972 resultados para Surgical flaps


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The aim of this study was to evaluate, through histologic examination, the effect of surgical repositioning of intruded dog teeth upon the pulpal and surrounding tissues. Thirty teeth in 10 adult dogs, aged 2-3 years, were used. Fifteen teeth were intruded, surgically repositioned and fixed using orthodontics wire, composite resin, and enamel acid conditioning. All these teeth served as the experimental group. The remaining intruded teeth were not treated ( control group). The animals were sacrificed to allow observations at 7,15, and 30 post-operative days. The maxillary and mandibular archs were removed and processed for histologic exam. Based on the methodology and observed results, we concluded that: pulpal necrosis, external root resorption and ankylosis were common sequelae to severe traumatic intrusion; a careful immediate surgical repositioning of severed intruded permanent tooth with complete root formation has many advantages with few disadvantages.


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Neoplastic diseases are typically diagnosed by biopsy and histopathological evaluation. The pathology report is key in determining prognosis, therapeutic decisions, and overall case management and therefore requires diagnostic accuracy, completeness, and clarity. Successful management relies on collaboration between clinical veterinarians, oncologists, and pathologists. To date there has been no standardized approach or guideline for the submission, trimming, margin evaluation, or reporting of neoplastic biopsy specimens in veterinary medicine. To address this issue, a committee consisting of veterinary pathologists and oncologists was established under the auspices of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists Oncology Committee. These consensus guidelines were subsequently reviewed and endorsed by a large international group of veterinary pathologists. These recommended guidelines are not mandated but rather exist to help clinicians and veterinary pathologists optimally handle neoplastic biopsy samples. Many of these guidelines represent the collective experience of the committee members and consensus group when assessing neoplastic lesions from veterinary patients but have not met the rigors of definitive scientific study and investigation. These questions of technique, analysis, and evaluation should be put through formal scrutiny in rigorous clinical studies in the near future so that more definitive guidelines can be derived.


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The surgical removal of impacted, supernumerary, or ectopic teeth is a routine procedure to the dental surgeon. Because any and all surgical interventions involve anatomic considerations that predispose the patient to a high risk of incidents or complications, it is absolutely necessary to precisely determine the location of the enclosed teeth, to better plan the procedure. Even though the conventional radiographic techniques are commonly used to detect the presence of such teeth, they can present deficiencies. In those situations, additional examinations can be requested. In this article, we are reporting the case of a 12-year-old patient, whose third superior molars appeared in a very atypical position. We chose to request a computed tomography and three-dimensional manipulation of the obtained images. This article, as its main goal, highlighted the importance of computed tomography and of three-dimensional reconstructions as a tool to precisely determine the location of enclosed teeth, thus allowing for a better planning of the surgery and a safer surgical intervention.


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Aim: To evaluate the influence of deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) particles concomitant with the placement of a collagen membrane on alveolar ridge preservation and on osseointegration of implants placed into alveolar sockets immediately after tooth extraction. Material and methods: The pulp tissue of the mesial roots of 3P3 was removed in six Labrador dogs and the root canals were filled. Flaps were elevated in the right side of the mandible, and the buccal and lingual alveolar bony plates were exposed. The third premolar was hemi-sectioned and the distal root was removed. A recipient site was prepared and an implant was placed lingually. After implant installation, defects of about 0.6mm wide and 3.1mm depth resulted at the buccal aspects of the implant, both at the test and at the control sites. The same surgical procedures and measurements were performed on the left side of the mandible. However, DBBM particles with a size of 0.25-1mm were placed into the remaining defect concomitant with the placement of a collagen membrane. Results: All implants were integrated into mature bone. No residual DBBM particles were detected at the test sites after 4 months of healing. Both the test and the control sites showed buccal alveolar bone resorption, 1.8 +/- 1.1 and 2.1 +/- 1mm, respectively. The most coronal bone-to-implant contact at the buccal aspect was 2 +/- 1.1 an 2.8 +/- 1.3mm, at the test and the control sites, respectively. This difference in the distance was statistically significant. Conclusion: The application of DBBM concomitant with a collagen membrane to fill the marginal defects around implants placed into the alveolus immediately after tooth extraction contributed to improved bone regeneration in the defects. However, with regard to buccal bony crest preservation, a limited contribution of DBBM particles was achieved.


