937 resultados para Secondary ion mass spectrometry


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Fenofibrate, widely used for the treatment of dyslipidemia, activates the nuclear receptor, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha. However, liver toxicity, including liver cancer, occurs in rodents treated with fibrate drugs. Marked species differences occur in response to fibrate drugs, especially between rodents and humans, the latter of which are resistant to fibrate-induced cancer. Fenofibrate metabolism, which also shows species differences, has not been fully determined in humans and surrogate primates. In the present study, the metabolism of fenofibrate was investigated in cynomolgus monkeys by ultraperformance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-QTOFMS)-based metabolomics. Urine samples were collected before and after oral doses of fenofibrate. The samples were analyzed in both positive-ion and negative-ion modes by UPLC-QTOFMS, and after data deconvolution, the resulting data matrices were subjected to multivariate data analysis. Pattern recognition was performed on the retention time, mass/charge ratio, and other metabolite-related variables. Synthesized or purchased authentic compounds were used for metabolite identification and structure elucidation by liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry. Several metabolites were identified, including fenofibric acid, reduced fenofibric acid, fenofibric acid ester glucuronide, reduced fenofibric acid ester glucuronide, and compound X. Another two metabolites (compound B and compound AR), not previously reported in other species, were characterized in cynomolgus monkeys. More importantly, previously unknown metabolites, fenofibric acid taurine conjugate and reduced fenofibric acid taurine conjugate were identified, revealing a previously unrecognized conjugation pathway for fenofibrate.


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A method for the determination of menthol and menthol glucuronide (M-G) after enzymatic hydrolysis in plasma and urine of rats and humans was developed using headspace solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in the selected ion monitoring mode (HS-SPME/GC-MS). The assay linearity for plasma ranged from 5 to 1000 ng/ml. The limit of quantification (LOQ) in plasma was 5 ng/ml. The intra- and inter-day precision for menthol and M-G were < or = 18.1% R.S.D. at the LOQ and < or = 4.0% at higher concentrations. Menthol and M-G were determined in rat and human plasma and urine after administration of menthol.


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The fragmentation of electrospray-generated multiply deprotonated RNA and mixed-sequence RNA/DNA pentanucleotides upon low-energy collision-induced dissociation (CID) in a hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer was investigated. The goal of unambiguous sequence identification of mixed-sequence RNA/DNA oligonucleotides requires detailed understanding of the gas-phase dissociation of this class of compounds. The two major dissociation events, base loss and backbone fragmentation, are discussed and the unique fragmentation behavior of oligoribonucleotides is demonstrated. Backbone fragmentation of the all-RNA pentanucleotides is characterized by abundant c-ions and their complementary y-ions as the major sequence-defining fragment ion series. In contrast to the dissociation of oligodeoxyribonucleotides, where backbone fragmentation is initiated by the loss of a nucleobase which subsequently leads to the formation of the w- and [a-base]-ions, backbone dissociation of oligoribonucleotides is essentially decoupled from base loss. The different behavior of RNA and DNA oligonucleotides is related to the presence of the 2'-hydroxyl substituent, which is the only structural alteration between the DNA and RNA pentanucleotides studied. CID of mixed-sequence RNA/DNA pentanucleotides results in a combination of the nucleotide-typical backbone fragmentation products, with abundant w-fragment ions generated by cleavage of the phosphodiester backbone adjacent to the deoxy building blocks, whereas backbone cleavage adjacent to ribonucleotides induces the formation of c- and y-ions. (C) 2002 American Society for Mass Spectrometry.


