932 resultados para Tenax tubes


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We show how macroscopic manifestations of P (and T) symmetry breaking can arise in a simple system subject to Aharonov-Bohm interactions. Specifically, we study the conductivity of a gas of charged particles moving through a dilute array of flux tubes. The interaction of the electrons with the flux tubes is taken to be of a purely Aharonov-Bohm type. We find that the system exhibits a nonzero transverse conductivity, i.e., a spontaneous Hall effect. This is in contrast to the fact that the cross sections for both scattering and bremsstrahlung (soft-photon emission) of a single electron from a flux tube are invariant under reflections. We argue that the asymmetry in the conductivity coefficients arises from many-body effects. On the other hand, the transverse conductivity has the same dependence on universal constants that appears in the quantum Hall effect, a result that we relate to the validity of the mean-field approximation.


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Mutualism often involves reciprocal exploitation due to individual selection for increased benefits even at the expense of the partner. Therefore, stability and outcomes of such interactions crucially depend on cost limitation mechanisms. In the plant, pollinator /seed predator interaction between Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae) and Hadena bicruris (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), moths generate pollination benefits as adults but impose seed predation costs as larvae. We examined whether floral morphology limits over-exploitation by constraining oviposition site. Oviposition site varies naturally inside vs. outside the corolla tube, but neither its determinants nor its effect on the interaction have been investigated. In a common garden with plants originating from eight populations, corolla tube length predicted oviposition site, but not egg presence or pollination efficiency, suggesting that long corolla tubes constrain the moth to lay eggs on petals. Egg position was also predicted by the combined effect of corolla tube and moth ovipositor lengths, with shorter ovipositor than corolla tube resulting in higher probability for eggs outside. Egg position on a given plant was repeatable over different exposure nights. When egg position was experimentally manipulated, eggs placed on the petal resulted in significantly fewer successful fruit attacks compared with eggs placed inside the corolla tube, suggesting differences in egg/larval mortality. Egg position also differently affected larval mass, fruit mass and fruit development. Our results indicate that constraining oviposition site through a long corolla tube reduces seed predation costs suffered by the plant without negatively affecting pollination efficiency and, hence may act to limit over-exploitation. However, the net effects of corolla tube depth variation on this interaction may fluctuate with extrinsic factors affecting egg mortality, and with patterns of gene flow affecting trait matching between the interacting species. The intermediate fitness costs incurred by both plant and insect associated with the different egg positions may reduce selective pressures for this interaction to evolve towards antagonism, favouring instead a mutualistic outcome. While a role for oviposition site variation in cost limitation is a novel finding in this system, it may apply more generally also to other mutualisms involving pollinating seed predators.


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Zucker lean and obese rats were injected under pentobarbital anesthesia with 125I-labeled insulin; at timed intervals from 30 to 120 sec, blood samples were extracted and used for the estimation of insulin levels by RIA. A group of rats from each series was maintained under a constant infusion of noradrenaline. For each insulin determination, a duplicate blood sample containing the same amount of insulin as that used in the RIA, but without the radioactive label, was used as a blank for insulin measurement. The radioactivity in these tubes was then used for the measurement of insulin label per ml blood. From plasma label decay curves and insulin concentrations, the insulin pool size, half-life, and rate of degradation were calculated. Obese rats had higher insulin levels (2.43 nM) and showed less effect of noradrenaline than their lean counterparts, in which insulin distribution volume shrank with noradrenaline treatment. The half-life of plasma insulin was similar in all groups (range, 226-314 sec). Pool size and overall degradation rates were higher in obese (198 femtokatals) than in lean rats (28 femtokatals). It is postulated that obese rats synthesize and cleave much more insulin than lean controls despite their higher circulating levels of insulin.


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Conscious female adult lean and obese Zucker rats were injected through the jugular vein with radioactive iodine-labeled murine leptin; in the ensuing 8 min, four blood samples were sequentially extracted from the carotid artery. The samples were used in a modified RIA for leptin, in which paired tubes received the same amount of either labeled or unlabeled leptin, thus allowing us to estimate both leptin levels and specific radioactivity. The data were used to determine the decay curve parameters from which the half-life of leptin (5.46 ± 0.23 min for lean rats and 6.99 ± 0.75 min for obese rats) as well as the size of its circulating pool (32 pmol/kg for lean rats and 267 pmol/kg for obese rats) and the overall degradation rate (96 fkat/kg for lean rats and 645 fkat/kg for obese rats) were estimated. These values are consistent with the hormonal role of leptin and the need for speedy changes in its levels in response to metabolic challenge.


