979 resultados para Spatial travel pattern
Cell–cell recognition often requires the formation of a highly organized pattern of receptor proteins (a synapse) in the intercellular junction. Recent experiments [e.g., Monks, C. R. F., Freiberg, B. A., Kupfer, H., Sciaky, N. & Kupfer, A. (1998) Nature (London) 395, 82–86; Grakoui, A., Bromley, S. K., Sumen, C., Davis, M. M., Shaw, A. S., Allen, P. M. & Dustin, M. L. (1999) Science 285, 221–227; and Davis, D. M., Chiu, I., Fassett, M., Cohen, G. B., Mandelboim, O. & Strominger, J. L. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 15062–15067] vividly demonstrate a complex evolution of cell shape and spatial receptor–ligand patterns (several microns in size) in the intercellular junction during immunological synapse formation. The current view is that this dynamic rearrangement of proteins into organized supramolecular activation clusters is driven primarily by active cytoskeletal processes [e.g., Dustin, M. L. & Cooper, J. A. (2000) Nat. Immunol. 1, 23–29; and Wulfing, C. & Davis, M. M. (1998) Science 282, 2266–2269]. Here, aided by a quantitative analysis of the relevant physico-chemical processes, we demonstrate that the essential characteristics of synaptic patterns observed in living cells can result from spontaneous self-assembly processes. Active cellular interventions are superimposed on these self-organizing tendencies and may also serve to regulate the spontaneous processes. We find that the protein binding/dissociation characteristics, protein mobilities, and membrane constraints measured in the cellular environment are delicately balanced such that the length and time scales of spontaneously evolving patterns are in near-quantitative agreement with observations for synapse formation between T cells and supported membranes [Grakoui, A., Bromley, S. K., Sumen, C., Davis, M. M., Shaw, A. S., Allen, P. M. & Dustin, M. L. (1999) Science 285, 221–227]. The model we present provides a common way of analyzing immunological synapse formation in disparate systems (e.g., T cell/antigen-presenting cell junctions with different MHC-peptides, natural killer cells, etc.).
In the sea urchin embryo, the lineage founder cells whose polyclonal progenies will give rise to five different territories are segregated at the sixth division. To investigate the mechanisms by which the fates of embryonic cells are first established, we looked for temporal and spatial expression of homeobox genes in the very early cleavage embryos. We report evidence that PlHbox12, a paired homeobox-containing gene, is expressed in the embryo from the 4-cell stage. The abundance of the transcripts reaches its maximum when the embryo has been divided into the five polyclonal territories--namely at the 64-cell stage--and it abruptly declines at later stages of development. Blastomere dissociation experiments indicate that maximal expression of PlHbox12 is dependent on intercellular interactions, thus suggesting that signal transduction mechanisms are responsible for its transcriptional activation in the early cleavage embryo. Spatial expression of PlHbox12 was determined by whole-mount in situ hybridization. PlHbox12 transcripts in embryos at the fourth, fifth, and sixth divisions seem to be restricted to the conditionally specified ectodermal lineages. These results suggest a possible role of the PlHbox12 gene in the early events of cell specification of the presumptive ectodermal territories.
