510 resultados para SAXS


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Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and nitrogen adsorption techniques were used to study the temperature and time structural evolution of the nanoporosity in silica xerogels prepared from acid- and ultrasound-catalyzed hydrolysis of tetraetboxysilane (TEOS). Silica xerogels present a structure of nanopores of fully random shape, size, and distribution, which can be described by an exponential correlation function gamma(r) = exp (-r/a), where a is the correlation distance, as predicted by the Debye, Anderson, and Brumberger (DAB) model. The mean pore size was evaluated as about 1.25 nm from SAXS and about 1.9 nm from nitrogen adsorption. The nanopore elimination in TEOS sonohydrolysis-derived silica xerogels is readily accelerated at temperatures around 900 degrees C probably by the action of a viscous flow mechanism. The nanopore elimination process takes place in such a way that the pore volume fraction and the specific surface are reduced while the mean pore size remains constant. (c) 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH S Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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The coarsening of the nanoporous structure developed in undoped and 3% Sb-doped SnO2 sol-gel dip-coated films deposited on a mica substrate was studied by time-resolved small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) during in situ isothermal treatments at 450 and 650 degrees C. The time dependence of the structure function derived from the experimental SAXS data is in reasonable agreement with the predictions of the statistical theory of dynamical scaling, thus suggesting that the coarsening process in the studied nanoporous structures exhibits dynamical self-similar properties. The kinetic exponents of the power time dependence of the characteristic scaling length of undoped SnO2 and 3% Sb-doped SnO2 films are similar (alpha approximate to 0.09), this value being invariant with respect to the firing temperature. In the case of undoped SnO2 films, another kinetic exponent, alpha('), corresponding to the maximum of the structure function was determined to be approximately equal to three times the value of the exponent alpha, as expected for the random tridimensional coarsening process in the dynamical scaling regime. Instead, for 3% Sb-doped SnO2 films fired at 650 degrees C, we have determined that alpha(')approximate to 2 alpha, thus suggesting a bidimensional coarsening of the porous structure. The analyses of the dynamical scaling functions and their asymptotic behavior at high q (q being the modulus of the scattering vector) provided additional evidence for the two-dimensional features of the pore structure of 3% Sb-doped SnO2 films. The presented experimental results support the hypotheses of the validity of the dynamic scaling concept to describe the coarsening process in anisotropic nanoporous systems.


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Hybrid organic-inorganic two-phase nanocomposites of siloxane-poly(ethylene glycol) (SiO3/2-PEG) and siloxane-poly(propylene glycol) (SiO3/2-PPG) have been obtained by the sol-gel process. In these composites, nanometric siloxane heterogeneities are embedded in a polymeric matrix with covalent bonds in the interfaces. The structure of these materials was investigated in samples with different molecular weights of the polymer using the smalt-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) technique. The SAXS spectra exhibit a well-defined peak that was attributed to the existence of a strong spatial correlation of siloxane clusters. LiClO4-doped siloxane-PEG and siloxane-PPG hybrids, which exhibit good ionic conduction properties, have also been studied as a function of the lithium concentration [O]/[Li], O being the oxygens of ether type. SAXS results allowed us to establish a structural model for these materials for different basic compositions and a varying [Li] content. The conclusion is consistent with that deduced from ionic conductivity measurements that exhibit a maximum for [O]/[Li] =15.


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Low density silica sonogels were prepared from acid sonohydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane. Wet gels were studied by small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The DSC tests were carried out under a heating rate of 2 degrees C/min from -120 degrees C up to 30 degrees C. Aerogels were obtained by CO(2) supercritical extraction and characterized by nitrogen adsorption and SAXS. The DSC thermogram displays two distinct endothermic peaks. The first, a broad peak extending from about -80 degrees C up to practically 0 degrees C, was associated to the melting of ice nanocrystals with a crystal size distribution with pore diameter ranging from 1 or 2 nm up to about 60 nm, as estimated from Thomson's equation. The second, a sharp peak with onset temperature close to 0 degrees C, was attributed to the melting of macroscopic crystals. The DSC incremental nanopore volume distribution is in reasonable agreement with the incremental pore volume distribution of the aerogel as determined from nitrogen adsorption. No macroporosity was detected by nitrogen adsorption, probably because the adsorption method applies stress on the sample during measurement, leading to a underestimation of pore volume, or because often positive curvature of the solid surface is in aerogels, making the nitrogen condensation more difficult. According to the SAXS results, the solid network of the wet gels behaves as a mass fractal structure with mass fractal dimension D=2.20 +/- 0.01 in a characteristic length scale below xi=7.9 +/- 0.1 nm. The mass fractal characteristics of the wet gels have also been probed from DSC data by means of an earlier applied modeling for generation of a mass fractal from the incremental pore volume distribution curves. The results are shown to be in interesting agreement with the results from SAXS.


