784 resultados para Tensions on te school writing


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this action research study of my 6th grade math classroom I investigated the effects of increased student discourse and cooperative learning on the students’ ability to explain and understand math concepts and problem solving, as well as its effects on their use of vocabulary and written explanations. I also investigated how it affected students’ attitudes. I discovered that increased student discourse and cooperative learning resulted in positive changes in students’ attitudes about their ability to explain and understand math, as well as their actual ability to explain and understand math concepts. Evidence in regard to use of vocabulary and written explanations generally showed little change, but this may have been related to insufficient data. As a result of this research, I plan to continue to use cooperative learning groups and increased student discourse as a teaching practice in all of my math classes. I also plan to include training on cooperative learning strategies as well as more emphasis on vocabulary and writing in my math classroom.


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Currently we live in an increasingly visual world, where images are used as non-verbal language for different interests. Considering the ease of getting a photograph and the many ways that it can find, understand that this language can be a means of reading the geographic space, appearing as text and not only as illustration for teaching geography. Thus, this work aims to try an approach between artistic photographic language and geographic scientific language, observing how different groups with different ages read the geographic space through photographs. Focusing on the school environment, we have in mind the need to work with the various pictorial means that are increasingly present in textbooks of geography teaching. Here then, as proposed, a trial in which students from elementary and secondary education will shoot what for them is the city. The analysis will be performed observing possible differences and / or common aspects in the photographs according to the age group of students groups, trying to discover how the geographic space is being read by students through images and how this trial can contribute to the basic education of discipline geography


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The Youth and Adult Education is a reality that still stands on the school benches of Brazil. Elderly people historically get more integration in the world when appropriate to the written code. One of the issues that touch this insertion is the right to vote and, more than that, the awareness of the vote of young and adult illiterate or poorly literate. Thus, this project aims to raise throug the point of view of this student how he see himself as voter and what is their role in the democratic consolidation of this act, even if he is in the condition of illiterate or poorly literate. Therefore, a qualitative approach to research will be conducted, in which individual audio recorded interviews will be held, later transcribed and the data will be analyzed in the light of the studied literature, based on the writings of Paulo Freire. Will participate as subjects Teachers of EJA and of study the students enrolled in the Education of Young Adults rooms on the city of Bauru. The results shown in interviews with the teachers confirmed the investigation of expectations in the study of Paulo Freire which has literacy training as part of the citizenship, the results allowed the construction of the profile of a group of students. We also concluded that it was possible to deconstruct the myth of non-political consciousness of the illiterate and the presence of dialogue in pedagogical practice enabling awareness of Educating


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The treatment of a transverse maxillary deficiency in skeletally mature individuals should include surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion. This study evaluated the distribution of stresses that affect the expander's anchor teeth using finite element analysis when the osteotomy is varied. Five virtual models were built and the surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion was simulated. Results showed tension on the lingual face of the teeth and alveolar bone, and compression on the buccal side of the alveolar bone. The subtotal Le Fort I osteotomy combined with intermaxillary suture osteotomy seemed to reduce the dissipation of tensions. Therefore, subtotal Le Fort I osteotomy without a step in the zygomaticomaxillary buttress, combined with intermaxillary suture osteotomy and pterygomaxillary disjunction may be the osteotomy of choice to reduce tensions on anchor teeth, which tend to move mesiobuccally (premolar) and distobuccally (molar)


