880 resultados para Rule of recognition
In this paper, the fluorescence behaviour of nano colloids of ZnO has been studied as a function of the excitation wavelength. We have found that excitation at the tail of the absorption band gives rise to an emission that shifts with the change of the excitation wavelength. The excitation wavelength dependent shift of the fluorescence maximum is measured to be between 60 and 100 nm. This kind of excitation wavelength dependent fluorescence behaviour, which may appear to be in violation of Kasha’s rule of excitation wavelength independence of the emission spectrum, has been observed for nano ZnO colloids prepared by two different chemical routes and different capping agents. It is shown that the existence of a distribution of energetically different molecules in the ground state coupled with a low rate of the excited state relaxation processes, namely, solvation and energy transfer, are responsible for the excitation wavelength dependent fluorescence behaviour of the systems.
Optical Character Recognition plays an important role in Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition. Even though ambient study had been performed on foreign languages like Chinese and Japanese, effort on Indian script is still immature. OCR in Malayalam language is more complex as it is enriched with largest number of characters among all Indian languages. The challenge of recognition of characters is even high in handwritten domain, due to the varying writing style of each individual. In this paper we propose a system for recognition of offline handwritten Malayalam vowels. The proposed method uses Chain code and Image Centroid for the purpose of extracting features and a two layer feed forward network with scaled conjugate gradient for classification
Restarting automata can be seen as analytical variants of classical automata as well as of regulated rewriting systems. We study a measure for the degree of nondeterminism of (context-free) languages in terms of deterministic restarting automata that are (strongly) lexicalized. This measure is based on the number of auxiliary symbols (categories) used for recognizing a language as the projection of its characteristic language onto its input alphabet. This type of recognition is typical for analysis by reduction, a method used in linguistics for the creation and verification of formal descriptions of natural languages. Our main results establish a hierarchy of classes of context-free languages and two hierarchies of classes of non-context-free languages that are based on the expansion factor of a language.
Understanding how the human visual system recognizes objects is one of the key challenges in neuroscience. Inspired by a large body of physiological evidence (Felleman and Van Essen, 1991; Hubel and Wiesel, 1962; Livingstone and Hubel, 1988; Tso et al., 2001; Zeki, 1993), a general class of recognition models has emerged which is based on a hierarchical organization of visual processing, with succeeding stages being sensitive to image features of increasing complexity (Hummel and Biederman, 1992; Riesenhuber and Poggio, 1999; Selfridge, 1959). However, these models appear to be incompatible with some well-known psychophysical results. Prominent among these are experiments investigating recognition impairments caused by vertical inversion of images, especially those of faces. It has been reported that faces that differ "featurally" are much easier to distinguish when inverted than those that differ "configurally" (Freire et al., 2000; Le Grand et al., 2001; Mondloch et al., 2002) ??finding that is difficult to reconcile with the aforementioned models. Here we show that after controlling for subjects' expectations, there is no difference between "featurally" and "configurally" transformed faces in terms of inversion effect. This result reinforces the plausibility of simple hierarchical models of object representation and recognition in cortex.
The text argues that, even if different sectors of society have some strategic points of agreement on the issue of land, which converge on the specific issue of restitution, they strongly disagree on various other points. On one side are some who advocate “pure restitution” and consequently support a restitution policy that focuses on correcting the illegal dispossession and clarifying land titles and individual rights to property, which would serve to boost the land market and allow for rural development policies that modernize agricultural production, fundamentally based on large, corporate ownership. On the other end of the spectrum are advocates of what we call “comprehensive restitution,” who promote adopting a restitution policy that meets the requirements not only of corrective justice but also of recognition and redistribution, advancing the interest of peasant, indigenous, and afro-Colombian communities.
