888 resultados para Recreational Boating
The aim of this article is to estímate price-quality relatíon of Spain resorts from ‘sun and beach’ segment. This study uses initially observed prices, but after obtains net pnces -estimated-, discounting services and characteristics prices. Methodologically, this article is based in hedonic methods, often used in economic analysis. Results show important differences between ‘prices observed’ and ‘adjusted prices’ by services and characteristics. Empirical results obtained in this article should be useful for taking decisions from public and prívate agents
Funding for non-road multimodal transportation is a means to provide for future transportation needs and alternatives to provide safe and efficient transportation options. The state supports multimodal transportation in the annual infrastructure budget. Most of the state's appropriations for these non-road modes of transportation are provided from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund, or infrastructure-related funds such as restricted capital from tax-emempt bond proceeds. Projects that have received funding include commercial and general aviation infrastructure, public transit infrastructure, freight rail, and passenger rail. In addition, recreational trails that encourage walking and cycling are considered part of multimodal transportation. This issue review provides a general overview of the multimodal transportation grant programs that are funded by the state and administered under the Department of Transportation, or DOT. Other means of state funding for multimodal transportation, a sampling of federally funded programs and how other states fund some of their multimodal transportation programs will be briefly discussed.
En l’actualitat, l’ús i el consum de substàncies il·legals pels joves de l’IES Miquel Martí i Pol de Roda de Ter és un fenomen associat a l’oci, per tant es tracta d’un consum recreatiu per fer referència al consum que fan els joves que el que busquen és diversió i plaer, moltes vegades, sense percebre’n el risc. Pel que fa a les drogues legals, alcohol i tabac són les substàncies psicoactives de major consum. La cocaïna és pels joves la segona substància consumida, rere el cànnabis, que és la més estesa entre la població adolescent i joves de l’IES. Es pot dir que existeixen una sèrie de situacions de caràcter personal i social que poden predisposar certes persones a consumir drogues. Aquestes circumstàncies són els anomenats factors de risc, com són l’autoestima, absència de normes i límits, manca d’informació, manca de comunicació, entre d’altres. També hi ha d’altres situacions socioculturals i característiques individuals que fan que se’n redueixi la possibilitat de consum, aquests serien els anomenats factors de protecció com són l’economia, tenir aficions, disposar d’adults de referència, etc. Conèixer i comprendre aquests factors és fonamental per poder realitzar un abordatge educatiu i preventiu basat en la reducció de riscos i en la responsabilitat i l’autonomia de les persones usuàries de drogues.
Hypothenar hammer syndrome is an uncommonly encountered cause of Raynaud's phenomenon associated with professional or recreational activities. We report 6 consecutive cases seen in our angiology unit between 1988 and 1990. Clinical findings include a history of repeated microtraumatisms of the dominant hand, male sex, unilaterality, sudden onset, and severe Raynaud's phenomenon of the last three fingers. Investigations reveal an aneurysm or thrombosis of the distal cubital artery or of the superficial palmar branch, associated with occlusion of digital arteries. Avoidance of the aggravating conditions or resection and/or plasty of the affected vascular segment usually leads to disappearance of the symptoms.
Proyecto de ejecución de zona lúdica de verano formada por piscinas, jacuzzi y edificio de servicios
Este trabajo final de carrera se basa en la redacción de un proyecto de ejecución de una zona lúdica situada en el interior del recinto de un camping, la cual estará formada por una piscina de grandes dimensiones formada por tres vasos de tipo desbordante, una piscina de tipo infantil, un jacuzzi y finalmente un edificio de servicios complementarios (bar, aseos y enfermería). La piscina grande estará formada por tres vasos donde el agua va deslizándose de uno a otro hasta ser recogida por un depósito de compensación desde donde se realizará la filtración y tratamiento antes de ser devuelta al piscina de nuevo. La instalación está también preparada para ser utilizado cada vaso como una piscina individual, recogiendo el agua por los rebosaderos laterales y conduciéndola al mismo vaso de compensación. El tratamiento del agua se realizará de forma física a través de la filtración mediante filtros de arena y de forma química analizando la cantidad de cloro residual y el nivel de PH y posteriormente añadiendo de forma automática las cantidades de cloro y corrector de PH adecuados mediante bombas dosificadoras de precisión. La piscina infantil es de pequeñas dimensiones y esta preparada para ser utilizada por niños de muy corta edad. Se diferencia de la piscina grande en el sistema de recirculación de agua (en este casos e utilizarán skimmers) y en el tratamiento posterior, ya que se utilizará el sistema de hidrólisis salina para su desinfección en lugar de añadir directamente cloro. Este sistema de tratamiento del agua no es tan agresivo como el tradicional, siendo cada vez mas utilizado en piscinas de mediano y pequeño tamaño. El jacuzzi es de grandes dimensiones, disponiendo de su propio sistema de tratamiento de agua, utilizando el sistema de hidrólisis salina como en el caso de la piscina infantil. El edificio de servicios dispone de zonas de bar, enfermería y aseos. Se ha descrito desde la estructura a las instalaciones, justificando las conclusiones a través de los cálculos correspondientes, bien de forma manual, bien utilizando diverso software especializado.
