931 resultados para Rent subsidies
Contents: CBD COP11. Fisheries and the Right to Food. Indonesia’s Flying Fishermen. Subsidies and Fisheries in Chile. Fishing People of the North. Women Seaweed Harvesters.
O Mapa Invertido da América do Sul (1943) é um mapa diferente. Primeiro, porque não foi feito pelos cânones da ciência cartográfica, mas pelas mãos de um artista uruguaio, chamado Torres-García. Segundo, porque não utilizou a orientação convencional ao Norte, mas inverte o posicionamento do Sul para o topo da imagem. A presente pesquisa foi motivada pela visão de mundo diferenciada que esse mapa artístico apresenta, onde o objetivo é compreender os diversos contextos que reproduzem esse mapa, contribuindo para sua notoriedade até os dias atuais. Para tanto, é necessário entender os significados, os questionamentos e as ideologias expressas nessa inversão, pois contribuem na identificação com a obra em tempos além de sua elaboração. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa foi embasada em um exame bibliográfico de correntes de pensamento que propõem uma visão crítica sobre os processos de formação histórica do Sul global, destacavelmente o póscolonialismo e o pósdesenvolvimento. Tais subsídios teóricos auxiliam em um entendimento de mapa que seja tão plural quanto às visões de mundo podem ser, trilhando uma relação entre geopolítica, cartografia e arte
Os estudos anatômicos do lenho são frequentemente aplicados à solução de questões taxonômicas, filogenéticas e evolutivas, visto que este tecido apresenta uma tendência mais conservadora e, consequentemente, menor plasticidade. Este trabalho tem por objetivo o estudo da estrutura anatômica do lenho de oito espécies arbustiva-arbóreas da subfamília Ixoroideae ocorrente no Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis-RJ, visando contribuir com subsídios à identificação local das espécies e à taxonomia e filogenia da subfamília Ixoroideae e da família Rubiaceae. O estudo foi desenvolvido em um importante remanescente do bioma Mata Atlântica no estado do Rio de Janeiro. O material botânico foi coletado por métodos não destrutivo, as amostras foram processadas segundo técnicas usuais em anatomia da madeira e as análises e descrições seguiram as recomendações da COPANT (1973) e IAWA Commitee (1989). Os resultados demonstraram que as oito espécies estudadas apresentam características qualitativas diagnósticas que permitiram segregar as espécies e construir uma chave de identificação com base na presença ou ausência de inclusões inorgânicas, paredes celulares disjuntivas, células envolventes nos raios e no tipo de parênquima axial. As análises estatísticas realizadas sustentaram o agrupamento das espécies estudadas na subfamília Ixoroideae, porém não foi possível o agrupamento em nível das tribos às quais estas espécies estão subordinadas. Os resultados indicaram ainda a necessidade de reanálise das árvores filogenéticas hipotéticas propostas para subfamília Ixoroideae, com base nos tipos de lenho, de inclusões minerais e de parênquima axial. Cabe ainda destacar que os resultados obtidos corroboraram a importância da anatomia do lenho para a identificação de espécies de difícil reconhecimento na família Rubiaceae. Esses dados são úteis especialmente na ausência de material reprodutivo, o que representa importante aspecto para o gerenciamento e manejo das espécies nativas da Unidade de Conservação onde este estudo foi realizado
A presente tese de doutorado teve como objetivo estabelecer parâmetros para avaliar a viabilidade do reúso agrícola de águas oleosas da indústria de petróleo, como as águas de produção (AP) de campos de exploração onshore do semiárido nordestino, na irrigação de culturas de girassol destinadas à produção de biodiesel. A AP foi produzida sinteticamente e tratada utilizando-se as técnicas de eletrofloculação (EF) e de osmose inversa (OI). Foram analisados os efeitos da AP não tratada, tratada por EF e por EF combinada com osmose inversa (EF+OI) na germinação, desenvolvimento e produção de biomassa de plântulas de girassol e também nos atributos de um solo característico do semiárido nordestino. Na melhor condição operacional do tratamento da AP por EF (28,6 A m-2 durante 4 min.) foram obtidas eficiências de remoção de óleos e graxas (O&G), demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), cor e turbidez superiores a 95%. O tratamento EF+OI promoveu a remoção do excesso de salinidade e de ferro oriundo da etapa de EF, enquadrando-se esses parâmetros dentro de níveis de referência recomendados para água de irrigação. Níveis de O&G e DQO superiores, respectivamente, a 337 mg L-1 e 1.321 mg O2 L-1 na AP bruta produziram efeitos tóxicos, reduzindo-se o índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG) e o percentual de plântulas normais do girassol. Por outro lado, os efluentes tratados por EF e EF+OI produziram efeitos similares no percentual de sementes germinadas, no IVG, no percentual de plântulas normais e na produção de biomassa do girassol. O uso da AP tratada por EF, com ou sem diluição, contribuiu significativamente para o aumento da salinidade e dos teores de sódio do solo, diferentemente da tratada por EF+OI, que produziu efeitos similares ao do controle (água destilada)