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Hybrid transparent and flexible siloxane-polypropyleneglycol (PPG) materials with covalent bonds between the inorganic (siloxane) and organic (polymeric) phases were prepared by sol-gel process. In order to improve the quality of the mechanical properties of these materials, different amounts of methyltriethoxysilane (MTES) were added to the initial sol. The effect of MTES addition on the structure of the composites was studied by Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) and Si-29 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Si-29 NMR). In absence of MTES, SAXS spectra exhibit a peak that is assigned to spatial correlation due to short range order between the siloxane clusters embedded in the polymeric phase. The experimental results indicate that, for low MTES concentrations ([MTES]/[O] less than or equal to 0.8, O: ether-type oxygen of PPG), the silicon species resulting from hydrolysis and condensation of MTES fill the open spaces between polymeric chains, interacting with the ether-type oxygens. For larger MTES content ([MTES]/[O] greater than or equal to 0.8), the number of free ether-type oxygen sites avalaible for reaction with such silicon species is not large enough. Consequently, a fraction of silicon species resulting from MTES addition graft to siloxane clusters formed by hydrolysis and condensation of the hybrid precursor. For all MTES concentrations the condensation degree of the siloxane phase, determined from Si-29 NMR spectroscopy, is high (> 69%), as expected under neutral pH synthesis conditions.


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The modelling of the local structure of sol-gel derived Eu3+-based organic/inorganic hybrids is reported, based on Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS), photoluminescence and mid-infrared spectroscopy. The hybrid matrix of these organically modified silicates, classed as di-ureasils and termed U(2000) and U(600), is formed by poly( oxyethylene) (POE) chains of variable length grafted to siloxane domains by means of urea cross-linkages. Europium triflate, Eu(CF3SO3)(3), was incorporated in the two di-ureasil matrices with compositions 400 greater than or equal ton greater than or equal to 10, n is the molar ratio of ether oxygens per Eu3+. The SAXS data for undoped hybrids (n=infinity) show the presence of a well-defined peak attributed to the existence of a liquid-like spatial correlation of siloxane rich domains embedded in the polymer matrix and located at the ends of the organic segments. The obtained siloxane particle gyration radius Rg(1) is around 5 Angstrom (error within 10%), whereas the interparticle distance d is 25 +/-2 Angstrom and 40 +/-2 Angstrom, for U(600) and U(2000), respectively. For the Eu3+-based nanocomposites the formation of a two-level hierarchical local structure is discerned. The primary level is constituted by strongly spatially correlated siloxane particles of gyration radius Rg(1) (4-6 and 3-8 Angstrom, errors within 5%, for U(600())n Eu(CF3SO3)(3), 200 greater than or equal ton greater than or equal to 40, and U(2000)(n)Eu(CF3SO3)(3), 400 greater than or equal ton greater than or equal to 40, respectively) forming large clusters of gyration radius Rg(2) (approximate to 75 +/- 10 Angstrom). The local coordination of Eu3+ in both di-ureasil series is described combining the SAXS, photoluminescence and mid-infrared results. In the di-ureasils containing long polymer chains, U(2000)(n)Eu(CF3SO3)(3), the cations interact exclusively with the carbonyl oxygens atoms of the urea bridges at the siloxane-POE interface. In the hybrids containing shorter chains, U(600)(n)Eu(CF3SO3)(3) with n ranging from 200 to 60, the Eu3+ ions interact solely with the ether-type oxygens of the polymer chains. Nevertheless, in this latter family of hybrids a distinct Eu3+ local site environment involving the urea cross-linkages is detected when the europium content is increased up to n=40.


