1000 resultados para Reid, Robbie


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The static response of thin, wrinkled membranes is studied using both a tension field approximation based on plane stress conditions and a 3D nonlinear elasticityformulation, discretized through 8-noded Cosserat point elements. While the tension field approach only obtains the wrinkled/slack regions and at best a measure of the extent of wrinkliness, the 3D elasticity solution provides, in principle, the deformed shape of a wrinkled/slack membrane. However, since membranes barely resist compression, the discretized and linearized system equations via both the approaches are ill-conditioned and solutions could thus be sensitive to discretizations errors as well as other sources of noises/imperfections. We propose a regularized, pseudo-dynamical recursion scheme that provides a sequence of updates, which are almost insensitive to theregularizing term as well as the time step size used for integrating the pseudo-dynamical form. This is borne out through several numerical examples wherein the relative performance of the proposed recursion scheme vis-a-vis a regularized Newton strategy is compared. The pseudo-time marching strategy, when implemented using 3D Cosserat point elements, also provides a computationally cheaper, numerically accurate and simpler alternative to that using geometrically exact shell theories for computing large deformations of membranes in the presence of wrinkles. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Kun synnytyksessä mikään ei suju suunnitelmien mukaan, mistä oikeastaan on kysymys? Kenellä on valta synnytyksessä ja miten se jaetaan? Pro gradu -työssäni yritän ratkaista tätä oman pettymykseni herättämää kysymystä Michel Foucault'n valtakäsityksien avulla. Työlleni erityisen tärkeitä ovat ranskalaisfilosofin teoriat vallan osapuolten välisistä kamppailuista, vallan ja tiedon suhteesta sekä vallasta mahdollisuuksien hallintana. Foucault'sta inspiroituneilta hallinnan analyytikoilta Nikolas Roselta ja Mitchell Deanilta saan käytännön apua analyysin tekemiseen aineistolähtöisen tulkinnan keinoin. Heidän neuvostaan keskityn miten-kysymyksiin sekä sanoihin asioiden mahdollistajana. Aineistonani käytän erään aktiivisuutta ja luottamuksellisuutta vaalivan keskustelupalstan Synnyttäjän oikeudet -aiheista keskustelua. Analyysin alku nosti keskustelusta kolme selkeää tapaa synnytyksen ja vallan hahmottamiseen: luonnon ja synnyttäjän voimia korostavan, taisteluasennetta kannattavan sekä sopuisaa, tyydyttävää elämystä toivovan. Tämä on kuitenkin vasta johtolanka, jonka seuraamisessa tarvitsen tutkimuskirjallisuutta sekä teoreettisen viitekehyksen tukea. Tärkeimpiä hyödyntämiäni tekstejä ovat Foucault'n The Subject and Power (2000a) ja Truth and Power (2000b) sekä synnyttämisen mahdollisuuksia pohtivat teokset, kuten Johanna Ruusuvuoren Synnyttämisen suuntia (1992) ja Robbie Davis-Floydin ja Carolyn Sargentin toimittama Childbirth and Authoritative Knowledge (1997). Teorian, tutkimustulosten ja aineistoni perusteella väitän, että synnytyksen ja vallan suhteessa on kysymys auktoriteetin ja itsehallinnan erilaisista kohtaamistavoista. Tiedon ja vallan järkähtämätön suhde on pönkittänyt synnytyssalin auktoriteeteille tukevan aseman, jota ei helposti heiluteta. Yrittää silti voi ja pitääkin, ainakin keskustelijoideni mielestä. Naiset synnyttävät uusia kansalaisia lääketieteen valvonnassa, mutta he tekevät sen omillakin ehdoillaan, omien tavoitteidensa toteuttamiseksi. Verkon kautta synnytyksen vaihtoehdot ovat levinneet ja jättäneet jälkensä myös perinteisen synnytyskulttuurin pintaan. Yksien totuudet ovat kuitenkin toisten totuuksia arvokkaampia, kuten Tammisaaren synnytysosaston sulkeminen osoittaa.


