949 resultados para Signaling Pathways


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Translational regulation of the p53 mRNA can determine the ratio between p53 and its N-terminal truncated isoforms and therefore has a significant role in determining p53-regulated signaling pathways. Although its importance in cell fate decisions has been demonstrated repeatedly, little is known about the regulatory mechanisms that determine this ratio. Two internal ribosome entry sites (IRESs) residing within the 5'UTR and the coding sequence of p53 mRNA drive the translation of full-length p53 and Delta 40p53 isoform, respectively. Here, we report that DAP5, a translation initiation factor shown to positively regulate the translation of various IRES containing mRNAs, promotes IRES-driven translation of p53 mRNA. Upon DAP5 depletion, p53 and Delta 40p53 protein levels were decreased, with a greater effect on the N-terminal truncated isoform. Functional analysis using bicistronic vectors driving the expression of a reporter gene from each of these two IRESs indicated that DAP5 preferentially promotes translation from the second IRES residing in the coding sequence. Furthermore, p53 mRNA expressed from a plasmid carrying this second IRES was selectively shifted to lighter polysomes upon DAP5 knockdown. Consequently, Delta 40p53 protein levels and the subsequent transcriptional activation of the 14-3-3 sigma gene, a known target of Delta 40p53, were strongly reduced. In addition, we show here that DAP5 interacts with p53 IRES elements in in vitro and in vivo binding studies, proving for the first time that DAP5 directly binds a target mRNA. Thus, through its ability to regulate IRES-dependent translation of the p53 mRNA, DAP5 may control the ratio between different p53 isoforms encoded by a single mRNA.


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Severe sepsis or septic shock is one of the rising causes for mortality worldwide representing nearly 10% of intensive care unit admissions. Susceptibility to sepsis is identified to be mediated by innate pattern recognition receptors and responsive signaling pathways of the host. The c-Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK)-mediated signaling events play critical role in bacterial infection triggered multi-organ failure, cardiac dysfunction and mortality. In the context of kinase specificities, an extensive library of anthrapyrazolone analogues has been investigated for the selective inhibition of c-JNK and thereby to gain control over the inflammation associated risks. In our comprehensive biochemical characterization, it is observed that alkyl and halogen substitution on the periphery of anthrapyrazolone increases the binding potency of the inhibitors specifically towards JNK. Further, it is demonstrated that hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions generated by these small molecules effectively block endotoxin-induced inflammatory genes expression in in vitro and septic shock in vivo, in a mouse model, with remarkable efficacies. Altogether, the obtained results rationalize the significance of the diversity oriented synthesis of small molecules for selective inhibition of JNK and their potential in the treatment of severe sepsis.


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Bacteria have evolved to survive the ever-changing environment using intriguing mechanisms of quorum sensing (QS). Very often, QS facilitates formation of biofilm to help bacteria to persist longer and the formation of such biofilms is regulated by c-di-GMP. It is a well-known second messenger also found in mycobacteria. Several methods have been developed to study c-di-GMP signaling pathways in a variety of bacteria. In this review, we have attempted to highlight a connection between c-di-GMP and biofilm formation and QS in mycobacteria and several methods that have helped in better understanding of c-di-GMP signaling. (c) 2014 IUBMB Life, 66(12):823-834, 2014


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Metastasis is clinically the most challenging and lethal aspect of breast cancer. While animal-based xenograft models are expensive and time-consuming, conventional two-dimensional (2D) cell culture systems fail to mimic in vivo signaling. In this study we have developed a three-dimensional (3D) scaffold system that better mimics the topography and mechanical properties of the breast tumor, thus recreating the tumor microenvironment in vitro to study breast cancer metastasis. Porous poly(e-caprolactone) (PCL) scaffolds of modulus 7.0 +/- 0.5 kPa, comparable to that of breast tumor tissue were fabricated, on which MDA-MB-231 cells proliferated forming tumoroids. A comparative gene expression analysis revealed that cells growing in the scaffolds expressed increased levels of genes implicated in the three major events of metastasis, viz., initiation, progression, and the site-specific colonization compared to cells grown in conventional 2D tissue culture polystyrene (TCPS) dishes. The cells cultured in scaffolds showed increased invasiveness and sphere efficiency in vitro and increased lung metastasis in vivo. A global gene expression analysis revealed a significant increase in the expression of genes involved in cell cell and cell matrix interactions and tissue remodeling, cancer inflammation, and the PI3K/Akt, Wnt, NF-kappaB, and HIFI signaling pathways all of which are implicated in metastasis. Thus, culturing breast cancer cells in 3D scaffolds that mimic the in vivo tumor-like microenvironment enhances their metastatic potential. This system could serve as a comprehensive in vitro model to investigate the manifold mechanisms of breast cancer metastasis.


