983 resultados para Stiffness of the aggregate
This work is undertaken in the attempt to understand the processes at work at the cutting edge of the twist drill. Extensive drill life testing performed by the University has reinforced a survey of previously published information. This work demonstrated that there are two specific aspects of drilling which have not previously been explained comprehensively. The first concerns the interrelating of process data between differing drilling situations, There is no method currently available which allows the cutting geometry of drilling to be defined numerically so that such comparisons, where made, are purely subjective. Section one examines this problem by taking as an example a 4.5mm drill suitable for use with aluminium. This drill is examined using a prototype solid modelling program to explore how the required numerical information may be generated. The second aspect is the analysis of drill stiffness. What aspects of drill stiffness provide the very great difference in performance between short flute length, medium flute length and long flute length drills? These differences exist between drills of identical point geometry and the practical superiority of short drills has been known to shop floor drilling operatives since drilling was first introduced. This problem has been dismissed repeatedly as over complicated but section two provides a first approximation and shows that at least for smaller drills of 4. 5mm the effects are highly significant. Once the cutting action of the twist drill is defined geometrically there is a huge body of machinability data that becomes applicable to the drilling process. Work remains to interpret the very high inclination angles of the drill cutting process in terms of cutting forces and tool wear but aspects of drill design may already be looked at in new ways with the prospect of a more analytical approach rather than the present mix of experience and trial and error. Other problems are specific to the twist drill, such as the behaviour of the chips in the flute. It is now possible to predict the initial direction of chip flow leaving the drill cutting edge. For the future the parameters of further chip behaviour may also be explored within this geometric model.
The work presented in this thesis is concerned with the dynamic behaviour of structural joints which are both loaded, and excited, normal to the joint interface. Since the forces on joints are transmitted through their interface, the surface texture of joints was carefully examined. A computerised surface measuring system was developed and computer programs were written. Surface flatness was functionally defined, measured and quantised into a form suitable for the theoretical calculation of the joint stiffness. Dynamic stiffness and damping were measured at various preloads for a range of joints with different surface textures. Dry clean and lubricated joints were tested and the results indicated an increase in damping for the lubricated joints of between 30 to 100 times. A theoretical model for the computation of the stiffness of dry clean joints was built. The model is based on the theory that the elastic recovery of joints is due to the recovery of the material behind the loaded asperities. It takes into account, in a quantitative manner, the flatness deviations present on the surfaces of the joint. The theoretical results were found to be in good agreement with those measured experimentally. It was also found that theoretical assessment of the joint stiffness could be carried out using a different model based on the recovery of loaded asperities into a spherical form. Stepwise procedures are given in order to design a joint having a particular stiffness. A theoretical model for the loss factor of dry clean joints was built. The theoretical results are in reasonable agreement with those experimentally measured. The theoretical models for the stiffness and loss factor were employed to evaluate the second natural frequency of the test rig. The results are in good agreement with the experimentally measured natural frequencies.
The research work described in this thesis is concerned with the development of glassfibre reinforced plastics for structural uses in Civil Engineering construction. The first stage was primarily concerned with the design of GRP lamintes with structura1 properties and method of manufacture suitable for use with relatively large structural components. A cold setting, pressure moulding technique was developed which proved to be efficient in reducing the void content in the composite and minimising the exothermic effect due to curing. The effect of fibre content and fibre arrangement on strength and stiffness of the cornposite was studied and the maximum amount of' fibre content that could be reached by the adopted type of moulding technique was determined. The second stage of the project was concerned with the introduction of steel-wire "sheets" into the GRP cornposites, to take advantage of the high modulus of steel wire to improve the GRP stiffness and to reduce deformation. The experimental observations agreed reasonably well with theoretical predictions in both first and second stages of the work. The third stage was concerned with studying the stability of GRP flat rectangular plates subjected to uniaxial compression or pure shear, to simulate compression flanges or shear webs respectively. The investigation was concentrated on the effect of fibre arrangement in the plate on buckling load. The effect of the introduction of steel-wire sheets on the plate stability in compression was also investigated. The boundary conditions were chosen to be close to those usually assumed in built-up box-sections for both compression flanges and webs. The orthotropic plate and the mid-plane symmetric were used successfully in predicting the buckling load theoretically. In determining the buckling load experimentally, two methods were used. The Southwell plot method and electrical strain gauge method. The latter proved to be more reliable in predicting the buckling load than the former, especially for plates under uniaxial compression. Sample design charts for GRP plates that yield and buckle simultaneously under compression are also presented in the thesis. The final stage of the work dealt with the design and test of GRP beams. The investigation began by finding the optimum cross-section for a GRP beam. The cross-section which was developed was a thin walled corrugated section which showed higher stiffness than other cross-sections for the same cross-sectional area (i.e. box, I, and rectangular sections). A cold setting, hand layings technique was used in manufacturing these beams wbich were of nine types depending on the type of glass reinforcement employed and the arrangement of layers in the beam. The simple bending theory was used in the beam design and proved to be satisfactory in predicting the stresses and deflections. A factor of safety of 4 was chosen for design purposes and considered to be suitable for long term use under static load. Because of its relatively low modulus, GRP beams allowable deflection was limited to 1/120th of the span which was found to be adequate for design purposes. A general discussion of the behaviour of GRP composites and their place relative to the more conventional structural material was also presented in the thesis.