A metrópole de São Paulo é a maior e mais importante aglomeração urbana do Brasil e está entre as dez maiores áreas urbanas do mundo. No entanto, a forma como acessibilidade espacial ocorre gera um fardo para a população e para a atividade econômica. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para a discussão de como melhorar a acessibilidade na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo estudando as características e impactos de estruturas espaciais urbana, analisando criticamente a estrutura espacial da metrópole e proporcionando sugestões de melhorias a fim de proporcionar uma mobilidade mais sustentável. Os procedimentos metodológicos incluem uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema e uma caracterização da estrutura espacial da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, considerando a alocação de população, alocação de empregos e os padrões de deslocamento para os modais individual, coletivo e não motorizado. Apresentamos um relato da evolução recente, com dados das pesquisas de origem e destino realizadas pelo Metrô em 1997 e 2007 e da pesquisa de mobilidade de 2012. Também realizamos uma caracterização mais aprofundada com os dados da pesquisa de 2007. As cidades se desenvolvem com base no trade-off entre proximidade e mobilidade: a fim de maximizar as possibilidades de interação, as pessoas e as empresas tendem a se localizar onde o deslocamento necessário para executar essas interações requer menos custos financeiros, perda de tempo e desconforto. Esse processo molda a alocação espacial de atividades, que define parcialmente os hábitos de transporte. A estrutura espacial urbana pode ser caracterizada por sua escala (padrões compacto ou disperso), arranjo de densidades (padrão disperso ou clusterizado) e arranjo de atividade (padrão monocêntrico ou policêntrico). Estruturas espaciais com padrão mais compacto apresentam menores distâncias de viagem, reduzindo o impacto ambiental das viagens e viabilizando o transporte não motorizado e coletivo, e levam a um uso mais eficiente da terra, menor custo de infraestrutura e maior equidade no acesso ao transporte. Já estruturas clusterizadas policêntricas são associadas com maior facilidade de acesso à terra. Existe um debate sobre a capacidade de estruturas policêntricas resultarem em uma aproximação generalizada de empregos e residências. A Região Metropolitana de São Paulo apresenta um padrão monocêntrico na escala metropolitana, com fortes movimentos pendulares da periferia para o centro expandido da iii capital. Durante o período de análise, foi observada uma realocação da população para áreas mais centrais da cidade e uma centralização dos empregos ainda mais forte, resultando no agravamento dos movimentos pendulares. Existe uma clara divisão modal por renda: as classes mais altas utilizam majoritariamente automóveis, enquanto as classes mais baixas utilizam majoritariamente transporte coletivo e não motorizado. Para o futuro, o novo plano diretor tem o mérito de caminhar na direção do desenvolvimento urbano orientado pelo transporte sustentável, porém os níveis de densidade máxima permitidos ainda são parecidos com o do plano anterior e a largura dos eixos de adensamento é restrita. Acreditamos ser vantajoso um aumento do adensamento em áreas próximas dos empregos; geração de polos de adensamento em áreas mais afastadas dos empregos, mas próximas das infraestruturas de transporte coletivo de alta velocidade, e desencorajamento do adensamento em áreas com baixa acessibilidade. Também é necessária uma gestão integrada dos transportes, provendo infraestrutura para viagens não motorizadas e viagens intermodais, e uma gestão dos impactos negativos do adensamento.
The delineation of functional economic areas, or market areas, is a problem of high practical relevance, since the delineation of functional sets such as economic areas in the US, Travel-to-Work Areas in the United Kingdom, and their counterparts in other OECD countries are the basis of many statistical operations and policy making decisions at local level. This is a combinatorial optimisation problem defined as the partition of a given set of indivisible spatial units (covering a territory) into regions characterised by being (a) self-contained and (b) cohesive, in terms of spatial interaction data (flows, relationships). Usually, each region must reach a minimum size and self-containment level, and must be continuous. Although these optimisation problems have been typically solved through greedy methods, a recent strand of the literature in this field has been concerned with the use of evolutionary algorithms with ad hoc operators. Although these algorithms have proved to be successful in improving the results of some of the more widely applied official procedures, they are so time consuming that cannot be applied directly to solve real-world problems. In this paper we propose a new set of group-based mutation operators, featuring general operations over disjoint groups, tailored to ensure that all the constraints are respected during the operation to improve efficiency. A comparative analysis of our results with those from previous approaches shows that the proposed algorithm systematically improves them in terms of both quality and processing time, something of crucial relevance since it allows dealing with most large, real-world problems in reasonable time.