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The evaluation of structural performance of existing concrete buildings, built according to standards and materials quite different to those available today, requires procedures and methods able to cover lack of data about mechanical material properties and reinforcement detailing. To this end detailed inspections and test on materials are required. As a consequence tests on drilled cores are required; on the other end, it is stated that non-destructive testing (NDT) cannot be used as the only mean to get structural information, but can be used in conjunction with destructive testing (DT) by a representative correlation between DT and NDT. The aim of this study is to verify the accuracy of some formulas of correlation available in literature between measured parameters, i.e. rebound index, ultrasonic pulse velocity and compressive strength (SonReb Method). To this end a relevant number of DT and NDT tests has been performed on many school buildings located in Cesena (Italy). The above relationships have been assessed on site correlating NDT results to strength of core drilled in adjacent locations. Nevertheless, concrete compressive strength assessed by means of NDT methods and evaluated with correlation formulas has the advantage of being able to be implemented and used for future applications in a much more simple way than other methods, even if its accuracy is strictly limited to the analysis of concretes having the same characteristics as those used for their calibration. This limitation warranted a search for a different evaluation method for the non-destructive parameters obtained on site. To this aim, the methodology of neural identification of compressive strength is presented. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) suitable for the specific analysis were chosen taking into account the development presented in the literature in this field. The networks were trained and tested in order to detect a more reliable strength identification methodology.


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Der Transkriptionsfaktor Hypoxie-induzierbarer Faktor (HIF) gibt dem Organismus die Möglichkeit, sich auf zellulärer Ebene an unterschiedliche Sauerstoffverhältnisse anzupassen. Vor allem Tumorzellen weisen aufgrund ihres ungeregelten Wachstums und der daraus resultierenden unzureichenden Durchblutung (hypoxisches Milieu) eine erhöhte HIF-Expression auf. Die erhöhte HIF-Expression stellt somit ein interessantes Ziel in der Tumortherapie dar. Dendritische Zellen (DCs) besitzen eine bedeutende Rolle in der Generierung und Modulierung von Antitumor-Immunantworten. Aus diesem Grund ist es überaus wichtig zu wissen, welche Effekte Antitumor-Agenzien, im Besonderen HIF-Inhibitoren, auf DCs und somit auch auf die Generierung von adäquaten Immunantworten besitzen.rnIm ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde aus diesem Grund der Einfluss der Antitumor-Agenzien Geldanamycin (GA) und Topotecan (TPT) auf den Phänotyp und die Funktion von DCs untersucht. Hierfür wurden Monozyten aus humanen, mononukleären, peripheren Blutzellen isoliert und unter DC-differenzierenden Konditionen kultiviert. Diese immaturen monozytenabgeleiteten DCs (Mo-DCs) wurden mithilfe eines Reifungscocktails ausgereift. Die Applikation der Antitumor-Agenzien erfolgte während der Differenzierungs- bzw. Ausreifungsphase. Abhängig vom Reifungsgrad der Mo-DCs konnte ein differentieller Einfluss von GA bzw. TPT auf die DC-Aktivierung beobachtet werden. Eine Behandlung von unstimulierten Mo-DCs mit GA resultierte in einer partiellen DC-Aktivierung basierend auf einem noch unbekannten Mechanismus. Ebenso führte eine Behandlung von unstimulierten Mo-DCs mit TPT zu einer funktionellen Aktivierung der DCs, die mit einer vermehrten AKT-Expression korrelierte. Die jeweilige Koapplikation der Antitumor-Agenzien mit dem DC-Reifungscocktail führte zu einer reduzierten DC-Aktivierung, die sich in einer verminderten NF-κB-Aktivierung, einer verringerten Oberflächenexpression der getesteten kostimulatorischen Moleküle, einer verringerten Migrationsfähigkeit und einem reduzierten Zellstimulierungspotential widerspiegelte.rnDie autosomal dominant vererbte Tumorerkrankung von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) wird häufig durch genetische Mutationen des als HIF-Negativregulator fungierenden VHL-Gens hervorgerufen. Patienten, die an dem VHL-Syndrom erkrankt sind, weisen oft benigne oder maligne Tumore und Zysten in den verschiedensten Organsystemen auf. Wie schon zuvor erwähnt, besitzen DCs eine essentielle Rolle in der Initiierung und Aufrechterhaltung von Antitumor-Immunantworten. Deshalb wurde im zweiten Abschnitt der vorliegenden Arbeit untersucht, inwieweit ein partieller Verlust von VHL Auswirkungen auf die Ausprägung desrnPhänotyps und der Funktion von DCs hat. Mittels Cre/lox-Technologie wurden transgene Mäuse mit einem heterozygoten Verlust von Exon 1 bzw. Exon 2 des VHL-Gens generiert. Aus diesen Mäusen wurden Knochenmarkszellen isoliert und unter DC-differenzierenden Konditionen kultiviert. Die immaturen knochenmarkabgeleiteten DCs (BM-DCs) wurden mit LPS ausgereift. Weder der heterozygote Verlust von Exon 1 noch von Exon 2 des VHL-Gens bewirkte eine Veränderung der Oberflächenmarkerexpression, der in vitro-Migrations- undrnEndozytosekapazität, sowie der allogenen T-Zellstimulierungskapazität. Allerdings zeigten Mäuse mit einem partiellen Verlust von Exon 2 im Vergleich zu Kontrollmäusen nach Immunisierung und Provokation mit dem Modellallergen OVA eine verminderte Atemwegshyperreaktion, die möglicherweise auf die beobachtete Abnahme der Migrationsfähigkeit in vivo und die verminderte OVA-spezifische T-Zellstimulierungskapazität der DCs zurückzuführen ist.