Esta pesquisa aborda em primeiro momento os conceitos de crimes de perigo abstrato e concreto. Estendeu a ideia de crime e as funções do Direito Penal na sociedade contemporânea, como ainda evidencia esta área do Direito no sistema e/ou estrutura do mundo da vida. Os dois casos de crimes de perigo abstrato e concreto foram propostos nos estudos acerca do artigo 306 do Código de Trânsito Brasileiro CTB no tratado à embriaguez ao volante e a constitucionalidade ou não da aplicação do crime de perigo abstrato ao caso em específico. Nesta perspectiva as análises se configuraram nos relatos dos Tribunais de Justiça dos Estados do Rio de Janeiro e de Rondônia a fim de significar as tipificações em tela, bem como às relações intersubjetivas dos desembargadores e à própria organização de cada órgão judiciário. Dessas análises foi possível chegar à interpretação das diferenças entre o crime de perigo abstrato e concreto presentes nas incidências e/ou ocorrências de acidentes de trânsito nos dois Estados respectivamente. Em um terceiro momento centrou-se as análises nos estudos socioeconômicos e culturais que tratam de entender o fenômeno do trânsito nos municípios de Porto Velho-RO e Rio de Janeiro-RJ, cujos acidentes nas vias públicas modificam os modos de ser e de viver nos locais. Do ponto de vista metodológico a ideia é conceituar os crimes de perigo concreto e abstrato; os riscos da sociedade atual, se utilizando muitas vezes de Niklas Luhmann e Raffaele De Giorgi; Leonel S. Rocha; Renato de Mello Jorge Silveira; Jorge Luis Fortes Pinheiro da Câmara; Aparecida Luzia Alzira Zuin, Jürgen Habermas, Juarez Estevam Xavier Tavares; Eduardo Sanz de Oliveira Silva; Winfried Hassemer; Antônio Carlos Wolkmer e José Rubens Morato Leite; Diego Romero, entre outros. A fim de entender o que é perigo no escopo abrangido pelo Direito Penal, tomamos como embasamentos teóricos Luiz H. Merlin; Sánchez Silva, Luís Greco, Claus Roxin, Nilo Batista etc. Além desses autores, a tese se apoia nos teóricos: Juarez Tavares, Luiz Alberto Machado; E. Raúl Zaffaroni; Alexandre de Moraes. Ainda, complementamos as referências com Luiz Regis Prado; Nilo Batista. Estende-se à ideia aos crimes de perigo abstrato e direito penal brasileiro; aqui, encontramos subsídios em: Celso Delmanto; Luiz Flávio Gomes, dentre outros. Vale mencionar que neste diapasão, a proposta é conceituar e exemplificar os princípios legitimadores do Direito Penal frente à proposta fundamental da Constituição Federal de 1988. Ainda, conceituar e descrever os objetivos do CTB; as aplicações legais ou não do Art. 306 do CTB; e a definição e/ou classificação de embriaguez nesta linha de pensamento.
Commercial harvest of red sea urchins began in Washington state in 1971. Harvests peaked in the late 1980s and have since declined substantially in Washington and other areas of the U.S. west coast. We studied effects of experimental harvest on red sea urchins in San Juan Channel (SJC), a marine reserve in northern Washing-ton. We recorded changes in density and size distribution of sea urchin populations resulting from three levels of experimental harvest: 1) annual size-selective harvest (simulating cur-rent commercial urchin harvest regulations), 2) monthly complete (non–size selective) harvest, and 3) no harvest (control) sites. We also examined re-colonization rates of harvested sites. The red sea urchin population in SJC is composed of an accumulation of large, old individuals. Juvenile urchins represent less than 1% of the population. Lower and upper size limits for commercial harvest protect 5% and 45% of the population, respectively. Complete harvest reduced sea urchin densities by 95%. Annual size-selective harvest significantly decreased sea urchin densities by 67% in the first year and by 47% in the second year. Two years of size-selective harvest significantly altered the size distribution of urchins, decreasing the density of legal-size urchins. Recolonization of harvested sites varied seasonally and occurred primarily through immigration of adults. Selective harvest sites were recolonized to 51% and 38% of original densities, respectively, six months after the first and second annual harvests. Yields declined substantially in the second year of size-selective harvest because of the fishing down of the population and because of low recolonization rates of harvested sites. We recommend that managers consider the potential efficacy of marine harvest refuges and reevaluate the existing upper and lower size limits for commercial harvest to improve long-term management of the sea urchin fishery in Washington.