Conceptual frameworks of dryland degradation commonly include ecohydrological feedbacks between landscape spatial organization and resource loss, so that decreasing cover and size of vegetation patches result in higher water and soil losses, which lead to further vegetation loss. However, the impacts of these feedbacks on dryland dynamics in response to external stress have barely been tested. Using a spatially-explicit model, we represented feedbacks between vegetation pattern and landscape resource loss by establishing a negative dependence of plant establishment on the connectivity of runoff-source areas (e.g., bare soils). We assessed the impact of various feedback strengths on the response of dryland ecosystems to changing external conditions. In general, for a given external pressure, these connectivity-mediated feedbacks decrease vegetation cover at equilibrium, which indicates a decrease in ecosystem resistance. Along a gradient of gradual increase of environmental pressure (e.g., aridity), the connectivity-mediated feedbacks decrease the amount of pressure required to cause a critical shift to a degraded state (ecosystem resilience). If environmental conditions improve, these feedbacks increase the pressure release needed to achieve the ecosystem recovery (restoration potential). The impact of these feedbacks on dryland response to external stress is markedly non-linear, which relies on the non-linear negative relationship between bare-soil connectivity and vegetation cover. Modelling studies on dryland vegetation dynamics not accounting for the connectivity-mediated feedbacks studied here may overestimate the resistance, resilience and restoration potential of drylands in response to environmental and human pressures. Our results also suggest that changes in vegetation pattern and associated hydrological connectivity may be more informative early-warning indicators of dryland degradation than changes in vegetation cover.
SUMMARY Switzerland is facing an aging population and a growing amount of patients with chronic diseases. It is crucial to display health care processes and pathways, to identify inequalities and obstacles, and to point out possibilities for improvements of the Swiss health care system (e.g. increase efficiency). The introductory part of the thesis presents a brief description of the Swiss health care system, health services research and regional variation as well as an introduction of CVD and its epidemiological key figures, aetiology and treatments. This is followed by the description of the utilized methods and data, and the objectives of this thesis. The subsequent sections present the four articles included in this thesis. The first article focuses on a small area analysis on regional variation of avoidable hospitalisations in Switzerland including density of primary care physicians and specialists, rurality and hospital supply factors as explanatory variables in the analysis. Lower rates of avoidable hospitalisations were found in areas with very high supply of primary care physicians, increased avoidable hospitalisation rates in areas with more specialists and in areas with higher proportion of rural residents. The second article aims to examine whether emergency patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction were adequately treated, i.e. according to the treatment guidelines, in Switzerland. Results show that older and female patients were less likely to receive revascularization which suggests that the treatment guidelines may not be uniformly applied in Switzerland. Similar to the first article, also in the third article a small area analysis was performed but this time investigating regional variation in costs at the end of life. Strongest associations of cost was found with cause of death, age and language region of the decedents. The strong spatial variation of costs could only partly be explained by the included covariates. Article four aims to examine the relationship of distance to different hospital types and mortality from AMI or stroke. We found that AMI mortality in the Swiss population 30 and older and stroke mortality in those 65 and above increased with distance to central and university hospitals, while adjusting for sociodemographic and economic characteristics of the population. The presentation of the four articles is followed by a discussion, which summarizes the main findings and the strengths and limitations of the presented articles. The thesis concludes with a discussion about the challenges for policy, practice and future research.
La primera obra relata el viaje de 1572-1573, la segunda el viaje de 1577-1580, la tercera el de 1585-1586 y la última del viaje de 1595-1596, en el que murió.
The apposition compound eyes of gonodactyloid stomatopods are divided into a ventral and a dorsal hemisphere by six equatorial rows of enlarged ommatidia, the mid-band (MB). Whereas the hemispheres are specialized for spatial vision, the MB consists of four dorsal rows of ommatidia specialized for colour vision and two ventral rows specialized for polarization vision. The eight retinula cell axons (RCAs) from each ommatidium project retinotopically onto one corresponding lamina cartridge, so that the three retinal data streams (spatial, colour and polarization) remain anatomically separated. This study investigates whether the retinal specializations are reflected in differences in the RCA arrangement within the corresponding lamina cartridges. We have found that, in all three eye regions, the seven short visual fibres (svfs) formed by retinula cells 1-7 (R1-R7) terminate at two distinct lamina levels, geometrically separating the terminals of photoreceptors sensitive to either orthogonal e-vector directions or different wavelengths of light. This arrangement is required for the establishment of spectral and polarization opponency mechanisms. The long visual fibres (lvfs) of the eighth retinula cells (R8) pass through the lamina and project retinotopically to the distal medulla externa. Differences between the three eye regions exist in the packing of svf terminals and in the branching patterns of the lvfs within the lamina. We hypothesize that the R8 cells of MB rows 1-4 are incorporated into the colour vision system formed by R1-R7, whereas the R8 cells of MB rows 5 and 6 form a separate neural channel from R1 to R7 for polarization processing.
