977 resultados para Terrestrial Amphipod


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Among the Solar System’s bodies, Moon, Mercury and Mars are at present, or have been in the recent years, object of space missions aimed, among other topics, also at improving our knowledge about surface composition. Between the techniques to detect planet’s mineralogical composition, both from remote and close range platforms, visible and near-infrared reflectance (VNIR) spectroscopy is a powerful tool, because crystal field absorption bands are related to particular transitional metals in well-defined crystal structures, e.g., Fe2+ in M1 and M2 sites of olivine or pyroxene (Burns, 1993). Thanks to the improvements in the spectrometers onboard the recent missions, a more detailed interpretation of the planetary surfaces can now be delineated. However, quantitative interpretation of planetary surface mineralogy could not always be a simple task. In fact, several factors such as the mineral chemistry, the presence of different minerals that absorb in a narrow spectral range, the regolith with a variable particle size range, the space weathering, the atmosphere composition etc., act in unpredictable ways on the reflectance spectra on a planetary surface (Serventi et al., 2014). One method for the interpretation of reflectance spectra of unknown materials involves the study of a number of spectra acquired in the laboratory under different conditions, such as different mineral abundances or different particle sizes, in order to derive empirical trends. This is the methodology that has been followed in this PhD thesis: the single factors previously listed have been analyzed, creating, in the laboratory, a set of terrestrial analogues with well-defined composition and size. The aim of this work is to provide new tools and criteria to improve the knowledge of the composition of planetary surfaces. In particular, mixtures composed with different content and chemistry of plagioclase and mafic minerals have been spectroscopically analyzed at different particle sizes and with different mineral relative percentages. The reflectance spectra of each mixture have been analyzed both qualitatively (using the software ORIGIN®) and quantitatively applying the Modified Gaussian Model (MGM, Sunshine et al., 1990) algorithm. In particular, the spectral parameter variations of each absorption band have been evaluated versus the volumetric FeO% content in the PL phase and versus the PL modal abundance. This delineated calibration curves of composition vs. spectral parameters and allow implementation of spectral libraries. Furthermore, the trends derived from terrestrial analogues here analyzed and from analogues in the literature have been applied for the interpretation of hyperspectral images of both plagioclase-rich (Moon) and plagioclase-poor (Mars) bodies.


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This paper identifies the important limiting processes in transmission capacity for amplified soliton systems. Some novel control techniques are described for optimizing this capacity. In particular, dispersion compensation and phase conjugation are identified as offering good control of jitter without the need for many new components in the system. An advanced average soliton model is described and demonstrated to permit large amplifier spacing. The potential for solitons in high-dispersion land-based systems is discussed and results are presented showing 10 Gbit s$^{-1}$ transmission over 1000 km with significant amplifier spacing.


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We analyse a 2R regenerator using nonlinear-optical-loop-mirror and a 3R regenerator employing nonlinearly-enhanced amplitude modulator in 40Gbit/s WDM networks based on standard fibre (SMF). Characterization of one- (600km of SMF) and two-step regeneration is presented.


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We demonstrate that the transmission of 40 Gbits/s return-to-zero differential phase-shift keying (RZ-DPSK) signals is robust to lumped dispersion mapping on a typical installed terrestrial single-mode fiber/dispersion compensating fiber (SMF-DCF) link and will withstand, in this case, propagation through over 800 km of SMF with zero in-line group-velocity dispersion compensation while maintaining similar performance to configurations with periodic mapping. We establish that upgrading similar point-to-point links, which have lumped dispersion maps, are compatible with 40 Gbits/s RZ-DPSK and that economic benefits can be realized when implementing lumped dispersion mapping in new 40 Gbits/s RZ-DPSK terrestrial links, while incurring a relatively low performance penalty. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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This thesis presents a large scale numerical investigation of heterogeneous terrestrial optical communications systems and the upgrade of fourth generation terrestrial core to metro legacy interconnects to fifth generation transmission system technologies. Retrofitting (without changing infrastructure) is considered for commercial applications. ROADM are crucial enabling components for future core network developments however their re-routing ability means signals can be switched mid-link onto sub-optimally configured paths which raises new challenges in network management. System performance is determined by a trade-off between nonlinear impairments and noise, where the nonlinear signal distortions depend critically on deployed dispersion maps. This thesis presents a comprehensive numerical investigation into the implementation of phase modulated signals in transparent reconfigurable wavelength division multiplexed fibre optic communication terrestrial heterogeneous networks. A key issue during system upgrades is whether differential phase encoded modulation formats are compatible with the cost optimised dispersion schemes employed in current 10 Gb/s systems. We explore how robust transmission is to inevitable variations in the dispersion mapping and how large the margins are when suboptimal dispersion management is applied. We show that a DPSK transmission system is not drastically affected by reconfiguration from periodic dispersion management to lumped dispersion mapping. A novel DPSK dispersion map optimisation methodology which reduces drastically the optimisation parameter space and the many ways to deploy dispersion maps is also presented. This alleviates strenuous computing requirements in optimisation calculations. This thesis provides a very efficient and robust way to identify high performing lumped dispersion compensating schemes for use in heterogeneous RZ-DPSK terrestrial meshed networks with ROADMs. A modified search algorithm which further reduces this number of configuration combinations is also presented. The results of an investigation of the feasibility of detouring signals locally in multi-path heterogeneous ring networks is also presented.


