998 resultados para Tuberculose cutânea


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O pâncreas é raramente afetado por infecções pelo bacilo Mycobacterium tuberculosis, provavelmente em função da presença das enzimas pancreáticas, e apenas alguns casos são descritos na literatura. O diagnóstico diferencial com carcinoma pancreático é um desafio em virtude das semelhanças clínico-radiológicas. Apresentamos um caso de um paciente de 39 anos de idade, do sexo masculino, com quadro clínico de perda ponderal, náuseas e vômitos. A propedêutica radiológica com tomografia computadorizada de abdome revelou lesões em cauda do pâncreas e baço. O diagnóstico foi confirmado por exame histopatológico após laparotomia.


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OBJETIVO: Apresentar os aspectos ultra-sonográficos da esclerodermia localizada e relacioná-los com os aspectos clínicos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas 23 lesões de esclerodermia localizada em 21 pacientes. Foi utilizado equipamento Logiq 700 com transdutor linear de 6-14 MHz. Foram avaliados, pelo dermatologista, o estágio da doença (inflamatório ou atrófico), e pelo radiologista, a espessura e a ecogenicidade da derme nas regiões afetadas e sãs adjacentes. Foi feito acompanhamento de sete casos após tratamento. RESULTADOS: Todas as lesões apresentaram perda do padrão ultra-sonográfico normal da derme. Os casos de lesão clinicamente atrófica (52,2%; 12/23) corresponderam a redução da espessura e aumento da ecogenicidade da derme e os casos de lesão clinicamente inflamatória (47,8%; 11/23) corresponderam a aumento da espessura e redução da ecogenicidade da derme. Controles pós-tratamento mostraram alterações na espessura da derme. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados ultra-sonográficos nos permitem associar o aumento da espessura e a redução da ecogenicidade da derme com a fase inflamatória da doença, e a redução da espessura e o aumento da ecogenicidade da derme com a fase atrófica da doença. Notamos também que é possível quantificar a espessura da derme e usar essa informação no controle pós-tratamento associada à avaliação clínica.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever os aspectos tomográficos da tuberculose pulmonar primária manifestada inicialmente como consolidação lobar. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: O trabalho foi realizado no Hospital Municipal Jesus, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, no período de 2002 a 2006, avaliando-se retrospectivamente os aspectos tomográficos de quatro crianças de 3 a 14 meses de idade com tuberculose pulmonar primária manifestada inicialmente como consolidação lobar. RESULTADOS: O padrão radiológico mais frequente foi a consolidação lobar com calcificações, escavações e áreas de necrose de permeio, associada a abaulamento da cissura. Sinais de disseminação broncogênica e linfadenomegalia foram observados em todas elas. Consolidação de aspecto pseudotumoral, com efeito de massa, foi observada em um caso. CONCLUSÃO: Nos casos estudados observou-se que a tuberculose pulmonar primária manifestada como consolidação lobar apresenta imagens características à tomografia computadorizada, como escavações, áreas hipodensas e calcificações de permeio à consolidação. A associação com linfonodomegalias com centro necrótico e sinais de disseminação broncogênica reforçam o diagnóstico de tuberculose.


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Objetivo: Evaluar el grado de control del dolor de los pacientes afectos de fracturas pertrocantéreas de fémur en función de la aplicación o no de tracción cutánea. Método: Ensayo clínico aleatorizado unicéntrico, paralelo, controlado y abierto realizado en el ámbito hospitalario. Los sujetos a estudio fueron pacientes que acudieron al servicio de urgencias por fractura pertrocantérea de fémur. Muestra de 40 pacientes (potencia 80% IC: 95%). Muestreo no probabilístico consecutivo. Pacientes asignados de manera aleatoria (1:1) a tratamiento con tracción cutánea o sin tracción. La asignación fue realizada mediante sobres cerrados. La variable principal de estudio fue la evaluación del dolor a las 48 horas de ingreso. La recogida de datos se realizó durante febrero a octubre de 2008 mediante cuaderno de registro de datos ad hoc, siendo evaluadas basalmente, a las 2 h, 24 h y 48 h del ingreso del paciente. Resultados: A la 48 horas del ingreso el dolor basal medio de la muestra mejoró en 4,4 puntos (DE: 1,8) (p < 0,001), el efecto diferencial del nivel de dolor entre los dos grupos de estudio fue de 0,7 puntos de la escala EVA (IC: 95% -0,7 a 0,6), el efecto de la tracción no demostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p = 0,721). Fue retirado un paciente por reacción cutánea al adhesivo de la tracción. Conclusiones: El tratamiento con tracción cutánea en los pacientes con fractura pertrocantérea de fémur no produce cambios en la evolución del dolor en comparación con los pacientes sin tracción cutánea.


