Catorze doentes tinham alterações imunológicas e oito delas apresentavam imunosupressão grave. Vinte e oito crianças (88%)tinham infecção pelo VIH 1 e seis tinham infecção recente pelo Vírus de Ebstein-Barr. Dezanove doentes receberam tratamento com zidovudina e 14 com imunoglobulinas por via endovenosa. Foram detectadas 19 alterações cardiovasculares em 15 doentes (47%), nomeadamente: 11 casos de hipertensão pulmonar por critérios ecocardiográficos, (oito delas tinham infiltrados intersticiais na radiografia do tórax) e quatro casos de disfunção ventricular esquerda que, por isso, iniciaram terapêutica anticongestiva. As restantes anomalias estruturais ou funcionais foram: persistência de canal arterial; hipertrofia do septo interventricular; prolapso da válvula mitral e derrame pericárdico cada uma delas em um caso. No electrocardiograma de superfície quatro crianças apresentaram critérios de hipertrofia ventricular direita, uma tinha hipertrofia ventricular esquerda e duas tinham alterações inespecíficas de repolarização ventricular. Em 14 doentes (44%) verificou-se no ECG de 24 horas taquicardia sinusal com uma frequência cardíaca média superior ao percentil 95. As anomalias cardiovasculares foram mais frequentes nas crianças com estadios mais avançados de doença. Conclusões: As anomalias cardiovasculares são frequentes em crianças com infecção pelo VIH em estadios avançados; a hipertensão pulmonar é a anomalia cardiovascular mais frequentemente detectada e está associada a patologia respiratória crónica ou recorrente; o acompanhamento cardiológico está indicado nas crianças com infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana.
Cerebral aspergillosis is a rare cause of brain expansive lesion in AIDS patients. We report the first culture-proven case of brain abscess due to Aspergillus fumigatus in a Brazilian AIDS patient. The patient, a 26 year-old male with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and history of pulmonary tuberculosis and cerebral toxoplasmosis, had fever, cough, dyspnea, and two episodes of seizures. The brain computerized tomography (CT) showed a bi-parietal and parasagittal hypodense lesion with peripheral enhancement, and significant mass effect. There was started anti-Toxoplasma treatment. Three weeks later, the patient presented mental confusion, and a new brain CT evidenced increase in the lesion. He underwent brain biopsy, draining 10 mL of purulent material. The direct mycological examination revealed septated and hyaline hyphae. There was started amphotericin B deoxycholate. The culture of the material demonstrated presence of the Aspergillus fumigatus. The following two months, the patient was submitted to three surgeries, with insertion of drainage catheter and administration of amphotericin B intralesional. Three months after hospital admission, his neurological condition suffered discrete changes. However, he died due to intrahospital pneumonia. Brain abscess caused by Aspergillus fumigatus must be considered in the differential diagnosis of the brain expansive lesions in AIDS patients in Brazil.
The first case of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in Santos (Brazil) leading to septicemia and death of an HIV-positive patient is reported here. The patient was a 34-year-old female that presented essential fever and was only diagnosed after death by positive blood culture. The authors underscore the atypical nature of the case, since the patient was a female at fertile age who was born and had always lived in Santos, which is a nonendemic area for this infection.
Extranodal involvement is common in lymphomas associated with human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). However, primary pulmonary AIDS-related non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is very rare and only few reports were published in the medical literature. Clinical presentation is nonspecific, with "B" and respiratory symptoms. Also, patients were with advanced immunodeficiency at the time of diagnosis. Generally, chest radiography showed peripheral nodules or cavitary masses. Primary pulmonary lymphoma associated with AIDS is generally a high-grade B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma and Epstein-Barr virus is strongly associated with the pathogenesis of these tumors. We report a patient with AIDS and primary pulmonary lymphoma which clinical presentation was a total atelectasis of the left lung.