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We analyse a 2R regenerator using nonlinear-optical-loop-mirror and a 3R regenerator employing nonlinearly-enhanced amplitude modulator in 40Gbit/s WDM networks based on standard fibre (SMF). Characterization of one- (600km of SMF) and two-step regeneration is presented.


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This paper identifies the important limiting processes in transmission capacity for amplified soliton systems. Some novel control techniques are described for optimizing this capacity. In particular, dispersion compensation and phase conjugation are identified as offering good control of jitter without the need for many new components in the system. An advanced average soliton model is described and demonstrated to permit large amplifier spacing. The potential for solitons in high-dispersion land-based systems is discussed and results are presented showing 10 Gbit s$^{-1}$ transmission over 1000 km with significant amplifier spacing.


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BACKGROUND: Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) is a telecommunications system widely used by police and emergency services around the world. The Stewart Report on mobile telephony and health raised questions about possible health effects associated with TETRA signals. This study investigates possible effects of TETRA signals on the electroencephalogram and electrocardiogram in human volunteers. METHODS: Blinded randomized provocation study with a standardized TETRA signal or sham exposure. In the first of two experiments, police officers had a TETRA set placed first against the left temple and then the upper-left quadrant of the chest and the electroencephalogram was recorded during rest and active cognitive processing. In the second experiment, volunteers were subject to chest exposure of TETRA whilst their electroencephalogram and heart rate variability derived from the electrocardiogram were recorded. RESULTS: In the first experiment, we found that exposure to TETRA had consistent neurophysiological effects on the electroencephalogram, but only during chest exposure, in a pattern suggestive of vagal nerve stimulation. In the second experiment, we observed changes in heart rate variability during exposure to TETRA but the electroencephalogram effects were not replicated. CONCLUSIONS: Observed effects of exposure to TETRA signals on the electroencephalogram (first experiment) and electrocardiogram are consistent with vagal nerve stimulation in the chest by TETRA. However given the small effect on heart rate variability and the lack of consistency on the electroencephalogram, it seems unlikely that this will have a significant impact on health. Long-term monitoring of the health of the police force in relation to TETRA use is on-going.


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The Peruvian coast is one the best examples of cross-ecosystem food web exchanges, in which resources from one of the richest marine ecosystems subsidize consumers in one of the driest deserts on Earth. Marine subsidies are resources that originate in the marine ecosystem, and that contribute to increase the density of consumers in the recipient ecosystem. I examined the effects of marine subsidies on animal populations in the Peruvian coastal desert. ^ I combined several approaches to study the linkages between marine resources and terrestrial consumers, such as surveying the spatial distribution and estimating the relative abundance of terrestrial consumers, studying the diet of geckos and lizards through stomach content analyses, and examining the desert food web with carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses. ^ I found that the distribution and diet of desert consumers were tightly coupled to the availability of marine subsidies. I revealed linkages along two pathways of nutrient fluxes: tidal action that washes ashore macroalgae and cadavers of marine organisms, and animal transport in places where pinnipeds and seabirds congregate for reproduction. In the first pathway, intertidal algivivores made marine resources available to terrestrial consumers by moving between the intertidal and supratidal zone. The relative contribution of terrestrial and algal carbon sources varied among terrestrial consumers, because scorpions assimilated a lower proportion of energy from macroalgae than did geckos and solifuges. In the second pathway, I found that pinniped colonies influenced the diet of desert consumers, and contributed to support large populations of lizards and geckos. By combining field observations, and stomach and stable isotope analyses, I constructed a simplified food web for a large sea lion colony, showing the number of trophic levels that originate from pinniped-derived nutrients. ^ My study demonstrates the enormous importance of marine resources for the diet of desert consumers. The near absence of rainfall along the Peruvian coast promotes an extreme dependence of terrestrial consumers on marine resources, and causes permanent food web effects that are affected by temporal variability in marine productivity, rather then temporal patterns of desert plant growth. ^


