793 resultados para Redes de suporte social (primárias e secundárias) - Social support networks (primary and secondary)
This paper reviews and synthesizes the literature on social upgrading, while exploring its connections with economic upgrading. Using the parsimonious method proposed by Bernhardt and Milberg and an alternative method that takes into account increases in national productivity, this paper analyzes the case of Mexico. Though the proposed approach to social upgrading can be made more sophisticated through the inclusion of more variables, in order to facilitate the replication of the analysis in developing countries where data are scarce, labor productivity, wages and employment were considered sufficient information to analyze economic and social upgrading.
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a concepção de currículo adotada pelo Projeto Escola Ativa, implantado pelo governo brasileiro, nas classes multisseriadas. O estudo foi realizado por meio de pesquisa documental, constituída por fontes primárias e secundárias, as quais foram exploradas no contexto da pesquisa. O corpus de análise foi organizado seguindo critérios da análise de conteúdo.Assim, definimos como eixos temáticos de análise: educação do campo e currículo da escola ativa. Nesta produção, fizemos uma incursão nas prescrições curriculares para a educação do campo no Brasil a partir dos documentos oficiais. Apresentamos também o processo de implantação e implementação do Projeto Escola Ativa no Pará, destacando as fases de desenvolvimento do mesmo. Constatamos que a concepção de currículo e os princípios curriculares presentes no guia de formação de professores tem como base a Pedagogia Nova, em particular, as ideias de Dewey, como: a centralidade da criança no processo educativo e a valorização do “saber fazer” no âmbito da aprendizagem infantil. Porém, a concepção de organização curricular e os conteúdos de ensino apresentados nos guias de aprendizagem de Português, Matemática, Ciências e Estudos Sociais são concebidos de acordo com a perspectiva tradicional de educação. Destacamos que o Projeto Escola Ativa contrapõe-se às Diretrizes Operacionais de Educação do Campo e, por fim, identificamos que a opção por essa concepção de currículo demonstra o compromisso com a manutenção da estrutura socioeconômica vigente no campo.
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a intervenção profissional do Assistente Social na Prevenção de Acidente de Trabalho na Comissão de Aeroportos da Região Amazônica – COMARA, no período de 2007 a 2009, na perspectiva de contribuir para a prevenção de acidentes de trabalho, o que constitui uma nova demanda posta para a profissão nesse espaço sócioocupacional. Teve como aporte teórico-metodológico a teoria marxista a qual possibilitou desvendar as condições objetivas de trabalho e de vida dos pesquisados, assim como, compreender as demandas postas ao serviço social, particularmente, àqueles relacionados ao acidente de trabalho. Os dados utilizados na pesquisa foram do tipo primário e secundário. Os primários foram coletados através de documentos da instituição, tais como: relatórios do serviço social, planos de ação do serviço social e com entrevistas realizadas com os funcionários, encarregados, gerentes, equipe interdisciplinar e profissionais dos recursos humanos; os secundários tiveram como fonte: a sistematização dos atendimentos realizados durante esse período. Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciaram que o serviço social, a partir de 2007, na COMARA como uma área de saber e uma profissão que contribui para a prevenção de acidente de trabalho, a medida que a intervenção profissional do assistente social não é mais caracterizada pela atuação somente no Pós-acidente de trabalho e, sim, na prevenção de acidente de trabalho, o que impacta na redução dos acidentes de trabalho, nessa organização.
