981 resultados para Rehabilitation medicine
Clinical feasibility of mandibular implant overdenture retainers submitted to immediate load Introduction: Millions of people around the world do not have access to the benefits of osseointegration. Treatments involving oral rehabilitation with overdentures have been widely used by specialists in the oral medicine field. This is an alternative therapy for retention and stability achievement in total prosthesis with conventional treatment, and two implants are enough to establish a satisfactory overdenture. Objective: The objectives of the study were to evaluate 16 patients of both sexes, with an average age of 47.4 +/- 4 years, using electromyographic analysis of masseter and temporal muscles and analyse the increase of incisive and molar maximal bite force with their existing complete dentures and following mandibular implant overdenture therapy to assess the benefits of this treatment. Materials and methods: For these tests, the Myosystem-BR1 electromyograph and the IDDK Kratos dynamometer were used. Statistical analysis was performed using the repeated measures test (SPSS 17.0). Results: A decrease in electromyographic activity during the rest, lateral and protrusion movements and increase of the maximal incisive and molar bite force after 15 months with a mandibular implant overdenture was observed. Conclusion: All the patients in this study reported a considerable improvement in the masticatory function and prostheses stability following treatment. It is possible to propose that the use of mandibular implants overdenture should become the selected treatment for totally edentulous patients to facilitate oral function and quality of life.
Objectives: To compare the productivity of Australian general practice in terms of research publications with the productivity of other medical disciplines. Design: A survey of Australian general practice, medicine, surgery and public health publications carried out by manual searching of specific journals and an electronic search of the US National Library of Medicine's PubMed database. Main outcome measures: The number of original research publications by Australian general practitioners, physicians, surgeons and public health physicians during 1999; the relative publication rate of Australian general practice, medicine, surgery and public health over the period 1990-1999. Results: Of original research articles published in 1999, GPs authored 65% (17/26) in Australian Family Physician and 3% (3/90) in the Medical Journal of Australia; physicians published 4% and 37%, respectively. The electronic search identified 54 research articles relating to Australian general practice published in 1999 in 21 different journals, only two of which were primary care journals. Over the period 1990-1999, there was a publication rate of one general practice [discipline] article per 1000 GPs in practice per year. Corresponding rates for medicine, surgery and public health were 105/1000, 61/1000 and 148/1000, respectively. Conclusions: There is considerable disparity between the level of research output of general practice and that of the disciplines of medicine, surgery and public health. If we are to have effective general practice research, we urgently need to develop research skills, a supportive infrastructure and a culture that nurtures research.
General practitioners wanting to practise evidence-based medicine (EBM) are constrained by time factors and the great diversity of clinical problems they deal with. They need experience in knowing what questions to ask, in locating and evaluating the evidence, and in applying it. Conventional searching for the best evidence can be achieved in daily general practice. Sometimes the search can be performed during the consultation, but more often it can be done later and the patient can return for the result. Case-based journal clubs provide a supportive environment for GPs to work together to find the best evidence at regular meetings. An evidence-based literature search service is being piloted to enhance decision-making for individual patients. A central facility provides the search and interprets the evidence in relation to individual cases. A request form and a results format make the service akin to pathology testing or imaging. Using EBM in general practice appears feasible. Major difficulties still exist before it can be practised by all GPs, but it has the potential to change the way doctors update their knowledge.
P>This study assessed the effect of simulated mastication on the retention of two stud attachment systems for 2-implants overdentures. Sixteen specimens, each simulating an edentulous ridge with implants and an overdenture were divided into two groups, according to the attachment system: Group I (Nobel Biocare ball-socket attachments) and Group II (Locator attachments). Retention forces were measured before and after 400 000 simulated masticatory loads in a customised device. Data were compared by two-way anova followed by Bonferroni test (alpha = 0 center dot 05). Group I presented significantly lower retention forces (Newtons) than Group II at baseline (10 center dot 6 +/- 3 center dot 6 and 66 center dot 4 +/- 16 center dot 0, respectively). However, differences were not significant after 400 000 loads (7 center dot 9 +/- 4 center dot 3 and 21 center dot 6 +/- 17 center dot 0). The number of cycles did not influence the measurements in Group I, whereas a non-linear descending curve was found for Group II. It was concluded that simulated mastication resulted in minor changes for the ball attachment tested. Nevertheless, it reduced the retention of Locator attachments to 40% of the baseline values, what suggests that mastication is a major factor associated with maintenance needs for this system.