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Field deployments of the Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS) have significantly advanced real-time measurements and source apportionment of non-refractory particulate matter. However, the cost and complex maintenance requirements of the AMS make its deployment at sufficient sites to determine regional characteristics impractical. Furthermore, the negligible transmission efficiency of the AMS inlet for supermicron particles significantly limits the characterization of their chemical nature and contributing sources. In this study, we utilize the AMS to characterize the water-soluble organic fingerprint of ambient particles collected onto conventional quartz filters, which are routinely sampled at many air quality sites. The method was applied to 256 particulate matter (PM) filter samples (PM1, PM2:5, and PM10, i.e., PM with aerodynamic diameters smaller than 1, 2.5, and 10 μm, respectively), collected at 16 urban and rural sites during summer and winter. We show that the results obtained by the present technique compare well with those from co-located online measurements, e.g., AMS or Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM). The bulk recoveries of organic aerosol (60–91 %) achieved using this technique, together with low detection limits (0.8 μg of organic aerosol on the analyzed filter fraction) allow its application to environmental samples. We will discuss the recovery variability of individual hydrocarbon ions, ions containing oxygen, and other ions. The performance of such data in source apportionment is assessed in comparison to ACSM data. Recoveries of organic components related to different sources as traffic, wood burning, and secondary organic aerosol are presented. This technique, while subjected to the limitations inherent to filter-based measurements (e.g., filter artifacts and limited time resolution) may be used to enhance the AMS capabilities in measuring size-fractionated, spatially resolved longterm data sets.


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Nanoflow electrospray ionization has been used to introduce intact Escherichia coli ribosomes into the ion source of a mass spectrometer. Mass spectra of remarkable quality result from a partial, but selective, dissociation of the particles within the mass spectrometer. Peaks in the spectra have been assigned to individual ribosomal proteins and to noncovalent complexes of up to five component proteins. The pattern of dissociation correlates strongly with predicted features of ribosomal protein–protein and protein–RNA interactions. The spectra allow the dynamics and state of folding of specific proteins to be investigated in the context of the intact ribosome. This study demonstrates a potentially general strategy to probe interactions within complex biological assemblies.


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A de novo sequencing program for proteins is described that uses tandem MS data from electron capture dissociation and collisionally activated dissociation of electrosprayed protein ions. Computer automation is used to convert the fragment ion mass values derived from these spectra into the most probable protein sequence, without distinguishing Leu/Ile. Minimum human input is necessary for the data reduction and interpretation. No extra chemistry is necessary to distinguish N- and C-terminal fragments in the mass spectra, as this is determined from the electron capture dissociation data. With parts-per-million mass accuracy (now available by using higher field Fourier transform MS instruments), the complete sequences of ubiquitin (8.6 kDa) and melittin (2.8 kDa) were predicted correctly by the program. The data available also provided 91% of the cytochrome c (12.4 kDa) sequence (essentially complete except for the tandem MS-resistant region K13–V20 that contains the cyclic heme). Uncorrected mass values from a 6-T instrument still gave 86% of the sequence for ubiquitin, except for distinguishing Gln/Lys. Extensive sequencing of larger proteins should be possible by applying the algorithm to pieces of ≈10-kDa size, such as products of limited proteolysis.


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Measurement of 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OH-dGuo) in DNA by high-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) was studied. A methodology was developed for separation by LC of 8-OH-dGuo from intact and modified nucleosides in DNA hydrolyzed by a combination of four enzymes: DNase I, phosphodiesterases I and II and alkaline phosphatase. The atmospheric pressure ionization-electrospray process was used for mass spectral measurements. A stable isotope-labeled analog of 8-OH-dGuo was used as an internal standard for quantification by isotope-dilution MS (IDMS). Results showed that LC/IDMS with selected ion-monitoring (SIM) is well suited for identification and quantification of 8-OH-dGuo in DNA at background levels and in damaged DNA. The sensitivity level of LC/IDMS-SIM was found to be comparable to that reported previously using LC-tandem MS (LC/MS/MS). It was found that approximately five lesions per 106 DNA bases can be detected using amounts of DNA as low as 2 µg. The results also suggest that this lesion may be quantified in DNA at levels of one lesion per 106 DNA bases, or even lower, when more DNA is used. Up to 50 µg of DNA per injection were used without adversely affecting the measurements. Gas chromatography/isotope-dilution MS with selected-ion monitoring (GC/IDMS-SIM) was also used to measure this compound in DNA following its removal from DNA by acidic hydrolysis or by hydrolysis with Escherichia coli Fpg protein. The background levels obtained by LC/IDMS-SIM and GC/IDMS-SIM were almost identical. Calf thymus DNA and DNA isolated from cultured HeLa cells were used for this purpose. This indicates that these two techniques can provide similar results in terms of the measurement of 8-OH-dGuo in DNA. In addition, DNA in buffered aqueous solution was damaged by ionizing radiation at different radiation doses and analyzed by LC/IDMS-SIM and GC/IDMS-SIM. Again, similar results were obtained by the two techniques. The sensitivity of GC/MS-SIM for 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine was also examined and found to be much greater than that of LC/MS-SIM and the reported sensitivity of LC/MS/MS for 8-OH-dGuo. Taken together, the results unequivocally show that LC/IDMS-SIM is well suited for sensitive and accurate measurement of 8-OH-dGuo in DNA and that both LC/IDMS-SIM and GC/IDMS-SIM can provide similar results.


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Biological membranes contain an extraordinary diversity of lipids. Phospholipids function as major structural elements of cellular membranes, and analysis of changes in the highly heterogeneous mixtures of lipids found in eukaryotic cells is central to understanding the complex functions in which lipids participate. Phospholipase-catalyzed hydrolysis of phospholipids often follows cell surface receptor activation. Recently, we demonstrated that granule fusion is initiated by addition of exogenous, nonmammalian phospholipases to permeabilized mast cells. To pursue this finding, we use positive and negative mode Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR-MS) to measure changes in the glycerophospholipid composition of total lipid extracts of intact and permeabilized RBL-2H3 (mucosal mast cell line) cells. The low energy of the electrospray ionization results in efficient production of molecular ions of phospholipids uncomplicated by further fragmentation, and changes were observed that eluded conventional detection methods. From these analyses we have spectrally resolved more than 130 glycerophospholipids and determined changes initiated by introduction of exogenous phospholipase C, phospholipase D, or phospholipase A2. These exogenous phospholipases have a preference for phosphatidylcholine with long polyunsaturated alkyl chains as substrates and, when added to permeabilized mast cells, produce multiple species of mono- and polyunsaturated diacylglycerols, phosphatidic acids, and lysophosphatidylcholines, respectively. The patterns of changes of these lipids provide an extraordinarily rich source of data for evaluating the effects of specific lipid species generated during cellular processes, such as exocytosis.


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Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time of flight mass spectrometry was used to detect and order DNA fragments generated by Sanger dideoxy cycle sequencing. This was accomplished by improving the sensitivity and resolution of the MALDI method using a delayed ion extraction technique (DE-MALDI). The cycle sequencing chemistry was optimized to produce as much as 100 fmol of each specific dideoxy terminated fragment, generated from extension of a 13-base primer annealed on 40- and 50-base templates. Analysis of the resultant sequencing mixture by DE-MALDI identified the appropriate termination products. The technique provides a new non-gel-based method to sequence DNA which may ultimately have considerable speed advantages over traditional methodologies.


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Amino acid sequencing by recombinant DNA technology, although dramatically useful, is subject to base reading errors, is indirect, and is insensitive to posttranslational processing. Mass spectrometry techniques can provide molecular weight data from even relatively large proteins for such cDNA sequences and can serve as a check of an enzyme's purity and sequence integrity. Multiply-charged ions from electrospray ionization can be dissociated to yield structural information by tandem mass spectrometry, providing a second method for gaining additional confidence in primary sequence confirmation. Here, accurate (+/- 1 Da) molecular weight and molecular ion dissociation information for human muscle and brain creatine kinases has been obtained by electrospray ionization coupled with Fourier-transform mass spectrometry to help distinguish which of several published amino acid sequences for both enzymes are correct. The results herein are consistent with one published sequence for each isozyme, and the heterogeneity indicated by isoelectric focusing due to 1-Da deamidation changes. This approach appears generally useful for detailed sequence verification of recombinant proteins.


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Il lavoro presentato in questa tesi di Dottorato è incentrato sullo sviluppo di strategie analitiche innovative basate sulla sensoristica e su tecniche di spettrometria di massa in ambito biologico e della sicurezza alimentare. Il primo capitolo tratta lo studio di aspetti metodologici ed applicativi di procedure sensoristiche per l’identificazione e la determinazione di biomarkers associati alla malattia celiaca. In tale ambito, sono stati sviluppati due immunosensori, uno a trasduzione piezoelettrica e uno a trasduzione amperometrica, per la rivelazione di anticorpi anti-transglutaminasi tissutale associati a questa malattia. L’innovazione di questi dispositivi riguarda l’immobilizzazione dell’enzima tTG nella conformazione aperta (Open-tTG), che è stato dimostrato essere quella principalmente coinvolta nella patogenesi. Sulla base dei risultati ottenuti, entrambi i sistemi sviluppati si sono dimostrati una valida alternativa ai test di screening attualmente in uso per la diagnosi della celiachia. Rimanendo sempre nel contesto della malattia celiaca, ulteriore ricerca oggetto di questa tesi di Dottorato, ha riguardato lo sviluppo di metodi affidabili per il controllo di prodotti “gluten-free”. Il secondo capitolo tratta lo sviluppo di un metodo di spettrometria di massa e di un immunosensore competitivo per la rivelazione di prolammine in alimenti “gluten-free”. E’ stato sviluppato un metodo LC-ESI-MS/MS basato su un’analisi target con modalità di acquisizione del segnale selected reaction monitoring per l’identificazione di glutine in diversi cereali potenzialmente tossici per i celiaci. Inoltre ci si è focalizzati su un immunosensore competitivo per la rivelazione di gliadina, come metodo di screening rapido di farine. Entrambi i sistemi sono stati ottimizzati impiegando miscele di farina di riso addizionata di gliadina, avenine, ordeine e secaline nel caso del sistema LC-MS/MS e con sola gliadina nel caso del sensore. Infine i sistemi analitici sono stati validati analizzando sia materie prime (farine) che alimenti (biscotti, pasta, pane, etc.). L’approccio sviluppato in spettrometria di massa apre la strada alla possibilità di sviluppare un test di screening multiplo per la valutazione della sicurezza di prodotti dichiarati “gluten-free”, mentre ulteriori studi dovranno essere svolti per ricercare condizioni di estrazione compatibili con l’immunosaggio competitivo, per ora applicabile solo all’analisi di farine estratte con etanolo. Terzo capitolo di questa tesi riguarda lo sviluppo di nuovi metodi per la rivelazione di HPV, Chlamydia e Gonorrhoeae in fluidi biologici. Si è scelto un substrato costituito da strips di carta in quanto possono costituire una valida piattaforma di rivelazione, offrendo vantaggi grazie al basso costo, alla possibilità di generare dispositivi portatili e di poter visualizzare il risultato visivamente senza la necessità di strumentazioni. La metodologia sviluppata è molto semplice, non prevede l’uso di strumentazione complessa e si basa sull’uso della isothermal rolling-circle amplification per l’amplificazione del target. Inoltre, di fondamentale importanza, è l’utilizzo di nanoparticelle colorate che, essendo state funzionalizzate con una sequenza di DNA complementare al target amplificato derivante dalla RCA, ne permettono la rivelazione a occhio nudo mediante l’uso di filtri di carta. Queste strips sono state testate su campioni reali permettendo una discriminazione tra campioni positivi e negativi in tempi rapidi (10-15 minuti), aprendo una nuova via verso nuovi test altamente competitivi con quelli attualmente sul mercato.