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Summary Gynodioecy, the joint occurrence of females and hermaphrodites within natural populations, is a widely studied mating system ever since Darwin (1877). It is an exceptional mating system because continuous selection is necessary to maintain it. Since females only reproduce through ovules whereas hermaphrodites transmit genes through ovules and pollen, larger female fitness, in terms of seed output, is required to allow their maintenance. Two non-exclusive mechanisms can account for the maintenance of females. First, as females do not produce pollen they can reallocate their resources towards a higher ovule production. Second, hermaphrodites can self- and cross-fertilize whereas females are obligate outcrossers. Thus hermaphrodites should partly suffer from inbreeding depression (i.e.: the fitness decline of inbred relative to outbred individuals) and thereby produce less fit progeny than females. This thesis investigated the effects of self- and cross-fertilization of heimaphrodites over two consecutive generations. Inbreeding depression increased across the successive stages of the life- cycle (i.e.: from "seed traits" to "reproductive traits") displaying large inbreeding depression estimates (up to 0.76). This investigation not only detected large inbreeding depression estimates but also detected mechanisms involved in the maintenance of inbreeding depression. For instance cryptic self-incompatibility which is here a larger in vivo pollen performance of distant pollen compared to self-pollen; the expression of inbreeding depression especially in late life-cycle stages, and the appearance of females in the progeny of selfed hermaphrodites. The female biased sex ratio in the progeny of selfed hermaphrodites was a surprising result and could either come from the sex determining mechanisms (complex nucleo-cytoplasmic interaction(s)) and/or from inbreeding depression. Indeed, we not only got females and hermaphrodites but also partial male-sterile (PMS) individuals (i.e.: individuals with differing number of viable stamens). We detected that inbred pollen bearing plants (excluding females) have less viable stamens per flower than outbred plants. A positive correlation was detected between inbreeding depression for the number of viable stamens per flower and the difference in sex ratio between inbred and outbred individuals. A positive relationship was also detected between inbreeding depression for pollen viability and inbreeding depression for number of viable stamens per flower. Each correlation can either account for pleiotropic effects (a major gene acting on the two considered traits) or linkage disequilibrium between genes controlling each of the two related traits. If we hypothesize that these correlations are due to a major gene with pleiotropic effects, the positive relationship between inbreeding depression for number of viable stamens per flower and inbreeding depression for pollen viability showed that deleterious alleles present on a major gene coding for pollen production and viability depressed male fitness within inbred plants. The positive relationship between sex ratio difference between inbred and outbred individuals and inbreeding depression for number of viable stamens per flower indicates that (1) either number of viable stamens per flower is, in addition to inbreeding, also affected by the loci coding for sex determinism or, (2) the presence of females within the progeny of selfed hermaphrodites is a consequence of large inbreeding depression inhibiting pollen production, or (3) sex is here determined by a combination of loci coding for sex expression and inbreeding depression for male reproductive traits. In conclusion, Silene vulgaris has been shown to be a good model for understanding the evolution of mating systems that promote outbreeding. Résumé La gynodïoécie est définie comme étant la présence simultanée d'hermaphrodites et de femelles au sein de populations naturelles d'une même espèce. Ce système de reproduction a toujours fasciné le monde scientifique depuis Darwin, comme en témoigne ses écrits (1876, 1877) sur les systèmes de reproduction chez les plantes. Les femelles ne transmettent leurs gènes qu'à travers leurs ovules alors que les hermaphrodites transmettent leurs gènes à la fois par la voie mâle (le pollen) et la voie femelle (les ovules). La condition pour que la gynodïoécie se maintienne nécessite donc une fitness de la fonction femelle plus élevée chez les femelles que chez les hermaphrodites. Deux mécanismes mutuellement non exclusifs peuvent expliquer le maintien des femelles au sein de ces populations gynodioïques. D'une part, les femelles peuvent réallouer les ressources non utilisées pour la production de pollen et peuvent par conséquent produire plus d'ovules. D'autre part, la reproduction des femelles ne peut se faire que par allo-fécondation alors que les hermaphrodites, peuvent se reproduire à la fois par auto- et allo-fécondation. L'autofécondation s'accompagne en général d'une diminution de fitness de la descendance relativement à la progéniture issue d'allo-fécondation ; ce phénomène est connu sous le nom de dépression de consanguinité. Cette thèse avait pour but de mettre en évidence une éventuelle dépression de consanguinité chez Silene vulgaris, une espèce gynodioïque. Des hermaphrodites, issus de trois vallées alpines, ont été auto- et allo¬fécondés sur deux générations successives. La dépression de consanguinité pouvant s'exprimer à tous les stades de vie d'un individu, plusieurs traits de fitness, allant du nombre de graines par fruit à la production de gamètes ont été mesurés sur différents stades de vie successifs. L'estimation de la dépression de consanguinité totale atteignait des valeurs allant de 0.52 à 0.76 selon la vallée considérée, ce qui indiquerait que les hermaphrodites ont tout intérêt à limiter l'autofécondation et que les femelles ne devraient pas avoir de peine à subsister dans les vallées étudiées. Par la même occasion des mécanismes diminuant la purge potentielle du fardeau génétique, et permettant ainsi le maintien du « niveau » de dépression de consanguinité et par conséquence le maintien de la gynodïoécie ont été mis en évidence. En effet, nos résultats montrent que la dépression de consanguinité s'exprimait tard dans le cycle de vie permettant ainsi à un certain nombre individus consanguins de transmettre leurs allèles délétères à la génération suivante. D'autre part, la croissance in vivo des tubes polliniques d'auto-pollen était plus lente que celle de l'allo-pollen et donc en situation de compétition directe, les ovules devraient plutôt être issus d'allo-fécondation, diminuant ainsi les chances de purges d'allèles délétères. Enfin, l'apparition de femelles dans la progéniture d'hermaphrodites autofécondés diminue aussi les chances de purge d'allèles délétères. Il nous a été impossible de déterminer si l'apparition de femelles dans la descendance d'hermaphrodites autofécondés était due au déterminisme génétique du sexe ou si la différence de sexe ratio entre la descendance auto- et allo-fécondée était due à une éventuelle dépression de consanguinité inhibant la production de pollen. Nous avons observé que S. vulgaris ne présentaient pas uniquement des hermaphrodites et des femelles mais aussi toute sorte d'individus intermédiaires avec un nombre variable d'étamines viables. Nous avons pu mettre' en évidence des corrélations positives entre (1) la différence de sexe ratio (la proportion d'individus produisant du pollen) entre individus consanguins et non consanguins et une estimation de la dépression de consanguinité pour le nombre d'étamines viables d'individus produisant du pollen, ainsi qu'entre (2) la dépression de consanguinité pour le nombre d'étamines viables et celle estimée pour la viabilité du pollen. Chaque corrélation indique soit l'effet d'un (ou plusieurs) gène(s) pléiotropique(s), soit un déséquilibre de liaison entre les gènes. En considérant que ces corrélations sont le résultat d'effet pléiotropiques, la relation entre le nombre d'étamines viables par fleur et la viabilité du pollen, indiquerait un effet négatif de la consanguinité sur la production et la viabilité du pollen due partiellement à un gène majeur. La seconde corrélation indiquerait soit que les gènes responsables de la détermination du sexe agissent aussi sur l'expression de la fonction mâle soit que l'expression du sexe est sujette à la dépression de consanguinité, ou encore un mélange des deux. Aux regards de ces résultats, Silene vulgaris s'est avéré être un bon modèle de compréhension de l'évolution des systèmes de reproduction vers la séparation des sexes.