Three types of crushed rock aggregate were appraised, these being Carboniferous Sandstone, Magnesian Limestone and Jurassic Limestone. A comprehensive aggregate testing programme assessed the properties of these materials. Two series of specimen slabs were cast and power finished using recognised site procedures to assess firstly the influence of these aggregates as the coarse fraction, and secondly as the fine fraction. Each specimen slab was tested at 28 days under three regimes to simulate 2-body abrasion, 3-body abrasion and the effect of water on the abrasion of concrete. The abrasion resistance was measured using a recognised accelerated abrasion testing apparatus employing rotating steel wheels. Relationships between the aggregate and concrete properties and the abrasion resistance have been developed with the following properties being particularly important - Los Angeles Abrasion and grading of the coarse aggregate, hardness of the fine aggregate and water-cement ratio of the concrete. The sole use of cube strength as a measure of abrasion resistance has been shown to be unreliable by this work. A graphical method for predicting the potential abrasion resistance of concrete using various aggregate and concrete properties has been proposed. The effect of varying the proportion of low-grade aggregate in the mix has also been investigated. Possible mechanisms involved during abrasion have been discussed, including localised crushing and failure of the aggregate/paste bond. Aggregates from each of the groups were found to satisfy current specifications for direct finished concrete floors. This work strengthens the case for the increased use of low-grade aggregates in the future.
The occurrence of spalling is a major factor in determining the fire resistance of concrete constructions. The apparently random occurrence of spalling has limited the development and application of fire resistance modelling for concrete structures. This Thesis describes an experimental investigation into the spalling of concrete on exposure to elevated temperatures. It has been shown that spalling may be categorised into four distinct types, aggregate spalling, corner spalling, surface spalling and explosive spalling. Aggregate spalling has been found to be a form of shear failure of aggregates local to the heated surface. The susceptibility of any particular concrete to aggregate spalling can be quantified from parameters which include the coefficients of thermal expansion of both the aggregate and the surrounding mortar, the size and thermal diffusivity of the aggregate and the rate of heating. Corner spalling, which is particularly significant for the fire resistance of concrete columns, is a result of concrete losing its tensile strength at elevated temperatures. Surface spalling is the result of excessive pore pressures within heated concrete. An empirical model has been developed to allow quantification of the pore pressures and a material failure model proposed. The dominant parameters are rate of heating, pore saturation and concrete permeability. Surface spalling may be alleviated by limiting pore pressure development and a number of methods to this end have been evaluated. Explosive spalling involves the catastrophic failure of a concrete element and may be caused by either of two distinct mechanisms. In the first instance, excessive pore pressures can cause explosive spalling, although the effect is limited principally to unloaded or relatively small specimens. A second cause of explosive spalling is where the superimposition of thermally induced stresses on applied load stresses exceed the concrete's strength.