This paper presents a rectangular array antenna with a suitable signal-processing algorithm that is able to steer the beam in azimuth over a wide frequency band. In the previous approach, which was reported in the literature, an inverse discrete Fourier transform technique was proposed for obtaining the signal weighting coefficients. This approach was demonstrated for large arrays in which the physical parameters of the antenna elements were not considered. In this paper, a modified signal-weighting algorithm that works for arbitrary-size arrays is described. Its validity is demonstrated in examples of moderate-size arrays with real antenna elements. It is shown that in some cases, the original beam-forming algorithm fails, while the new algorithm is able to form the desired radiation pattern over a wide frequency band. The performance of the new algorithm is assessed for two cases when the mutual coupling between array elements is both neglected and taken into account.
Tropical deforestation is the major contemporary threat to global biodiversity, because a diminishing extent of tropical forests supports the majority of the Earth's biodiversity. Forest clearing is often spatially concentrated in regions where human land use pressures, either planned or unplanned, increase the likelihood of deforestation. However, it is not a random process, but often moves in waves originating from settled areas. We investigate the spatial dynamics of land cover change in a tropical deforestation hotspot in the Colombian Amazon. We apply a forest cover zoning approach which permitted: calculation of colonization speed; comparative spatial analysis of patterns of deforestation and regeneration; analysis of spatial patterns of mature and recently regenerated forests; and the identification of local-level hotspots experiencing the fastest deforestation or regeneration. The colonization frontline moved at an average of 0.84 km yr(-1) from 1989 to 2002, resulting in the clearing of 3400 ha yr(-1) of forests beyond the 90% forest cover line. The dynamics of forest clearing varied across the colonization front according to the amount of forest in the landscape, but was spatially concentrated in well-defined 'local hotspots' of deforestation and forest regeneration. Behind the deforestation front, the transformed landscape mosaic is composed of cropping and grazing lands interspersed with mature forest fragments and patches of recently regenerated forests. We discuss the implications of the patterns of forest loss and fragmentation for biodiversity conservation within a framework of dynamic conservation planning.
The term secretome has been defined as a set of secreted proteins (Grimmond et al. [2003] Genome Res 13:1350-1359). The term secreted protein encompasses all proteins exported from the cell including growth factors, extracellular proteinases, morphogens, and extracellular matrix molecules. Defining the genes encoding secreted proteins that change in expression during organogenesis, the dynamic secretome, is likely to point to key drivers of morphogenesis. Such secreted proteins are involved in the reciprocal interactions between the ureteric bud (UB) and the metanephric mesenchyme (AM) that occur during organogenesis of the metanephros. Some key metanephric secreted proteins have been identified, but many remain to be determined. In this study, microarray expression profiling of E10.5, E11.5, and E13.5 kidney and consensus bioinformatic analysis were used to define a dynamic secretome of early metanephric development. In situ hybridisation was used to confirm microarray results and clarify spatial expression patterns for these genes. Forty-one secreted factors were dynamically expressed between the E10.5 and E13.5 timeframe profiled, and 25 of these factors had not previously been implicated in kidney development. A text-based anatomical ontology was used to spatially annotate the expression pattern of these genes in cultured metanephric explants.