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In the context of SPH-based simulations of impact dynamics, an optimised and automated form of the acceleration correction algorithm (Shaw and Reid, 2009a) is developed so as to remove spurious high frequency oscillations in computed responses whilst retaining the stabilizing characteristics of the artificial viscosity in the presence of shocks and layers with sharp gradients. A rational framework for an insightful characterisation of the erstwhile acceleration correction method is first set up. This is followed by the proposal of an optimised version of the method, wherein the strength of the correction term in the momentum balance and energy equations is optimised. For the first time, this leads to an automated procedure to arrive at the artificial viscosity term. In particular, this is achieved by taking a spatially varying response-dependent support size for the kernel function through which the correction term is computed. The optimum value of the support size is deduced by minimising the (spatially localised) total variation of the high oscillation in the acceleration term with respect to its (local) mean. The derivation of the method, its advantages over the heuristic method and issues related to its numerical implementation are discussed in detail. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The DMS-FEM, which enables functional approximations with C(1) or still higher inter-element continuity within an FEM-based meshing of the domain, has recently been proposed by Sunilkumar and Roy [39,40]. Through numerical explorations on linear elasto-static problems, the method was found to have conspicuously superior convergence characteristics as well as higher numerical stability against locking. These observations motivate the present study, which aims at extending and exploring the DMS-FEM to (geometrically) nonlinear elasto-static problems of interest in solid mechanics and assessing its numerical performance vis-a-vis the FEM. In particular, the DMS-FEM is shown to vastly outperform the FEM (presently implemented through the commercial software ANSYS (R)) as the former requires fewer linearization and load steps to achieve convergence. In addition, in the context of nearly incompressible nonlinear systems prone to volumetric locking and with no special numerical artefacts (e.g. stabilized or mixed weak forms) employed to arrest locking, the DMS-FEM is shown to approach the incompressibility limit much more closely and with significantly fewer iterations than the FEM. The numerical findings are suggestive of the important role that higher order (uniform) continuity of the approximated field variables play in overcoming volumetric locking and the great promise that the method holds for a range of other numerically ill-conditioned problems of interest in computational structural mechanics. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Spontaneous halide ejection from a three-coordinate Lewis acid has been shown to offer a remarkable new route to cationic metal complexes featuring a linear, multiply bonded boron-donor Ligand. The exploitation of electron-rich [CpM(PR3)(2)] fragments within boryl systems of the type LnMB(hal)NR2 leads to the spontaneous formation in polar solvents of chemically robust borylene complexes, [LnM(BNR2)](+), with exceptionally low electrophilicity and short M-B bonds. This is reflected by M-B distances (ca. 1.80 angstrom for FeB systems) which are more akin to alkyl-/aryl-substituted borylene complexes and, perhaps most strikingly, by the very low exothermicity associated with the binding of pyridine to the two-coordinate boron center (Delta H = -7.4 kcal mol(-1), cf. -40.7 kcal mol(-1) for BCl3). Despite the strong pi electron release from the metal fragment implied by this suppressed reactivity and by such short M-B bonds, the barrier to rotation about the Fe=B bond in the unsymmetrical variant [CpFe(dmpe)(BN{C6H4OMe-4}Me)](+) is found to be very small (ca. 2.9 kcal mol(-1)). This apparent contradiction is rationalized by the orthogonal orientations of the HOMO and HOMO-2 orbitals of the [CpML2](+) fragment, which mean that the M-B pi interaction does not fall to zero even in the highest energy conformation.