INTRODUÇÃO:Diferentes formas de sofrimento psíquico têm sido identificadas em estudantes da área da saúde, em especial no curso de Medicina.OBJETIVO:Estimar a prevalência de sofrimento psíquico entre estudantes de Medicina em uma faculdade no Sudeste do Brasil e avaliar sua associação com apoio social.MÉTODO:Trata-se de um estudo transversal. Foram aplicados questionários para alunos do 1º ao 6º ano do curso de Medicina da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, investigando-se características demográficas relacionadas ao curso e à adaptação à cidade. Sofrimento psíquico foi investigado na forma de Transtorno Mental Comum (TMC), avaliado por meio do Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). Apoio social foi avaliado com a Escala de Apoio Social (EAS). As associações entre o desfecho e as variáveis explanatórias foram analisadas por meio do teste do χ2 e, na análise multivariada, por meio da Regressão Logística, com p < 0,05.RESULTADOS:A taxa de resposta foi de 80,7%, não havendo diferença estatística entre a mostra e a população-alvo no que diz respeito ao gênero (p = 0,78). A média de idade foi de 22 anos (desvio padrão - DP = 2,2) com predomínio de mulheres (58,2%) e estudantes que vivem com amigos (62%). A prevalência de TMC foi de 44,9% (IC95% 40,2 - 49,6). Após a análise multivariada, mantiveram-se associados a TMC: sentir-se rejeitado no último ano (p < 0,001), ter pensado ou pensar em abandonar o curso (p < 0,001) e interação, avaliada pela EAS (p = 0,002).CONCLUSÕES:A prevalência de TMC entre estudantes de Medicina mostrou-se elevada, identificando-se o apoio social insuficiente como fator de risco. Esses achados sugerem que intervenções voltadas para propiciar melhores condições de interação social entre estudantes poderiam ser benéficas, diminuindo a prevalência de TMC nesse grupo.
Evolutionary algorithms have been widely used for Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) training, being the idea to update the neurons' weights using social dynamics of living organisms in order to decrease the classification error. In this paper, we have introduced Social-Spider Optimization to improve the training phase of ANN with Multilayer perceptrons, and we validated the proposed approach in the context of Parkinson's Disease recognition. The experimental section has been carried out against with five other well-known meta-heuristics techniques, and it has shown SSO can be a suitable approach for ANN-MLP training step.
Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC
The neural circuitry for social behavior and aggression appears to be evolutionarily conserved across the vertebrate subphylum and involves a complex neural network that includes the hypothalamus as a key structure. In the present study, we evaluated the changes in monoamine levels in the hypothalamus and on serum cortisol and plasma glucose of resident matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus) submitted to a social challenge (introduction of an intruder in their territory). The fight promoted a significant increase in hypothalamic 5-HT, NA and DA levels and on the metabolites 5-HIAA and DOPAC, and decreased 5-HIAA/5-HT and DOPAC/DA ratios in resident fish. Furthermore, an increase in serum cortisol and plasma glucose was also observed after the fight. Resident fish presented a high aggressiveness even with increased 5-HT levels in the hypothalamus. The alteration in hypothalamic monoaminergic activity of matrinxã suggests that this diencephalic region is involved in aggression and stress modulation in fish; however, it does not exclude the participation of other brain areas not tested here.
Como a mídia aborda o suicídio de idosos? E o que as notícias sobre suicídio de idosos nos dizem? Estas foram as perguntas que guiaram esta reflexão, que se debruçou sobre matérias de suicídios de idosos publicadas na mídia nacional, entre abril de 2010 e abril de 2013. Observamos que a palavra “suicídio”, até pouco tempo atrás “aquela-que-não-deveria-ser-nomeada” na imprensa, aparece na maior parte das notícias, no título e nos textos, demonstrando que o suicídio, como problema de saúde pública, afasta-se do campo privado para ocupar e compor o espaço público. Constatamos que entre as principais situações de risco que levam os idosos a cometer um “gesto de comunicação” extremo estão os efeitos de uma política econômica recessiva e o prolongamento da vida sem dignidade, mediante o medo da dependência e do provável “trabalho” aos demais; situações que indicam serem essenciais o desenvolvimento e o fortalecimento das redes de suporte social.
Child maltreatment has been linked to a myriad of long-term difficulties, including trauma symptomatology. However, not all victims experience long-term distress. Thus, a burgeoning area of research focuses on factors that may impede or facilitate resiliency to the psychological correlates of child maltreatment. Specifically, the severity of the abusive acts may be associated with greater long-term difficulties. To date, however, with the exception of child sexual abuse, few studies have examined the severity of maltreatment as a risk factor in the development of trauma symptoms. In contrast, social support has been theorized to contribute to resiliency following abuse. However, to date, the majority of studies examining positive social support as a protective factor have relied on self-report measures of perceived social support, rather than observational measures of received social support. Moreover, no study to date has examined the role that negative social support (i.e, blaming, criticizing) may play in potentiating trauma symptoms among victims of child maltreatment. Because child maltreatment involves serious boundary violations by a trusted person, a marital relationship is an important domain in which to examine these constructs. That is, it may serve as an arena for the manifestation of psychological disturbances related to maltreatment. Thus, the present study examined whether observationally measured positive and negative spousal social support moderated the relationship between child maltreatment severity (i.e., sexual, physical, psychological abuse; neglect) and trauma symptomatology in women and men. Results indicated that the severity of each type of child maltreatment significantly predicted increased adult trauma symptomatology. Contrary to hypothesized outcomes, positive spousal social support did not predict decreased trauma symptomatology. However, negative spousal social support generally did predict increased trauma symptomatology. There were no consistent patterns of interactions between child maltreatment severity and either type of social support. Future directions for research will be discussed and clinical implications with regard to the intrapersonal and interpersonal functioning of child maltreatment victims will be highlighted.