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Many strategies have been investigated to provide an ideal substitute to treat a nerve gap injury. Initially, silicone conduits were used and more recently conduits fabricated from natural materials such as poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) showed good results but still have their limitations. Surgically, a new concept optimising harvested autologous nerve graft has been introduced as the single fascicle method. It has been shown that a single fascicle repair of nerve grafting is successful. We investigated a new approach using a PHB strip seeded with Schwann cells to mimic a small nerve fascicle. Schwann cells were attached to the PHB strip using diluted fibrin glue and used to bridge a 10-mm sciatic nerve gap in rats. Comparison was made with a group using conventional PHB conduit tubes filled with Schwann cells and fibrin glue. After 2 weeks, the nerve samples were harvested and investigated for axonal and Schwann cell markers. PGP9.5 immunohistochemistry showed a superior nerve regeneration distance in the PHB strip group versus the PHB tube group (> 10 mm, crossed versus 3.17+/- 0.32 mm respectively, P<0.05) as well as superior Schwann cell intrusion (S100 staining) from proximal (> 10 mm, crossed versus 3.40+/- 0.36 mm, P<0.01) and distal (> 10 mm, crossed versus 2.91+/- 0.31 mm, P<0.001) ends. These findings suggest a significant advantage of a strip in rapidly connecting a nerve gap lesion and imply that single fascicle nerve grafting is advantageous for nerve repair in rats.


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PURPOSE: To describe the use of anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) to clarify the position and patency of aqueous shunt devices in the anterior chamber of eyes where corneal edema or tube position does not permit a satisfactory view. DESIGN: Noncomparative observational case series. METHODS: Four cases are reported in which aqueous shunt malposition or obstruction was suspected but the shunt could not be seen on clinical examination. The patients underwent AS-OCT to identify the position and patency of the shunt tip. RESULTS: In each case, AS-OCT provided data regarding tube position and/or patency that could not be obtained by slit-lamp examination or by gonioscopy that influenced management. CONCLUSIONS: AS-OCT can be used to visualize anterior chamber tubes in the presence of corneal edema that precludes an adequate view or in cases where the tube is retracted into the cornea. In such cases, AS-OCT is useful in identifying shunt patency and position, which helps guide clinical decision making.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the tissue compatibility of a silorane-based resin system (FiltekTM Silorane) and a methacrylatebased nanoparticle resin (FiltekTM Supreme XT) after implantation in the subcutaneous connective tissue of isogenic mice. One hundred and thirty five male isogenic BALB/c mice were randomly assigned to 12 experimental and 3 control groups, according to the implanted material and the experimental period of 7, 21 and 63 days. At the end of each period, the animals were killed and the tubes with the surrounding tissues were removed and processed for microscopic analysis. Samples were subjected to a descriptive and a semi-quantitative analyses using a 4-point scoring system (0-3) to evaluate the collagen fiber formation and inflammatory infiltrate. Data were statistically analyzed using the Kruskal Wallis test (a=0.05). The results showed that there was no significant difference between the experimental and control groups considering the three evaluation periods (p>0.05). The silorane-based and the methacrylate-based nanoparticle resins presented similar tissue response to that of the empty tube (control group) after subcutaneous implantation in isogenic mice.


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The report documents the development and installation of an instrumented pavement on I-80 in Iowa for the purposes of demonstration and answering current pavement questions. Its two primary objectives include documentation of the installation and verification of existing design procedures through monitoring of the continuous traffic stream reactions in the pavement. Some 120 instruments were installed in a forty foot segment of reconstructed pavement. The instruments included concrete strain gages, weldable strain gages on dowels, LVDT-deflection gages and temperature sensors in the concrete and base material. Five tubes were placed under three joints and two midslabs to measure the relative moisture and density at the interface between the pavement and base with atomic equipment. The instruments were placed ahead of the paving and over 92% of the instruments responded after paving. Planning requirements, problems encountered and costs of installation are presented. The site will use piezoelectric cables in a weigh-in-motion arrangement to trigger the data collection, a microcomputer controlled data acquisition system to analyze multiple sensors simultaneously, and telemetry to monitor the site remotely. Details provide the first time user of instrumentation with valuable information on the planning, problems, costs and coordination required to establish and operate such a site.