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Considerable interest is currently focused on fish haemoglobins in order to identify the structural basis for their diversity of functional behavior. Hoplosternum littorale is a catfish that presents bimodal gill (water)/gut (air) -breathing, which allows this species to survive in waters with low oxygen content. The hemolysate of this fish showed the presence of two main haemoglobins, cathodic and anodic. This work describes structural features analyzed here by integration of molecular modeling with small angle X-ray scattering. Here is described a molecular model for the cathodic haemoglobin in the unliganded and liganded states. The models were determined by molecular modeling based on the high-resolution crystal structure of fish haemoglobins. The structural models for both forms of H. littorale haemoglobin were compared to human haemoglobin. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Suspensions of undoped SnO2 nanoparticles and containing Eu3+ ions were prepared by a sol-gel procedure. Using the classical synthesis method ( precipitation), the particles tend to grow by a coarsening process in order to minimize the surface free energy. This effect can strongly be reduced by the addition of an amide and surfactant during the synthesis, which decreases the surface free energy of the colloidal particles. These additives promote the formation of powders composed of very small primary particles formed by a crystallite of 10 Angstrom, and exhibit good redispersion properties. The local and long order structures of the redispersible powder were studied by X-rays absorption spectroscopy at Sn L-I edge and X-rays diffraction, respectively. The structure of the colloidal aggregates in suspension was investigated by small angle X-rays scattering (SAXS). SAXS results indicate the sol are composed by a polidisperse system of hard spheres resulting of agglomeration of the primary particles and their size increasing by agglomeration for progressively higher Eu3+ content.


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The aggregation, gelation, and aging of urea-cross-linked siloxane-poly(oxyethylene) nanohybrids [(U600)-n] containing two different amounts of europium triflate initially dissolved in an ethanol-water mixture were investigated by in situ small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). For both low (n = [O]/[Eu] = 80) and high (n = 25) europium contents, the SAXS intensity was attributed to the formation of siloxane clusters of about 8-11 Angstrom in size. Siloxane cluster formation and growth is a rapid process in hybrids with low Eu contents and slow in Eu-rich hybrids. An additional contribution to the scattering intensity at very low angles was attributed to the formation of a coarse structure level. At this secondary level, the structure can be described as a set of dense domains containing siloxane clusters embedded in a depleted matrix composed of unfolded polymer chains and solvent. By fitting a theoretical function for this model to the experimental SAXS curves, relevant structural parameters were determined as functions of time during the sol-gel transition and gel aging. For hybrids with low europium contents (n = 80), the size of the siloxane clusters remains essentially invariant, whereas the dense segregation domains progressively grow. In hybrids with high doping contents (n = 25), the preponderant structure variation during the first stages of the sol-gel transformation is the slow growth of siloxane clusters. For these hybrids, the segregation of siloxane clusters forming dense domains occurs only during advanced stages of the process.


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Titanium oxide (TiO2) is a good candidate for support of hydrotreating catalysts but has the disadvantage of presenting a low surface area and a poor thermal stability when compared with Al2O3. A mixed TiO2-Al2O3 support was proposed as an alternative that is expected to be free from these drawbacks. The variation during firing of the nanoporous texture of supports composed of TiO2-Al2O3, TiO2 and Al2O3 was studied by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The supports were prepared by the sol-gel route using Ti and Al isopropoxides. We have particularly analyzed the effects of acid and basic hydrolysis on the nanostructural features of catalyst supports fired at different temperatures. The nanopore radius distribution functions were determined from SAXS results assuming a simple model of spherical nanopores embedded in a homogeneous solid matrix. The modal pore radius in both pure TiO2 and pure Al2O3 supports grows from 1.3 to 2.2 nm as the firing temperature increases from 673 to 973 K. on the other hand, the modal pore radius in the mixed TiO2-Al2O3 support remains below 1.2 nm over the same range of firing temperatures. These results demonstrate the good thermal stability of the nanoporous texture of mixed TiO2-Al2O3 supports.


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The surface properties of SnO2 nanoparticles were modified by grafting ionic (Tiron (R). (OH)(2)C6H2(SO3Na)(2)(H2O)-H-.) or non-ionic (Catechol (R). C6H4-1,2-(OH)(2)) capping Molecules during aqueous sol-gel processing to improve the redispersibility of powdered xerogel. The effect of the amount of grafted organic molecules on the redispersibility of powders in aqueous solution at several basic pH values was Studied. The nanostructural features of the colloidal suspensions were analyzed by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements. Irrespective of the nature and amount of grafted molecules, complete redispersion was obtained in aqueous solution at pH = 13. The redispersion at pH = 11 results in a mixture of dispersed primary particles and aggregates. The proportion of well dispersed nanoparticles and aggregates (and their average size) can be tuned by the quantity of grafted ionic molecules.


