997 resultados para Sardou, Victorien, 1831-1908.
Chapman family residence, Fullerton, California, ca. 1908. Mounted on heavy weight card stock with small calendar for 1908. "Miss Ethel Chapman" written in ink on top of calendar.
Report year irregular.
Report year irregular.
Printed by Order of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.
On spine : The Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario.
Updated survey description of William May's land created by The Welland Canal Company. The land is now in the posession of Christian May as he was the heir for the property. The drawing for the property is the same drawing that goes with Peter May's land. It is marked as 'D' on that drawing. The land is described as 1 acre, with no roads on the property. Click on 'detail' for Peter May's property to see the map.
Two survey maps and descriptions of George Marlatt's land created by The Welland Canal Company. The first is from 1826, as described in the deed of November 21, 1826. The second survey was done on August 29, 1831 by George Keefer. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features for the first survey (p.85) include; line between Kelly and Marlatt's land, lot division. Noteable features for the second survey (p.87) include; road to Beaverdams, reservoir, bridges, road allowance, lot divisions, line between Kelly and Marlatt's land. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map.See also Page 90-91
Survey map and description of Andrew Wilson's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; line between Marlatt and Wilson's land, canal. The land is a total of 23 acres, 1 road, and 33 perches. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map. The land was surveyed by George Keefer in August 1831.Survey notes are on page 89, map is on page 91 and includes George Marlatt's land.
Survey map and description of John Watson's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. The land totals 2 acres, 1 road, and 21 perches. The land was surveyed on September 5th, 1831.
Survey map and description of the St. Catharines ditch land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a one and a half page written description of the land along with two drawings of the land. For the first drawing (p.156) noteable features include; line between Soper and O. Phelps land, road along the canal, Phelps mill, brewery, lock no. 5. For the second drawing (p.157) noteable features include; aquaduct, wood land, concessions, old distillery, line of company's land. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map.See Pages 154-157
The Deaths page from the Bell Family Bible listing the deaths of Jane Tyrrell in 1886, William C. Tyrrell in 1898, and Lewis Tyrrell in 1908. This Bible was in the possession of the Rick Bell family of St. Catharines, Ontario. Relatives of the Bell family were former Black slaves from the United States who settled in Canada.The handwritten entry appears to read as follows: "Jane Tyrrell, died March 1st 1886 age 64 yrs. William C. Tyrrell died January 15th 1898 by accident in Albany N.Y. age 33 yrs 3 months Lewis Tyrrell died September 25th 1908 at his late residence Vine and Welland Ave. St. Catharines age 81 yrs 5 months." There are various spellings of the Tyrrell name within the Bell family archive. Other forms of the name include Tyrell, Tyrrill, and Terrell.
Consists of 33 postcards featuring various scenes and landmarks in the Niagara region. The postcards feature the Great Gorge Route, the Niagara River and Falls, Queenston Heights, Ridley College, military camps in Niagara-on-the-Lake, and a Catholic Church in Port Colborne. Most of the postcards are blank, but four have been postmarked. One of these is addressed to Miss Ada Misner, Espanola, Ont., from M.G. and is postmarked August 18, 1908. Another postcard is addressed to Mr. Alfred H. Smith, Stamford Hill, London N., from Hedley Smith, France and is postmarked 1902. Another is addressed to Miss Annabel Bishop, Buffalo, N.Y. from Irene Lalour(?), and is postmarked April 30, 1908. The last postcard is addressed to Miss Edna Lackie, Toronto, from R.M. and is postmarked August 1, 1910.
Annual Convocation proceedings for the year 1908. The title varies slightly and convocation is held at different cities or towns in Canada. Fiftieth annual convocation.
The reports are also published in the Annual report of the Department of Agriculture of the province of Ontario, and in the Sessional papers of the province of Ontario "Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly" [-1923] "Printed by order of ... Minister of Agriculture" [1924-] 25th, 1893- pub. by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto 1890 -1908 reports are bound with the corresponding annual reports of the Entomological Society of Ontario 1894 -1905 reports are bound with the corresponding annual reports of the Fruit Experiment Stations of Ontario 1906 -1910 reports are bound with the corresponding Report of the Fruit Branch, Dept. of Agriculture, Ontario