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There has been a long standing desire to produce thick (up to 500 nm) cryo-sections of fully hydrated cells and tissue for high-resolution analysis in their natural state by cryo-transmission electron microscopy. Here, we present a method that can successfully produce sections (lamellas in FIB-SEM terminology) of fully hydrated, unstained cells from high-pressure frozen samples by focused ion beam (FIB) milling. The samples are therefore placed in thin copper tubes and vitrified by high-pressure freezing. For transfer, handling and subsequent milling, the tubes are placed in a novel connective device (ferrule) that protects the sample from devitrification and contamination and passes through all operation steps. A piezo driven sample positioning stage (cryo-nano-bench, CNB) with three degrees of freedom was additionally developed to enable accurate milling of frozen-hydrated lamellas. With the CNB, high-pressure frozen samples can be milled to produce either thin lamellas (<100 nm), for direct imaging by high-resolution cryo-TEM or thicker lamellas (300-500 nm) for cryo-electron tomography. The sample remains vitreous throughout the process by using the presented tools and methods. The results are an important step towards investigating larger cells and even tissue in there natural state which in the end will enable us to gain better insights into cellular processes.


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Chlamydia trachomatis is the leading cause of bacterial sexually transmitted disease worldwide, and despite significant advances in chlamydial research, a prophylactic vaccine has yet to be developed. This Gram-negative obligate intracellular bacterium, which often causes asymptomatic infection, may cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), ectopic pregnancies, scarring of the fallopian tubes, miscarriage, and infertility when left untreated. In the genital tract, Chlamydia trachomatis infects primarily epithelial cells and requires Th1 immunity for optimal clearance. This review first focuses on the immune cells important in a chlamydial infection. Second, we summarize the research and challenges associated with developing a chlamydial vaccine that elicits a protective Th1-mediated immune response without inducing adverse immunopathologies.


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The 2011 International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) World Championships took place in Daegu, Korea. For the first time, all athletes were blood tested prior to the competition in order to give a clear signal to the world athletic community of the wish to enter into the era of the Athlete Biological Passport and fight against doping in their sport. The hematological parameters were measured on site. Thus, a mobile-accredited laboratory for blood testing was created in Daegu. Two serum tubes were collected for clinical chemistry and hormonal analyses in order to build the bases of the endocrine and the androgen (steroid) modules of the Athlete Biological Passport in blood. This paper describes some of the main challenges the project faced with regard to the large number of athletes, competing in different disciplines, and the logistic problems that had to be solved for smart implementation of one of the most complex operations organized in the last decade in the fight against doping.


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A carrier system for gases and nutrients became mandatory when primitive animals grew larger and developed different organs. The first circulatory systems are peristaltic tubes pushing slowly the haemolymph into an open vascular tree without capillaries (worms). Arthropods developed contractile bulges on the abdominal aorta assisted by accessory hearts for wings or legs and by abdominal respiratory motions. Two-chamber heart (atrium and ventricle) appeared among mollusks. Vertebrates have a multi-chamber heart and a closed circulation with capillaries. Their heart has two chambers in fishes, three chambers (two atria and one ventricle) in amphibians and reptiles, and four chambers in birds and mammals. The ventricle of reptiles is partially divided in two cavities by an interventricular septum, leaving only a communication of variable size leading to a variable shunt. Blood pressure increases progressively from 15 mmHg (worms) to 170/70 mmHg (birds) according to the increase in metabolic rate. When systemic pressure exceeds 50 mmHg, a lower pressure system appears for the circulation through gills or lungs in order to improve gas exchange. A four-chamber heart allows a complete separation of systemic and pulmonary circuits. This review describes the circulatory pumping systems used in the different classes of animals, their advantages and failures, and the way they have been modified with evolution.