The Government of Sri Lanka is improving off-shore and deep-shore fishing by introducing more sophisticated and larger vessels into the Sri Lanka waters, together with the offer of subsidies, tax holidays and other concessions to those who seek to operate such fishing vessels. As a first step, some thirty 38 foot class fishing vessels are to be introduced. The requisite variety and quantity of fishing gear is supplied together with the vessels, and operators will be given further assistance to either export or market their catches locally by provision of insulated fish transport vans, jeeps with trailers, crushed ice plants, fish storage cabinets and adequate spares for at least the next few years. A description is given of the credit terms offered for the purchase of such vessels, pre-shipment finance, and loans and hire purchase facilities.
The aquaculture sector has been playing an increasingly dominating role in Indian fisheries scenario since the last two and half decades. Introduction of induced breeding and composite fish culture (CFC) technologies has changed the freshwater aquaculture sector in India. Institutional support has been one of the most crucial aspects in all fisheries development programs, more so in the Indian context where most of fish farmers are socially and economically weak. The innovation of CFC technology in freshwater aquaculture sector in the early seventies generated the need for adequate and effective institutional support to farmers. Under the freshwater aquaculture development program, the Fish Farmers Development Agencies (FFDA) have been established at district level to provide technical and extension support to the farming community besides arranging ponds on lease and supply of seeds. In addition to above, FFDAs are also expected to arrange loans from banks and provide subsidies. Thus, FFDAs are meant to provide institutional support to fish farming community in the country. In view of the above, an effort was made to study the adequacy and effectiveness of institutional support provided by the FFDA, Mirzapur for the development of aquaculture in Mirzapur district of Uttar Pradesh {U.P.), India. Study reveals that leasing of ponds for fish farming has been favourable to economically weaker sections of societies while bank loan accessibility is more for those having relatively higher economic status. Though the FFDA, Mirzapur performed well in providing training to potential fish farmers and creating awareness about fish farming, its effectiveness could not be equally seen in seed supply.
Surrounding Net Fishery (laila) and Bottom Long Line Fishery which operate in the coastal waters of Kalpitiya Peninsula, compete for the same fish resources, resulting in a fishery dispute between the respective fishermen. Both fisheries target demersal as well as mid pelagic fishes, such as travellys (parava), mullets (galmalu) and barracudas (ulava). As the dispute had an adverse impact on the social harmony in the fishing community of the area, a socio-economic survey was conducted to study the underlying factors and to suggest policy measures to resolve the issue. The laila fishermen were resident fishermen in the Kalpitiya Peninsula while bottom long line fishermen were migratory fishermen from Negombo and Chilaw areas in the west coast of Sri Lanka. The Kalpitiya peninsula is located in the North West coast, some 50 km away from the west coast. Although the educational level and literacy rate of the laila community was below that of the bottom long line community, the laila community was economically better off. The net economic returns from laila fishery were superior to that from bottom long line fishery. The boat owner's and crew's share per operation of laila fishery were Rs.3,736 and Rs.947 respectively. The same figures for bottom long line fishery were Rs.588 and Rs.327 respectively. The resource rent from laila fishery was Rs.5,860, however, and much higher than that for bottom long line fishery (Rs.275), showing that the laila fishery exploits the targeted fish resource at a much higher rate compared to bottom long line fishery. This situation badly affects the equitable distribution of resources between the two fishing communities and results in unequal economic gains. Based on the findings of this study, certain input/output controls are proposed to address this problem, among which is the need to increase license fee for laila fishery units to offset the higher exploitation rate of fish resources.
This paper presents a study which linked demographic variables with barriers affecting the adoption of domestic energy efficiency measures in large UK cities. The aim was to better understand the 'Energy Efficiency Gap' and improve the effectiveness of future energy efficiency initiatives. The data for this study was collected from 198 general population interviews (1.5-10 min) carried out across multiple locations in Manchester and Cardiff. The demographic variables were statistically linked to the identified barriers using a modified chi-square test of association (first order Rao-Scott corrected to compensate for multiple response data), and the effect size was estimated with an odds-ratio test. The results revealed that strong associations exist between demographics and barriers, specifically for the following variables: sex; marital status; education level; type of dwelling; number of occupants in household; residence (rent/own); and location (Manchester/Cardiff). The results and recommendations were aimed at city policy makers, local councils, and members of the construction/retrofit industry who are all working to improve the energy efficiency of the domestic built environment. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
In corrosion medium, metals can deform under tensile stress and form a new active surface with the anodic dissolution of the metals being accelerated. At the same time, the anodic dissolution may accelerate the deformation of the metals. The synergy can lead to crack nucleation and development and shorten the service life of the component. Austenitic stainless steel in acidic chloride solution was in active dissolution condition when stress corrosion cracking (SCC) occurred. It is reasonable to assume that the anodic dissolution play an important role, so it's necessary to study the synergy between anodic dissolution and deformation of austenitic stainless steels. The synergy between deformation and anodic dissolution of AISI 321 austenitic stainless steel in an acidic chloride solution was studied in this paper. The corrosion rate of the steel increased remarkably due to the deformation-accelerated anodic and cathodic processes. The creep rate was increased while the yield strength was reduced by anodic dissolution. The analysis by thermal activation theory of deformation showed a linear relationship between the logarithm of creep rate and the logarithm of anodic cur-rent. Besides, the reciprocal of yield strength was also linearly dependent on the logarithm of anodic current. The theoretical deductions were in good agreement with experimental results.
