998 resultados para Schedules, School -- Catalonia
This�report highlights�the barriers that schools in Northern Ireland have experienced in implementingnutritional standards. In particular, it identifies the potential adverse impact that external sourcesof food may have on pupils��' healthy eating practices within the school setting. It also illustrateshow the accessibility of food and drinks contradicting the standards, within the school, may limitthe success of the standards. This report further emphasises how practical constraints within the
This publication details the nutritional standards for school lunches, to which all grant-aided schools must adhere. As well as explaining why the nutritional standards have been introduced, it offers practical advice on how to implement them.Nutritional standards for school lunches: a guide for implementation is also available in Irish, on request.
School food: the essential guide contains a series of eight practical guidance booklets designed to help schools improve pupils' nutrition and implement healthier eating and drinking practices. The booklets provide advice and support for the key areas in which food, drinks and nutrition issues affects schools. Mini case studies support the advice given and, where appropriate, the booklets provide details of recommended further resources.Individual booklets in the series are available as PDF files below:
Urinary schistosomiasis remains a significant burden for Africa and the Middle East. The success of population-based control programs will depend on their impact, over many years, on Schistosoma haematobium reinfection and associated disease. In a multi-year (1984-1992) control program in Kenya, we examined risk for S. haematobium reinfection and late disease during and after annual school-based treatment. In this setting, long-term risk of new infection was independently associated with location, age, hematuria, and incomplete treatment, but not with sex or frequency of water contact. Thus, very local environmental features and age-related factors played an important role in S. haematobium transmission, such that population-based control programs should optimally tailor their efforts to local conditions on a village-by-village basis. In 2001-2002, the late benefits of earlier participation in school-based antischistosomal therapy were estimated in a cohort of formerly-treated adult residents compared to never-treated adults from the same villages. Among age-matched subjects, current infection prevalence was lower among those who had received remote therapy. In addition, prevalence of bladder abnormality was lower in the treated group, who were free of severe bladder disease. Treatment of affected adults resulted in rapid resolution of infection and any detectable bladder abnormalities. We conclude that continued treatment into adulthood, as well as efforts at long-term prevention of infection (transmission control) are necessary to achieve optimal morbidity control in affected communities.
Leaflet for parents explaining why a healthy break is so important for pre-school children and some tips and ideas for healthy nutritious breaks.�
Poster explaining why a healthy break is important.�
Proyecto de migración/implantación de un sistema libre en un centro de educación secundaria.
Implantación de una plataforma libre en un centro de educación secundaria.
Creació d'una infraestructura informàtica d'un centre educatiu, amb xarxes separades per a aules, secretaria i seminaris. Serveis centralitzats en un servidor amb màquines virtuals.
Projecte d'actualització del sistema informàtic d'un centre escolar.
AIM: To assess whether repeating a grade was associated with drug use among adolescents after controlling for personal, family and school-related variables, and whether there were differences between students in mandatory and post-mandatory school. METHODS: Data were drawn from the Catalonia Adolescent Health Survey, a cross-sectional study of in-school adolescents aged 14-19 y. The index group included 366 subjects who were repeating a grade at the time the survey was carried out (old-for-grade, OFG). A control group matched by gender, school and being one grade ahead was randomly chosen among all the subjects who had never repeated a grade. All statistically significant variables in the bivariate analysis were included in a multivariate analysis. In a second step, all analyses were repeated for students in mandatory (14-16 y) and post-mandatory (17-19 y) school. RESULTS: After controlling for background variables, subjects in the index group were more likely to perceive that most of their peers were using synthetic drugs and to have ever used them, to have bad grades and a worse relationship with their teachers. OFG students in mandatory school were more likely to have divorced parents, bad grades and have ever used synthetic drugs, whereas they were less likely to be regular drinkers. OFG students in post-mandatory school were more likely to have below average grades, to be regular smokers and to perceive that most of their peers used synthetic drugs. CONCLUSIONS: When background variables are taken into consideration, the relationship between repeating a grade and drug use is not so clear. By increasing the familial and academic support of adolescents with academic underachievement, we could reduce their drug consumption.
BACKGROUND: A growing body of literature indicates that adolescents with chronic conditions are as likely, or more likely, to take risky behaviours than their healthy peers. The objective of this research was to assess whether adolescents with chronic illness in Catalonia differ from their healthy peers in risk-taking behaviour. METHODS: Data were drawn from the Catalonia Adolescent Health database, a survey including a random school-based sample of 6952 young people, aged 14-19 years. The index group (IG) included 665 adolescents (450 females) reporting several chronic conditions. The comparison group (CG) comprised 6287 healthy adolescents (3306 females). Personal, family and school-related variables were analysed to ensure comparability between groups. Sexual behaviour, drug use (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, cocaine and synthetic drugs) and perception of drug use among peers and in school were compared. Analysis was carried out separately by gender. chi-square, Fisher's and Student's tests were used to compare categorical and continuous variables. RESULTS: The prevalence of chronic conditions was 9.6%, with females showing a higher prevalence than males. The IG showed similar or higher rates of sexual intercourse and risky sexual behaviour. For most studied drugs, IG males reported slightly lower rates of use than CG males, while IG females showed higher rates for every drug studied. No differences were found in the perceptions of drug use among peers or in their school. CONCLUSIONS: Similar to previous research, chronically ill adolescents in our sample are as likely, or more likely, to take risky behaviours than their healthy counterparts and should receive the same anticipatory guidance.
Projecte que pretén planificar els serveis que pot oferir la Residència Diocesana d'Estudiants, amb dues condicions: que sigui tècnicament correcta i entri dintre d'uns principis humanístics mínims i que a això se li doni un sentit d'utilitat social i ajudi, expressament, les parts menys afavorides de la societat (no només econòmicament). Entre els serveis proposats consten els següents: un internat de 300 places per a infants i adolescents; la posada en marxa, obertura i utilització d'un antic internat per a fer-ne una mena de centre de recursos alternatius a l'escola (colònies, campaments, estades educatives, etc.), així com també d'una casa de colònies que està creant-se i de dues zones d'acampada (una a la serra, l'altra a la platja); la creació de l'Escola de l'Esplai diocesana (és dels pocs bisbats de Catalunya que no en té, i aquest bisbat abasta també el nord de Castelló); la generació d'un servei per a elaborar els diversos tipus de mediacions que, a hores d'ara, demana la societat, i dels quals s'espera un fort creixement (matrimonis, menors, etc.), i la cerca d'altres serveis que es puguin oferir a menors i a famílies que tinguin dificultats econòmiques (centre d'acolliments familiars, etc.).
Aquest projecte s'emmarca dins de l'àmbit de l'assessorament psicopedagògic, concretament, en la formació del professorat per a l'ensenyament d'estratègies d'aprenentatge. El tema d'estratègies d'ensenyament/aprenentatge és massa ampli per a poder tractar-lo en un projecte com aquest, amb una limitació temporal que exigeix concretar l'actuació en els punts següents: fer una selecció prèvia d'un determinat conjunt de procediments d'aprenentatge vinculats amb la lectura, situar-lo dins d'un context escolar concret de manera que la formació vagi dirigida als docents del cicle mitjà d'educació primària d'un CEIP del Masnou i centrar l'experiència en dos d'aquests docents.