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In our previous work, bone cell networks with controlled spacing and functional intercellular gap junctions had been successfully established by using microcontact printing and self assembled monolayers technologies [Guo, X. E., E. Takai, X. Jiang, Q. Xu, G. M. Whitesides, J. T. Yardley, C. T. Hung, E. M. Chow, T. Hantschel, and K. D. Costa. Mol. Cell. Biomech. 3:95-107, 2006]. The present study investigated the calcium response and the underlying signaling pathways in patterned bone cell networks exposed to a steady fluid flow. The glass slides with cell networks were separated into eight groups for treatment with specific pharmacological agents that inhibit pathways significant in bone cell calcium signaling. The calcium transients of the network were recorded and quantitatively evaluated with a set of network parameters. The results showed that 18 alpha-GA (gap junction blocker), suramin (ATP inhibitor), and thapsigargin (depleting intracellular calcium stores) significantly reduced the occurrence of multiple calcium peaks, which were visually obvious in the untreated group. The number of responsive peaks also decreased slightly yet significantly when either the COX-2/PGE(2) or the NOS/nitric oxide pathway was disrupted. Different from all other groups, cells treated with 18 alpha-GA maintained a high concentration of intracellular calcium following the first peak. In the absence of calcium in the culture medium, the intracellular calcium concentration decreased slowly with fluid flow without any calcium transients observed. These findings have identified important factors in the flow mediated calcium signaling of bone cells within a patterned network.


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Pattern formation during animal development involves at least three processes: establishment of the competence of precursor cells to respond to intercellular signals, formation of a pattern of different cell fates adopted by precursor cells, and execution of the cell fate by generating a pattern of distinct descendants from precursor cells. I have analyzed the fundamental mechanisms of pattern formation by studying the development of Caenorhabditis elegans vulva.

In C. elegans, six multipotential vulval precursor cells (VPCs) are competent to respond to an inductive signal LIN-3 (EGF) mediated by LET- 23 (RTK) and a lateral signal via LIN-12 (Notch) to form a fixed pattern of 3°-3°-2°-1°-2°-3°. Results from expressing LIN-3 as a function of time in animals lacking endogenous LIN-3 indicate that both VPCs and VPC daughters are competent to respond to LIN-3. Although the daughters of VPCs specified to be 2° or 3° can be redirected to adopt the 1°fate, the decision to adopt the 1° fate is irreversible. Coupling of VPC competence to cell cycle progression reveals that VPC competence may be periodic during each cell cycle and involve LIN-39 (HOM-C). These mechanisms are essential to ensure a bias towards the 1° fate, while preventing an excessive response.

After adopting the 1° fate, the VPC executes its fate by dividing three rounds to form a fixed pattern of four inner vulF and four outer vulE descendants. These two types of descendants can be distinguished by a molecular marker zmp-1::GFP. A short-range signal from the anchor cell (AC), along with signaling between the inner and outer 1° VPC descendants and intrinsic polarity of 1° VPC daughters, patterns the 1° lineage. The Ras and the Wnt signaling pathways may be involved in these mechanisms.

The temporal expression pattern of egl-17::GFP, another marker ofthe 1° fate, correlates with three different steps of 1° fate execution: the commitment to the 1° fate, as well as later steps before and after establishment of the uterine-vulval connection. Six transcription factors, including LIN-1(ETS), LIN-39 (HOM-C), LIN-11(LIM), LIN-29 (zinc finger), COG-1 (homeobox) and EGL-38 (PAX2/5/8), are involved in different steps during 1° fate execution.