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This honors thesis is an anthropological exploration of women's cooperatives in two regions of rural Morocco. Specifically, I am interested in how contemporary development projects such as the cooperative are understood by the peoples of these regions. By conducting first-hand ethnographic research among women's cooperatives in two drastically different environments of rural Morocco, I gain further insight into the roles that culture and geography play in determining the 'success' of cooperatives inlocal communities. In using the term 'success,' I will compare notions of success as used by both Western development organizations as well as local people in Morocco. I examine and analyze the very delicate and complex interaction that occurs between largely Western development agencies and local cultures particularly through the lens of gender. I will also convey the importance of an exchange of cultural practices through development projects rather than the imposition of one cultural system on another. In writing this thesis, I hope to contribute to the growing field of the anthropologyof development, a subset of cultural anthropology that examines international development practices and the economic, social, and political factors that have an impact on the local culture. I examine cooperatives from the perspectives of both the people whoparticipate in them through personal interviews as well as development institutions through an ongoing body of published literature. Focusing on gender implications that such development initiatives have on the rural cultures of Morocco, I argue that gender identities are crucial aspects of local cultures that must be addressed within development practices. On a broader scale, I argue that a deeper knowledge of local cultures is essential if development agencies are to be 'successful' in non-Western cultures.


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This work was devoted to individual child development. Psychogenetic research has emphasised the importance of social factors in children's intellectual development and two social factors are looked at here, family size and birth order. The effect of the formal parameters is, however, very unstable and they should therefore be considered together with certain informal factors. Of these, parental educational style, which is an expression of national traditions at the family level, is of particular interest. Educational style is culture-dependent and only a comparative cross-cultural study can reveal the real mechanisms through which educational style influences children's intellectual and personality development. Dumitrascu carried out an experimental cross-cultural study dedicated to the effects of family environment on child intellectual development. This involved three distinct populations, each of which has a distinct status in their geographical area, namely Romanians, Romanies from Romania, and Russians from the Republic of Moldova. It showed a significant difference between child intelligence in those from large families and in only children, with a huge gap in the case of Romany children. This suggests that the simultaneous action of several negative factors (low socio-economic status, large family size, socio-cultural isolation of the population) may delay a child's development. Subjected to such a precarious environment, Romany children do not seek self-realisation but rather struggle to overcome hardship and the majority remain outside civilisation. Unfortunately, adult Romanies rarely show concern about their children's successful social integration, placing no value on the school as a major socialising tool. This leads to the conclusion that a major effort is needed to help Romanies' social integration.