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The knowledge of the normal anatomy and variations regarding the management of tumors of the sellar region is paramount to perform safe surgical procedures. The sellar region is located in the center of the middle cranial fossa; it contains complex anatomical structures, and is the site of various pathological processes: tumor, vascular, developmental, and neuroendocrine. We review the microsurgical anatomy (microscopic and endoscopic) of this region and discuss the surgical nuances regarding this topic, based on anatomical concepts.


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Aim: To evaluate the integration of implants installed using a surgical guide in augmented sites with autologous bone or deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) blocks, concomitantly with a collagen membrane.Material and methods: Mandibular molars were extracted bilaterally in six Labrador dogs, the buccal bony wall was removed, and a box-shaped defect was created. After 3 months, flaps were elevated, a bony graft was harvested from the ascending ramus, and secured to the lateral wall of the defect by means of screws. In the left mandibular side, a DBBM block was fixed into the defect. A resorbable membrane was applied at both sides, and the flaps were sutured. After 3 months, flaps were elevated, and a customized device was used as surgical guide to prepare the recipient sites in the interface between grafts and parent bone. One implant was installed in each side of the mandible. After 3 months, biopsies were harvested, and ground sections were prepared for histologic evaluation.Results: One autologous bone block graft was lost before implant installation. The width of the alveolar crest at the test sites (DBBM) was 5.4 +/- 1.2 mm before, 9.4 +/- 1.2 mm immediately after grafting, and 9.3 +/- 1 mm at implant installation. At the control sites (autologous bone), the corresponding values were: 5.2 +/- 1, 9 +/- 1.2, and 8.7 +/- 0.9 mm, respectively. All implants installed were available for histologic evaluation (n = 5). The autologous bone grafts, rich in vessels and cells, were integrated in the parent bone, and only little non-vital bone was found. The BIC% was 56.7 +/- 15.6% and 54.2 +/- 13.2% at the buccal and lingual aspects, respectively. At the test sites, the DBBM appeared to be embedded into connective tissue, and very little newly formed bone was encountered within the grafts. The BIC% was 5.8 +/- 12.3% and 51.3 +/- 14.2% at the buccal and lingual aspects, respectively.Conclusions: Autologous bone blocks used to augment the alveolar bony crest horizontally allowed the complete osseointegration of implants installed after 3 months of healing. However, similar blocks of DBBM did not promote osseointegration, although the installed implants were stable owing to the osseointegration in the sites of the parent bone.


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Background: The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of acupuncture on wound healing after soft tissue or orthopaedic surgery in dogs.Methods: 29 dogs were submitted to soft tissue and/or orthopaedic surgeries. Five dogs had two surgical wounds each, so there were totally 34 wounds in the study. All owners received instructions for post operative care as well as antibiotic and pain treatment. The dogs were randomly assigned to treatment or control groups. Treated dogs received one dry needle acupuncture treatment right after surgery and the control group received no such treatment. A veterinary surgeon that was blinded to the treatment, evaluated the wounds at three and seven days after surgery in regard to oedema (scale 0-3), scabs (yes/no), exudate (yes/no), hematoma (yes/no), dermatitis (yes/no), and aspect of the wound (dry/humid).Results: There was no significant difference between the treatment and control groups in the variables evaluated three and seven days after surgery. However, oedema reduced significantly in the group treated with acupuncture at seven days compared to three days after surgery, possibly due the fact that there was more oedema in the treatment group at day three (although this difference was nor significant between groups).Conclusions: The use of a single acupuncture treatment right after surgery in dogs did not appear to have any beneficial effects in surgical wound healing.


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The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the osteoinductive property of autogenous demineralized dentin matrix (ADDM) on experimental surgical bone defects in the parietal bone of rabbits using the guided bone regeneration (GBR) technique incorporating human amniotic membrane (HAM). Thirty-six rabbits were divided into 2 groups, HAM and ADDM+HAM. It was possible to conclude that HAM did not interfere with bone repair and was resorbed. Slices of ADDM induced direct bone formation and were incorporated by the newly formed bone tissue and remodeled. The bone defects healed faster in the ADDM+HAM group than in the group with HAM only.