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OBJETIVO: Este trabalho tem como finalidade descrever os achados tomográficos da tuberculose pulmonar em pacientes adultos com AIDS atendidos no serviço de radiologia de um hospital de referência em doenças infecciosas, procurar associações desses achados e a contagem de CD4. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 45 pacientes por meio de tomografia computadorizada de tórax durante quatro anos. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados linfonodomegalia mediastinal e/ou hilar em 31 (68,8%) dos casos, derrame pleural em 29 (64,4%), nódulos centrolobulares de distribuição segmentar em 26 (57,7%), consolidação em 24 (53,3%), confluência de micronódulos em 17 (37,7%), nódulos mal definidos com distribuição centrolobular em 16 (35,5%), padrão de "árvore em brotamento" em 13 (28,9%), espessamento de parede brônquica em 12 (26,6%), cavidade de parede espessa em 10 (22,2%), nódulos miliares em 9 (20%) e bronquiectasias cilíndricas em 6 (13,3%). Dos 45 pacientes, 35 (77,8%) apresentaram CD4 < 200 cel/mm³ e 10 (22,2%) apresentaram CD4 > 200 cel/mm³. CONCLUSÃO: Concluímos que neste estudo, diversamente do descrito na literatura, linfonodomegalia mediastinal e/ou hilar e consolidação foram significativamente mais frequentes em pacientes com CD4 > 200 cel/mm³. No entanto, linfonodos com centro hipodenso foram mais frequentemente observados em pacientes com severa imunodepressão, ou seja, CD4 < 200 cel/mm³.


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Approximately every minute, somewhere in the world four people die from tuberculosis (TB), an infection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with about 3 million deaths per year. In spite of these problems, unfortunaly, it is about 40 years that a novel drug was last introduced on the market. Due to the rapid spread of multi-drug resistant TB strains, resistant against all major anti-tuberculosis drugs, and the recent resurgence of the incidence of tuberculosis in association with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and AIDS, we need urgently the development of new drugs to fight tuberculosis. This is covered in the present article.


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Physicochemical constraints severely limit the number of molecules that can be considered as candidates for transdermal delivery. Iontophoresis is a non-invasive technique in which a weak electric current is used to enhance the penetration of molecules into or through the skin. In this review the underlying mechanisms that drive iontophoresis and the impact of key experimental parameters - namely, formulation, drug concentration and pH - on iontophoretic delivery efficiency are discussed. In the final section some devices that are currently commercialized are also described.


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This work reports the development of polymeric nanocapsules containing lipoic acid prepared by interfacial deposition of poli(ε-caprolactona). The suspensions showed acid pH and encapsulation efficiencies from 77 to 90%. Zeta potential values were from -7.42 to -5.43 mV and particle sizes were lower than 340 nm with polidispersion lower than 0.3. The stability of nanocapsules within 28 days was evaluated in terms of pH, lipoic acid content, diameter, size distribution, zeta potential and measurements of relative light backscattering. The stability of formulations containing free lipoic acid was also evaluated. Nanoencapsulation drastically improved the physico-chemical stability of lipoic acid.


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Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN), nanoemulsions (NE), and microemulsions (ME) were prepared by the hot solvent diffusion method, using tristearin or castor oil as oily phase, and soy lecithin and Solutol HS 15 as surfactants. Mean particle sizes ranged from 20 to 215 nm and negative zeta potentials were obtained for all nanocarriers. A HPLC method used to determine resveratrol was specific, linear, exact and precise. The entrapment efficiency was high for all formulations. However, resveratrol content was significantly varied among the lipid nanocarriers. Lipid nanocarrier containing hydrogels exhibiting pseudoplastic behavior were obtained after incorporation of hydroxyethylcellulose in the colloidal dispersions.