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RTKs-mediated signaling systems and the pathways with which they interact (e.g., those initiated by G protein-mediated signaling) involve a highly cooperative network that sense a large number of cellular inputs and then integrate, amplify, and process this information to orchestrate an appropriate set of cellular responses. The responses include virtually all aspects of cell function, from the most fundamental (proliferation, differentiation) to the most specialized (movement, metabolism, chemosensation). The basic tenets of RTK signaling system seem rather well established. Yet, new pathways and even new molecular players continue to be discovered. Although we believe that many of the essential modules of RTK signaling system are rather well understood, we have relatively little knowledge of the extent of interaction among these modules and their overall quantitative importance.

My research has encompassed the study of both positive and negative signaling by RTKs in C. elegans. I identified the C. elegans S0S-1 gene and showed that it is necessary for multiple RAS-mediated developmental signals. In addition, I demonstrated that there is a SOS-1-independent signaling during RAS-mediated vulval differentiation. By assessing signal outputs from various triple mutants, I have concluded that this SOS-1-independent signaling is not mediated by PTP-2/SHP-2 or the removal of inhibition by GAP-1/ RasGAP and it is not under regulation by SLI-1/Cb1. I speculate that there is either another exchange factor for RASor an as yet unidentified signaling pathway operating during RAS-mediated vulval induction in C. elegans.

In an attempt to uncover the molecular mechanisms of negative regulation of EGFR signaling by SLI-1/Cb1, I and two other colleagues codiscovered that RING finger domain of SLI-1 is partially dispensable for activity. This structure-function analysis shows that there is an ubiquitin protein ligase-independent activity for SLI-1 in regulating EGFR signaling. Further, we identified an inhibitory tyrosine of LET-23/ EGFR requiring sli-1(+)for its effects: removal of this tyrosine closely mimics loss of sli-1 but not loss of other negative regulator function.

By comparative analysis of two RTK pathways with similar signaling mechanisms, I have found that clr-1, a previously identified negative regulator of egl-15 mediated FGFR signaling, is also involved in let-23 EGFR signaling. The success of this approach promises a similar reciprocal test and could potentially extend to the study of other signaling pathways with similar signaling logic.

Finally, by correlating the developmental expression of lin-3 EGF to let-23 EGFR signaling activity, I demonstrated the existence of reciprocal EGF signaling in coordinating the morphogenesis of epithelia. This developmental logic of EGF signaling could provide a basis to understand a universal mechanism for organogenesis.


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Inhibition of the mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCLX) by CGP37157 is protective in models of neuronal injury that involve disruption of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis. However, the Ca2+ signaling pathways and stores underlying neuroprotection by that inhibitor are not well defined. In the present study, we analyzed how intracellular Ca2+ levels are modulated by CGP37157 (10 mu M) during NMDA insults in primary cultures of rat cortical neurons. We initially assessed the presence of NCLX in mitochondria of cultured neurons by immunolabeling, and subsequently, we analyzed the effects of CGP37157 on neuronal Ca2+ homeostasis using cameleon-based mitochondrial Ca2+ and cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+](i)) live imaging. We observed that NCLX-driven mitochondrial Ca2+ exchange occurs in cortical neurons under basal conditions as CGP37157 induced a decrease in [Ca-2](i) concomitant with a Ca2+ accumulation inside the mitochondria. In turn, CGP37157 also inhibited mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux after the stimulation of acetylcholine receptors. In contrast, CGP37157 strongly prevented depolarization-induced [Ca2+](i) increase by blocking voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCCs), whereas it did not induce depletion of ER Ca2+ stores. Moreover, mitochondrial Ca2+ overload was reduced as a consequence of diminished Ca2+ entry through VGCCs. The decrease in cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca2+ overload by CGP37157 resulted in a reduction of excitotoxic mitochondrial damage, characterized here by a reduction in mitochondrial membrane depolarization, oxidative stress and calpain activation. In summary, our results provide evidence that during excitotoxicity CGP37157 modulates cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca2+ dynamics that leads to attenuation of NMDA-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and neuronal cell death by blocking VGCCs.


