981 resultados para Speratus, Paulus, 1484-1551.
To complement the existing treatment guidelines for all tumour types, ESMO organises consensus conferences to focus on specific issues in each type of tumour. The 2nd ESMO Consensus Conference on Lung Cancer was held on 11-12 May 2013 in Lugano. A total of 35 experts met to address several questions on non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in each of four areas: pathology and molecular biomarkers, first-line/second and further lines of treatment in advanced disease, early-stage disease and locally advanced disease. For each question, recommendations were made including reference to the grade of recommendation and level of evidence. This consensus paper focuses on first line/second and further lines of treatment in advanced disease.
L'Évangile du Sauveur 45-59 rapporte une interprétation peu connue de la prière de Jésus au Mont des Oliviers, comme prière d'intercession pour le peuple d'Israël. Cette interprètation est connue d'Origène, Jérôme et Epiphane. Cet article souhaite montrer que la prise en compte d'une telle tradition permet de reprendre sur une base nouvelle la question de la signification des prières et supplications, avec grand cri et larmes d'He 5,7. En amont de ces deux passages se tient en effet le topos d'une intense prière de supplication, efficace et faisant place aux motions. Evoquée par Justin Martyr et Origène comme d'origine hébraïque, cette prière reçoit dans le cadre du judaïsme hellénistique une tournure caractéristique, quand elle y est associée à la terminologie grecque du suppliant : elle témoigne alors d'un point de contact entre cultures juive et hellénistique. La conclusion souligne que l'Evangile du Sauveur est vecteur à la fois de la mémoire et de l'oubli culturels de la prière de supplication évoquée en He 5,7.
Background: Paroxetine (Paxil,) is an SSRI, used for thetreatment of depression, obsessive compulsive disorder,anxiety disorders and premenstrual dysphoria. Untilrecently, no studies had associated SSRIs as a group withan increased risk for major malformations above the 1%-3% baseline rate. However, in the past year, several studiesnoted specifically, an increase risk of cardiovascular defectsassociated with paroxetine, compared to other antidepressantswithin its class.Objectives: To determine whether paroxetine increases therisk of cardiovascular defects in infants of women exposedduring the first trimester of pregnancy.Methods: We collected prospectively ascertained cases ofinfants from Teratogen Information Services throughout theworld, exposed to paroxetine in the first trimester of pregnancyand compared them to a non-exposed Motheriskcohort.We also contacted the authors of data base studies thathad been published on antidepressants as a class, to determinehow many of these women had been exposed to paroxetineand the rates of cardiovascular defects in their infants.Results: We were able to ascertain the outcomes of 1177infants from 9 services. The rate of heart defects in the paroxetineparoxetinegroup was 0.8% versus 0.7% non-exposed group.The combined rate in the data base studies was 1.5%.Conclusions: Paroxetine does not appear to be associated withan increase risk for cardiovascular defects following use inpregnancy, as the incidence in more than 3000 infants was wellwithin the population incidence of approximately 1%.
Agricolan aapinen, Abckiria, on suomenkielisen kirjallisuuden esikoinen. Ensimmäinen aapinen painettiin todennäköisesti vuonna 1543 Tukholmassa. Toinen painos on noin vuosilta 1549-1551, kolmas vuodelta 1559, eli painettu tekijänsä kuoleman jälkeen. Abckiriasta ei ole säilynyt yhtään täydellistä kappaletta. Aapiskirja oli tarkoitettu ensisijaisesti papeille, ja vasta toissijaisesti lukemaan opetteleville lapsille. Kirja sisältää aakkoset, ääntämis- ja tavuohjeet sekä lukusanat. Sen keskeinen osa muodostuu katekismuksen pääkappaleista sekä rukouksista.
Agricola avustajineen suomensi Vanhan Testamentin osia, joista ensimmäinen Dauidin Psaltari ensimmäisenä ilmestyi erillisenä kirjana. Runomuotoisessa esipuheessa on varhaisin painettu kertomus hämäläisten ja karjalaisten pakanallisista jumalista ja henkiolennoista.
In this paper, we investigate the average andoutage performance of spatial multiplexing multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with channel state information at both sides of the link. Such systems result, for example, from exploiting the channel eigenmodes in multiantenna systems. Dueto the complexity of obtaining the exact expression for the average bit error rate (BER) and the outage probability, we deriveapproximations in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime assuming an uncorrelated Rayleigh flat-fading channel. Moreexactly, capitalizing on previous work by Wang and Giannakis, the average BER and outage probability versus SNR curves ofspatial multiplexing MIMO systems are characterized in terms of two key parameters: the array gain and the diversity gain. Finally, these results are applied to analyze the performance of a variety of linear MIMO transceiver designs available in the literature.
Fibrin sealant is used in many areas of surgery. We present a novel aspect of flap insetting in the ischial region using fibrin spray to seal the transferred tissue. We analyzed 10 patients suffering from decubital ulcers and assessed drainage output, time of drain removal, as well as complications following fasciocutaneous flap surgery. Patients were randomized to receive sprayed fibrin glue (study group) or not (control group) before wound closure. The mean drainage time was 4 +/- 1 days in the study group and 6 +/- 1 days in the control group ( P = 0.06). The mean drainage volume was 100 +/- 20 mL in the study group and 168 +/- 30 mL in the control group ( P < 0.01). Fibrin sealant led to reduced drainage volumes and duration of drainage, indicating a beneficial effect of the application of fibrin glue in fasciocutaneous flap surgery for pressure sore coverage.
Most hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) in the bone marrow reside in a quiescent state and occasionally enter the cell cycle upon cytokine-induced activation. Although the mechanisms regulating HSC quiescence and activation remain poorly defined, recent studies have revealed a role of lipid raft clustering (LRC) in HSC activation. Here, we tested the hypothesis that changes in lipid raft distribution could serve as an indicator of the quiescent and activated state of HSCs in response to putative niche signals. A semi-automated image analysis tool was developed to map the presence or absence of lipid raft clusters in live HSCs cultured for just one hour in serum-free medium supplemented with stem cell factor (SCF). By screening the ability of 19 protein candidates to alter lipid raft dynamics, we identified six factors that induced either a marked decrease (Wnt5a, Wnt3a and Osteopontin) or increase (IL3, IL6 and VEGF) in LRC. Cell cycle kinetics of single HSCs exposed to these factors revealed a correlation of LRC dynamics and proliferation kinetics: factors that decreased LRC slowed down cell cycle kinetics, while factors that increased LRC led to faster and more synchronous cycling. The possibility of identifying, by LRC analysis at very early time points, whether a stem cell is activated and possibly committed upon exposure to a signaling cue of interest could open up new avenues for large-scale screening efforts.