757 resultados para South African Music
The carpenter seabream (Argyrozona argyrozona) is an endemic South African sparid that comprises an important part of the handline fishery. A three-year study (1998−2000) into its reproductive biology within the Tsitsikamma National Park revealed that these fishes are serial spawning late gonochorists. The size at 50% maturity (L50) was estimated at 292 and 297 mm FL for both females and males, respectively. A likelihood ratio test revealed that there was no significant difference between male and female L50 (P>0.5). Both monthly gonadosomatic indices and macroscopically determined ovarian stages strongly indicate that A. argyrozona within the Tsitsikamma National Park spawn in the astral summer between November and April. The presence of postovulatory follicles (POFs) confirmed a six-month spawning season, and monthly proportions of early (0−6 hour old) POFs showed that spawning frequency was highest (once every 1−2 days) from December to March. Although spawning season was more highly correlated to photoperiod (r = 0.859) than temperature (r = −0.161), the daily proportion of spawning fish was strongly correlated (r= 0.93) to ambient temperature over the range 9−22oC. These results indicate that short-term upwelling events, a strong feature in the Tsitsikamma National Park during summer, may negatively affect carpenter fecundity. Both spawning frequency and duration (i.e., length of spawning season) increased with fish length. As a result of the allometric relationship between annual fecundity and fish mass a 3-kg fish was calculated to produce fivefold more eggs per kilogram of body weight than a fish of 1 kg. In addition to producing more eggs per unit of weight each year, larger fish also produce significantly larger eggs.
Metal-framed traps covered with polyethylene mesh used in the fishery for the South African Cape rock lobster (Jasus lalandii) incidentally capture large numbers of undersize (<75 mm CL) specimens. Air-exposure, handling, and release procedures affect captured rock lobsters and reduce the productivity of the stock, which is heavily fished. Optimally, traps should retain legalsize rock lobsters and allow sublegal animals to escape before traps are hauled. Escapement, based on lobster morphometric measurements, through meshes of 62 mm, 75 mm, and 100 mm was investigated theoretically under controlled conditions in an aquarium, and during field trials. SELECT models were used to model escapement, wherever appropriate. Size-selectivity curves based on the logistic model fitted the aquarium and field data better than asymmetrical Richards curves. The lobster length at 50% retention (L50) on the escapement curve for 100-mm mesh in the aquarium (75.5 mm CL) approximated the minimum legal size (75 mm CL); however estimates of L50 increased to 77.4 mm in field trials where trapentrances were sealed, and to 82.2 mm where trap-entrances were open. Therfore, rock lobsters that cannot escape through the mesh of sealed field traps do so through the trap entrance of open traps. By contrast, the wider selection range and lower L25 of field, compared to aquarium, trials (SR = 8.2 mm vs. 2.6 mm; L25 =73.4 mm vs. 74.1 mm), indicate that small lobsters that should be able to escape from 100-mm mesh traps do not always do so. Escapement from 62-mm mesh traps with open entrance funnels increased by 40−60% over sealed traps. The findings of this study with a known size distribution, are related to those of a recent indirect (comparative) study for the same species, and implications for trap surveys, commercial catch rates, and ghost fishing are discussed.
Este trabalho se dedica ao estudo dos movimentos de libertação que atuaram na África do Sul ao longo do século XX em oposição ao regime de segregação racial do apartheid. O objetivo central é refletir sobre os processos de construção simbólica pelos quais passaram esses movimentos, no intuito de compreendê-los como produtores de suas próprias identidades coletivas. Destarte, propõe-se que essa constituição identitária girou em torno de três eixos principais. Primeiro, o multirracialismo, tendo origem na parceria entre diferentes organizações políticas, provenientes de distintos grupos raciais, que buscaram construir uma solidariedade em comum a partir de sua experiência de luta em conjunto na década de 1950. Em segundo lugar há a volorização da negritude enquanto identidade racial, elemento enfatizado pelos movimentos africanistas a partir da década de 1940. Por sua vez, a classe esteve presente desde a formação dos primeiros sindicatos negros na década de 1920, mas assumiu um tom mais político trinta anos depois, no momento de ascensão da luta por libertação. Afirma-se também que a dimensão interativa desses grupos enquanto subjetividades coletivas foi crucial para a delineação de suas identidades nessas bases, através de um complexo e relacional processo de intercâmbio simbólico entre si e o Estado.