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The smooth DMS-FEM, recently proposed by the authors, is extended and applied to the geometrically nonlinear and ill-posed problem of a deformed and wrinkled/slack membrane. A key feature of this work is that three-dimensional nonlinear elasticity equations corresponding to linear momentum balance, without any dimensional reduction and the associated approximations, directly serve as the membrane governing equations. Domain discretization is performed with triangular prism elements and the higher order (C1 or more) interelement continuity of the shape functions ensures that the errors arising from possible jumps in the first derivatives of the conventional C0 shape functions do not propagate because the ill-conditioned tangent stiffness matrices are iteratively inverted. The present scheme employs no regularization and exhibits little sensitivity to h-refinement. Although the numerically computed deformed membrane profiles do show some sensitivity to initial imperfections (nonplanarity) in the membrane profile needed to initiate transverse deformations, the overall patterns of the wrinkles and the deformed shapes appear to be less so. Finally, the deformed profiles, computed through the DMS FEM-based weak formulation, are compared with those obtained through an experiment on an ultrathin Kapton membrane, wherein wrinkles form because of the applied boundary displacement conditions. Comparisons with a reported experiment on a rectangular membrane are also provided. These exercises lend credence to the feasibility of the DMS FEM-based numerical route to computing post-wrinkled membrane shapes. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Artificial viscosity in SPH-based computations of impact dynamics is a numerical artifice that helps stabilize spurious oscillations near the shock fronts and requires certain user-defined parameters. Improper choice of these parameters may lead to spurious entropy generation within the discretized system and make it over-dissipative. This is of particular concern in impact mechanics problems wherein the transient structural response may depend sensitively on the transfer of momentum and kinetic energy due to impact. In order to address this difficulty, an acceleration correction algorithm was proposed in Shaw and Reid (''Heuristic acceleration correction algorithm for use in SPH computations in impact mechanics'', Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 198, 3962-3974) and further rationalized in Shaw et al. (An Optimally Corrected Form of Acceleration Correction Algorithm within SPH-based Simulations of Solid Mechanics, submitted to Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg). It was shown that the acceleration correction algorithm removes spurious high frequency oscillations in the computed response whilst retaining the stabilizing characteristics of the artificial viscosity in the presence of shocks and layers with sharp gradients. In this paper, we aim at gathering further insights into the acceleration correction algorithm by further exploring its application to problems related to impact dynamics. The numerical evidence in this work thus establishes that, together with the acceleration correction algorithm, SPH can be used as an accurate and efficient tool in dynamic, inelastic structural mechanics. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The problem of bipartite ranking, where instances are labeled positive or negative and the goal is to learn a scoring function that minimizes the probability of mis-ranking a pair of positive and negative instances (or equivalently, that maximizes the area under the ROC curve), has been widely studied in recent years. A dominant theoretical and algorithmic framework for the problem has been to reduce bipartite ranking to pairwise classification; in particular, it is well known that the bipartite ranking regret can be formulated as a pairwise classification regret, which in turn can be upper bounded using usual regret bounds for classification problems. Recently, Kotlowski et al. (2011) showed regret bounds for bipartite ranking in terms of the regret associated with balanced versions of the standard (non-pairwise) logistic and exponential losses. In this paper, we show that such (non-pairwise) surrogate regret bounds for bipartite ranking can be obtained in terms of a broad class of proper (composite) losses that we term as strongly proper. Our proof technique is much simpler than that of Kotlowski et al. (2011), and relies on properties of proper (composite) losses as elucidated recently by Reid and Williamson (2010, 2011) and others. Our result yields explicit surrogate bounds (with no hidden balancing terms) in terms of a variety of strongly proper losses, including for example logistic, exponential, squared and squared hinge losses as special cases. An important consequence is that standard algorithms minimizing a (non-pairwise) strongly proper loss, such as logistic regression and boosting algorithms (assuming a universal function class and appropriate regularization), are in fact consistent for bipartite ranking; moreover, our results allow us to quantify the bipartite ranking regret in terms of the corresponding surrogate regret. We also obtain tighter surrogate bounds under certain low-noise conditions via a recent result of Clemencon and Robbiano (2011).