Introduction: Resin-bonded extracoronal attachments may be indicated for the abutment teeth of removable partial dentures, especially for anterior teeth when a cingulum rest must be provided. This type of treatment has a series of advantages such as minimal tooth reduction, supragingival margins, favourable stress distribution, and improved aesthetic appearance. Objective: To report a clinical case of oral rehabilitation using a combination of resin-bonded extracoronal attachments joined by a Dolder bar with a removable partial denture. Case report: A 60-year-old male patient with only the canines in the maxillary arch was restored with a combination of resin-bonded extracoronal attachments joined by a Dolder bar and a removable partial denture. Conclusion: Dentures with resin-bonded extracoronal attachments can have a number of advantages over traditional clasp-retained removable partial dentures.
P>The aim of this study was to validate an original portable device to measure attachment retention of implant overdentures both in the lab and in clinical settings. The device was built with a digital force measurement gauge (Imada) secured to a vertical wheel stand associated with a customized support to hold and position the denture in adjustable angulations. Sixteen matrix and patrix cylindrical stud attachments (Locator (R)) were randomly assigned as in vitro test specimens. Attachment abutments were secured in an implant analogue hung to the digital force gauge or to the load cell of a traction machine used as the gold standard (Instron Universal Testing Machine). Matrices were secured in a denture duplicate attached to the customized support, permitting reproducibility of their position on both pulling devices. Attachment retention in the axial direction was evaluated by measuring maximum dislodging force or peak load during five consecutive linear dislodgments of each attachment on both devices. After a wear simulation, retention was measured again at several time periods. The peak load measurements with the customized Imada device were similar to those obtained with the gold standard Instron machine. These findings suggest that the proposed portable device can provide accurate information on the retentive properties of attachment systems for removable dental prostheses.
To investigate the effect of the home use of a disclosing agent on the microbial composition of denture biofilm, by means of a cross-over randomized clinical trial. Two interventions were tested during 7 days each: (i) oral and denture hygiene instructions and (ii) instructions associated with the home use of a disclosing agent (1% neutral red). Eleven participants with visible biofilm deposits over their maxillary complete dentures were randomly assigned to one of the two sequences of interventions: (i) I followed by II, and (ii) II followed by I. A washout period of 7 days was established. After each intervention, samples of denture biofilm were evaluated by DNA checkerboard hybridization for the detection of Candida spp. and 17 bacterial species. Counts were low for all the tested species, and no significant difference was found between the tested interventions ( Wilcoxon test, P > 0.05). The home use of a disclosing agent does not remarkably change the composition of denture biofilm.
Statement of purpose: Increased resting energy expenditure following head injury is well documented, but whether this increase extends into rehabilitation and whether this is affected by changes in body composition have not been studied. The aim of this study was to determine whether children attending a rehabilitation program following head injury had altered energy expenditure and body composition. Methods: Measurements of resting energy expenditure by indirect calorimetry were performed in 21 head injured children (mean age 10.2±3.8 years). Measurement of body composition was performed using total body potassium. Results: Measured resting energy expenditure values were widely distributed, ranging from 52.3-156.4% of predicted values, yet the mean percentage predicted using Schofield weight, Schofield weight and height and World Health Organization predictive equations were 97.5%, 97.4% and 98.6%, respectively. Mean percentage of expected total body potassium for weight, height and age for head injured children were 85.1 ± 15.5%, 89.1 ± 14.1% and 86.9 ± 15.9%, thus all showed significant depletion. Conclusions: During rehabilitation, using predictive equations to estimate resting energy expenditure in this group revealed a small bias on average but very large bias at the individual level. Head injured children had altered resting energy expenditure and body composition.
