1000 resultados para Solução integrada
The use of pesticides in agriculture presents some problems to ecosytems as a consequence of their remaining in the environment. Conventional methods for environmental decontamination sometimes just transfer these residues from one place to another. The use of gamma radiation from cobalt-60 to induce 2,4-D degradation in aqueous solution containing humic acid was studied. Results show that the herbicide is completely degraded after treatment with a 30 kGy dose. There were decreases in the degradation of the 2,4-D when humic acid was added at all doses. Some radiolytic products are proposed. The 2,4-D radiolytic yields (G) from 2,4-D were calculated.
In this work the CCl4 degradation in aqueous solution by sonication with 40 kHz commercial ultrasonic bath was investigated. Sonochemical degradation of CCl4 occur by the cleavage of C-Cl bond into the cavitation bubbles. Oxidation reactions and the pH decreasing in the bulk solution during sonication were attributed to chlorine radicals produced by CCl4 sonolysis, leading to increase the chloride concentration. The formation of oxidizing agents was evaluated employing I- and Fe2+ ion solutions, converted to I2 and HIO, and Fe3+, respectively. The amount of chloride and hydronium ions produced after 3 min of irradiation was 11.52 and 12.19 mmol, respectively, suggesting that the same reaction was involved to produce these ions. Fe2+ oxidation and the pH variation were monitored to estimate chlorine radical formation rate in the presence (0.107 mumol s-1) and absence (0.092 mumol s-1) of metallic ion during the first minute of sonication.
In this work, the fruit extracts of Morus nigra - mulberry, Syzygium cuminii - jambolão, Vitis vinifera ¾ grape, Myrciaria cauliflora - jabuticaba are suggested as pH indicators in the form of either solutions or paper. The pH indicator solutions were prepared by soaking the fruits or their peels in ethanol 1:3 (m/V) for 24 h, followed by simple filtration. The pH indicator papers were prepared by imersion of the qualitative filter paper strips in the pH indicator solutions. The different pH leads to color changes in the indicator solutions or papers and it can be used for teaching elementary chemistry concepts.
A Fortran77 program, SSPBE, designed to solve the spherically symmetric Poisson-Boltzmann equation using cell model for ionic macromolecular aggregates or macroions is presented. The program includes an adsorption model for ions at the aggregate surface. The working algorithm solves the Poisson-Boltzmann equation in the integral representation using the Picard iteration method. Input parameters are introduced via an ASCII file, sspbe.txt. Output files yield the radial distances versus mean field potentials and average molar ion concentrations, the molar concentration of ions at the cell boundary, the self-consistent degree of ion adsorption from the surface and other related data. Ion binding to ionic, zwitterionic and reverse micelles are presented as representative examples of the applications of the SSPBE program.
This research was developed by considering that the solid waste produced in the process of pig iron production represents the loss of raw materials and the increase in environmental problem. The charcoal based mini blast-furnace off gases dust named CHARCOK was collected from SIDERPA ¾ Siderúrgica Paulino Ltda, located in Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais. The Charcok was characterized and classified according to ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas) standard. The results showed that the Charcok should be classified as Class I Wastes ¾ "Hazard Wastes" because of its high concentration of phenols (54.5mg C6H5OH/kg). The Charcok had high concentration of iron and charcoal which can be used as energy source.
Dilutions of methylmetacrylate ranging between 1 and 50 ppm were obtained from a stock solution of 1 ml of monomer in 100 ml of deionised water, and were analyzed by an absorption spectrophotometer in the UV-visible. Absorbance values were used to develop a calibration model based on the PLS, with the aim to determine new sample concentrations. The number of latent variables used was 6, with the standard errors of calibration and prediction found to be 0,048 ml/100 ml and 0,058 ml/100 ml. The calibration model was successfully used to calculate the concentration of monomer released in water, where complete dentures were kept for one hour after polymerization.
En aquest treball es defineix la documentació necessària per realitzar la implantació d’un sistema de gestió integrada, basat en la qualitat i en el medi ambient, a una empresa constructora, que permeti desenvolupar les seves activitats d’una forma simplificada i ordenada, i que faciliti la informació necessària per mantenir una millora continuada de les seves activitats.El Sistema de Gestió, integra les normes ISO 9001 i ISO 14001, que són normes de gestió de la Qualitat i el Medi Ambient, respectivament. Durant la implantació del Sistema de Gestió, s’han elaborat els procediments generals que les normes indiquen que s’han d’elaborar per complir amb totes les especificacions definides a elles. També, s’han elaborat els procediments específics, que són aquells propis de les activitats de l’empresa i que defineixen la seva forma de treballar. D’aquesta documentació es deriven els registres, que son els documents del Sistema de Gestió que ens permeten comprovar si s’adequa a la forma de treballar, i que son les evidencies de la posada en marxa del sistema.A la finalització d’aquest projecte, obtindrem un Sistema de Gestió Integrada, amb tots els procediments definits i implantats a l’empresa, que compliran amb les normes ISO 9001 i ISO 14001, dotant a l’organització d’un augment de la seva eficàcia i competitivitat, entrant al procés de millora continuada, i posicionar-se com una empresa socialment responsable, reforçant la seva imatge davant dels seus clients, optimitzant la gestió de residus i reduint els impactes ambientals negatius.
This work presents a proposal for the management of residues from teaching laboratories. The main goals of the proposal are: scale reduction of experiments, reuse of residues as raw materials for new experiments and appropriate treatment and storage of residues. The methodology includes standardized labels for residue classification and registration of experimental classes and their residues in files. The management seemed to be efficient, resulting in a reduction of the amount of reagents utilized and residues generated, and an increase of reutilization of residues. A considerable decrease of needed storage space and suitable methods for correct residue disposal were achieved. We expect that all laboratories, including those exclusively for research activities, become involved, in a near future, in the Residue Management Project of URI - Campus Erechim.
