896 resultados para Special needs students
El presente proyecto pretende ser una herramienta para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura (enseñar a leer y a escribir) para niños con discapacidad, haciendo para ello uso de una aplicación que se ejecuta en una tablet con Sistema Operativo (S.O.) Android. Existe un vacío en el mundo de las aplicaciones para tabletas en este campo en el que se intentará poner un grano de arena para, al menos, tener una aplicación que sirva de toma de contacto a los interesados en este campo. Para establecer las funcionalidades más adecuadas al propósito de la herramienta, se ha consultado a profesionales de la logopedia de un colegio de educación especial, con cuya colaboración se ha dado forma a la estructura de la misma. La implementación de la aplicación se ha llevado a cabo con programación en entorno Java para Android. Se han incluido diferentes recursos como imágenes, pictogramas y locuciones tanto elementos con licencia libre, como elementos propios generados ‘ex profeso’ para dar la forma final a la herramienta. Podemos decir que en general esta aplicación puede ser usada para enseña a leer y escribir a cualquier niño, pero se ha dotado de unas ciertas características que la confieren una orientación especial hacia niños con necesidades educativas especiales. Para ello se ha cuidado mucho la estética, para que ésta sea lo más simple y suave posible, para hacer especial hincapié en la atención de los niños y evitar su distracción con elementos visuales innecesarios. Se ha dotado de estímulos visuales y sonoros para fomentar su interés (aplausos en caso de acierto, colores para diferenciar aciertos y errores, etc.). Se han utilizado los tamaños de letra más grandes posibles (para las discapacidades visuales), etc. El mercado cuenta con una ingente cantidad de dispositivos Android, con características muy dispares, de tamaño de pantalla, resolución y versiones del S.O. entre otras. La aplicación se ha desarrollado tratando de dar cobertura al mayor porcentaje de ellos posible. El requisito mínimo de tamaño de pantalla sería de siete pulgadas. Esta herramienta no tiene demasiado sentido en dispositivos con pantallas menores por las características intrínsecas de la misma. No obstante se ha trabajado también en la configuración para dispositivos pequeños, como “smartphones”, no por su valor como herramienta para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura (aunque en algunos casos podría ser viable) sino más bien con fines de prueba y entrenamiento para profesores, padres o tutores que realizarán la labor docente con dispositivos tablet. Otro de los requisitos, como se ha mencionado, para poder ejecutar la aplicación sería la versión mínima de S.O., por debajo de la cual (versiones muy obsoletas) la aplicación sería inviable. Sirva este proyecto pues para cubrir, mediante el uso de la tecnología, un aspecto de la enseñanza con grandes oportunidades de mejora. ----------------------- This Project is aimed to be a tool for teaching reading and writing skills to handicapped children with an Android application. There are no Android applications available on this field, so it is intended to provide at least one option to take contact with. Speech therapy professionals from a special needs school have been asked for the most suitable functions to be included in this tool. The structure of this tool has been made with the cooperation of these professionals. The implementation of the application has been performed through Java coding for Android. Different resources have been included such as pictures, pictograms and sounds, including free licenses resources and self-developed resources. In general, it can be said that this application can be used to teach learning and writing skills to any given kid, however it has been provided of certain features that makes it ideal for children with special educational needs. It has been strongly taken into account the whole aesthetic to be as simple and soft as possible, in order to get attention of children, excluding any visual disturbing elements. It has been provided with sound and visual stimulations, to attract their interest (applauses in cases of correct answers, different colours to differentiate right or wrong answers), etc. There are many different types of Android devices, with very heterogeneous features regarding their screen size, resolution and O.S. version, etc., available today. The application has been developed trying to cover most of them. Minimum screen resolution is seven inches. This tool doesn’t seem to be very useful for smaller screens, for its inner features. Nevertheless, it has been developed for smaller devices as well, like smartphones, not intended to be a tool for teaching reading and writing skills (even it could be possible in some cases), but in a test and training context for teachers, parents or guardians who do the teaching work with tablet devices. Another requirement, as stated before, in order to be able to run the application, it would be the minimum O.S. version, below that (very obsolete versions) the application would become impracticable. Hope this project to be used to fulfill, by means of technology, one area of teaching with great improvement opportunities.