La visió és probablement el nostre sentit més dominant a partir del qual derivem la majoria d'informació del món que ens envolta. A través de la visió podem percebre com són les coses, on són i com es mouen. En les imatges que percebem amb el nostre sistema de visió podem extreure'n característiques com el color, la textura i la forma, i gràcies a aquesta informació som capaços de reconèixer objectes fins i tot quan s'observen sota unes condicions totalment diferents. Per exemple, som capaços de distingir un mateix objecte si l'observem des de diferents punts de vista, distància, condicions d'il·luminació, etc. La Visió per Computador intenta emular el sistema de visió humà mitjançant un sistema de captura d'imatges, un ordinador, i un conjunt de programes. L'objectiu desitjat no és altre que desenvolupar un sistema que pugui entendre una imatge d'una manera similar com ho realitzaria una persona. Aquesta tesi es centra en l'anàlisi de la textura per tal de realitzar el reconeixement de superfícies. La motivació principal és resoldre el problema de la classificació de superfícies texturades quan han estat capturades sota diferents condicions, com ara distància de la càmera o direcció de la il·luminació. D'aquesta forma s'aconsegueix reduir els errors de classificació provocats per aquests canvis en les condicions de captura. En aquest treball es presenta detalladament un sistema de reconeixement de textures que ens permet classificar imatges de diferents superfícies capturades en diferents condicions. El sistema proposat es basa en un model 3D de la superfície (que inclou informació de color i forma) obtingut mitjançant la tècnica coneguda com a 4-Source Colour Photometric Stereo (CPS). Aquesta informació és utilitzada posteriorment per un mètode de predicció de textures amb l'objectiu de generar noves imatges 2D de les textures sota unes noves condicions. Aquestes imatges virtuals que es generen seran la base del nostre sistema de reconeixement, ja que seran utilitzades com a models de referència per al nostre classificador de textures. El sistema de reconeixement proposat combina les Matrius de Co-ocurrència per a l'extracció de característiques de textura, amb la utilització del Classificador del veí més proper. Aquest classificador ens permet al mateix temps aproximar la direcció d'il·luminació present en les imatges que s'utilitzen per testejar el sistema de reconeixement. És a dir, serem capaços de predir l'angle d'il·luminació sota el qual han estat capturades les imatges de test. Els resultats obtinguts en els diferents experiments que s'han realitzat demostren la viabilitat del sistema de predicció de textures, així com del sistema de reconeixement.
Inferences consistent with “recognition-based” decision-making may be drawn for various reasons other than recognition alone. We demonstrate that, for 2-alternative forced-choice decision tasks, less-is-more effects (reduced performance with additional learning) are not restricted to recognition-based inference but can also be seen in circumstances where inference is knowledge-based but item knowledge is limited. One reason why such effects may not be observed more widely is the dependence of the effect on specific values for the validity of recognition and knowledge cues. We show that both recognition and knowledge validity may vary as a function of the number of items recognized. The implications of these findings for the special nature of recognition information, and for the investigation of recognition-based inference, are discussed
Cutting force data for Nylon 66 has been examined in terms of various different models of cutting. Theory that includes significant work of separation at the tool tip was found to give the best correlation with experimental data over a wide range of rake angles for derived primary shear plane angle. A fracture toughness parameter was used as the measure of the specific work of separation. Variation in toughness with rake angle determined from cutting is postulated to be caused by mixed mode separation at the tool tip. A rule of mixtures using independently determined values of toughness in tension (mode 1) and shear (mode 11) is found to describe well the variation with rake angle. The ratio of modes varies with rake angle and, in turn, with the primary shear plane angle. Previous suggestions that cutting is a means of experimentally determining fracture toughness are now seen to be extended to identify the mode of fracture toughness as well.
This paper reports the findings of a small-scale research project, which investigated the levels of awareness and knowledge of written standard English of 10- and 11-year-old children in two English primary schools over a six-year period, coinciding with the implementation in the schools of the National Literacy Strategy (NLS). A questionnaire was used to provide quantitative and qualitative data relating to: features of writing which were recognised as standard or non-standard; children's understanding of technical terminology; variations between boys' and girls' performance; and the impact of the NLS over time. The findings reveal variations in levels of recognition of different non-standard features, differences between girls' and boys' recognition, possible examples of language change, but no evidence of a positive impact of the NLS. The implications of these findings are discussed both in terms of changes in educational standards and changes to standard English.