This work reports the preparation, characterization and study of the ion exchange behavior of hydrous niobium oxide prepared by a homogeneous precipitation method. The precipitating agent was obtained in aqueous solution by thermal decomposition of urea or ammonium carbonate. The compounds were chemically and physically characterized by X-ray diffractometry, thermal analysis (TG/DTG), surface area measurements and ion exchange behavior with sodium. The materials prepared with ammonium carbonate presented a higher degree of crystallinity and better ion exchange capacity with sodium than materials prepared with urea. In the homogeneous precipitation method, materials were obtained with specific surface area of 123 - 224 m² g-1. A variation of the preparation process produced hydrous niobium oxide with a different degree of hydration and specific surface area. This provided materials with different physico-chemical properties.
The chemical and microbiological decomposition of the garbage deposited in landfills leads to the generation of a dark and malodorous liquid residue that shows a chemical composition of extreme variability and complexity. When matured, the leachates show low biodegradability, which makes it difficult to treat by conventional biological processes. In this work a new strategy for the treatment of landfill leachates is proposed, involving a preliminary treatment by heterogeneous photocatalysis followed by an activated sludge system. The results demonstrate that photochemical treatments of 60 and 90 min significantly enhance the leachates' biodegradability favoring subsequent biological treatment. The biodegradability rate (BOD/COD) was also greatly enhanced.
This article describes the preparation and characterization of the cellulose/ hydrated zirconium oxide composites prepared by conventional precipitation (PC) and homogeneous solution precipitation (PSH) methods. The composite obtained by the PC method was prepared by using an ammonia solution as the precipitating agent, while the composite obtained by the PSH method was prepared by using urea as the precipitating agent. The adsorption of dichromate ions on the composites was studied using factorial design 2³. The variables were: initial concentration, agitation time and mass of the composite. The data obtained agree better for the composite obtained by the PC method.
The large use of plastics has generated a waste deposit problem. Today plastic wastes represent 20% in volume of the total waste in the municipal landfills. To solve the disposal problem of plastics methods have been employed such as incineration, recycling, landfill disposal, biodegradation and the use of biodegradable polymers. Incineration of plastic wastes provokes pollution due to the production of poisonous gases. Recycling is important to reduce final costs of plastic materials, but is not enough in face of the amount of discarded plastic. In landfills plastic wastes remain undegraded for a long time, causing space and pollution problems. Biodegradation is a feasible method to treat some plastics, but intensive research is necessary to find conditions for the action of microorganisms. All of these methods are important and the practical application of each one depends on the type and amount of the plastic wastes and the environmental conditions. Therefore, a great deal of research has focused on developing biodegradable plastics and its application because it is an important way for minimizing the effect of the large volume of plastic waste discarded in the world.
En aquests últims anys, són moltes les empreses que han optat per la utilització de sistemes de gestió normalitzats, per a garantir la rendibilitat i fiabilitat dels resultats de la implantació del sistema de gestió en qüestió. A la dècada dels 90 va ser quan la implantació de sistemes de gestió va començar a ser important en la majoria de sectors econòmics. L’evolució en els sistemes de gestió a trets generals va iniciar-se primerament en l’àmbit de la qualitat, seguidament en la gestió ambiental i en última instància en la prevenció de riscos laborals. Aquests tres tipus de sistemes de gestió, en els últims anys s’han anat integrant, de manera que s’han reduït els recursos i els esforços emprats en la gestió, millorant significativament l’eficàcia i l’eficiència d’aquests sistemes. L’objectiu principal que persegueix aquest projecte, és definir un sistema de gestió que permeti a l’empresa conduir les seves activitats de forma simplificada i ordenada, i que alhora faciliti la informació necessària per a corregir i millorar les activitats. Un altre objectiu que pretén aconseguir aquest projecte, és el de dissenyar un SGI que aprofiti les sinèrgies generades en els diferents àmbits de la pròpia empresa i fomenti les interaccions entre els diferents nivells de l’organització. En conseqüència, millorarà de forma important els fluxos d’informació dins de l’empresa minimitzant els esforços i la pèrdua d’informació. El mètode escollit per a la implantació del SGI, ha estat la Gestió per Processos, la qual es basa en la definició i seguiment dels processos de l’empresa, partint de les necessitats del client i acabant quan aquestes estan satisfetes. En conclusió, a la finalització del present projecte s’obtindrà un SGI, amb tots els processos de l’empresa definits i implantats, que doni compliment a les normes UNEEN-ISO 9001:00, UNE-EN-ISO 14001:04 i OHSAS 18001:07. Aquest SGI, que s’ha realitzat des d’un punt de vista documental i teòric, suposarà una millora de l’eficàcia operativa dels processos i una important millora competitiva de l’empresa.
In this work the most abundant trehalose conformers for the isolated molecule as well as for the water solvated system are selected. The theoretical tecniques employed are ab initio calculations in the gas phase and in aqueous solution using the PCM model. A conformational map is built for the glycosidic angles (phi and psi) and the search for the most abundant structures is explained. The final structures are validated by the agreement found between experimental and theoretical values for ³J H,C along the glycosidic linkage.
The paper presents an introductory and general discussion on the quantum Monte Carlo methods, some fundamental algorithms, concepts and applicability. In order to introduce the quantum Monte Carlo method, preliminary concepts associated with Monte Carlo techniques are discussed.