El presente proyecto pretende ser una herramienta para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura (enseñar a leer y a escribir) para niños con discapacidad, haciendo para ello uso de una aplicación que se ejecuta en una tablet con Sistema Operativo (S.O.) Android. Existe un vacío en el mundo de las aplicaciones para tabletas en este campo en el que se intentará poner un grano de arena para, al menos, tener una aplicación que sirva de toma de contacto a los interesados en este campo. Para establecer las funcionalidades más adecuadas al propósito de la herramienta, se ha consultado a profesionales de la logopedia de un colegio de educación especial, con cuya colaboración se ha dado forma a la estructura de la misma. La implementación de la aplicación se ha llevado a cabo con programación en entorno Java para Android. Se han incluido diferentes recursos como imágenes, pictogramas y locuciones tanto elementos con licencia libre, como elementos propios generados ‘ex profeso’ para dar la forma final a la herramienta. Podemos decir que en general esta aplicación puede ser usada para enseña a leer y escribir a cualquier niño, pero se ha dotado de unas ciertas características que la confieren una orientación especial hacia niños con necesidades educativas especiales. Para ello se ha cuidado mucho la estética, para que ésta sea lo más simple y suave posible, para hacer especial hincapié en la atención de los niños y evitar su distracción con elementos visuales innecesarios. Se ha dotado de estímulos visuales y sonoros para fomentar su interés (aplausos en caso de acierto, colores para diferenciar aciertos y errores, etc.). Se han utilizado los tamaños de letra más grandes posibles (para las discapacidades visuales), etc. El mercado cuenta con una ingente cantidad de dispositivos Android, con características muy dispares, de tamaño de pantalla, resolución y versiones del S.O. entre otras. La aplicación se ha desarrollado tratando de dar cobertura al mayor porcentaje de ellos posible. El requisito mínimo de tamaño de pantalla sería de siete pulgadas. Esta herramienta no tiene demasiado sentido en dispositivos con pantallas menores por las características intrínsecas de la misma. No obstante se ha trabajado también en la configuración para dispositivos pequeños, como “smartphones”, no por su valor como herramienta para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura (aunque en algunos casos podría ser viable) sino más bien con fines de prueba y entrenamiento para profesores, padres o tutores que realizarán la labor docente con dispositivos tablet. Otro de los requisitos, como se ha mencionado, para poder ejecutar la aplicación sería la versión mínima de S.O., por debajo de la cual (versiones muy obsoletas) la aplicación sería inviable. Sirva este proyecto pues para cubrir, mediante el uso de la tecnología, un aspecto de la enseñanza con grandes oportunidades de mejora. ABSTRACT. This Project is aimed to be a tool for teaching reading and writing skills to handicapped children with an Android application. There are no Android applications available on this field, so it is intended to provide at least one option to take contact with. Speech therapy professionals from a special needs school have been asked for the most suitable functions to be included in this tool. The structure of this tool has been made with the cooperation of these professionals. The implementation of the application has been performed through Java coding for Android. Different resources have been included such as pictures, pictograms and sounds, including free licenses resources and self-developed resources. In general, it can be said that this application can be used to teach learning and writing skills to any given kid, however it has been provided of certain features that makes it ideal for children with special educational needs. It has been strongly taken into account the whole aesthetic to be as simple and soft as possible, in order to get attention of children, excluding any visual disturbing elements. It has been provided with sound and visual stimulations, to attract their interest (applauses in cases of correct answers, different colours to differentiate right or wrong answers), etc. There are many different types of Android devices, with very heterogeneous features regarding their screen size, resolution and O.S. version, etc., available today. The application has been developed trying to cover most of them. Minimum screen resolution is seven inches. This tool doesn’t seem to be very useful for smaller screens, for its inner features. Nevertheless, it has been developed for smaller devices as well, like smartphones, not intended to be a tool for teaching reading and writing skills (even it could be possible in some cases), but in a test and training context for teachers, parents or guardians who do the teaching work with tablet devices. Another requirement, as stated before, in order to be able to run the application, it would be the minimum O.S. version, below that (very obsolete versions) the application would become impracticable. Hope this project to be used to fulfill, by means of technology, one area of teaching with great improvement opportunities.
