979 resultados para Regional planning -- Spain -- Catalonia


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Projecte presentat al Concurs Internacional: Corredor Verd Cerdanyola del Vallès


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Projecte presentat al concurs "La transformació urbana de la Ronda Barceló"


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L’objecte del contracte és la redacció de l’esquema d'ordenació de volums de La Maquinista (àmbit entre els carrers Ferran Junoy, Ciutat d'Assumpció i Potosí)


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concurs restringit deprojectes amb caràcter d’estudi previ, per aldesenvolumapent urbanístic i arquitectònic de laPenínsula del Llac Velence de Gardony, a 50 kilometres de Budapest, Hongria.


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L’encàrrec de reformar i ampliar una escola amb més del doble de la seva superfície actual, requeria d’una nova interpretació global del projecte i el seu entorn.En un sentit inicial d’edificis autònoms col•locats sense criteri aparent, proposem consolidar un sol edifici que, per la seva forma de T, facilita l’absorció del mòdul escolar ‘Fuensalida’ existent i permet mantenir el gimnàs actual en la seva posició preferent respecte la pista esportiva.L’accés actual és manté per a usos administratius però, en la ròtula d’unió entre l’edifici original i l’ampliació, apareix un espai central emporxat que comunica els dos patis i permet l’accés tant a l’escola infantil com a la de primària com als serveis comuns. L’escola infantil s’estructura en una pinta amb els patis oberts al parc veí.


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Iowa’s Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) has been developed in conformance with the guidelines prescribed by 23 USC. The STIP is generated to provide the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) a listing of all projects that are candidates for federal aid from the FHWA and FTA for four federal fiscal years (FFY). Preceding the listings of federal-aid candidates are general comments concerning Iowa’s public participation process for selection of federal-aid projects and the basis for funding the proposed projects. Documents evidencing the Iowa Department of Transportation’s (Iowa DOT) authority to act concerning matters related to transportation, federal-aid expenditures and approvals of Metropolitan Planning Organizations’ (MPOs) Transportation Improvements Programs (TIPs) have been provided in past STIP’s and can be provided again upon request. The projects identified within the 2010-2013 STIP are divided into two groups. Projects proposed for funding from FHWA programs are shown first. FTA programs follow. Maps are included that identify locations of Iowa DOT District Planners, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), Regional Planning affiliations (RPAs), and transit systems.


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Most studies analysing the infrastructure impact on regional growth show a positive relationship between both variables. However, the public capital elasticity estimated in a Cobb-Douglas function, which is the most common specification in these works, is sometimes too big to be credible, so that the results have been partially desestimated. In the present paper, we give some new advances on the real link between public capital and productivity for the Spanish regions in the period 1964-1991. Firstly, we find out that the association for both variables is smaller when controlling for regional effects, being industry the sector which reaps the most benefits from an increase in the infrastructural dotation. Secondly, concerning to the rigidity of the Cobb-Douglas function, it is surpassed by using the variable expansion method. The expanded functional form reveals both the absence of a direct effect of infrastructure and the fact that the link between infrastructure and growth depends on the level of the existing stock (threshold level) and the way infrastructure is articulated in its location relative to other factors. Finally, we analyse the importance of the spatial dimension in infrastructure impact, due to spillover effects. In this sense, the paper provides evidence of the existence of spatial autocorrelation processes that may invalidate previous results.


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Most studies analysing the infrastructure impact on regional growth show a positive relationship between both variables. However, the public capital elasticity estimated in a Cobb-Douglas function, which is the most common specification in these works, is sometimes too big to be credible, so that the results have been partially desestimated. In the present paper, we give some new advances on the real link between public capital and productivity for the Spanish regions in the period 1964-1991. Firstly, we find out that the association for both variables is smaller when controlling for regional effects, being industry the sector which reaps the most benefits from an increase in the infrastructural dotation. Secondly, concerning to the rigidity of the Cobb-Douglas function, it is surpassed by using the variable expansion method. The expanded functional form reveals both the absence of a direct effect of infrastructure and the fact that the link between infrastructure and growth depends on the level of the existing stock (threshold level) and the way infrastructure is articulated in its location relative to other factors. Finally, we analyse the importance of the spatial dimension in infrastructure impact, due to spillover effects. In this sense, the paper provides evidence of the existence of spatial autocorrelation processes that may invalidate previous results.


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This research provides a description of the process followed in order to assemble a "Social Accounting Matrix" for Spain corresponding to the year 2000 (SAMSP00). As argued in the paper, this process attempts to reconcile ESA95 conventions with requirements of applied general equilibrium modelling. Particularly, problems related to the level of aggregation of net taxation data, and to the valuation system used for expressing the monetary value of input-output transactions have deserved special attention. Since the adoption of ESA95 conventions, input-output transactions have been preferably valued at basic prices, which impose additional difficulties on modellers interested in computing applied general equilibrium models. This paper addresses these difficulties by developing a procedure that allows SAM-builders to change the valuation system of input-output transactions conveniently. In addition, this procedure produces new data related to net taxation information.


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This paper is aimed at describing the impact of infrastructure on the economic evolution of Central Pyrenees (i.e., Huesca and the Catalan"Alt Pirineu"). The text analyses if investment in railways, roads and dams favoured economic development or, on the contrary, was just an instrument to extract domestic resources. The paper distinguishes among three different periods. Firstly, during the second half of the nineteenth century and the first few years of the twentieth century, the lack of railway connections prevented the economic development of the area. Secondly, between the first decades of the twentieth century and 1975, a road network was set up that reinforced the economic decadence of the most depressed valleys, and the construction of large dams was a powerful factor of depopulation all over the region. Finally, from 1975 onwards, some trends may be observed towards the correction of the previous policies.


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Develop, in conjunction with the regional planning affiliations and metropolitan planning organizations and other stakeholder groups, a process to exchange STP federal funds for Primary Highway System funds for the purpose of reducing the number of small projects that have to meet onerous federal requirements. In order to implement this recommendation, legislative action is required to eliminate the restriction on using Primary Road Fund revenue on local jurisdiction roadways in exchange for a portion of their federal STP funding. This past session, Iowa DOT worked with legislators to introduce a bill in both the House and the Senate to eliminate this Code restriction. Bills were discussed at the subcommittee level in both the House and Senate but did not proceed because of the need to have further discussions with impacted parties. Prior to next session, discussions will occur amongst all impacted parties to reach consensus on how this recommendation could be implemented. With that consensus in place prior to next session, it is anticipated that the bills can be reintroduced next session.


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This research provides a description of the process followed in order to assemble a "Social Accounting Matrix" for Spain corresponding to the year 2000 (SAMSP00). As argued in the paper, this process attempts to reconcile ESA95 conventions with requirements of applied general equilibrium modelling. Particularly, problems related to the level of aggregation of net taxation data, and to the valuation system used for expressing the monetary value of input-output transactions have deserved special attention. Since the adoption of ESA95 conventions, input-output transactions have been preferably valued at basic prices, which impose additional difficulties on modellers interested in computing applied general equilibrium models. This paper addresses these difficulties by developing a procedure that allows SAM-builders to change the valuation system of input-output transactions conveniently. In addition, this procedure produces new data related to net taxation information.