Overactivation of the sympatho-adrenergic system is an essential mechanism providing short-term adaptation to the stressful conditions of critical illnesses. In the same way, the administration of exogenous catecholamines is mandatory to support the failing circulation in acutely ill patients. In contrast to these short-term benefits, prolonged adrenergic stress is detrimental to the cardiovascular system by initiating a series of adverse effects triggering significant cardiotoxicity, whose pathophysiological mechanisms are complex and only partially elucidated. In addition to the development of myocardial oxygen supply/demand imbalance induced by the sustained activation of adrenergic receptors, catecholamines can damage cardiomyocytes by fostering mitochondrial dysfunction, via two main mechanisms. The first one is calcium overload, consecutive to β-adrenergic receptor-mediated activation of protein kinase A and subsequent phosphorylation of multiple Ca(2+)-cycling proteins. The second one is oxidative stress, primarily related to the transformation of catecholamines into "aminochromes," which undergo redox cycling in mitochondria to generate copious amounts of oxygen-derived free radicals. In turn, calcium overload and oxidative stress promote mitochondrial permeability transition and cardiomyocyte cell death, both via the apoptotic and necrotic pathways. Comparable mechanisms of myocardial toxicity, including marked oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction, have been reported with the use of cocaine, a common recreational drug with potent sympathomimetic activity. The aim of the current review is to present in detail the pathophysiological processes underlying the development of catecholamine and cocaine-induced cardiomyopathy, as such conditions may be frequently encountered in the clinical practice of cardiologists and ICU specialists.
Aquest treball pretén investigar el cas de la introducció del producte turístic pescaturisme i es divideix en els apartats: 1. Marc teòric: mitjançant les dades secundàries es pretén referenciar el projecte amb altres casos d’estudi o investigacions relacionats amb temes de l’estudi en qüestió. És divideix el marc teòric en dos apartats més, on es qüestionarà l’obertura del sector pesquer al sector turístic així com les experiències turístiques que deriven de la realització d’aquesta activitat per part dels turistes. 2. Metodologia emprada: Degut a que l’estudi es basa principalment en la recerca de fonts primàries es creu convenient crear un apartat dedicat a com s’extrauran aquestes fonts, que es dividiran en primàries i secundàries. 3. Introducció al producte Pescaturisme: En aquest apartat s’estudiarà els casos de Pescaturisme al món, el cas del projecte pescaturisme a Roses, com està organitzat el projecte i en quin context turístic es situa. També es detallaran quins són els agents implicats i quins han estat els resultats sobre l’impacte mediàtic del producte. 4. Primers resultats durant la temporada 2013: Mitjançant els resultats obtinguts a través de la recerca quantitativa i qualitativa s’intentarà analitzar els resultats així com també diagnosticar-los per poder donar resposta a les hipòtesis o problemes d’estudi que s’han marcat en la introducció. Es l’apartat on s’exposaran i analitzaran els resultats obtinguts. 5. Conclusions: Per últim, com a resultat final de la recerca es pretén concloure l’estudi mitjançant les conclusions, explicant els trets més rellevants del projecte així com donar resposta als objectius inicialment marcats. 6. Futura recerca: El darrer apartat té com a objectiu establir les bases per a la futura recerca del projecte, és a dir, mitjançant l’anàlisi estudiat en l’apartat 2 s’intentarà rectificar i millorar l’estudi