The finite element process is now used almost routinely as a tool of engineering analysis. From early days, a significant effort has been devoted to developing simple, cost effective elements which adequately fulfill accuracy requirements. In this thesis we describe the development and application of one of the simplest elements available for the statics and dynamics of axisymmetric shells . A semi analytic truncated cone stiffness element has been formulated and implemented in a computer code: it has two nodes with five degrees of freedom at each node, circumferential variations in displacement field are described in terms of trigonometric series, transverse shear is accommodated by means of a penalty function and rotary inertia is allowed for. The element has been tested in a variety of applications in the statics and dynamics of axisymmetric shells subjected to a variety of boundary conditions. Good results have been obtained for thin and thick shell cases .
Replacement of the traditional coil spring with one of more fibre-reinforced plastic sulcated springs is a future possibility. Spring designers of metallic coil springs have design formulae readily available, and software packages specific to coil spring design exist. However, the sulcated spring is at the prototype stage of development, so literature on these springs is very sparse. The thesis contains information on the market for sulcated springs, and their advantages and disadvantages. Literature on other types of fibre reinforced plastic springs has also been reviewed. Design software has been developed for the sulcated spring along similar lines to coil spring design software. In order to develop the software, a theoretical model had to be developed which formed the mathematical basis for the software. The theoretical model is based on a choice of four methods for calculating the flexural rigidity; beam theory, plate theory, and lamination theory assuming isotropic and orthoropic material properties. Experimental results for strain and spring stiffness have been compared with the theoretical model, and were in good agreement. Included in the design software are the results of experimental work on fatigue, and design limiting factors to prevent or warn against impractical designs. Finite element analysis has been used to verify the theoretical model developed, and to find the better approximation to the experimental results. Applications and types of assemblies for the sulcated spring were discussed. Sulcated spring designs for the automotive applications of a suspension, clutch and engine valve spring were found using the design computer software. These sulcated spring designs were within or close to the space of the existing coil spring and yield the same performance. Finally the commercial feasibility of manufacturing the sulcated spring was assessed and compared with the coil spring, to evaluate the plausibility of the sulcated spring replacing the coil spring eventually.
Areolae of the crustose lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC., are present on the peripheral prothallus (marginal areolae) and also aggregate to form confluent masses in the centre of the thallus (central areolae). To determine the relationships between these areolae and whether growth of the peripheral prothallus is dependent on the marginal areolae, the density, morphology, and size frequency distributions of marginal areolae were measured in 23 thalli of R. geographicum in north Wales, UK using image analysis (Image J). Size and morphology of central areolae were also studied across the thallus. Marginal areolae were small, punctate, and occurred in clusters scattered over the peripheral prothallus while central areolae were larger and had a lobed structure. The size-class frequency distributions of the marginal and central areolae were fitted by power-law and log-normal models respectively. In 16 out of 23 thalli, central areolae close to the outer edge were larger and had a more complex lobed morphology than those towards the thallus centre. Neither mean width nor radial growth rate (RaGR) of the peripheral prothallus were correlated with density, diameter, or area fraction of marginal areolae. The data suggest central areolae may develop from marginal areolae as follows: (1) marginal areolae develop in clusters at the periphery and fuse to form central areolae, (2) central areolae grow exponentially, and (3) crowding of central areolae results in constriction and fragmentation. In addition, growth of the peripheral prothallus may be unrelated to the marginal areolae. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2015
A minimálbér-emelés a munkapiacon közvetlenül hat a keresletre és a kínálatra. Közvetett hatásai azonban túlmutatnak a munkapiacon, ezért azokat egy makromodell keretei között elemezzük. A makromodellben háromféle munkafajta és tíz ágazat van; az egyes ágazatok az árképzésükben és az adó- és járulékelkerülésük szerkezetében különböznek. A minimálbér-emelés munkapiaci feszültséget generál: csökkenti a foglalkoztatást a szakképzetlenek körében. Mivel az árszint az átlagbérnél gyorsabban nő, és az aggregált foglalkoztatás is csökken, így csökken a reálfogyasztás. A vállalatok profitja és beruházása csökken, ugyanakkor a vállalati profit csökkenése már csekély mértékű adóelkerülés-növeléssel is kiegyensúlyozható. A minimálbér-emelés hatására nőnek ugyan az adóbevételek, viszont a kiadások nagyobb mértékben nőnek, így általában romlik az egyenleg. Aki tehát a minimálbér emelését követeli, annak a felelős döntés során számolnia kell ezekkel a következményekkel. _____ Raising the minimum wage on the labour market has direct effects on supply and demand. But its indirect effects extend beyond the labour market. They are analysed here with a macro model that distinguishes three types of work and ten industries, whose firms differ in their price structures and the degrees to which tax and social-insurance payments are avoided. Raising the minimum wage generates tension on the labour market and reduces employment of the unskilled. Since the price level rises faster than average pay and aggregate employment falls, so does real consumption. The firms’ profits and investment decline, but the former can be offset even by a small increase in tax avoidance. Although the rise in the minimum wage boosts tax revenues, budgetary expenditures rise more and the balance deteriorates. Advocates of a higher minimum wage need to consider these consequences if they are to reach a responsible decision.
