857 resultados para Ring-Down
In order to shed light on the main physical processes controlling fragmentation of massive dense cores, we present a uniform study of the density structure of 19 massive dense cores, selected to be at similar evolutionary stages, for which their relative fragmentation level was assessed in a previous work. We inferred the density structure of the 19 cores through a simultaneous fit of the radial intensity profiles at 450 and 850 μm (or 1.2 mm in two cases) and the spectral energy distribution, assuming spherical symmetry and that the density and temperature of the cores decrease with radius following power-laws. Even though the estimated fragmentation level is strictly speaking a lower limit, its relative value is significant and several trends could be explored with our data. We find a weak (inverse) trend of fragmentation level and density power-law index, with steeper density profiles tending to show lower fragmentation, and vice versa. In addition, we find a trend of fragmentation increasing with density within a given radius, which arises from a combination of flat density profile and high central density and is consistent with Jeans fragmentation. We considered the effects of rotational-to-gravitational energy ratio, non-thermal velocity dispersion, and turbulence mode on the density structure of the cores, and found that compressive turbulence seems to yield higher central densities. Finally, a possible explanation for the origin of cores with concentrated density profiles, which are the cores showing no fragmentation, could be related with a strong magnetic field, consistent with the outcome of radiation magnetohydrodynamic simulations.
This article is the result of an ongoing research into a variety of features of Spanish local government. It aims, in particular, at providing a profile of the tools implemented by local authorities to improve local democracy in Catalonia. The main hypothesis of the work is that, even though the Spanish local model is constrained by a shared and unique set of legal regulations, local institutions in Catalonia have developed their own model of local participation. And the range of instruments like these is still now increasing. More specifically, the scope of this research is twofold. On the one hand, different types of instruments for public deliberation in the Catalan local administration system are identified and presented, based on the place they take in the policy cycle. On the other hand, we focus on policy domains and the quality of the decision-making processes. Researching the stability of the participation tools or whether local democracy prefers more 'ad hoc' processes allows us to analyze the boundaries/limits of local democracy in Catalonia. The main idea underlying this paper is that, despite the existence of a single legal model regulating municipalities in Catalonia, local authorities tend to use their legally granted selfmanagement capacities to design their own instruments which end up presenting perceivable distinct features, stressing democracy in different policy domains, and in diverse policy cycles. Therefore, this paper is intended to identify such models and to provide factors (variables) so that an explanatory model can be built.
The natural occurrence, biological activities and synthetic approaches to natural eight-, nine-, and eleven-membered lactones is reviewed. These medium ring lactones are grouped according to ring size, and their syntheses are discussed. The structures of some natural products early identified as medium-ring lactones were revised after total synthesis.
The understanding of false belief is one of the most important milestones in the development of social cognition in children. Many studies have been conducted on this kind of cognition in children with a typical development. Despite being a key point for improving their welfare and quality of life, there are few studies in children with Down's syndrome. The aim of the present work is to carry out an in-depth study of social cognition in children with Down's syndrome. For this purpose, we used 6 tasks, with 3 levels of difficulty, in a group of 9 children aged between 4 and 14 years. Six of these children had a genetic diagnosis of Down's syndrome. The results of our research corroborate previous studies suggesting difficulties in the development of social cognition in children with Down's syndrome, and more specifically in tasks involving false beliefs
Sementti on yksi eniten maailmassa käytetty rakennusmateriaali ja Suomessa sementin valmistuksesta vastaa Finnsementti Oy kahden tehtaan voimin. Lappeenrannan tehtaalle investoitiin uusi uunilinja vuonna 2007, joka on aikansa kehittyneintä tekniikkaa. Järjes-telmän esilämmitysvaiheen laitteissa, erityisesti kalsinaattorissa, on esiintynyt luvattoman paljon plastisoitumista ja murtumia. Tässä työssä tutkittiin lämpötilan ja sen vaihtelun vaikutusta järjestelmässä syntyneisiin siirtymiin ja murtumiin. Työn alussa luotiin katsaus erilaisiin murtumisilmiöihin ja niiden syntyyn. Vuorauksessa käytettyihin tiilien käyttäytymistä tutkittiin myös, koska ne ovat olennainen osa esilämmi-tysjärjestelmää. Työn kokeellisessa osuudessa aluksi määriteltiin järjestelmässä käytetylle teräkselle lujuusominaisuudet tutkimalla mikrorakennetta sekä suorittamalla veto- että kovuuskokeet materiaalille. Toisessa osiossa mitattiin järjestelmän alasajon aikana tapah-tuneet siirtymät. Laskennallisessa osuudessa tutkittiin väsymismurtuman mahdollisuutta sekä määritettiin kuoressa esiintyvän särön vaikutusta puhkeamis- ja murtumiskuormituk-seen. FEM- analyysissä tarkasteltiin lämpötilan vaikutusta siirtymien suuruuksiin ja pyrittiin löytämään perusteluita, miksi rakenne on todellisuudessa siirtynyt eri suuntiin kuin alun perin oli tarkoitettu. Lisäksi analysoitiin FEM- mallit tiilihyllystä ja kalsinaattorin kuoren tukikehästä, joista tutkittiin lämpökuorman aiheuttamia jännityksiä. Materiaalin osalta selvisi, että kyseessä oli hyvin yleinen rakenneteräs S235 tai sitä vas-taava teräslaatu. Teräs ei ominaisuuksiltaan sovellu kuumiin olosuhteisiin, jonka vuoksi järjestelmässä käytettävän eristevuorauksen kunto on erityisen tärkeä rakenteen käyttöiän kannalta. Vuorauksen kunnosta riippuu, kuinka suuren lämpökuorman teräskuori saa. Väsymismurtuman mahdollisuus jäi minimaalisen pieneksi lämpötilan muutoksen vaiku-tuksesta. Analysoinnin tulosten perusteella voitiin todeta, että lämpötilan hitaasti mutta kohtalaisen suurella vaihteluvälillä sekä tiilien turpoamisen vaikutuksella on erittäin suuri merkitys järjestelmässä esiintyviin murtumiin.
Objetivos: calcular a sensibilidade, especificidade e posteriormente os valores preditivos positivo e negativo dos escores ultra-sonográficos na síndrome de Down. Pacientes e Métodos: a sensibilidade e especificidade dos sinais ultra-sonográficos para a síndrome de Down foram calculadas por meio de escores em um estudo prospectivo realizado em população de alto risco para aneuploidia, entre a 16a e 24a semanas de gestação, que se mostrou desfavorável aos procedimentos invasivos após aconselhamento genético. Os sinais e os valores para a confecção dos escores foram: relação do comprimento do fêmur/pé < 0,9 (1), espessura nucal > 5 mm (2), diâmetro pielocalicial ³ 5 mm (1), ossos próprios do nariz < 6 mm (1), ausência ou hipoplasia da falange média do 5º dedo (1) e alterações estruturais maiores (2). Seguimento completo foi obtido caso a caso. A amniocentese genética foi proposta nos casos de escores 2 ou mais. Resultados: 963 pacientes foram submetidas a exames ultra-sonográficos no período de outubro de 93 a dezembro de 97. A idade gestacional média foi de 19,6 semanas (16 a 24 semanas). A idade materna variou de 35 a 47 anos (média de 38,8) e 18 casos (1,87%) de síndrome de Down foram observados. A sensibilidade foi de 94,5% para escores 1 e 73% para escores 2 (taxa de falso-positivos de 9,8% para escores 1 e de 4,1% para escores 2). A sensibilidade e especificidade individual para cada sinal foram: comprimento fêmur/pé = 16,7% (3/18) e 96,8% (915/945); ossos próprios do nariz = 22,2% (4/18) e 92,1% (870/945); espessamento nucal = 44,4% (8/18) e 96,5% (912/945); diâmetro pielocalicial = 38,9% (7/18) e 94,3% (891/945); ausência da falange média do 5º dedo = 22,2% (4/18) e 98,5% (912/945); malformações = 22,2% (4/18) e 98,2% (928/945). Conclusões: a sensibilidade geral para escore 1 foi bastante alta, porém taxas de falso-positivos também o foram. Para escore 2, a sensibilidade foi ainda boa (73%), com taxa de falso-positivos aceitáveis (4,1%). Os valores preditivos positivo e negativo podem ser calculados conforme a prevalência de cada situação (diferentes idades maternas). Mais casos são necessários para concluir sobre este método de rastreamento (especialmente na população de baixo risco), apesar de este sistema ter se mostrado útil para pacientes de alto risco que não optam pelo diagnóstico invasivo.
Objetivo: avaliar o valor de parâmetros ultra-sonográficos para o diagnóstico da síndrome de Down fetal (T21), com a finalidade de permitir sua aplicação na prática clínica rotineira. Métodos: estudo do tipo coorte transversal prospectivo, utilizando múltiplos parâmetros ultra-sonográficos para predição da T21. Foram avaliados 1662 exames ultra-sonográficos no estudo de coorte e outros 289 exames como amostra diferencial para testar a curva de normalidade, de outubro de 1993 a novembro de 2000. A análise estatística se baseou no cálculo das variabilidades intra e interoperadores, na construção das curvas de normalidade dos parâmetros e provas de validação destas, nos cálculos de sensibilidade, especificidade, risco relativo, razão de probabilidade e dos valores preditivos pós-teste. Resultados: entre os 1662 casos do estudo, ocorreram 22 casos (1,32%) de fetos com T21. As curvas de normalidades foram construídas para os parâmetros espessura nucal, relação fêmur/pé e comprimento dos ossos próprios do nariz, sendo que a pelve renal obedeceu a distribuição semiquantitativa e o nível de corte estabelecido foi de 4,0 mm. Os valores de sensibilidade, especificidade, taxa de falso-positivos, risco relativo e razão de probabilidade para espessura da prega nucal acima do percentil 95 foram respectivamente 54,5%, 95,2%, 4,9%, 20,2 e 11. Para medida dos ossos próprios do nariz abaixo do percentil 5, os valores obtidos foram 59,0%, 90,1%, 9,0%, 13,4 e 6,5. Para a relação fêmur/pé abaixo do percentil 5, 45,5%, 84,4%, 15,6%, 3,7 e 2,6. Para a presença de bacinete >4,0 mm, 36,4%, 89,2%, 10,9%, 4,5 e 3,4. Para a ausência da falange média do quinto dedo, 22,7%, 98,1%, 1,9%, 13,2 e 11,9. Para a presença de anomalias estruturais, 31,8%, 98,7%, 1,3%, 27,2 e 24,8. A partir do cálculo da razão de probabilidade e da incidência de T21 nas diversas idades maternas, construiu-se tabela para risco pós-teste dos parâmetros ultra-sonográficos estudados. Conclusões: foram estabelecidas as curvas de normalidade e os índices para cálculo de risco populacional da síndrome de Down fetal utilizando diferentes idades maternas e os fatores multiplicadores por nós propostos. Não foi possível estabelecer curva de normalidade para o parâmetro medida da pelve renal, pois seus resultados tiveram comportamento semiquantitativo, tendo sido, portanto, analisados por faixa de normalidade.
Dioctophymosis is a worldwide renal parasitosis caused by the Dioctophyma renale nematode, which results in progressive destruction of renal tissue. Aquatics annelids are considered the main intermediate hosts and the literature refers as permanent hosts of dogs, wild mammals and even humans. During procedures for population control of coatis (Nasua nasua) in the Ecological Park of Tietê (PET), was noticed the presence of parasitosis by D. renale. From 68 animals, males and females, young and adults, submitted to exploratory laparotomy, 51 were positive for the presence of worms, 9 were found only in the right kidney. In 10 cases, in addition to right kidney parasitism, worms were also observed in the abdominal cavity. In 24 cases D. renale was found only in the abdominal cavity and in 8 animals the right kidney was reduced to a small rigid structure. The study showed that the preferred site for parasitism of the worm, considered erratic, was the abdominal cavity in 66.66% of the cases.
In this Thesis, we study various aspects of ring dark solitons (RDSs) in quasi-two-dimensional toroidally trapped Bose-Einstein condensates, focussing on atomic realisations thereof. Unlike the well-known planar dark solitons, exact analytic expressions for RDSs are not known. We address this problem by presenting exact localized soliton-like solutions to the radial Gross-Pitaevskii equation. To date, RDSs have not been experimentally observed in cold atomic gases, either. To this end, we propose two protocols for their creation in experiments. It is also currently well known that in dimensions higher than one, (ring) dark solitons are susceptible, in general, to an irreversible decay into vortex-antivortex pairs through the snake instability. We show that the snake instability is caused by an unbalanced quantum pressure across the soliton's notch, linking the instability to the Bogoliubov-de Gennes spectrum. In particular, if the angular symmetry is maintained (or the toroidal trapping is restrictive enough), we show that the RDS is stable (long-lived with a lifetime of order seconds) in two dimensions. Furthermore, when the decay does take place, we show that the snake instability can in fact be reversible, and predict a previously unknown revival phenomenon for the original (many-)RDS system: the soliton structure is recovered and all the point-phase singularities (i.e. vortices) disappear. Eventually, however, the decay leads to an example of quantum turbulence; a quantum example of the laminar-to-turbulent type of transition.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
The proportion of maternal-age-independent patients estimated among 200 Brazilian Down syndrome children (59.6%) was significantly larger than that of maternal-age-dependent cases (40.4%). The latter proportion is the smallest observed in pertinent literature and due basically to the low mean maternal age of the population analyzed. Based on the remarkable correlation (r = 0.95) between the proportion of maternal-age-dependent patients and the mean maternal age of the general population, a simple predictive equation to estimate the proportion of maternal-age-dependent Down syndrome patients based on the mean maternal age of the general population is suggested in situations where reliable data on the incidence of this syndrome according to maternal age is not available.