Esta pesquisa refere-se ao desenvolvimento de um novo sistema triagem ou classificação de risco para os serviços de urgências e emergências pediátricas e ao estudo de validade e confiabilidade deste instrumento. O primeiro tópico trata de conceitos e fundamentos relacionados à triagem e evidencia a complexidade do tema em vários aspectos. O segundo tópico apresenta as justificativas para o desenvolvimento de um novo sistema de classificação de risco para o contexto de saúde brasileiro, diante das inadequações de se adotar sistemas idealizados em países com desenvolvimento econômico, social e cultural diversos. O terceiro tópico apresenta os objetivos da pesquisa: rever o estado da arte em relação à validade e confiabilidade de sistemas de triagem em crianças, descrever o desenvolvimento de um sistema brasileiro de classificação de risco para urgências e emergências pediátricas e estudar a validade e confiabilidade do novo instrumento. O quarto tópico é uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre a validade e confiabilidade dos sistemas de triagem utilizados na população pediátrica. Localizaram-se estudos sobre sete sistemas de triagem desenvolvidos no Canadá, Reino Unido, EUA, Austrália, Escandinávia e África do Sul. Constatou-se a dificuldade de se comparar o desempenho de diferentes instrumentos, devido à heterogeneidade dos desfechos, das populações e dos contextos de saúde estudados. O quinto tópico descreve o processo de desenvolvimento de um instrumento brasileiro de classificação de risco em pediatria, CLARIPED, a partir do consenso entre especialistas e pré-testes. Justificou-se a escolha da Escala Sul Africana de Triagem como referência, pela sua simplicidade e objetividade e pela semelhança socioeconômica e demográfica entre os dois países. Introduziram-se várias modificações, mantendo-se a mesma logística do processo de triagem em duas etapas: aferição de parâmetros fisiológicos e verificação da presença de discriminadores de urgência. O sexto tópico se refere ao estudo prospectivo de validade e confiabilidade do CLARIPED no setor de emergência pediátrica de um hospital terciário brasileiro, no período de abril a julho de 2013. Uma boa validade de construto convergente foi confirmada pela associação entre os níveis de urgência atribuídos pelo CLARIPED e os desfechos evolutivos utilizados como proxies de urgência (utilização de recursos, hospitalização, admissão na sala de observação e tempo de permanência no setor de emergência). A comparação entre o CLARIPED e o padrão de referência mostrou boa sensibilidade de 0,89 (IC95%=0,78-0,95) e especificidade de 0,98 (IC95%=0,97-0,99) para diagnosticar elevada urgência. A confiabilidade interobservadores, resultou num kappa ponderado quadrático substancial de 0,75 (IC95%: 0,74-0,79). O sétimo e último tópico tece considerações finais sobre dois aspectos: a insuficiência de evidências científicas sobre os sistemas de triagem na população pediátrica e a oportunidade e relevância de se desenvolver um sistema brasileiro de classificação de risco para urgências e emergências pediátricas, válido e confiável, com possibilidades de adoção em âmbito nacional.
Catch rates in the South African rock lobster (Jasus lalandii) fishery declined after 1989 in response to reduced adult somatic growth rates and a consequent reduction in recruitment to the fishable population. Although spatial and temporal trends in adult growth are well described, little is known about how juvenile growth rates have been affected. In our study, growth rates of juvenile rock lobster on Cape Town harbor wall were compared with those recorded at the same site more than 25 years prior to our study, and with those on a nearby natural nursery reef. We found that indices of somatic growth measured during 1996–97 at the harbor wall had declined significantly since 1971–72. Furthermore, growth was slower among juvenile J. lalandii at the harbor wall than those at the natural nursery reef. These results suggest that growth rates of juvenile and adult J. lalandii exhibit similar types of spatiotemporal patterns. Thus, the recent coastwide decline in adult somatic growth rates might also encompass smaller size classes.