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Contrairement aux animaux, les plantes sont des organismes sessiles qui ne possèdent pas de mécanismes de fuite quand les conditions environnementales ne sont plus optimales. Les plantes sont physiquement ancrées à l'endroit où elles ont germées et aux conditions environnementales qui parfois peuvent être extrêmes. Les possibilités d'acclimatation de différentes espèces, parfois même de groupes de plantes au sein d'une même espèce, peuvent varier mais repose sur une adaptation génétique de la plante. L'adaptation est un long processus qui repose sur l'apparition spontanée de mutations génétiques, leur mise à l'épreuve face aux conditions environnementales, et dans le cas où la mutation a un impact positif sur la survie dans cet habitat particulier, elle sera maintenue dans une population donnée de plantes. De telles populations, appelées écotypes, sont le matériel de départ pour la découverte de gènes qui induisent un bénéfice pour la plante dans un environnement donné. La plante la plus étudiée en biologie moléculaire est Arabidopsis thaliana, l'arabette des prés. Dans une étude précédente, les racines d'écotypes naturels d'Arabidopsis ont été comparées et un écotype, Uk-1, avait le système racinaire le plus particulier. Cet écotype possède des racines beaucoup plus courtes et plus ramifiées que tous les autres écotypes. Des analyses plus poussées ont montré qu'une seule mutation dans un gène était la cause de ce phénotype, le gène BREVIS RADIX (BRX), mot latin signifiant 'racine courte'. Bien que l'on connaisse le gène BRX, on connaît finalement peu de choses sur son importance adaptative. Dans cette étude, nous avons montré que la mutation dans le gène BRX rend la plante plus résistante aux sols acides. Dans l'optique de mieux comprendre cette valeur adaptative du mutant brx, nous avons analysé dans quels tissus le gène BRX jouait un rôle important. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence que BRX est important pour le développement du protophloème. Le protophloème est un élément du système vasculaire de la plante. En général, les plantes supérieures possèdent deux systèmes de transport à longue distance. L'un d'eux, appelé xylème, transporte l'eau et les nutriments absorbés du sol par les racines vers les feuilles. Les feuilles sont le siège du processus de photosynthèse au cours duquel sont produits des sucres qui devront être distribués partout dans les autres parties de la plante. Le tissu cellulaire chargé de livrer les produits de la photosynthèse, ainsi que les régulateurs de croissance, est le phloème. Ce dernier regroupe le métaphloème et le protophloème. Le protophloème est essentiel pour la livraison des sucres synthétisés ainsi que des signaux de croissance aux pointes des racines, centres organogéniques responsables de la production de nouvelles cellules durant la phase de croissance de la racine. La structure du protophloème peut être décrite comme des tubes continus, vides et résistants, faits de cellules spécialisées qui permettent un transport efficace et rapide. Nous avons montré que dans les mutants brx ces canaux de transports sont discontinus car certaines cellules n'ont pas terminé leur cycle de différenciation. Ces cellules obstruent le conduit ce qui fait que les sucres et les signaux de croissance, comme l'auxine, ne peuvent plus être transportés aux méristèmes. En conséquence, la prolifération de l'activité des méristèmes est compromise, ce qui explique les racines courtes. Au lieu d'être délivré aux méristèmes, l'auxine se concentre en amont des méristèmes où cela provoque l'apparition de nouvelles racines branchées et, très probablement, l'activation des pompes à protons. Sur des sols acides, la concentration en ion H+ est très élevée. Ces ions entrent dans les cellules de la racine par diffusion et perturbent notablement la croissance des racines et de la plante en général. Si les cellules de la racine possédaient des pompes à protons hyperactives, elles seraient capable d'évacuer le surplus d'ions H+ en dehors de la cellule, ce qui leur assurerait de meilleures chances de survie sur sols acides. De fait, le mutant brx est capable d'acidifier le milieu de culture dans lequel il est cultivé plus efficacement que la plante sauvage. Ce mutant est également capable de donner plus de progéniture sur ce type de milieu de croissance que les plantes sauvages. Finalement, nous avons trouvé d'autres mutants brx en milieu naturel poussant sur sols acides, ce qui suggère fortement que la mutation du gène BRX est une des causes de l'adaptation aux sols acides. -- Plants as sessile organisms have developed different mechanisms to cope with the complex environmental conditions in which they live. Adaptation is the process through which traits evolve by natural selection to functionally improve in a given environmental context. An adaptation to the environment is characterized by the genetic changes in the entire populations that have been fixed by natural selection over many generations. BREVIS RADIX (BRX) gene was found through natural Arabidopsis accessions