AIM: The study examined the effects of an oral acute administration of the beta2-agonist salbutamol (Sal) (6 mg) vs. placebo on muscle strength and fatigability in 12 non-asthmatic recreational male athletes in a randomized double-blind protocol. METHODS: Contractile properties of the right quadriceps muscle were measured during electrical stimulations, i.e. twitch, 1-s pulse trains at 20 (P(20) ) and 80 Hz (P(80) ) and during maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) before (PRE) and after (POST) a fatigue-producing protocol set by an electromyostimulation (30 contractions, frequency: 75 Hz, on-off ratio: 6.25-20s). In addition, the level of muscle voluntary activation was measured. RESULTS: In PRE and POST conditions, the peak torque (PT) of twitch, P(80) and MVIC were not modified by the treatment. The PT in POST P(20) was slightly, although not significantly, less affected by fatigue in Sal compared with placebo condition. Moreover, twitch half-relaxation time at PRE was smaller under Sal than under placebo (P < 0.05). No significant changes in the degree of voluntary activation were observed with Sal treatment in PRE or POST condition. CONCLUSION: Although these findings did not exclude completely an effect of Sal on peripheral factors of human skeletal muscle, oral acute administration of the beta2-agonist Sal seems to be without any relevant ergogenic effect on muscle contractility and fatigability in non-asthmatic recreational male athletes.
The objectives of this "Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan" are to inventory existing recreation areas in Iowa, determine current demand, define and analyze problems, determine needs, delineate responsibilities, correlate planning, present an action plan and establish a priority system for the development of outdoor recreational facilities.
The Buena Vista SWCD is submitting this WIRB request on behalf of both Buena Vista and Pocahontas SWCDs. The two SWCDs are working jointly on a project that includes three existing Mississippi River Basin Imitative (MRBI) project areas in the North Raccoon River Watershed. The total project area is 280,654 crop acres. The MRBI project involves installing conservation practices through the EQIP program. Funding from MRBI will support costs of practice design, layout and checkout, however, there is no funding to market and sell the program and practices to landowners and producers in the project area. Both soil and water districts are financially supporting work currently being done to encourage signup for the approved practices. To effectively implement the MRBI project it is imperative that marketing and promotion through group meetings and one-on one contacts is completed. Funding from WIRB will allow the existing employee to spend the needed time on these promotional activities in both Buena Vista and Pocahontas County. Through this WIRB request these two SWCDs districts plan to apply over $800,000 worth of conservation practices that is funded through the MRBI program. The return from this investment of WIRB dollars is large. This is an opportunity to support a large amount of conservation work in the North Raccoon River Watershed, which, is also an important water source for the city Des Moines and provides recreational activities from Des Moines up to BY and Pocahontas Counties.
Williamson Pond is a 26-acre publicly owned lake located about 2 miles east of the town of Williamson, in Lucas County. It has a watershed area of 1,499 acres. It has been managed since 1976 by the Lucas County Conservation Board (while still under state ownership) for fishing, boating, hunting, picnicking and other passive uses. Designated uses are Class AI, primary contact, and Class B (LW) aquatic life. Williamson Pond is on the 2004 EPA 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for turbidity and nutrients at Williamson Pond was prepared by IDNR in 2005 and approved by EPA in 2006. The TMDL set reduction targets for both suspended sediment and phosphorus. The Williamson Pond Watershed Management Plan has provided the local work group and partners with information to develop and implement strategies to improve and protect water quality. These strategies are based on a three phase approach that will ultimately lead the removal of Williamson Pond from the Impaired Waters List. The goals identified in this proposal (Phase I) will reduce sediment and phosphorus delivery by 453 tons and 589 pounds annually. The Lucas County SWCD has and will continue to provide leadership on the Williamson Pond Project and has secured the partnerships necessary to address water quality problems and hired a part-time project coordinator to manage, implement, and oversee all activities pertaining to this proposal.