Na qualidade de profissionais da área da psicologia educacional, temos identificado, ao longo da última década, uma progressiva insegurança e, por vezes, preocupante angústia na vivência e na assunção da função parental. Essa situação reflete-se na preocupação crescente manifestada por parte dos educadores de infância que lidam com crianças que revelam um comprometimento no desenvolvimento social e emocional. De acordo com este cenário, alguns profissionais da educação começaram a utilizar o conceito de indisciplina para traduzir os comportamentos desadequados de crianças entre os 3 e 5 anos, associando muitas vezes esse “rótulo” à utilização indiscriminada do diagnóstico de hiperatividade. No âmbito da intervenção do Centro de Aprendizagem e Desenvolvimento da Infância (CeADIn) da Escola Superior de Educação de Castelo Branco, propomo-nos implementar um programa de inspiração sistémica e ecológica junto de pais de crianças ditas normais e de crianças com necessidades educativas especiais, intitulado Assumir o Desafio de uma Parentalidade Positiva. De acordo com o enunciado, o estudo de caso que pretendemos realizar é norteado pelas seguintes questões de investigação: - A implementação de um programa de Educação Parental de natureza sistémica/ecológica promoverá competências parentais eficazes para o desenvolvimento socio-emocional dos filhos? - Haverá diferenças entre os resultados obtidos junto dos pais de crianças “normais” e os resultados obtidos junto de pais de crianças com NEE antes e após a implementação do programa?
The design objects give us a testimony of those who imagined, designed, developed, manufactured and used them. Each object, intentionally or not, portrays its own story, all the visible details are part of a decision taken by someone at some time of its chronology. The act of collecting objects, as well as private collections are the basis for the creation of museums as we know them today. Musealization - taking objects into a museum - means that one is restoring, preserving, enhancing some objects compared to others. And when restoring these objects, one is restoring their symbolic capacity, i.e. the fact that they tell a story, means you are restoring its message. In a museum, although out of context and deprived of most of the functions to which they had been designed for, the objects acquire other function(s), preserving their importance. Design museums give us the possibility to have a closer view of the objects, rather than just look at them, along with the pedagogical function. Thus presents a proposal for museography regarding industrial design, which is based on the appreciation of the function of anonymous design objects, based on expository logic, that takes the visitor to see, instead of just looking at objects, offering the possibility of interaction with the same, increasing the relationship between human being - object - museum, including groups with special needs, which are often forgotten in these exhibitions. This dissertation is a reflection and a projectual intervention on the design object in a museum, clarifying the concepts of object and museum, covering issues regarding the relevance of design museums, and culminating in the presentation of a museography project, where the function of an object prevails
The presente study, entitled “Equipamento para quartos séniores de residências de serviços acompanhados ou domiciliários”, consists on a development of a new furniture line for Mundinter SA. This project aims to improve the quality of life of individuals with special needs. This social duty is to integrate, temporarily or permanently, elderly or disabled people, contributing to their balance and well-being. Focused in the social economy (nursing homes, assisted and private residences) and aware the care to be provided to the elderly and dependent it is intended, together with Mundinter S.A., create more versatile and appealing furniture equipment for rooms. The interest in this topic is based on the analysis of the space and equipment functions / purpose, as well as the user’s needs. Through contextualization we try to find solutions allied to the design, though in enormous expansion with society influence, is still unexplored in furniture equipment for elderly or disabled people
Na área da deficiência exige-se a intervenção de técnicos de diversas especialidades, atuando de forma articulada e concertada para responder às necessidades das pessoas com necessidades especiais. Neste contexto, o papel da atividade física, quando inserida em estilos de vida saudáveis, merece particular destaque, enquanto instrumento essencial para a melhoria da condição física, da qualidade de vida e do bem-estar das pessoas com deficiência. O conceito de atividade física na população com deficiência está igualmente associado a vertentes como a reabilitação, educação, competição e recreação, sendo cada vez mais evidente a ênfase colocada nos seus benefícios físicos, sociais e psicológicos. Em suma: a atividade física adaptada parece poder contribuir para desencadear efeitos positivos na sua saúde. O objetivo principal foi consolidar a visão estrutural e teórica do conceito de deficiência, necessidades especiais, atividade física adaptada e estilos de vida saudáveis.
Os momentos extraordinariamente relevantes na fase de crescimento da criança, surgem nos primeiros anos de vida, acerca dos quais os conhecimentos de intervenção têm uma repercussão importante. O crescimento de oportunidades de conhecimento e a construção de contextos sociais e físicos que proporcionem e otimizem as capacidades da criança nesses primeiros anos, competem aos fatores que integram os seus diferentes ecossistemas. (Paasche, Gorrill & Strom, 2010) A intervenção Precoce na Infância é uma relevante esfera quer aos níveis político como profissional. Interagindo-se com o direito das crianças nas primeiras idades e suas famílias a usufruírem da ajuda de que possam carecer. A IPI tem por finalidade apoiar e preparar a criança, a família e os serviços envolvidos. Apoia a implantar uma sociedade inclusiva e unida, ciente dos privilégios das crianças e das famílias. (European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education, 2005) O conteúdo deste trabalho planeja estimular a interação de uma criança, com atraso no desenvolvimento psicomotor e encefalopatia estática com os seus pares. O estudo consiste na entrevista à docente, à encarregada de educação, à técnica de Intervenção precoce na Infância e na observação da criança com as entrevistadas e com os pares. Feita a recolha dos dados, estes serão futuramente avaliados.