The objective of this study was to identify the relationship between social support and the functional capacity of elderly persons with cognitive alterations. It is a descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative study. The subjects were 101 elderly persons registered in Family Health Centers whose performance in the Mini-Exam for Mental Status was below a certain specified level in a previous study. The Medical Outcomes Study questionnaire, Katz Index and Pfeffer Questionnaire were applied. The dimensions of material, affective, emotional, informational and positive social interaction support resulted in an average final score of 74.32 points, indicating a better level of material and affective support in relation to the other dimensions of support. There was a statistically significant correlation between emotional support and the Katz Index. Knowledge about this relationship favors the development of a nursing care pathway for the elderly which is capable of maintaining their functional capacity and ensuring satisfactory social relations.
The living conditions of the inhabitants of Iauarete, an indigenous area in the municipality of Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira, State of Amazonas (Northern Brazil), have been negatively affected by population density, poor sanitation and maintenance of sanitation practices that are incompatible with that reality. To improve the population's quality of life, sanitation systems that are adequate to the local socio-cultural characteristics should be implemented, as well as educational processes with emphasis on social mobilization and community empowerment. The aim of this paper is to report and discuss a training course on health and sanitation using action research, directed to the mobilization of the Iauarete indigenous people, with the objective of assisting other studies of this nature. In the meetings, issues related to environmental health were discussed, a Community Newspaper was constructed, the course participants made interviews and drew up claims documents. This experience has enhanced the participants' understanding of local problems and of the importance of social mobilization for the dialogue with governmental institutions that are responsible for providing sanitation services and for seeking better living conditions. The researchers and teachers of the training course benefitted from the construction of collective knowledge resulting from interaction with subjects of the investigated situation and from the recognition and redefinition of their representations, fulfilling the fundamental premise of action research.
The associations between segregation and urban poverty have been intensely scrutinized by the sociology and urban studies literatures. More recently, several studies have emphasized the importance of social networks for living conditions. Yet relatively few studies have tested the precise effects of social networks, and fewer still have focused on the joint effects of residential segregation and social networks on living conditions. This article explores the associations between networks, segregation and some of the most important dimensions of access to goods and services obtained in markets: escaping from social precariousness and obtaining monetary income. It is based on a study of the personal networks of 209 individuals living in situations of poverty in seven locales in the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo. Using network analysis and multivariate techniques, I show that relational settings strongly influence the access individuals have to markets, leading some individuals into worse living conditions and poverty. At the same time, although segregation plays an important role in poverty, its effects tend to be mediated by the networks in which individuals are embedded. Networks in this sense may enhance or mitigate the effects of isolation produced by space.
The objective of this study was to compare the perceptions of two families living in two different neighborhoods (rated according to risk levels) regarding social support. A questionnaire was designed to assess social support according to the following dimensions: instrumental, emotional, religious, and support from friends, neighbors and family. The sample was comprised as follows: considering the 114 families living in neighborhood 1, 52 families were interviewed; and among the 162 families living in neighborhood 2, 60 families were interviewed. No significant difference was found related to instrumental, religious and emotional support, including the support from relatives among the families from both neighborhoods. The results disagree with the reviewed literature, which indicated a strong association between social support and families living at socioeconomic risk. In conclusion, social support is important for families, regardless of their risk stratification.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the perception of social support and the relationship of sociodemographic, clinical and metabolic control variables in individuals with diabetes mellitus and foot ulcers in an outpatient unit. METHODS: A quantitative cross-sectional approach was carried out using a social support network inventory. RESULTS: Participants had a high perception of social support; family and health professionals were identified as the main support sources. Fasting plasma glucose values were directly related with social support. CONCLUSION: Family members were identified as the main support source, which emphasizes their importance in the health care process.