This paper reports the isolation of St. Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV) from a febrile human case suspected to be dengue, in São Pedro, São Paulo State. A MAC-ELISA done on the patient's acute and convalescent sera was inconclusive and hemagglutination inhibition test detected IgG antibody for flaviviruses. An indirect immunofluorescent assay done on the C6/36 cell culture inoculated with the acute serum was positive for flaviviruses but negative when tested with dengue monoclonal antibodies. RNA extracted from the infected cell culture supernatant was amplified by RT-PCR in the presence of NS5 universal flavivirus primers and directly sequenced. Results of BLAST search indicated that this sequence shares 93% nucleotide similarity with the sequence of SLEV (strain-MSI.7), confirmed by RT-PCR performed with SLEV specific primers. Since SLEV was identified as the cause of human disease, it is necessary to improve surveillance in order to achieve early detection of this agent in the state of São Paulo and in Brazil. This finding is also an alert to health professionals about the need for more complete clinical and epidemiological investigations of febrile illnesses as in the reported case. SLEV infections can be unrecognized or confused with other ones caused by an arbovirus, such as dengue.
Apresenta-se a experiência recentemente adquirida na assistência a doentes infectados pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH) num serviço de Medicina Interna de um hospital central. Descreve-se uma população de 107 doentes com 157 internamentos, num período de 7 anos (1987-1994), nas suas características epidemiológicas e clínicas, bem como alguns aspectos de diagnóstico nas infecções oportunistas e terapêutica antiviral. Procura-se acompanhar as várias etapas constituintes de um circuito que todos os doentes percorrem desde a sua admissão hospitalar até à alta e retorno à comunidade. Salientam-se as carências em cada uma destas fases, apontando-se algumas sugestões visando melhorar esta assistência, embora o caminho a percorrer nos pareça ainda bastante longo.
Recent literature reports thrombotic episodes occurring in patients with HIV infection associated with other abnormalities including neoplasms and infections predisposing to a hypercoagulable state. We report a 47-year-old woman who developed pulmonary thromboembolism in association with HIV infection, pulmonary tuberculosis and breast cancer. She was treated with rifampin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide; heparin, phenprocoumon, zidovudine, lamivudine and efavirenz. Acid fast bacilli were visualized in a sputum smear and three months after, Mycobacterium tuberculosis was isolated from lymph node biopsy during a episode of immune reconstitution. The isolated mycobacteria showed sensitivity to all first-line drugs. HIV infection, breast cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis have several mechanisms that induce hypercoagulable state and can lead to thromboembolic complications. Pulmonary thromboembolism in this patient was a diagnostic challenge because of all the other severe diseases that she experienced at the same time.
Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) are the second most frequent malignancies in AIDS patients. The majority of NHL associated with AIDS involves extranodal sites, especially the digestive tract and the central nervous system. Primary liver lymphoma (PLL) is an uncommon neoplasm among these patients. Ultrasonography and computed tomography scans may be helpful in the diagnosis of focal hepatic lymphoma. Image-guided fine-needle biopsy with histopathology of the liver lesions is the gold standard for the diagnosis of hepatic lymphoma. We report a case of PLL as the initial manifestation of AIDS in a patient without any previous infection by hepatitis C or B virus, presented as multiple and large hepatic masses.
O sarcoma de Kaposi ocular isolado surge em 0,3% a 5% dos doentes com SIDA, mas, em doentes com tumor disseminado, esta incidência aumenta para 15% a 20%. Apresentamos um caso de sarcoma de Kaposi epidémico, mucocutâneo, cuja primeira manifestação foi ocular. O tratamento inicial consistiu na administração quinzenal de daunorrubicina lipossómica e de anti-retrovíricos. Sob terapêutica houve progressão da doença, tendo sido a sua regressão conseguida, apenas, com um esquema alternativo de quimioterapia associada a cidofovir. Aproveitamos para rever esta entidade, em particular as formas oculares, e discutir a utilização de cidofovir no tratamento do sarcoma de Kaposi associado ao vírus herpes humano tipo 8.