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Mercury (Hg) contamination problem in the United Sates has been an important issue due to its potential threat to human and ecological health. This thesis presents a study of two Hg-contaminated sites along the East Fork Poplar Creek (EFPC) at Oak Ridge. The top soils from the terrestrial areas, along with the soils from three vertical soil horizons at the EFPC bank were sampled and analyzed for total-Hg (THg), methyl-Hg, total-organic-carbon (TOC), and pH. The stream bank soils were also analyzed for the stable-Hg-isotopes (198Hg, 199Hg, 200Hg, 201Hg, and 202Hg). Furthermore, some of the soil samples (n=7) from the same study sites were investigated for phytoavailability of mercury as measured by degree of Hg translocation in aboveground biomass of Impatiens walleriana plants grown in the soils.^ The results showed a significant difference (p<0.001) in THg concentrations for the forest soils (42.40±4.98 mg/kg) and the grassland soils (8.71±2.30 mg/kg). The higher THg and methyl-Hg concentrations were commensurate with the higher TOC content in the soils (p<0.001). Also, the THg concentrations for the upstream site was higher (129.08±34.14 mg/kg) than the downstream site (24.31±3.47 mg/kg). The two sites also differed in their stable Hg isotope compositions (p<0.001 for δ199Hg). The stable isotope analysis indicated the increased level of mass dependent isotopic fractionation with increasing depths along the EFPC bank. The difference between the two study sites was also prominent in case of the Hg uptake by the plants, with higher Hg uptake from the upstream soils compared to that from the downstream soils. A significant correlation, r=0.93 p<0.01, was observed between the Hg uptake and the soil-THg concentrations. THg was higher in the leaves (1161.87±310.01 μg/kg) than in the flowers (206.13±55.23 μg/kg) or the stems (634.54±403.35μg/kg). ^ The level of Hg contamination increased with decreasing distance from the point source and was highly influenced by plants/microbes, soil-organic-content, and Hg-speciation. The isotopic study indicated the existence of an additional Hg source in the EFPC watershed, possibly atmospheric Hg-deposition. These findings are worth taking into account while planning any Hg remediation effort and developing Hg loading criteria as per the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program.^


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Recent studies suggest that coastal ecosystems can bury significantly more C than tropical forests, indicating that continued coastal development and exposure to sea level rise and storms will have global biogeochemical consequences. The Florida Coastal Everglades Long Term Ecological Research (FCE LTER) site provides an excellent subtropical system for examining carbon (C) balance because of its exposure to historical changes in freshwater distribution and sea level rise and its history of significant long-term carbon-cycling studies. FCE LTER scientists used net ecosystem C balance and net ecosystem exchange data to estimate C budgets for riverine mangrove, freshwater marsh, and seagrass meadows, providing insights into the magnitude of C accumulation and lateral aquatic C transport. Rates of net C production in the riverine mangrove forest exceeded those reported for many tropical systems, including terrestrial forests, but there are considerable uncertainties around those estimates due to the high potential for gain and loss of C through aquatic fluxes. C production was approximately balanced between gain and loss in Everglades marshes; however, the contribution of periphyton increases uncertainty in these estimates. Moreover, while the approaches used for these initial estimates were informative, a resolved approach for addressing areas of uncertainty is critically needed for coastal wetland ecosystems. Once resolved, these C balance estimates, in conjunction with an understanding of drivers and key ecosystem feedbacks, can inform cross-system studies of ecosystem response to long-term changes in climate, hydrologic management, and other land use along coastlines.


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The coastal zone of the Florida Keys features the only living coral reef in the continental United States and as such represents a unique regional environmental resource. Anthropogenic pressures combined with climate disturbances such as hurricanes can affect the biogeochemistry of the region and threaten the health of this unique ecosystem. As such, water quality monitoring has historically been implemented in the Florida Keys, and six spatially distinct zones have been identified. In these studies however, dissolved organic matter (DOM) has only been studied as a quantitative parameter, and DOM composition can be a valuable biogeochemical parameter in assessing environmental change in coastal regions. Here we report the first data of its kind on the application of optical properties of DOM, in particular excitation emission matrix fluorescence with parallel factor analysis (EEM-PARAFAC), throughout these six Florida Keys regions in an attempt to assess spatial differences in DOM sources. Our data suggests that while DOM in the Florida Keys can be influenced by distant terrestrial environments such as the Everglades, spatial differences in DOM distribution were also controlled in part by local surface runoff/fringe mangroves, contributions from seasgrass communities, as well as the reefs and waters from the Florida Current. Application of principal component analysis (PCA) of the relative abundance of EEM-PARAFAC components allowed for a clear distinction between the sources of DOM (allochthonous vs. autochthonous), between different autochthonous sources and/or the diagenetic status of DOM, and further clarified contribution of terrestrial DOM in zones where levels of DOM were low in abundance. The combination between EEM-PARAFAC and PCA proved to be ideally suited to discern DOM composition and source differences in coastal zones with complex hydrology and multiple DOM sources.