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Tuberculous involvement of the liver is usually a diffuse process, associated with miliary tuberculosis. However localized tuberculosis of the liver producing a macronodular tuberculoma or an abscess is rare. The authors present a case of pseudotumoral hepatic tuberculosis in a 34-year old woman. This patient presented a 2 month history of fever weight loss of 4Kg and right upper quadrant abdominal pain. She denied jaundice, choluria, or acholia. Laboratory investigation, including renal and liver function tests. revealed normal levels. Chest X-ray was normal. Abdominal ultrasonography demonstrated a hypoechoic nodule in the right hepatic lobe. CT scan showed hypodense areas in the same place and no retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. Due to the inespecificity of the signs, symptoms and image findings, a diagnostic laparoscopy was performed, it was however inconclusive. Then, the patient was submitted to a laparotomy with ressection of the lesion. Histological examination revealed a tuberculoid granulomatous lesion with caseous necrosis. Postoperatively, the patient was placed on antituberculous chemotherapy with rifampin, isoniazid and pyrazinamide. Eight months later the patient is asymptomatic.


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The authors reports two patients with operated from enteric tuberculosis. Tuberculosis involving the intestinal tract may be due to either Mycobacterium tuberculosis or M. bovis. In the former situation, the disease is primary to the lungs and is carried to the intestinal tract by swallowing sputum. The latter organism produces infection associated with swallowed nonpasteurized milk. This condition is extremely unusual in most western countries, since pasteurization of milk is standardized. The diagnosis was performed through laparotomy because of symptoms suggestive of intestine obstruction. Inflammatory reactions were observed on the small intestine (jejunum-ileum) in both cases. The presence of tuberculosis of the lungs was observed in one patient. The chemotherapic treatment was estabilished after the histopathologic diagnosis. The distinction between tuberculosis and Crohn's disease may not be possible by radiography or endoscopy. Videolaparoscopy has been found to be an useful procedure for the early diagnosis of Enteric Tuberculosis. In spite of the epidemiology knowledge, clinical control and improvement in treatment, extra pulmonary tuberculosis rate from concealed focus has been increased, due to AIDS poverty in certain populational groups and immigration from Asia to wertern countries. Compared with immunocompetent patients, the proportion of extrapulmonary tuberculosis is much higher in patients with AIDS, justfying the increased frequency of reports of intestinal tuberculosis in these patients.


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Tuberculosis is an extremely common chronic disease in developing countries, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The principal target organ is the lung, causing focal necrosis and destruction. In about 12% of cases, extrapulmonary dissemination involving the gastrointestinal system occurs. The pancreas is involved in about 0,25% of all cases of disseminated tuberculosis, but its isolated involvement is a medical curiosity. In the last years, with the advent of AIDS, extrapulmonary dissemination and atypical abdominal presentation has increased. We report a case of pancreatic tuberculosis in a 66-year-old patient, with no previous history of pulmonary tuberculosis or immunocompromised state in whom the diagnosis was made by CT-guided skin needle biopsy. After clinical treatment with current antibiotic therapy, the patient recovered well.


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Crohn's disease is often complicated by the development of fistulas. Infliximab, a monoclonal antibody that binds tumor necrosis factor a have shown to be successful in the treatment of fistulizing Crohn's disease. It's possible complications and side effects have not been completely elucidated. Our objective is to report a case of a patient who developed intestinal obstruction after treatment of fistulizing Crohn's disease with infliximab. A 50 years-old female with Crohn's disease presented with spontaneous enterocutaneous fistula. She was successfully treated with the infusion of 5mg/kg infliximab at weeks 0, 2, and 6, with complete closure of the fistula after the first infusion. Eight weeks after treatment she developed small bowel obstruction secondary to stenosis of the ileum. She was subjected to exploratory laparotomy and resection of the stenotic ileum. The patient had good recovery, with no complications, and was discharged on the 5th postoperative day. Although a faster and complete healing of enterocutaneous fistula was induced by infliximab, this treatment may have caused intestinal obstruction in this case.