The deep-water shrimp were already studied many years ago, but their commercial fishing on large scale, only developed from the seventies. Two Luso-U.S. fishing companies (1966), and a Luso-South African company (1963- 1968), dedicated to the fishing of deep-water crustaceans, including Haliporoides triarthrus species (Araújo, 1973). Also Champion (1973) described commercial catches of Plesiopenaeus edwardsianus, Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Haliporoides triarthrus in the waters of Mozambique. The first Spanish vessels began fishing activity in 1968 (Freitas and Araújo, 1973) but all of these companies captured mainly penaideos on the continental shelf.
During the Southeastern Atlantic Expedition of the German fishery research vessel "Walther Herwig" in 1967 the main emphasis lay on selective fishing of the South African hake Merluccius capensis (von BRANDT 1967). Some of the fish were found to be infested by ecto-and endoparasites both of which were collected whenever possible. Large plerocercoids of Dibothriorhynchus grossum whose adult stage lives in the South Atlantic Ocean in Lamna cornubica (L.SZIDAT, personal communication) were quite common as were cysticercoids of a Tetrarhynchus sp., which had also been reported in Cynoscion striatus off the Argentinian coast (MACDONAGH 1927, cited in Szidat, personal communication). Brownish nematodes were infesting the ovaries of several fish, but could not be identified. The most common ectoparasite to be observed was the parasitic isopod Livoneca raynaudii (fam. Cymothoidae) whose early larval stages were also found.
Lemma micromorphological characters in the Chloridoideae (Paceae) optimized on a molecular phylogeny
为研究鄂霍次克海天然气水合物区沉积物古菌、甲烷厌氧氧化古菌和硫酸盐还原细菌的多样性分布,我们以PCR技术为基础构建mcrA、dsrAB和古菌16S rRNA 基因文库。对所获得的序列进行系统进化和统计学分析发现:鄂霍次克海古菌类群主要为Marine Benthic Group D (MBG-D)、Marine Benthic Group B (MBG-B)、Marine Crenarchaeotic Group I(MG- I),另外少量古菌16S rRNA基因序列为Anaerobic Methanotrophs 2c(ANME-2c),主要分布在LV39-25H岩心的表层沉积物中。LV39-40H岩心表层的古菌群落结构与其他六个层位古菌群落结构相比有着显著的差异。mcrA基因序列主要为催化甲烷厌氧氧化的古菌ANME-2(c和d簇),在所研究的各个层位的沉积物中均广泛分布。少量的ANME-1(a簇)发现于LV39-40H岩心表层以下的沉积物中。产甲烷古菌数目不多,集中分布在LV39-25H岩心200cm和LV39-40H岩心180cm的沉积物中。dsrAB基因文库分析表明硫酸盐还原细菌种类丰富,表层沉积物中硫酸盐还原细菌多样性最高。在两个岩心所有层位的沉积物中都有一定数量的克隆属于DSS簇,它们可能与ANME共生催化甲烷的厌氧氧化作用。总之,所有数据表明在鄂霍次克海天然气水合物区存在着较活跃的甲烷厌氧氧化作用,揭示了参与甲烷厌氧氧化作用的微生物群落结构和多样性。 为研究东海内陆架闽浙沿岸泥质区不同深度沉积物中古菌群落垂向分布特征,通过古菌16S rRNA 基因文库共得到473个有效克隆50个OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Units)。16S rRNA基因序列系统进化和统计分析发现古菌分别归属于泉古生菌(Crenarchaeota)和广古生菌(Euryarchaeota),其中以Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotic Group(MCG)为主,仅含少量的MBG-B、South African Gold Mine Euryarchaeotic Group(SAGMEG)、 ANME-3、MG- I和MBG-D。该泥质区沉积物可能存在由ANME-3催化的甲烷厌氧氧化作用,同源序列分析表明其古菌群落分布与周边环境有较大联系。UniFrac与沉积物环境因子分析表明该泥质区古菌群落垂向分布与沉积物有机质含量和粒度变化密切相关。 通过对比发现,鄂霍次克海天然气水合物区甲烷厌氧氧化古菌主要为ANME-2和少量的ANME-1,而东海内陆架泥质区甲烷厌氧氧化古菌仅为极少量的ANME-3;鄂霍次克海天然气水合物区广古生菌和泉古生菌数量各占一半,主要为MBG-D、MBG-B、MG-I。东海内陆架泥质区沉积物古菌序列主要为泉古生菌(MCG)。海域类型的不同以及有机碳含量等环境因子的差异可能是这两个海域古菌群落结构差异的主要原因.