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Wet silica gels with similar to 1.4 x 10(-3) mol SiO2/cm(3) and similar to 90 vol.% liquid phase were prepared from the sonohydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) with different additions of dimethylformamide (DMF). Aerogels were obtained by CO2 supercritical extraction. The samples were studied mainly by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and nitrogen adsorption. Wet gels exhibit a mass fractal structure with fractal dimension D increasing from 2.23 to 2.35 and characteristic length xi decreasing from similar to 9.4 nm to similar to 5.1 nm, as the DMF/TEOS molar ratio is increased from 0 to 4. The supercritical process apparently eliminates some porosity, shortening the fractality domain in the mesopore region and developing an apparent surface/mass fractal (with correlated mass fractal dimension D-m similar to 2.6 and surface fractal dimension D-s similar to 2.3) in the micropore region. The fundamental role of the DMF addition on the structure of the aerogels is to diminish the porosity and the pore mean size, without, however, modify substantially the specific surface area and the average size of the silica particle of the solid network. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The structural evolution of aerogels prepared from TEOS sono-hydrolysis was studied as a function of the temperature of heat treatment up to 1100 degreesC by means of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and density measurements. The mass fractal structure of the original wet sonogel (with scattering exponent alpha similar to 2.2) apparently transforms to a surface fractal structure in a length scale lesser than similar to1.5 nm, upon the process resulting in aerogel. Such a structural transformation is interpreted by the formation of new particles with characteristic dimension of similar to1.5 nm, with rough boundaries or electronic density fluctuations (or ultra-micropores) in their interior. The structural arrangement of these particles seem to preserve part of mass fractal characteristics of the original wet sonogel, now in a length scale greater than similar to1.5 nm. The electronic density heterogeneities in the particles start to be eliminated at around 800 degreesC and, at 900 degreesC, the particles become perfectly homogeneous, so the structure can be described as a porous structure with a porosity of similar to68% with similar to9.0 nm mean size pores and similar to4.3 nm mean size solid particles. Above 900 degreesC, a vigorous viscous flux sintering process sets in, eliminating most of the porosity and increasing rapidly the bulk density in an aerogel-glass transformation. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hybrid organic - inorganic nanocomposites doped with Fe-II and Fe-III ions and exhibiting interesting magnetic properties have been obtained by the sol - gel process. The hybrid matrix of these ormosils ( organically modified silicates), classed as di-ureasils and termed U( 2000), is composed of poly( oxyethylene) chains of variable length grafted to siloxane groups by means of urea crosslinkages. Iron perchlorate and iron nitrate were incorporated in the diureasil matrices, leading to compositions within the range 80 greater than or equal to n greater than or equal to 10, n being the molar ratio of ether-type O atoms per cation. The structure of the doped diureasils was investigated by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). For Fe-II-doped samples, SAXS results suggest the existence of a two-level hierarchical structure. The primary level is composed of spatially correlated siloxane clusters embedded in the polymeric matrix and the secondary, coarser level consists of domains where the siloxane clusters are segregated. The structure of Fe-III-doped hybrids is different, revealing the existence of iron oxide based nanoclusters, identified as ferrihydrite by wide-angle X-ray diffraction, dispersed in the hybrid matrix. The magnetic susceptibility of these materials was determined by zero-field-cooling and field-cooling procedures as functions of both temperature and field. The different magnetic features between Fe-II- and Fe-III-doped samples are consistent with the structural differences revealed by SAXS. While Fe-II-doped composites exhibit a paramagnetic Curie-type behaviour, hybrids containing Fe-III ions show thermal and field irreversibilities.


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Transparent, flexible, and luminescent EU3+-doped siloxane-poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) nanocomposites have been obtained by the sol-gel process. The inorganic (siloxane) and organic PEG phases are usually linked by weak bonds (hydrogen bonds or van der Waals forces), and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements suggest that the structure of these materials consists of fractal siloxane aggregates embedded in the PEG matrix. For low Eu3+ contents, n = 300 and n = 80, the aggregates are small and isolated and their fractal dimensions are 2.1 and 1.7, respectively. These values are close to those expected for gelation mechanisms consisting of reaction-limited cluster-cluster aggregation (RLCCA) and diffusion-limited cluster-cluster aggregation (DLCCA). For high Eu3+ content, SAYS results are consistent with a two-level structure: a primary level of siloxane aggregates and a second level, much larger, formed by the coalescence of the primary ones. The observed increase in the glass transition temperature for increasing Eu3+ content is consistent with the structural model derived from SAXS measurements. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) and luminescence spectroscopy measurements indicate that under the experimental conditions utilized here Eu3+ ions do not strongly interact with the polymeric phase.