screen and was characterized as a root growth regulator since loss-of-function mutants exhibit arrested post-embryonic primary root growth in addition to a more branched root system. Although brx loss-of-function causes a complete alteration in root architecture, BRX activity is only required in the root vasculature, in particular in protophloem cell file. Protophloem is a part of the phloem transport network and is responsible for delivery of photo-assimilates and growth regulators, coming from the shoot through mature phloem component - metaphloem, to the all plant primary meristems. In order to perform its function, protophloem is the first cell file to differentiate within the root meristem. During this process, protophloem cells undergo a partial programmed cell death, during which they build a thicker cell wall, degrade nucleus and tonoplast while plasma membrane stays functional. Interestingly, protophloem cells enter elongation process only after differentiation into sieve elements is completed. Here we show that brx mutants fail to differentiate protophloem cell file properly, a phenotype that can be distinguished by a presence of a "gap" cells, non-differentiated cells between two flanking differentiated cells. Discontinuity of protophloem differentiation in brx mutants is considered to be a consequence of local hyperactivity of CLAVATA3/EMBRYO SURROUNDING REGION 45 (CLE45) - BARELY ANY MERISTEM 3 (BAM3) signaling module. Interestingly, a CLE45 activity, most probably at the level of receptor binding, can be modulated by apoplastic pH. Altogether, our results imply that the activity of proton pumps, expressed in non-differentiated cells of protophloem, must be maintained under certain threshold, otherwise CLE45-BAM3 signaling pathway will be stimulated and in turn protophloem will not differentiate. Based on vacuolar morphology, a premature cell wall acidification in brx mutants stochastically prevents the protophloem differentiation. Only after protophloem differentiates, proton pumps can be activated in order to acidify apoplast and to support enucleated protophloem multifold elongation driven by surrounding cells growth. Finally, the protophloem differentiation failure would result in an auxin "traffic jam" in the upper parts of the root, created from the phloem-transported auxin that cannot be efficiently delivered to the meristem. Physiologically, auxin "leakage" from the plant vasculature network could have various consequences, since auxin is involved in the regulation of almost every aspect of plant growth and development. Thus, given that auxin stimulates lateral roots initiation and growth, this scenario explains more branched brx root system. Nevertheless, auxin is considered to activate plasma membrane proton pumps. Along with this, it has been shown that brx mutants acidify media much more than the wild type plants do, a trait that was proposed as an adaptive feature of naturally occurring brx null alleles in Arabidopsis populations found on acidic soils. Additionally, in our study we found that most of accessions originally collected from acidic sampling sites exhibit hypersensitivity to CLE45 treatment. This implies that adaptation of plants to acidic soil involves a positive selection pressure against upstream negative regulators of CLE45-BAM3 signaling, such as BRX. Perspective analysis of these accessions would provide more profound understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying plant adaptation to acidic soils. All these results are suggesting that targeting of the factors that affect protophloem differentiation is a good strategy of natural selection to change the root architecture and to develop an adaptation to a certain environment. -- Les plantes comme organismes sessiles ont développé différents mécanismes pour s'adapter aux conditions environnementales complexes dans lesquelles elles vivent. L'adaptation est le processus par lequel des traits vont évoluer via la sélection naturelle vers une amélioration fonctionnelle dans un contexte environnemental donné. Une adaptation à l'environnement est caractérisée par des changements génétiques dans des populations entières qui ont été fixés par la sélection naturelle sur plusieurs générations. Le gène BREVIS RADIX (BRX) a été identifié dans le crible d'une collection d'accessions naturelles d'Arabidopsis et a été caractérisé comme un régulateur de la croissance racinaire étant donné que le mutant perte-de-fonction montre une croissance racinaire primaire arrêtée au stade post-embryonnaire et présente de plus un système racinaire plus ramifié que la plante sauvage. Bien que le mutant perte-de-fonction brx cause une altération complète de l'architecture racinaire, l'activité de BRX n'est requise que dans la vascularisation racinaire, en particulier au niveau du protophloème. Le protophloème est un composant du réseau de transport du phloème et est responsable du transit des dérivés de la photosynthèse ainsi que des régulateurs de croissances, venant de la partie aérienne par le phloème mature (métaphloème) vers tous les méristèmes primaires de