Protospathidium serpens (Kahl, 1930) is frequent in semiterrestrial and terrestrial habitats worldwide. Conventionally, all populations are considered as conspecific because they have very similar overall morphologies and morphometrics. We studied in detail not only the morphology of the vegetative cells but also the resting cysts using live observation, protargol impregnation, and scanning electron microscopy. These revealed a cryptic diversity and biogeographic pattern in details of the dorsal brush and cyst wall morphology. The cyst wall is spiny in the Austrian specimens, while smooth in the South African and Antarctic populations. Accordingly, P. serpens consists of at least two species: P. serpens (with spiny cyst wall) and P. fraterculum n. sp. (with smooth cyst wall); the latter is probably composed of two distinct taxa differing by the absence (South African)/presence (Antarctic) of a monokinetidal bristle tail in brush row 3, the number of dikinetids comprising brush row 1 (seven versus three), and the total number of brush dikinetids (29 versus 17). Protospathidium serpens is neotypitied with the new population from Austria. The significance of resting cyst morphology is discussed with respect to alpha-taxonomy and overall ciliate diversity.
The aim of this article is to analyse the novel "Na die geliefde land" (1972) by Karel Schoeman, by interpreting the function of 'hulle' ('they') as a category of alienation/distancing. Schoeman presented a future vision of South Africa controlled by an unidentified group of 'them' and showed Afrikaners as a marginalized group, forced to live on farms. A narrow political interpretation dominated in the reception of this book, which was treated as a simulation of the development of the political situation in South Africa. The key argument of this article is that the indeterminate representation of the situation after the revolution is not a weakness of this novel, but a conscious strategy of the author. The article argues that problems concerning political revolution ('Who', 'Why', 'When') are not that relevant in a reading of the novel because "Na die geliefde land" deals mainly with an Afrikaner community’s reactions to a changed situation.
Zakes Mda, dubbed one of South Africa's most prolific playwrights, produced his richest and most powerful theatre work during the 70s and 80s. Ironically, it is only in the 90s that he has been acknowledged in his own country as one of its foremost dramatists - ironic since he has recently moved away from drama into the realms of fiction. Fortunately Mda has accumulated a worthy canon of dramatic works, spanning radio and film, as well as theatre, and there is no reason to believe that he will not return to play writing. Mda has worked extensively in theatre in various capacities but most notably in the area of theatre-for-development. For example, he worked as director with Maratholi Travelling Theatre in Lesotho, an experience which contributed, in part, towards his book "When People Play People: Development Communication Through Theatre". Mda's plays have been produced in the United States, Britain, Spain, France and Russia as well as in southern Africa. "The Nun's Romantic Story" has been translated into Castilian and Catalan and "We Shall Sing for the Fatherland" and "Dark Voices Ring" have both been translated into Russian and French. In South Africa he won the Merit Award of the Amstel Playwright of the Year Society for "We Shall Sing for the Fatherland" in 1978 and in 1979 he was Amstel Playright of the Year for "The Hill". For his novel "She Plays with the Darkness", he won the Sanlam Literary Award in 1995.