As long as governmental institutions have existed, efforts have been undertaken to reform them. This research examines a particular strategy, coercive controls, exercised through a particular instrument, executive orders, by a singular reformer, the president of the United States. The presidents studied-- Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton--are those whose campaigns for office were characterized to varying degrees as against Washington bureaucracy and for executive reform. Executive order issuance is assessed through an examination of key factors for each president including political party affiliation, levels of political capital, and legislative experience. A classification typology is used to identify the topical dimensions and levels of coerciveness. The portrayal of the federal government is analyzed through examination of public, media, and presidential attention. The results show that executive orders are significant management tools for the president. Executive orders also represent an important component of the transition plans for incoming administrations. The findings indicate that overall, while executive orders have not increased in the aggregate, they are more intrusive and significant. When the factors of political party affiliation, political capital, and legislative experience are examined, it reveals a strong relationship between executive orders and previous executive experience, specifically presidents who served as a state governor prior to winning national election as president. Presidents Carter, Reagan, and Clinton (all former governors) have the highest percent of executive orders focusing on the federal bureaucracy. Additionally, the highest percent of forceful orders were issued by former governors (41.0%) as compared to their presidential counterparts who have not served as governors (19.9%). Secondly, political party affiliation is an important, but not significant, predictor for the use of executive orders. Thirdly, management strategies that provide the president with the greatest level of autonomy--executive orders--redefine the concept of presidential power and autonomous action. Interviews of elite government officials and political observers support the idea that executive orders can provide the president with a successful management strategy, requiring less expenditure of political resources, less risk to political capital, and a way of achieving objectives without depending on an unresponsive Congress. ^
The Neural Crest (NC) is a multipotential group of cells that arises from the dorsal aspect of the neural tube early in development. It is well established that a group of NC cells named Cardiac Neural Crest (CNC) migrates to the heart and plays a critical role in the remodeling of the aortic arch arteries and septation of the outflow tract. In this study, using the mouse mutant Pax3sp/sp that has CNC deficits I have identified a putative novel role for the CNC in regulating apoptosis in the atrioventricular (AV) endocardial cushion. The AV endocardial cushion undergoes remodeling to give rise to the cardiac AV valves. Using a transgenic mouse that carries the LacZ reporter gene under the control of the Dopachrome tautomerase promoter (Dct-LacZ), I found that another NC derived population, melanocyte precursors, also contribute to the AV endocardial cushion and developing AV valves. The analysis of Dct-LacZ embryos at different stages showed that NC cells already committed to the melanocytic fate migrate to the heart along the same initial pathway taken by those that will populate the skin. Hypopigmented mice carrying mutations in the Kit and Endothelin receptor b genes, that are critical for the proper development of skin melanocytes, do not have cardiac melanocytes indicating that cardiac and skin melanocyte precursors share the same initial signaling requirements. The analysis of murine adult hearts showed that melanocytes are mostly found in the atrial sides of the tricuspid and mitral valve leaflets. The distribution of melanocytes in the AV valves corresponds exactly to areas of high Versican B expression, a proteoglycan essential for the process of AV valve remodeling. To evaluate a potential role for melanocytes in the AV valves, a nanoindentation analysis of the tricuspid valves of wild type, hypopigmented and hyperpigmented mice was performed. The storage modulus, a measure of stiffness, for the leaflets obtained from hyperpigmented mice was considerably higher (10.5GPa) than that for the leaflets from wild type (7.5GPa) and hypopigmented animals (between 3.5 and 5.5 GPa) suggesting that melanocytes may contribute to the mechanical properties of the AV valves.