la plante. Pour pouvoir réaliser sa fonction, le protophloème est la première file de cellules à se différencier à l'intérieur du méristème de la racine. Pendant ce processus, les cellules du protophloème subissent une mort cellulaire programmée partielle durant laquelle elles épaississent leur paroi cellulaire, dégradent le noyau et le tonoplaste tandis que la membrane plasmique demeure fonctionnelle. De manière intéressante, les cellules du protophloème entament le processus d'allongement seulement après que la différenciation en tubes criblés soit complète. Ce travail montre que le mutant brx est incapable de mener à bien la différenciation de la file de cellules du protophloème, phénotype qui peut être visualisé par la présence de cellules 'trous', de cellules non différenciées entourées de deux cellules différenciées. La discontinuité de la différenciation du phloème dans le mutant brx est considérée comme la conséquence de l'hyperactivité localisée du module de signalisation CLA VA TA3/EMBRYO SURROUNDING REGION 45 (CLE45) - BARELY ANY MERISTEM 3 (BAM3). De manière intéressante, l'activité de CLE45, très probablement au niveau de la liaison avec le récepteur, peut être modulé par le pH apoplastique. Pris ensemble, nos résultats impliquent que l'activité des pompes à protons, actives dans les cellules non différenciées du protophloème, doit être maintenue en dessous d'un certain seuil autrement la cascade de signalisation CLE45-BAM3 serait stimulée, en conséquence de quoi le protophloème ne pourrait se différencier. D'après la morphologie vacuolaire, une acidification prématurée de la paroi cellulaire dans le mutant brx empêche la différenciation du protophloème de manière stochastique. Une fois que le protophloème se différencie, les pompes à protons peuvent alors être activées afin d'acidifier l'apoplaste et ainsi faciliter l'allongement des cellules énuclées du protophloème, entraînées par la croissance des cellules environnantes. Finalement, la différenciation défectueuse du protophloème produit une accumulation d'auxine dans la partie supérieure de la racine car le phloème ne peut plus acheminer efficacement l'auxine au méristème. Physiologiquement, la 'fuite' d'auxine à partir du réseau vasculaire de la plante peut avoir des conséquences variées puisque l'auxine est impliquée dans la régulation de la majorité des aspects de la croissance et développement de la plante. Etant donné que l'auxine stimule l'initiation et développement des racines latérales, ce scénario pourrait expliquer le système racinaire plus ramifié du mutant brx. En plus, l'auxine est considérée comme un activateur des pompes à protons. Par ailleurs, nous avons montré que les mutants brx ont la capacité d'acidifier le milieu plus efficacement que les plantes sauvages, une caractéristique des populations sauvages <¥Arabidopsis poussant sur des sols acides et contenant les allèles délétés brx. De plus, dans nos résultats nous avons mis en évidence que la plupart des accessions collectées originellement sur des sites acidophiles montre une hypersensibilité au traitement par CLE45. Ceci implique que l'adaptation des plantes aux sols acides repose sur la pression de sélection positive à rencontre des régulateurs négatifs de CLE45- BAM3, situés en amont de la cascade, tel le produit du gène BRX. Les analyses de ces accessions pourraient aboutir à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires responsables de l'adaptation des plantes aux sols acides. Tous nos résultats suggèrent que le ciblage des facteurs affectant la différenciation du protophloème serait une stratégie gagnante dans la sélection naturelle pour changer l'architecture de la racine et ainsi s'adapter efficacement à un nouvel environnement.


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This study aimed to genetically characterize four new Rhizobium strains, and to evaluate their nodulation and fixation capacity compared to commercial strains and to native rhizobia population of a Brazilian Rhodic Hapludox. Two experiments were carried out in randomized blocks design, under greenhouse conditions, in 2007. In the first experiment, the nodulation and nitrogen fixation capacity of new strains were evaluated, in comparison to the commercial strains CIAT-899 and PRF-81 and to native soil population. It was carried out in plastic tubes filled with vermiculite. DNA extractions and PCR sequencing of the intergenic space were made from the isolated pure colonies, in order to genetically characterize the strains and the native rhizobia population. In the second experiment, the nodulation and productivity of common beans Perola cultivar were determined, with the use of evaluated strains, alone or in mixture with PRF-81 strain. It was carried out in pots filled with soil. The native soil population was identified as Rhizobium sp. and was inefficient in nitrogen fixation. Three different Rhizobium species were found among the four new strains. The LBMP-4BR and LBMP-12BR new strains are among the ones with greatest nodulation and fixation capacity and exhibit differential responses when mixed to PRF-81.