Documentation of burn sequelae can be a difficult and time-consuming task. To date a reliable and systematic format for recording postburn trauma is lacking. The purpose of this research was two-fold: first, to develop a Modified Inventory of Potential Reconstructive Needs from the original Inventory of Potential Reconstructive Needs to allow methodical documentation of functional and cosmetic burn sequelae in all body surface areas of children with burns and, second, to establish interrater reliability and concurrent validity of the instrument, thus allowing its clinical application. Two raters scored the Modified Inventory of Potential Reconstructive Needs on 41 children with a range of burns types and severity. Excellent interrater reliability was demonstrated for both total (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.996) and subsection inventory scores. Concurrent validity was also established with total scores showing strong positive correlations (0.73-0.76) with three indicators of burn severity. These findings provide initial support for the tool's clinical applicability, particularly in relation to rehabilitative planning and documentation.
Outcome after traumatic brain injury (TBI) is characterized by a high degree of variability which has often been difficult to capture in traditional outcome studies. The purpose of this study was to describe patterns of community integration 2-5 years after TBI. Participants were 208 patients admitted to a Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit between 1991-1995 in Brisbane, Australia. The design comprised retrospective data collection and questionnaire follow-up by mail. Mean follow-up was 3.5 years. Demographic, injury severity and functional status variables were retrieved from hospital records. Community integration was assessed using the Community Integration Questionnaire (CIQ), and vocational status measured by a self administered questionnaire. Data was analysed using cluster analysis which divided the data into meaningful subsets. Based on the CIQ subscale scores of home, social and productive integration, a three cluster solution was selected, with groups labelled as working (n = 78), balanced (n = 46) and poorly integrated (n = 84). Although 38% of the sample returned to a high level of productive activity and 22% achieved a balanced lifestyle, overall community integration was poor for the remainder. This poorly integrated group had more severe injury characterized by longer periods of acute care and post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) and greater functional disability on discharge. These findings have implications for service delivery prior to and during the process of reintegration after brain injury.
This prospective study evaluated the effect of an individualized, comprehensive, home-based cardiac rehabilitation program combining exercise training with risk factor modification and psychosocial counseling on risk factors, psychological wellbeing, functional capacity, and work resumption in 99 post-percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) patients randomized to control (standard care plus telephone follow-up, n = 49) or intervention (individualized, comprehensive, home-based cardiac rehabilitation, n = 50) groups. Data were collected at time 1 (T-1) during hospital admission, time 2 (T-2) approximately 2 months post-PCI, and time 3 (T-3) approximately 12 months post-PCI. Results suggest that the allocation to an individualized, comprehensive, home-based cardiac rehabilitation program provided more advantageous outcomes. At both follow-ups, the intervention group showed within-group improvement in serum cholesterol levels (P < 0.02; P < 0.01) and exercise participation (P < 0.001; P < 0.001) with differences in exercise participation favoring the intervention group (P < 0.01) at T-2 Repeated measures ANOVA showed significant improvements over time in body mass index (BMI) (P < 0.01), psychological well-being (P < 0.001), and functional capacity (P < 0.001) for both groups. More patients in the intervention group had returned to work at T-2 (P < 0.001) and did so more quickly (P < 0.01). These findings suggest that an individualized, comprehensive, home-based cardiac rehabilitation program improves risk factor profiles and work resumption patterns for patients following PCI. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
This review illustrates, through a series of case histories, how oral medicine insights aid the diagnosis and management of patients with excessive tooth wear. The cases reviewed are drawn from the records of 500 southeast Queensland patients referred to the author over a 12 year period. Patients most at risk of dental erosion have work and sports dehydration, caffeine addiction, gastro-oesophageal reflux, asthma, diabetes mellitus, hypertension or other systemic diseases or syndromes that predispose to xerostomia. Saliva protects the teeth from the extrinsic and intrinsic acids which cause dental erosion. Erosion, exacerbated by attrition and abrasion, is the main cause of tooth wear. These cases illustrate that teeth, oral mucosa, salivary glands, skin and eyes should be examined for evidence of salivary hypofunction and attendant medical conditions. Based on comprehensive oral medicine, dietary analyses and advice, it would seem patients need self-management plans to deal with incipient chronic tooth wear. The alternative is the expensive treatment of pain, occlusal damage and pulp death required to repair the effects of acute severe tooth wear.