Il presente lavoro ha lo scopo di comprendere i processi sottesi ai pattern di coesistenza tra le specie di invertebrati sorgentizi, distinguendo tra dinamiche stocastiche e deterministiche. Le sorgenti sono ecosistemi complessi e alcune loro caratteristiche (ad esempio l’insularità, la stabilità termica, la struttura ecotonale “a mosaico”, la frequente presenza di specie rare ed endemiche, o l’elevata diversità in taxa) le rendono laboratori naturali utili allo studio dei processi ecologici, tra cui i processi di assembly. Al fine di studiare queste dinamiche è necessario un approccio multi-scala, per questo motivi sono state prese in considerazione tre scale spaziali. A scala locale è stato compiuto un campionamento stagionale su sette sorgenti (quattro temporanee e tre permanenti) del Monte Prinzera, un affioramento ofiolitico vicino alla città di Parma. In questa area sono stati valutati l’efficacia e l’impatto ambientale di diversi metodi di campionamento e sono stati analizzati i drivers ecologici che influenzano le comunità. A scala più ampia sono state campionate per due volte 15 sorgenti della regione Emilia Romagna, al fine di identificare il ruolo della dispersione e la possibile presenza di un effetto di niche-filtering. A scala continentale sono state raccolte informazioni di letteratura riguardanti sorgenti dell’area Paleartica occidentale, e sono stati studiati i pattern biogeografici e l’influenza dei fattori climatici sulle comunità. Sono stati presi in considerazione differenti taxa di invertebrati (macroinvertebrati, ostracodi, acari acquatici e copepodi), scegliendo tra quelli che si prestavano meglio allo studio dei diversi processi in base alle loro caratteristiche biologiche e all’approfondimento tassonomico raggiungibile. I campionamenti biologici in sorgente sono caratterizzati da diversi problemi metodologici e possono causare impatti sugli ambienti. In questo lavoro sono stati paragonati due diversi metodi: l’utilizzo del retino con un approccio multi-habitat proporzionale e l’uso combinato di trappole e lavaggio di campioni di vegetazione. Il retino fornisce dati più accurati e completi, ma anche significativi disturbi sulle componenti biotiche e abiotiche delle sorgenti. Questo metodo è quindi raccomandato solo se il campionamento ha come scopo un’approfondita analisi della biodiversità. D’altra parte l’uso delle trappole e il lavaggio della vegetazione sono metodi affidabili che presentano minori impatti sull’ecosistema, quindi sono adatti a studi ecologici finalizzati all’analisi della struttura delle comunità. Questo lavoro ha confermato che i processi niche-based sono determinanti nello strutturare le comunità di ambienti sorgentizi, e che i driver ambientali spiegano una rilevante percentuale della variabilità delle comunità. Infatti le comunità di invertebrati del Monte Prinzera sono influenzate da fattori legati al chimismo delle acque, alla composizione e all’eterogeneità dell’habitat, all’idroperiodo e alle fluttuazioni della portata. Le sorgenti permanenti mostrano variazioni stagionali per quanto riguarda le concentrazioni dei principali ioni, mentre la conduttività, il pH e la temperatura dell’acqua sono più stabili. È probabile che sia la stabilità termica di questi ambienti a spiegare l’assenza di variazioni stagionali nella struttura delle comunità di macroinvertebrati. L’azione di niche-filtering delle sorgenti è stata analizzata tramite lo studio della diversità funzionale delle comunità di ostracodi dell’Emilia-Romagna. Le sorgenti ospitano più del 50% del pool di specie regionale, e numerose specie sono state rinvenute esclusivamente in questi habitat. Questo è il primo studio che analizza la diversità funzionale degli ostracodi, è stato quindi necessario stilare una lista di tratti funzionali. Analizzando il pool di specie regionale, la diversità funzionale nelle sorgenti non è significativamente diversa da quella misurata in comunità assemblate in maniera casuale. Le sorgenti non limitano quindi la diversità funzionale tra specie coesistenti, ma si può concludere che, data la soddisfazione delle esigenze ecologiche delle diverse specie, i processi di assembly in sorgente potrebbero essere influenzati da fattori stocastici come la dispersione, la speciazione e le estinzioni locali. In aggiunta, tutte le comunità studiate presentano pattern spaziali riconoscibili, rivelando una limitazione della dispersione tra le sorgenti, almeno per alcuni taxa. Il caratteristico isolamento delle sorgenti