This chapter describes the development of sport psychology in Europe. Starting from the early years at the beginning of the 20th century, the contribution of European sport psychology in different cultural traditions to the development of this discipline is highlighted. The foundation of FEPSAC, the European Federation of Sport Psychology, and its role in this development are emphasised. During the first 20 years, Europe was a divided continent and the challenges were to establish a common understanding and possibilities for scientific exchange. After the fall of the Berlin wall and the change of the political landscape in Europe, central aims were to foster scientific exchange despite language difficulties, to develop a common understanding, to help young sport psychologists and to establish sport psychology as a professional field. In the new century, one group of challenges identified refers to unification, for example in education and training, in the services delivery, and in the structure. The second group of challenges relates to diversification, be it in the educational and vocational pathways, the different sports and physical activities, the inclusion of persons with special needs or background, or the publications.
At head of title: Special needs groups.
Description based on: [1988]; title from cover.
Description based on: 1994-95.
Magnetic levitation bearings eliminate friction, wear and the need for lubrication and so have high speed capability and potential for vibration control. One noteworthy development in the realm of magnetic levitation is the self-bearing or bearingless motor - an electromagnetic machine that supports its own rotor by way of magnetic forces generated by windings on its stator. Accordingly, various winding schemes have been proposed to accomplish the task of force production. This thesis proposes a novel concept of winding based on a bridge connection for polyphase self-bearing rotating electrical machines with the following advantages: • the connection uses a single set of windings and thus power loss is relatively low when compared with self-bearing motors with conventional dual set of windings. • the motor and levitation controls are segregated such that only one motor inverter is required for the normal torque production and levitation forces are produced by using auxiliary power supplies of relatively low current and voltage rating. The usual way of controlling the motor is retained. • there are many variant winding schemes to meet special needs. • independent power supplies for levitation control offer redundancy for fault tolerance. This thesis dwells specifically on the conceptual design and implementation of the proposed single set of windings scheme. The new connection has been verified to exhibit characteristics of a self-bearing motor via coupled-field finite element analysis: results are crosschecked analytically. Power loss and other aspects such as cost, design implementation are compared to support the newly proposed connection as a potential alternative to present designs.
While mobile devices offer many innovative possibilities to help increase the standard of living for individuals with disabilities and other special needs, the process of developing assistive technology, such that it will be effective across a group of individuals with a particular disability, can be extremely challenging. This chapter discusses key issues and trends related to designing and evaluating mobile assistive technology for individuals with disabilities. Following an overview of general design process issues, we argue (based on current research trends) that individuals with disabilities and domain experts be involved throughout the development process. While this, in itself, presents its own set of challenges, many strategies have successfully been used to overcome the difficulties and maximize the contributions of users and experts alike. Guidelines based on these strategies are discussed and are illustrated with real examples from one of our active research projects.
While mobile devices offer many innovative possibilities to help increase the standard of living for individuals with disabilities and other special needs, the process of developing assistive technology, such that it will be effective across a group of individuals with a particular disability, can be extremely challenging. This chapter discusses key issues and trends related to designing and evaluating mobile assistive technology for individuals with disabilities. Following an overview of general design process issues, we argue (based on current research trends) that individuals with disabilities and domain experts be involved throughout the development process. While this, in itself, presents its own set of challenges, many strategies have successfully been used to overcome the difficulties and maximize the contributions of users and experts alike. Guidelines based on these strategies are discussed and are illustrated with real examples from one of our active research projects.
In the UK, 20% of people aged 75 years and over are living with sight loss and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common cause of sight loss in the UK, impacting nearly 10% of those over 80; regrettably, these fgures are expected to increase in coming decades as the population ages (RNIB, 2012). This paper reports on the authors' design activities conducted for the purpose of informing the development of an assistive self-monitoring, ability-reactive technology (SMART) for older adults with AMD. The authors refect on their experience of adopting and adapting the PICTIVE (Plastic Interface for Collaborative Technology Initiatives through Video Exploration) participatory design approach (Muller, 1992) to support effective design with and for their special needs user group, refect on participants' views of being part of the process, and discuss the design themes identifed via their PD activities.