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While TRAIL is a promising anticancer agent due to its ability to selectively induce apoptosis in neoplastic cells, many tumors, including pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA), display intrinsic resistance, highlighting the need for TRAIL-sensitizing agents. Here we report that TRAIL-induced apoptosis in PDA cell lines is enhanced by pharmacological inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) or by shRNA-mediated depletion of either GSK-3 alpha or GSK-3 beta. In contrast, depletion of GSK-3 beta, but not GSK-3 alpha, sensitized PDA cell lines to TNF alpha-induced cell death. Further experiments demonstrated that TNF alpha-stimulated I kappa B alpha phosphorylation and degradation as well as p65 nuclear translocation were normal in GSK-3 beta-deficient MEFs. Nonetheless, inhibition of GSK-3 beta function in MEFs or PDA cell lines impaired the expression of the NF-kappa B target genes Bcl-xL and cIAP2, but not I kappa B alpha. Significantly, the expression of Bcl-xL and cIAP2 could be reestablished by expression of GSK-3 beta targeted to the nucleus but not GSK-3 beta targeted to the cytoplasm, suggesting that GSK-3 beta regulates NF-kappa B function within the nucleus. Consistent with this notion, chromatin immunoprecipitation demonstrated that GSK-3 inhibition resulted in either decreased p65 binding to the promoter of BIR3, which encodes cIAP2, or increased p50 binding as well as recruitment of SIRT1 and HDAC3 to the promoter of BCL2L1, which encodes Bcl-xL. Importantly, depletion of Bcl-xL but not cIAP2, mimicked the sensitizing effect of GSK-3 inhibition on TRAIL-induced apoptosis, whereas Bcl-xL overexpression ameliorated the sensitization by GSK-3 inhibition. These results not only suggest that GSK-3 beta overexpression and nuclear localization contribute to TNF alpha and TRAIL resistance via anti-apoptotic NF-kappa B genes such as Bcl-xL, but also provide a rationale for further exploration of GSK-3 inhibitors combined with TRAIL for the treatment of PDA.


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103 p.; 102 p.


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Para formar metástases, as células tumorais devem se desprender do tumor primário e migrar através do endotélio num processo denominado intravasamento. Uma vez na circulação, elas devem aderir ao endotélio do tecido alvo e extravasar para o novo sítio de colonização, onde irão proliferar. A interação das células tumorais com o endotélio é mediada por selectinas, seguida pela interação com integrinas. As células tumorais apresentam um padrão anormal de glicosilação, expressando ligantes de selectinas, formados por polissacarídeos fucosilados, como sialyl Lewis a/x. Durante o processo metastático, células tumorais secretam diversos fatores de crescimento. Além de modular diferentes tipos celulares que constituem o microambiente tumoral, estes fatores de crescimento também atuam nas células tumorais de forma autócrina, ativando vias de sinalização envolvidas na proliferação e migração celular. Polissacarídeos sulfatados como a heparina, podem atuar como inibidores de P e L-selectinas, além de se ligar a fatores de crescimento, impedindo a ativação de seus receptores. Neste trabalho, avaliamos o papel de fucanas sulfatadas extraídas de diferentes espécies de invertebrados marinhos (L. variegatus, S. franciscanus, S. pallidus, A. lixula e S. droebachiensis) na modulação da interação entre células tumorais com o endotélio in vitro e comparamos seu efeito com o da heparina. Também avaliamos o papel destas moléculas na proliferação de células tumorais. Para isso, utilizamos duas linhagens tumorais de próstata (DU-145 e PC-3) e culturas primárias de células endoteliais de veia umbilical humana (HUVECs). Ao avaliar o efeito das fucanas na adesão das células tumorais às HUVECs, observamos que todas as fucanas testadas inibiram a adesão da linhagem DU-145 à monocamada endotelial, enquanto apenas a fucana extraída da espécie L. variegatus (FucSulf I) e da espécie S. franciscanus inibiram a adesão da linhagem PC-3. A FucSulf I foi uma das fucanas que apresentou maior potencial inibitório nas duas linhagens e foi a única que inibiu a adesão da linhagem DU-145 à matriz subendotelial, não interferindo na adesão da linhagem PC-3. A FucSulf I mostrou-se capaz de diminuir também a migração transendotelial das linhagens tumorais DU-145 e PC-3. A heparina mostrou efeito significativo apenas nos ensaios de transmigração, inibindo este evento de forma similar a FucSuf I. Sabe-se que o VEGF aumenta a permeabilidade endotelial, facilitando a passagem de células tumorais através do vaso. Observamos que as duas linhagens secretam VEGF e que a FucSulf I se liga a este fator. Estes dados sugerem que a interação da FucSuf I com o VEGF pode impedir a ação deste fator nas células endoteliais, diminuindo a migração transendotelial das células tumorais testadas. Também verificamos que a FucSulf I inibiu a proliferação das linhagens celulares na ausência de fatores exógenos ou na presença de soro fetal bovino ou VEGF. Por fim, avaliamos que a FucSulf I interfere na ativação de proteínas específicas de vias de sinalização disparadas por fatores de crescimento. A FucSulf I inibe a ativação da AKT na linhagem PC-3, enquanto nas células DU-145 observamos uma inibição da ativação da ERK. Esses dados indicam que a FucSulf I modula diversas etapas da progressão tumoral e pode ser um potencial candidato para o uso em terapias antitumorais