Little River Lake watershed is a 13,305 acre subwatershed of Little River. The 788 acre lake was listed as a 303d impaired water body in 2008 due to elevated turbidity and algae levels. The Decatur SWCD has prioritized water quality protection efforts within the Little River Lake watershed because 1) portions of this watershed has been identified as the primary contributor of sediment and nutrients to Little River Lake, which provides an essential source of drinking water for Decatur County and the Southern Iowa Rural Water Association; 2) the watershed provides exemplary education and project interpretation opportunities due to its proximity to Little River Lake Recreation Area, and 3) by using targeted and proven soil conservation practices to address water quality deficiencies the probability of successfully attenuating soil erosion and ameliorating water quality impairments is enhanced. The specific goals of this proposal are to: 1. reduce annual sediment, and phosphorous delivery to the lake by 11,280 tons and 14,664 lbs., respectively, via applications of conservation practices on targeted agricultural land; 2. delist the lake as an EPA 303d impaired water body via water quality enhancement; 3. obtain a “Full Support” status for the lake’s aquatic life and recreational use; 4. reduce potable water treatment costs (minimum 50% cost reduction) associated with high suspended solid levels; and 5. restore a viable sport-fish population, thereby bolstering tourism and the economy. To achieve timely project implementation the Decatur SWCD has cooperated with the IDNR Watershed Improvement Section, Fisheries Bureau, and IDALS-DSC to assess extant water quality and watershed conditions, coalesced a diverse team of committed partners and secured matching funding from multiple sources.
The main channel of Upper Buffalo Creek has been identified on Iowa's 303(d) List of Impaired Waters as having a biological impairment (i.e., greater than 50% decrease in mussel species) due to habitat modification, stream alteration, nutrients, and/or siltation. The Buchanan County SWCD has identified this as a priority watershed because mussel population decreases have been well documented to be directly associated with decreases in ecological value, recreational value, and overall water quality. The presence of a diverse and reproducing mussel population indicates that a healthy aquatic ecosystem is intact, which means good fishing, good water quality for wildlife, and assurance that water is safe for recreation. Dan Cohen, Buchanan Conservation Board Director, stated that "should water quality conditions improve, and fishing holes and habitat be enhanced, there is no doubt that many people would take advantage of the renewed recreational opportunities". This watershed contains two "threatened" species of mussels and five "sensitive" species of fish. The District feels that a watershed project will assist in implementing conservation practices that will greatly improve water quality and enhance biological and recreational venues.
Sand Creek is the most significant recreational fishery in Delaware County because of its location to Manchester and Lake Delhi. It is a feeder stream for game fish to the main stem of the Maquoketa River which is limited by the dams at Manchester and Lake Delhi. Sand Creek encompasses 16,045 acres and is dominated by row crop agriculture. It is being impacted by sediment, nutrients and E coli bacteria. Sand Creek will be a good example for habitat impaired watershed. The purpose of this project is to decrease the amount of sediment and nutrients reaching Sand Creek and to increase the habitat in Sand Creek to make it a better spawning and growing area for the fish and the food chain for the fish. The objectives of this project are to reduce sediment delivery by 40%, to improve in-stream habitat on 40% of identified critical areas and implement an information/education program. The project will install 3,800 acres of new no-till planting, 6 water and sediment control basins, 4,000 feet of terraces, 20,000 feet of improved or new waterways, 3,200 feet of streambank/ habitat enhancement, 4,500 feet of livestock exclusion fencing and 6 acres of wetlands.
Clear Lake, Iowa's third largest natural lake, is a premier natural resource and popular recreational destination in north central Iowa. Despite the lake's already strong recreational use, water quality concerns have not allowed the lake to reach its full potential. Clear Lake is listed on Iowa's 2004 303(d) Impaired Waters List due to excessive levels of phosphorus, bacteria, and turbidity. Urban storm water runoff from the 8,600 acre watershed is a significant contributor to Clear Lake's impairment. Local communities have been working towards the goal of making improvements at all 30 storm water outlets that have a drainage area of five acres or more and have a cost effective solution. Many improvements have already been made, and now there are only seven storm water outlet sites remaining that still need protection in order to meet the goal. The storm water improvements have been very effective in reducing contaminants in urban runoff, achieving reduction levels in the 50-80% range. The proposed Clear Lake Storm Water Improvement Project will address the remaining seven outlet sites and take place over three years. The first year will consist of performing engineering and design of storm water best management practices (BMPs) at the seven outlet sites to determine if a cost effective solution exists for each. Years two and three will consist of installing two storm water improvements each year to implement the most cost effective BMPs at a minimum of four of the seven sites. The grant request addresses one of the main priorities of the Iowa Watershed Improvement Grant: storm water runoff.