In what can rightly be said to be one of the most dramatic geopolitical shifts in modern times, the collapse of communist regimes in Central Europe and the former Soviet Union brought about dramatic changes in the entire region. As a consequence, wide ranging political, economic, and social transformations have occurred in almost all of these countries since 1989. The Slovak Republic, as a newly democratic country, went through the establishment of the electoral and party systems that are the central mechanisms to the formation of almost all modern democratic governments. The primary research purpose of this dissertation was to describe and explain regional variations in party support during Slovakia’s ten years of democratic transformation. A secondary purpose was to relate these spatial variations to the evolution of political parties in the post-independence period in light of the literature on transitional electoral systems. Research questions were analyzed using both aggregate and survey data. Specifically, the study utilized electoral data from 1994, 1998, and 2002 Slovak parliamentary elections and socio-economic data of the population within Slovak regions which were eventually correlated with the voting results by party in the 79 Slovak districts. The results of this study demonstrate that there is a tendency among voters in certain regions to provide continuous support to the same political parties/movements over time. In addition, the socio-economic characteristics of the Slovak population (gender, age, education, religion, nationality, unemployment, work force distribution, wages, urban-rural variable, and population density) in different regions tend to influence voting preferences in the parliamentary elections. Finally, there is an evident correlation between party preference and the party’s position on integration into European Union, as measured by perceived attitudes regarding the benefits of EU membership.
This dissertation documents the everyday lives and spaces of a population of youth typically constructed as out of place, and the broader urban context in which they are rendered as such. Thirty-three female and transgender street youth participated in the development of this youth-based participatory action research (YPAR) project utilizing geo-ethnographic methods, auto-photography, and archival research throughout a six-phase, eighteen-month research process in Bogotá, Colombia. ^ This dissertation details the participatory writing process that enabled the YPAR research team to destabilize dominant representations of both street girls and urban space and the participatory mapping process that enabled the development of a youth vision of the city through cartographic images. The maps display individual and aggregate spatial data indicating trends within and making comparisons between three subgroups of the research population according to nine spatial variables. These spatial data, coupled with photographic and ethnographic data, substantiate that street girls’ mobilities and activity spaces intersect with and are altered by state-sponsored urban renewal projects and paramilitary-led social cleansing killings, both efforts to clean up Bogotá by purging the city center of deviant populations and places. ^ Advancing an ethical approach to conducting research with excluded populations, this dissertation argues for the enactment of critical field praxis and care ethics within a YPAR framework to incorporate young people as principal research actors rather than merely voices represented in adultist academic discourse. Interjection of considerations of space, gender, and participation into the study of street youth produce new ways of envisioning the city and the role of young people in research. Instead of seeing the city from a panoptic view, Bogotá is revealed through the eyes of street youth who participated in the construction and feminist visualization of a new cartography and counter-map of the city grounded in embodied, situated praxis. This dissertation presents a socially responsible approach to conducting action-research with high-risk youth by documenting how street girls reclaim their right to the city on paper and in practice; through maps of their everyday exclusion in Bogotá followed by activism to fight against it.^
The present study measured a chemotherapy drug, etoposide, in pig cerebrospinal fluid after intraventricular administrations were made directly into the fourth ventricle of the brain; cytotoxic concentrations for a twenty-four hour period after infusions. The analytical method developed validates the potential treatment of malignant brain tumors. The increase in serum carotenoid concentration in 30 healthy individuals was measured after supplementation with lutein. HPLC analysis of serum levels of carotenoids showed an increase in the concentration of lutein and a constant concentration of other major serum carotenoids. An initial attempt to measure the enthalpy of aggregation of xanthophylls was conducted by using ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy. The enthalpy of lutein aggregation and AH range of zeaxanthin disordering of aggregation are reported. Monomethyl ether of lutein did not aggregate in any of the aqueous solutions.