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O câncer colo-retal (CCR) representa o quarto tipo de câncer mais freqüente no Brasil entre homens e mulheres e a sobrevida para esse tipo de neoplasia é considerada boa, se a doença for diagnosticada em estádio inicial. Neste tipo de câncer a progressão do adenoma (tumor benigno) para o adenocarcinoma (tumor maligno) é dependente do acúmulo de mutações em diversos oncogenes e genes supressores de tumor. Estas mutações podem levar a alterações de importantes vias de sinalização que controlam estes eventos como, por exemplo, as vias Wnt e EGFR. No entanto, os mecanismos moleculares e celulares mediados por estas vias durante a progressão do CCR permanecem por serem definidos. Neste trabalho foi avaliada a participação da via Wnt e do EGFR durante a progressão do CCR usando células Caco-2, uma linhagem celular derivada de adenocarcinoma de cólon humano como modelo. As células foram tratadas com EGF, ativador da via EGFR, e cloreto de lítio (LiCl), um conhecido inibidor da enzima GSK-3β e conseqüentemente, ativador da via Wnt, ou alternativamente com a combinação de ambas drogas. Após os tratamentos, foi avaliada a morfologia celular, localização e expressão de proteínas juncionais, os padrões proliferativos e do ciclo celular e o potencial tumorigênico (migração e formação de colônias). Nossos resultados mostram que a localização subcelular das proteínas juncionais claudina-1 e β-catenina foi alterada após tratamento com EGF e LiCl, porém a expressão não foi afetada. A localização nuclear de β-catenina, um marcador da ativação da via Wnt, foi observada após tratamento com ambos os compostos, no entanto estes agentes modularam a enzima GSK-3β de forma diferencial. Além disso, tratamento com EGF aumentou a capacidade proliferativa e migratória da célula, mas não alterou a formação de colônias. LiCl, apesar de ser um conhecido ativador da via Wnt, inibiu o aumento da proliferação e migração causado pelo EGF, como visto pelo tratamento das células com EGF+LiCl, e reduziu a formação de colônias. Nossos resultados revelaram que LiCl possui uma atividade supressora de tumor o que pode representar um novo papel para este composto como um possível agente terapêutico para o tratamento do CCR.


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We analysed the whole-genome transcriptional profile of 6 cell lines of dark melanocytes (DM) and 6 of light melanocytes (LM) at basal conditions and after ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation at different time points to investigate the mechanisms by which melanocytes protect human skin from the damaging effects of UVB. Further, we assessed the effect of different keratinocyte-conditioned media (KCM+ and KCM-) on melanocytes. Our results suggest that an interaction between ribosomal proteins and the P53 signaling pathway may occur in response to UVB in both DM and LM. We also observed that DM and LM show differentially expressed genes after irradiation, in particular at the first 6h after UVB. These are mainly associated with inflammatory reactions, cell survival or melanoma. Furthermore, the culture with KCM+ compared with KCM- had a noticeable effect on LM. This effect includes the activation of various signaling pathways such as the mTOR pathway, involved in the regulation of cell metabolism, growth, proliferation and survival. Finally, the comparison of the transcriptional profiles between LM and DM under basal conditions, and the application of natural selection tests in human populations allowed us to support the significant evolutionary role of MIF and ATP6V0B in the pigmentary phenotype.