potrebbe essere la causa di questa limitazione, influenzando maggiormente i taxa a dispersione passiva rispetto a quelli a dispersione attiva. In ogni caso nelle comunità emiliano-romagnole i fattori spaziali spiegano solo una ridotta percentuale della variabilità biologica totale, mentre tutte le comunità risultano influenzate maggiormente dalle variabili ambientali. Il controllo ambientale è quindi prevalente rispetto a quello attuato dai fattori spaziali. Questo risultato dimostra che, nonostante le dinamiche stocastiche siano importanti in tutte le comunità studiate, a questa scala spaziale i fattori deterministici ricoprono un ruolo prevalente. I processi stocastici diventano più influenti invece nei climi aridi, dove il disturbo collegato ai frequenti eventi di disseccamento delle sorgenti provoca una dinamica source-sink tra le diverse comunità. Si è infatti notato che la variabilità spiegata dai fattori ambientali diminuisce all’aumentare dell’aridità del clima. Disturbi frequenti potrebbero provocare estinzioni locali seguite da ricolonizzazioni di specie provenienti dai siti vicini, riducendo la corrispondenza tra gli organismi e le loro richieste ambientali e quindi diminuendo la quantità di variabilità spiegata dai fattori ambientali. Si può quindi concludere che processi deterministici e stocastici non si escludono mutualmente, ma contribuiscono contemporaneamente a strutturare le comunità di invertebrati sorgentizi. Infine, a scala continentale, le comunità di ostracodi sorgentizi mostrano chiari pattern biogeografici e sono organizzate lungo gradienti ambientali principalmente collegati altitudine, latitudine, temperatura dell’acqua e conducibilità. Anche la tipologia di sorgente (elocrena, reocrena o limnocrena) è influente sulla composizione delle comunità. La presenza di specie rare ed endemiche inoltre caratterizza specifiche regioni geografiche.
Human object recognition is considered to be largely invariant to translation across the visual field. However, the origin of this invariance to positional changes has remained elusive, since numerous studies found that the ability to discriminate between visual patterns develops in a largely location-specific manner, with only a limited transfer to novel visual field positions. In order to reconcile these contradicting observations, we traced the acquisition of categories of unfamiliar grey-level patterns within an interleaved learning and testing paradigm that involved either the same or different retinal locations. Our results show that position invariance is an emergent property of category learning. Pattern categories acquired over several hours at a fixed location in either the peripheral or central visual field gradually become accessible at new locations without any position-specific feedback. Furthermore, categories of novel patterns presented in the left hemifield are distinctly faster learnt and better generalized to other locations than those learnt in the right hemifield. Our results suggest that during learning initially position-specific representations of categories based on spatial pattern structure become encoded in a relational, position-invariant format. Such representational shifts may provide a generic mechanism to achieve perceptual invariance in object recognition.
The development of abnormal protein aggregates in the form of extracellular plaques and intracellular inclusions is a characteristic feature of many neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and the fronto-temporal dementias (FTD). An important aspect of a pathological protein aggregate is its spatial topography in the tissue. Lesions may not be randomly distributed within a histological section but exhibit spatial pattern, a departure from randomness either towards regularity or clustering. Information on the spatial pattern of a lesion may be useful in elucidating its pathogenesis and in studying the relationships between different lesions. This article reviews the methods that have been used to study the spatial topography of lesions. These include simple tests of whether the distribution of a lesion departs significantly from random using randomized points or sample fields, and more complex methods that employ grids or transects of contiguous fields and which can detect the intensity of aggregation and the sizes, distribution and spacing of the clusters. The usefulness of these methods in elucidating the pathogenesis of protein aggregates in neurodegenerative disease is discussed.