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The problem of modelling the transient response of an elastic-perfectly-plastic cantilever beam, carrying an impulsively loaded tip mass, is,often referred to as the Parkes cantilever problem 25]; The permanent deformation of a cantilever struck transversely at its tip, Proc. R. Soc. A., 288, pp. 462). This paradigm for classical modelling of projectile impact on structures is re-visited and updated using the mesh-free method, smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). The purpose of this study is to investigate further the behaviour of cantilever beams subjected to projectile impact at its tip, by considering especially physically real effects such as plastic shearing close to the projectile, shear deformation, and the variation of the shear strain along the length and across the thickness of the beam. Finally, going beyond macroscopic structural plasticity, a strategy to incorporate physical discontinuity (due to crack formation) in SPH discretization is discussed and explored in the context of tip-severance of the cantilever beam. Consequently, the proposed scheme illustrates the potency for a more refined treatment of penetration mechanics, paramount in the exploration of structural response under ballistic loading. The objective is to contribute to formulating a computational modelling framework within which transient dynamic plasticity and even penetration/failure phenomena for a range of materials, structures and impact conditions can be explored ab initio, this being essential for arriving at suitable tools for the design of armour systems. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new stabilization scheme, based on a stochastic representation of the discretized field variables, is proposed with a view to reduce or even eliminate unphysical oscillations in the mesh-free numerical simulations of systems developing shocks or exhibiting localized bands of extreme deformation in the response. The origin of the stabilization scheme may be traced to nonlinear stochastic filtering and, consistent with a class of such filters, gain-based additive correction terms are applied to the simulated solution of the system, herein achieved through the element-free Galerkin method, in order to impose a set of constraints that help arresting the spurious oscillations. The method is numerically illustrated through its Applications to inviscid Burgers' equations, wherein shocks may develop as a result of intersections of the characteristics, and to a gradient plasticity model whose response is often characterized by a developing shear band as the external load is gradually increased. The potential of the method in stabilized yet accurate numerical simulations of such systems involving extreme gradient variations in the response is thus brought forth. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo con el propósito de determinar la fauna de vérmenes parásitos gastrointestinales y su control en gallinas de patio, en las condiciones climático ecológicas del municipio de El Sauce, León. Para el control de los parásitos se utilizaron productos botánicos. Se realizaron muestreos en dos épocas del año (seca y lluvíosa) y dos categorías (pollos y gallinas adultas). La muestra estuvo constituida por 200 animales. El tamaño de las sub-muestras fue de 50 animales por categoria y por epoca. Para la identificacion de los parasitos se uso la helmintologia de Ruff y Norton (1984)Reid y Mac Deugald (1984)Ach y Orichel (1987)EL examen post- morten se realizó de acuerdo a la metodología de Fowler ( 1990). Durante el desarrollo del experimento se identificaron I5 especies de helmintos gastrointestinales. La medía de parásitos, en la categoría de gallina en la época lluvia fue de 4.46 (:t 10.41), y en la época de seca 5.87 (:1: 13.59). En la categoría de pollo, en la época de lluviosa, la media fue de 10.6 (±17.12) y en la época de seca 12.04 (:t 25.6). Los parásitos gastrointestinales de mayor prevalencia independientemente de la categoría y de la época del año fueron los nematodes: Ascaridia galli, Heterakis gallinarum, Tetramere americana; y el cestode Railletina tetragona.Los cestodes Railletina williansi, Hymenolepis cantaniana tienen mayor aparición en época lluviosa .. Al relacionar la prevalencia e intensidad de los parásitos gastrointestinales entre épocas y categorías, se observó mayor aparición durante la época seca que en la epoca lluviosa y más en pollos que en gallinas. Las soluciones acuosas de Neem y madero negro tienen efecto signíficativo en el control de los parásitos gastrointestinales, al igual que el producto químico Amebendazol.


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Contenido: Crisis y recuperación de la cultura / La Dirección – La personalidad desde el punto de vista metafísico / José Todoli Duque O. P. – Las líneas fundamentales del método de Lavelle / Juan León Reid O. P. – Panorama filosófico en el Méjico actual / José Rubén Sanabria – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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<正> 流体运动稳定问题是流体力学理论中的一个重要课题。它以研究层流如何转变为湍流为主要目的。近一个世纪以来,理论和实验已取得很大进展,但距离最后解决问题还很远。Lin和Chandrasekhar总结了早期用简正模法研究的结果。最近,Joseph,Drazin和Reid作了进一步综述,特别总结了近年来非线性稳定理论的进展。Swinney所编《流体运动不稳定和湍流的发生》对这一研究领域最新结果作了全面评述。