In the present investigation, the electrochemically-assisted oxidation of benzene in a H-2-O-2 proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) for electricity and phenol cogeneration is studied. Experiments were carried out in a PEMFC electrochemical reactor using Pd black as cathode electrocatalyst at 60 and 80 degrees C, respectively and 1 atm back pressure. Indeed, it was found that the only product detected under the examined experimental conditions was phenol. The online GC product analysis revealed that it is impossible to produce phenol when the fuel cell circuit is open (I = 0) under all the examined experimental conditions. When the fuel cell circuit was closed, however, the phenol yield was found to follow a volcano-type dependence on the cur-rent of the external circuit. It was found that the maximum phenol yield was 0.35% at 100 mA/cm(2) at 80 degrees C. At the same time, the PEMFC performance was also investigated during the phenol generation process. Furthermore, experiments with the rotating ring disc electrode (RRDE) technique showed that the intermediate oxidation product, i.e. H2O2 existed during the oxygen electro-reduction process. The cyclic voltammograms showed that benzene was strongly adsorbed on the Pd surface, leading to a degradation of the PEMFC performance. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Islamic financing instruments can be categorised into profit and loss/risk sharing and non-participatory instruments. Although profit and loss sharing instruments such as musharakah are widely accepted as the ideal form of Islamic financing, prior studies suggest that alternative instruments such as murabahah are preferred by Islamic banks. Nevertheless, prior studies did not explore factors that influence the use of Islamic financing among non-financial firms. Our study fills this gap and contributes new knowledge in several ways. First, we find no evidence of widespread use of Islamic financing instruments across non-financial firms. This is because the instruments are mostly used by less profitable firms with higher leverage (i.e., risky firms). Second, we find that profit and loss sharing instruments are hardly used, whilst the use of murabahah is dominant. Consistent with the prediction of moral-hazard-risk avoidance theory, further analysis suggests that users with a lower asset base (to serve as collateral) are associated with murabahah financing. Third, we present a critical discourse on the contentious nature of murabahah as practised. The economic significance and ethical issues associated with murabahah as practised should trigger serious efforts to steer Islamic corporate financing towards risk-sharing more than the controversial rent-seeking practice.
Badania dotyczące pozyskiwania środków pomocowych przez polskie biblioteki naukowe przeprowadzone zostały w ramach wewnętrznych projektów badawczych Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu. Realizacji projektu podjął się Oddział Prac Naukowych, Wydawniczych i Dydaktycznych BU. Zadanie wykonano od września 2008 do czerwca 2009 roku. Zamierzeniem autorek artykułu było uzyskanie pełnej informacji na temat środków pozabudżetowych pozyskiwanych przez polskie biblioteki naukowe oraz określenie stopnia ich wykorzystania. Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem techniki ankiety. Przygotowany kwestionariusz ankiety wraz z informacją dla respondentów o celu prowadzonych badań skierowano do wszystkich bibliotek uniwersyteckich, bibliotek głównych uczelni technicznych, medycznych, ekonomicznych, bibliotek akademii wychowania fizycznego, uczelni pedagogicznych i rolniczych oraz do bibliotek publicznych posiadających status bibliotek naukowych. Łącznie wysłano 70 ankiet, odpowiedzi udzieliło 38 respondentów. Wskazany w artykule okres 2000-2008 był czasem zwiększonych możliwości uzyskiwania dodatkowych funduszy przez biblioteki. Najczęściej otrzymywane fundusze to dotacje ministerialne, dalej środki sponsorów na działalność podstawową. W poważnym stopniu wspierały biblioteki, głównie biblioteki publiczne, lokalne samorządy. Zauważalne były dotacje wspierające biblioteki przekazywane przez fundacje i środki ofiarowane przez sponsorów na działalność organizacyjną; ewenementem natomiast – subwencje unijne.
Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych:Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej