957 resultados para Schreuder, Hans T.: Sampling methods for multiresource forest inventory
The aim of this study was to compare two methods of tear sampling for protein quantification. Tear samples were collected from 29 healthy dogs (58 eyes) using Schirmer tear test (STT) strip and microcapillary tubes. The samples were frozen at -80ºC and analyzed by the Bradford method. Results were analyzed by Student's t test. The average protein concentration and standard deviation from tears collected with microcapillary tube were 4.45mg/mL ±0.35 and 4,52mg/mL ±0.29 for right and left eyes respectively. The average protein concentration and standard deviation from tears collected with Schirmer Tear Test (STT) strip were and 54.5mg/mL ±0.63 and 54.15mg/mL ±0.65 to right and left eyes respectively. Statistically significant differences (p<0.001) were found between the methods. In the conditions in which this study was conducted, the average protein concentration obtained with the Bradford test from tear samples obtained by Schirmer Tear Test (STT) strip showed values higher than those obtained with microcapillary tube. It is important that concentration of tear protein pattern values should be analyzed according the method used to collect tear samples.
Long-term monitoring of forest soils as part of a pan-European network to detect environmental change depends on an accurate determination of the mean of the soil properties at each monitoring event. Forest soil is known to be very variable spatially, however. A study was undertaken to explore and quantify this variability at three forest monitoring plots in Britain. Detailed soil sampling was carried out, and the data from the chemical analyses were analysed by classical statistics and geostatistics. An analysis of variance showed that there were no consistent effects from the sample sites in relation to the position of the trees. The variogram analysis showed that there was spatial dependence at each site for several variables and some varied in an apparently periodic way. An optimal sampling analysis based on the multivariate variogram for each site suggested that a bulked sample from 36 cores would reduce error to an acceptable level. Future sampling should be designed so that it neither targets nor avoids trees and disturbed ground. This can be achieved best by using a stratified random sampling design.
The goal of the review is to provide a state-of-the-art survey on sampling and probe methods for the solution of inverse problems. Further, a configuration approach to some of the problems will be presented. We study the concepts and analytical results for several recent sampling and probe methods. We will give an introduction to the basic idea behind each method using a simple model problem and then provide some general formulation in terms of particular configurations to study the range of the arguments which are used to set up the method. This provides a novel way to present the algorithms and the analytic arguments for their investigation in a variety of different settings. In detail we investigate the probe method (Ikehata), linear sampling method (Colton-Kirsch) and the factorization method (Kirsch), singular sources Method (Potthast), no response test (Luke-Potthast), range test (Kusiak, Potthast and Sylvester) and the enclosure method (Ikehata) for the solution of inverse acoustic and electromagnetic scattering problems. The main ideas, approaches and convergence results of the methods are presented. For each method, we provide a historical survey about applications to different situations.
The high computational cost of calculating the radiative heating rates in numerical weather prediction (NWP) and climate models requires that calculations are made infrequently, leading to poor sampling of the fast-changing cloud field and a poor representation of the feedback that would occur. This paper presents two related schemes for improving the temporal sampling of the cloud field. Firstly, the ‘split time-stepping’ scheme takes advantage of the independent nature of the monochromatic calculations of the ‘correlated-k’ method to split the calculation into gaseous absorption terms that are highly dependent on changes in cloud (the optically thin terms) and those that are not (optically thick). The small number of optically thin terms can then be calculated more often to capture changes in the grey absorption and scattering associated with cloud droplets and ice crystals. Secondly, the ‘incremental time-stepping’ scheme uses a simple radiative transfer calculation using only one or two monochromatic calculations representing the optically thin part of the atmospheric spectrum. These are found to be sufficient to represent the heating rate increments caused by changes in the cloud field, which can then be added to the last full calculation of the radiation code. We test these schemes in an operational forecast model configuration and find a significant improvement is achieved, for a small computational cost, over the current scheme employed at the Met Office. The ‘incremental time-stepping’ scheme is recommended for operational use, along with a new scheme to correct the surface fluxes for the change in solar zenith angle between radiation calculations.
Activities involving fauna monitoring are usually limited by the lack of resources; therefore, the choice of a proper and efficient methodology is fundamental to maximize the cost-benefit ratio. Both direct and indirect methods can be used to survey mammals, but the latter are preferred due to the difficulty to come in sight of and/or to capture the individuals, besides being cheaper. We compared the performance of two methods to survey medium and large-sized mammal: track plot recording and camera trapping, and their costs were assessed. At Jatai Ecological Station (S21 degrees 31`15 ``- W47 degrees 34`42 ``-Brazil) we installed ten camera traps along a dirt road directly in front of ten track plots, and monitored them for 10 days. We cleaned the plots, adjusted the cameras, and noted down the recorded species daily. Records taken by both methods showed they sample the local richness in different ways (Wilcoxon, T=231; p;;0.01). The track plot method performed better on registering individuals whereas camera trapping provided records which permitted more accurate species identification. The type of infra-red sensor camera used showed a strong bias towards individual body mass (R(2)=0.70; p=0.017), and the variable expenses of this method in a 10-day survey were estimated about 2.04 times higher compared to track plot method; however, in a long run camera trapping becomes cheaper than track plot recording. Concluding, track plot recording is good enough for quick surveys under a limited budget, and camera trapping is best for precise species identification and the investigation of species details, performing better for large animals. When used together, these methods can be complementary.
In the present study, we compared 2 methods for collecting ixodid ticks on the verges of animal trails in a primary Amazon forest area in northern Brazil. (i) Dragging: This method was based on passing a 1-m(2) white flannel over the vegetation and checking the flannel for the presence of caught ticks every 5-10 m. (ii) Visual search: This method consisted of looking for guesting ticks on the tips of leaves of the vegetation bordering animal trails in the forest. A total of 103 adult ticks belonging to 4 Amblyomma species were collected by the visual search method on 5 collecting dates, while only 44 adult ticks belonging to 3 Amblyomma species were collected by dragging on 5 other collecting dates. These values were statistically different (Mann-Whitney Test, P = 0.0472). On the other hand, dragging was more efficient for subadult ticks, since no larva or nymph was collected by visual search, whereas 18 nymphs and 7 larvae were collected by dragging. The visual search method proved to be suitable for collecting adult ticks in the Amazon forest: however, field studies should include a second method, such as dragging in order to maximize the collection of subadult ticks. Indeed, these 2 methods can be performed by a single investigator at the same time, while he/she walks on an animal trail in the forest. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
We consider a class of sampling-based decomposition methods to solve risk-averse multistage stochastic convex programs. We prove a formula for the computation of the cuts necessary to build the outer linearizations of the recourse functions. This formula can be used to obtain an efficient implementation of Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming applied to convex nonlinear problems. We prove the almost sure convergence of these decomposition methods when the relatively complete recourse assumption holds. We also prove the almost sure convergence of these algorithms when applied to risk-averse multistage stochastic linear programs that do not satisfy the relatively complete recourse assumption. The analysis is first done assuming the underlying stochastic process is interstage independent and discrete, with a finite set of possible realizations at each stage. We then indicate two ways of extending the methods and convergence analysis to the case when the process is interstage dependent.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Apesar do grande número de estudos realizados com a herpetofauna do Estado de São Paulo, que a caracteriza como a mais conhecida no país, ainda existem vazios amostrais dentro de biomas considerados mundialmente como prioritários para a conservação pelo elevado grau de endemismo e pressão antrópica, como é o caso da Mata Atlântica. Como resultado de pressões políticas e históricas, o bioma foi reduzido a menos de 12% de sua extensão original e apesar de sua importância para a conservação da biodiversidade mundial, apenas uma porcentagem mínima de sua cobertura vegetal original (1%) encontra-se protegida sob alguma forma legal de proteção. Este é o caso do Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira (PETAR) que juntamente com o Parque Estadual de Intervales, Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho e Mosaico de Unidades de Conservação de Jacupiranga formam um extenso contínuo ecológico de 360 mil ha de floresta ombrófila no sul do estado. O presente estudo apresenta a lista de anfíbios e répteis do PETAR, com informações sobre a distribuição local e uso de hábitat destas espécies. O inventário foi realizado de outubro a dezembro 2009, totalizando 15 dias de amostragens que foram realizadas por meio de quatro métodos complementares de amostragem ativa: procura visual, procura auditiva, procura de carro e encontro ocasional. Foram registradas no total 91 espécies pertencentes a 53 gêneros e 24 famílias. Esta alta diversidade pode ser atribuída à existência de uma grande variedade de hábitats e microhábitats nesta localidade, como os diversos sítios aquáticos utilizados por várias das espécies de anfíbios anuros amostradas. Além disso, o PETAR apresenta um amplo gradiente altitudinal (80 - 1.160 m) que confere uma grande heterogeneidade climática, geológica e hidrológica a área. Neste sentido, este inventário é uma importante contribuição para a ampliação do conhecimento destas taxocenoses de floresta ombrófila presentes na porção mais ao sul da Serra de Paranapiacaba, fornecendo subsídios para a adoção de medidas visando à conservação dessas taxocenoses no Estado de São Paulo.
Species richness is central to ecological theory, with practical applications in conservation, environmental management and monitoring. Several techniques are available for measuring species richness and composition of amphibians in breeding pools, but the relative efficacy of these methods for sampling high-diversity Neotropical amphibian fauna is poorly understood. I evaluated seven studies from south and south-eastern Brazil to compare the relative and combined effectiveness of two methods for measuring species richness at anuran breeding pools: acoustic surveys with visual encounter of adults and dipnet surveys of larvae. I also compared the relative efficacy of each survey method in detecting species with different reproductive modes. Results showed that both survey methods underestimated the number of species when used separately; however, a close approximation of the actual number of species in each breeding pool was obtained when the methods were combined. There was no difference between survey methods in detecting species with different reproductive modes. These results indicate that researchers should employ multiple survey methods that target both adult and larval life history stages in order to accurately assess anuran species richness at breeding pools in the Neotropics.
The mining process promotes land modification and complete landscape alteration. Those alterations in the surface are shown more obviously in the aesthetical aspect as the visual elements of form, texture, climbs, complexity and color which composes the landscape. As a consequence, mining has impacts on the topography, in the soil, in the vegetation and in the area's drainage, with a direct influence on the enterprise. A quite common problem in the recovery of degraded areas in mineral exploration is the compaction of the soil due to the intense traffic of machines and earth movement. The most common problem of the compaction of a degraded surface is an increase of the mechanical resistance to the penetration of plant roots, a reduction of the aeration, an alteration of the flow of water and heat, also in the availability of water and nutrients. Thus, the present work had the basic objective of diagnosing the compaction of an area degraded by mining in a spacial way, through the mechanical resistance and the penetration, to guide the future subsoiling in the area requiring recovery. Through the studies, it was concluded that the krigagem method in agreement with the space variation allows the division of the area under study into sub areas facilitating a future work to reduce costs and unnecessary interference to the atmosphere. The method was shown to be quite appropriate and it can be used in the diagnosis of compaction in a degraded area by mining, foreseeing the subsoiling requirement.