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Results of a systematic study concerning non-spectral interferences from sulfuric acid containing matrices on a large number of elements in inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) are presented in this work. The signals obtained with sulfuric acid solutions of different concentrations (up to 5% w w− 1) have been compared with the corresponding signals for a 1% w w− 1− nitric acid solution at different experimental conditions (i.e., sample uptake rates, nebulizer gas flows and r.f. powers). The signals observed for 128Te+, 78Se+ and 75As+ were significantly higher when using sulfuric acid matrices (up to 2.2-fold for 128Te+ and 78Se+ and 1.8-fold for 75As+ in the presence of 5 w w-1 sulfuric acid) for the whole range of experimental conditions tested. This is in agreement with previously reported observations. The signal for 31P+ is also higher (1.1-fold) in the presence of sulfuric acid. The signal enhancements for 128Te+, 78Se+, 75As+ and 31P+ are explained in relation to an increase in the analyte ion population as a result of charge transfer reactions involving S+ species in the plasma. Theoretical data suggest that Os, Sb, Pt, Ir, Zn and Hg could also be involved in sulfur-based charge transfer reactions, but no experimental evidence has been found. The presence of sulfuric acid gives rise to lower ion signals (about 10–20% lower) for the other nuclides tested, thus indicating the negative matrix effect caused by changes in the amount of analyte loading of the plasma. The elemental composition of a certified low-density polyethylene sample (ERM-EC681K) was determined by ICP-MS after two different sample digestion procedures, one of them including sulfuric acid. Element concentrations were in agreement with the certified values, irrespective of the acids used for the digestion. These results demonstrate that the use of matrix-matched standards allows the accurate determination of the tested elements in a sulfuric acid matrix.


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Objectives: Cyclosporin is an immunosuppressant drug with a narrow therapeutic window. Trough and 2-h post-dose blood samples are currently used for therapeutic drug monitoring in solid organ transplant recipients. The aim of the current study was to develop a rapid HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) method for the measurement of cyclosporin in whole blood that was not only suitable for the clinical setting but also considered a reference method. Methods: Blood samples (50 mu L) were prepared by protein precipitation followed by C-18 solid-phase extraction while using d(12) cyclosporin as the internal standard. Mass spectrometric detection was by selected reaction monitoring with an electrospray interface in positive ionization mode. Results: The assay was linear from 10 to 2000 mu g/L (r(2) > 0.996, n = 9). Inter-day,analytical recovery and imprecision using whole blood quality control samples at 10, 30, 400, 1500, and 2000 mu g/L were 94.9-103.5% and


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High-performance liquid chromatography coupled by an electrospray ion source to a tandem mass spectrometer (HPLC-EST-MS/ MS) is the current analytical method of choice for quantitation of analytes in biological matrices. With HPLC-ESI-MS/MS having the characteristics of high selectivity, sensitivity, and throughput, this technology is being increasingly used in the clinical laboratory. An important issue to be addressed in method development, validation, and routine use of HPLC-ESI-MS/MS is matrix effects. Matrix effects are the alteration of ionization efficiency by the presence of coeluting substances. These effects are unseen in the chromatograrn but have deleterious impact on methods accuracy and sensitivity. The two common ways to assess matrix effects are either by the postextraction addition method or the postcolumn infusion method. To remove or minimize matrix effects, modification to the sample extraction methodology and improved chromatographic separation must be performed. These two parameters are linked together and form the basis of developing a successful and robust quantitative HPLC-EST-MS/MS method. Due to the heterogenous nature of the population being studied, the variability of a method must be assessed in samples taken from a variety of subjects. In this paper, the major aspects of matrix effects are discussed with an approach to address matrix effects during method validation proposed. (c) 2004 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. All rights reserved.


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Phospholipids are complex and varied biomolecules that are susceptible to lipid peroxidation after attack by free radicals or electrophilic oxidants and can yield a large number of different oxidation products. There are many available methods for detecting phospholipid oxidation products, but also various limitations and problems. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry allows the simultaneous but specific analysis of multiple species with good sensitivity and has a further advantage that it can be coupled to liquid chromatography for separation of oxidation products. Here, we explain the principles of oxidized phospholipid analysis by electrospray mass spectrometry and describe fragmentation routines for surveying the structural properties of the analytes, in particular precursor ion and neutral loss scanning. These allow targeted detection of phospholipid headgroups and identification of phospholipids containing hydroperoxides and chlorine, as well as the detection of some individual oxidation products by their specific fragmentation patterns. We describe instrument protocols for carrying out these survey routines on a QTrap5500 mass spectrometer and also for interfacing with reverse-phase liquid chromatography. The article highlights critical aspects of the analysis as well as some limitations of the methodology.