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La propuesta de esta tesis es explorar la obra narrativa del escritor español Antonio Muñoz Molina, para analizar y describir su poética en tanto escritor paradigmático de la generación que se forjó luego de la Transición española, y a la luz de las diversas manifestaciones artísticas que acompañaron dicho proceso. Los motivos y temas que persisten a lo largo de su obra serán examinados buscando construir una explicación critica sobre los modos de la escritura del autor, para vincularlos con el lugar que ocupa Muñoz Molina en el campo cultural español en estos mas de veinticinco años de trayectoria. Para ello consideraré cinco momentos como puntas de inflexión en su carrera: 1986, su primera publicación en Seix Barral; 1991, el Premio Planeta por El jinete polaco; 1995, su primera edición por Alfaguara; 2002, la edición "revisada" de El jinete polaco en la Biblioteca Breve de Seix Barral; y 2008, junio, el ingreso a la Wylie Agencv de Nueva York. Según se desprende de esta enumeración, también será objeto de esta tesis los modos en que eI autor se articula con sus editores


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Abordamos la conflictividad social en San Isidro durante el Rosismo para analizar, a nivel micro, conflictos resultantes de procesos fragmentación política, dislocación del espacio económico, politización y militarización de la población en la postindependencia. Nuestro enfoque desde una infrahistoria de la conflictividad social, imbricándose tensiones sociales y políticas en nivel local, recobra la agencia histórica de sujetos subalternos para la reconstrucción de su experiencia en los pequeños acontecimientos cotidianos. Mostraremos cómo la conflictividad social podía expresarse en el terreno de lo político, aunque no se formulara en términos expresamente políticos


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El artículo presenta las diferentes perspectivas que abordan el tema de la transmisión de la memoria de la dictadura en la escuela. Estas perspectivas analizan aspectos diferentes: los vectores de transmisión, las narrativas dominantes en cada momento histórico, los trabajos subjetivos de los actores involucrados, la incidencia del carácter traumático de la última dictadura en los procesos de transmisión. Estos estudios incluyen los análisis de libros de texto y libros de historia de la escuela secundaria, los actos escolares, las efemérides y otras fuentes. En cuanto a la transmisión de la memoria, los estudios existentes permiten formular preguntas que aún siguen sin respuesta, sobre todo las relacionadas con la forma en que esa transmisión se produce y hace posible las reinterpretaciones del pasado


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This paper is the result of a research based on the school culture concept, which object is the specific school culture of the physical education (PE) within a school for youth and adults situated in Curitiba - PR. Methodologically we followed the principles and concepts of the ethnomethodology, that led us to a long immersion in the research field. The main results of the research show the relevance of the teacher identity for constituting the school culture of the PE, as well the paradox resulting of a mere theoretical approach: on the one hand this school culture show us the importance of the disruption with the PE's tradition based on the notion of "activity", and on the other hand reveal the necessity of the body experience as a fundament to build a theoretical construct


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La propuesta de esta tesis es explorar la obra narrativa del escritor español Antonio Muñoz Molina, para analizar y describir su poética en tanto escritor paradigmático de la generación que se forjó luego de la Transición española, y a la luz de las diversas manifestaciones artísticas que acompañaron dicho proceso. Los motivos y temas que persisten a lo largo de su obra serán examinados buscando construir una explicación critica sobre los modos de la escritura del autor, para vincularlos con el lugar que ocupa Muñoz Molina en el campo cultural español en estos mas de veinticinco años de trayectoria. Para ello consideraré cinco momentos como puntas de inflexión en su carrera: 1986, su primera publicación en Seix Barral; 1991, el Premio Planeta por El jinete polaco; 1995, su primera edición por Alfaguara; 2002, la edición "revisada" de El jinete polaco en la Biblioteca Breve de Seix Barral; y 2008, junio, el ingreso a la Wylie Agencv de Nueva York. Según se desprende de esta enumeración, también será objeto de esta tesis los modos en que eI autor se articula con sus editores