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The present report describes the occurrence of mucocele in the lower lip of an 11 month-old baby. The treatment instituted was the excision of the lesion. Microscopic examination confirmed the diagnosis of mucocele. Three months after surgery, no sign of recurrence was observed.


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Renal clear cell carcinoma (RCCC) is a neoplasia resistant to radio and chemotherapy, with surgical treatment being the procedure that is recognized for its curative treatment. This case report demonstrates the success of an aggressive surgical treatment for consecutive and late metachronous metastases following radical nephrectomy. Case report: Asymptomatic 50-year old man. During a routine examination, an incidental mass was found by renal ultrasonography. He underwent right radical nephrectomy due to RCCC in June 1992. During the follow-up metastases were evidenced in cerebellum on the seventh year, and in left lung and pancreas on the eighth year following the radical nephrectomy, with all of them successfully treated by surgical excision. Comments: The surgical excision of consecutive and late metachronous metastases in different organs arising from RCCC is feasible, being a good therapeutic alternative in selected cases.


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Apert Syndrome, also called acrocephalosyndactylia type 1, is characterized by craniostenosis with early fusion of sutures of the vault and/ or cranial base, associated to mid-face hypoplasia, symmetric syndactylia of the hands and feet and other systemic malformations. CNS malformations and intracranial hypertension are frequently observed in these patients. Early surgical treatment aims to minimize the deleterious effects of intracranial hypertension. Fronto-orbital advancement, the usual surgical technique, increases the intracranial volume and improves the disposition of encephalic structures previously deformed by a short skull. This study analyzes CNS alterations revealed by magnetic resonance in 18 patients presenting Apert Syndrome, and the conformational alterations in the encephalic structures after surgical treatment. The patients' age in February 2001 ranged from 14 to 322 months (m=107). Image study included brain magnetic resonance showing ventricular enlargement in five cases (27.8%), corpus callosum hypoplasia in five cases (27.8%), septum pellucidum hypoplasia in five cases (27.8%), cavum vergae in two cases (11.1%) and, arachnoid cyst in the posterior fossa in two cases (11.1%). Absence of CNS alterations was noted in 44.4% of cases. A corpus callosum morphologic index was established by dividing its height by its length, which revealed values that ranged from 0.4409 to 1.0237. The values of this index were correlated to the occurrence or absence of surgical treatment (p=0.012; t=2.83). Data analysis allowed the conclusion that the corpus callosum morphologic measure quantified the conformational alterations of the cerebral structures determined by the surgical treatment.


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A 6-year-old girl with Glanzmann thrombasthenia presented with caries and periapical lesions in the primary mandibular second molars and moderate gingivitis of the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth. Dental extraction was recommended, and before every surgical intervention, the patient underwent platelet-concentrate transfusion to prevent hemorrhage. Epsilon aminocaproic acid was administered 6 hours before, and 48 hours after every dental procedure to prevent bleeding. In this case, treatment was effective in the prevention of hemorrhagic complications, during the required dental procedures.


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Objective: The objective of the present investigation was to assess the histological effects of different wavelengths and intensities on the healing process of cutaneous wounds. Background Data: Tissue repair is a dynamic interactive process which involves mediators, cells and extra-cellular matrix. Several reports on the use of laser therapy have shown that the healing process is positively affected when the correct parameters are used. Methods: Eighteen standardized wounds were surgically created on the dorsum of male and female Wistar rats, which were subsequently divided into two experimental groups according to wavelength used λ.670 or λ685 nm) for lasertherapy (LLLT). Each group was divided into three subgroups of three animals according to the intensity of the applied irradiation (2,15, or 25 mW). Twelve animals were used as entreated controls and were not irradiated. The irradiation was carried out during seven consecutive days. The animals were sacrificed eight days after surgery. The specimens were removed, kept in 4% formaldehyde for 24 h, routinely prepared to wax, stained with H&E, and analyzed under light microscopy. Results: For both groups, light microscopy showed a substitution repair process; however, when LLLT was used, a positive biomodulatory effect was detectable, chiefly associated with shorter wavelength and low intensity. Conclusions: The results of the present study indicate that LLLT improved cutaneous wound repair and that the effect is a result of an inversely proportional relationship between wavelength and intensity, with treatment more effective when combining higher intensity with short wavelength or lower intensity with higher wavelength.