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O câncer de esôfago (CE) é uma doença extremamente agressiva e é um dos tumores mais incidentes e letais no Brasil e no mundo, sendo o carcinoma epidermóide de esôfago (CEE) o principal subtipo histológico, apresentando como principais fatores de risco o etilismo e o tabagismo na população ocidental. A exposição concomitante desses dois fatores representa um risco multiplicador para o desenvolvimento de CEE, sendo que o fumo parece ter um papel importante tanto na iniciação quanto na promoção do tumor, enquanto o álcool teria um papel mais relevante na promoção. Componentes do tabaco, como a nicotina e as nitrosaminas são potentes carcinógenos e agonistas de alta afinidade dos receptores colinérgicos nicotínicos (CHRNs), podendo atuar ativando vias de sinalização celular fundamentais para a progressão tumoral. Pouco se sabe sobre a expressão e regulação dos CHRNs na mucosa esofágica e no processo de carcinogênese desse tecido. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar a expressão gênica dos CHRNs no epitélio esofágico normal e em CEE, bem como sua regulação pelos fatores de risco associados ao tumor. Foi observado que as subunidades α3, α5, α7 e β4 são expressas no epitélio esofágico saudável humano enquanto as subunidades α1, α4, α9 e α10 apresentaram baixa ou nenhuma expressão nesse mesmo tecido. Além disso, foram encontradas diferenças de expressão das subunidades α3 e α7 em indivíduos etilistas e tabagistas quando comparados com indivíduos não-etilistas (subunidade α3) e não-tabagistas (subunidade α7). Nas amostras de CEE, as subunidades CHRNA5 e CHRNA7 foram encontradas superexpressas no tumor quando comparado ao tecido normal adjacente e observou-se diferença de expressão da subunidade α7 no tumor comparado com o tecido saudável e a subunidade β4 apresentou-se mais expressa no tecido tumoral e no tecido normal adjacente ao tumor do que no epitélio esofágico saudável. Entretanto, não foram encontradas diferenças de expressão de nenhuma das subunidades avaliadas nas linhagens CEE quando submetidas a tratamento com nicotina ou etanol. Os resultados obtidos sugerem uma participação dos CHRNs na fisiologia do epitélio esofágico e que os fatores de risco associados ao desenvolvimento de CEE parecem ser capazes de afetar a expressão desses receptores no epitélio esofágico.


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O Aspergillus fumigatus é o principal agente etiológico da aspergilose invasiva, uma infecção fúngica oportunista que acomete, principalmente, pacientes de Unidades Hematológicas, como aqueles com neutropenia profunda e prolongada. Após a filamentação este fungo angioinvasivo é capaz de ativar e causar danos em células endoteliais de veia umbilical humana (HUVEC) que passam a expressar um fenótipo pró-trombótico. A ativação destas células, dependente de contato célulacélula, é mediada por TNF-α e caracterizada pela expressão de moléculas próinflamatórias, como citocinas, quimiocinas e moléculas de adesão. Recentemente, nosso grupo comparou a ativação endotelial de HUVECs desafiadas com cepas selvagens e uma cepa mutante para o gene UGM1. Nestes experimentos a cepa mutante Δugm1, que apresenta um fenótipo de maior produção de galactosaminogalactana (GAG) na parede celular, mostrou um fenótipo hiperadesivo e uma capacidade maior de ativar células endoteliais. Entretanto, os receptores e as vias de sinalização envolvidos nesta ativação permanecem desconhecidos. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar as proteínas envolvidas nestes processos através do estudo das proteínas diferencialmente expressas nas HUVECs após a interação com A. fumigatus, usando a técnica proteômica 2D-DIGE. Brevemente, as HUVECs foram infectadas com tubos germinativos da cepa selvagem (AF293) e da cepa Δugm1 de A. fumigatus. Em seguida, as proteínas foram marcadas com diferentes fluorocromos e separadas por eletroforese bidimensional. A análise quantitativa foi realizada utilizando o software DeCyder. Foram identificadas por MS/MS cinco proteínas diferencialmente expressas, incluindo a galectina-1 e a anexina A2, ambas mais expressas após a interação, sendo a primeira ~25% mais expressa após a interação com a mutante Δugm1. Este trabalho propõe que a galectina-1 poderia ser o receptor endotelial para polímeros de galactose presentes na parede celular do A. fumigatus, e que a Anexina A2 poderia estar envolvida na sinalização intracelular em resposta a este patógeno. No entanto, experimentos complementares, em curso, são necessários para comprovar esta hipótese.