Neoglycolipid technology is the basis of a microarray platform for assigning oligosaccharide ligands for carbohydrate-binding proteins. The strategy for generating the neoglycolipid probes by reductive amination results in ring opening of the core monosaccharides. This often limits applicability to short-chain saccharides, although the majority of recognition motifs are satisfactorily presented with neoglycolipids of longer oligosaccharides. Here, we describe neoglycolipids prepared by oxime ligation. We provide evidence from NMR studies that a significant proportion of the oxime-linked core monosaccharide is in the ring-closed form, and this form selectively interacts with a carbohydrate-binding protein. By microarray analyses we demonstrate the effective presentation with oxime-linked neoglycolipids of (1) Lewis(x) trisaccharide to antibodies to Lewisx, (2) sialyllactose analogs to the sialic acid-binding receptors, siglecs, and (3) N-glycans to a plant lectin that requires an intact N-acetylglucosamine core.
Hydrophilic polymeric films based on blends of hydroxyethylcellulose and maleic acid-co-methyl vinyl ether were produced by casting from aqueous solutions. The physicochemical properties of the blends have been assessed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermal gravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, dielectric spectroscopy, etc. The pristine films exhibit complete miscibility due to the formation of intermacromolecular hydrogen bonding. The thermal treatment of the blend films leads to cross-linking via intermacromolecular esterification and anhydride formation. The cross-linked materials are able to swell in water and their swelling degree can be easily controlled by temperature and thermal treatment time. The formation of the crosslinks is apparent in the dynamic properties of the blends as observed through the mechanical relaxation and dielectric relaxation spectra. The dielectric characteristics of the material are influenced by the effects of change in the local structure of the blend on the ionic conduction processes and the rate of dipolar relaxation. Separation of these processes is attempted using the dielectric modulus method. Significant deviations from a simple additive rule of mixing on the activation energy are observed consistent with hydrogen bonding and crosslinking of the matrix. This paper indicates a method for the creation of films with good mechanical and physical characteristics by exposing the blends to a relatively mild thermal treatment.
Studies of ignorance-driven decision making have been employed to analyse when ignorance should prove advantageous on theoretical grounds or else they have been employed to examine whether human behaviour is consistent with an ignorance-driven inference strategy (e. g., the recognition heuristic). In the current study we examine whether-under conditions where such inferences might be expected-the advantages that theoretical analyses predict are evident in human performance data. A single experiment shows that, when asked to make relative wealth judgements, participants reliably use recognition as a basis for their judgements. Their wealth judgements under these conditions are reliably more accurate when some of the target names are unknown than when participants recognize all of the names (a "less-is-more effect"). These results are consistent across a number of variations: the number of options given to participants and the nature of the wealth judgement. A basic model of recognition-based inference predicts these effects.
To-be-enacted material is more accessible in tests of recognition and lexical decision than material not intended for action (T. Goschke J. Kuhl, 1993; R. L. Marsh, J. L. Hicks, & M. L. Bink, 1998). This finding has been attributed to the superior status of intention-related information. The current article explores an alternative (action-superiority) account that draws parallels between the intended enactment effect (IEE) and the subject-performed task effect. Using 2 paradigms, the authors observed faster recognition latencies for both enacted and to-be-enacted material. It is crucial to note that there was no evidence of an IEE for items that had already been executed during encoding. The IEE was also eliminated when motor processing was prevented after verbal encoding. These findings suggest an overlap between overt and intended enactment and indicate that motor information may be activated for verbal material in preparation for subsequent execution.
Recognition as a cue to judgment in a novel, multi-option domain (the Sunday Times Rich List) is explored. As in previous studies, participants were found to make use of name recognition as a cue to the presumed wealth of individuals. Names that were recognized were judged to be the richest name from amongst the set presented at above chance levels. This effect persisted across situations in which more than one name was recognized; recognition was used as an inclusion criterion for the sub-set of names to be considered the richest of the set presented. However, when the question was reversed, and a “poorest” judgment was required, use of recognition as an exclusion criterion was observed only when a single name was recognized. Reaction times when making these judgments also show a distinction between “richest” and “poorest” questions with recognition of none of the options taking the longest time to judge in the “richest” question condition and full recognition of all the names presented taking longest to judge in the “poorest” question condition. Implications for decision-making using simple heuristics are discussed.