928 resultados para Ready made


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The gel strength, compressibility and folding characteristic of suwari (set) and kamaboko (set and cooked) gels prepared from rohu (Labeo rohita), catla (Catla catla) and mrigal (Cirrhinus mrigala) surimi were examined to understand the occurrence of suwari and modori phenomena in surimi from major freshwater carps. Suwari setting of gels did not take place at lower temperatures. Suwari gels showed good gel strength at 50 °C for rohu and at 60 °C for catla and mrigal after 30 min setting time. Incubation for 60 min decreased the gel strength at 60 °C for rohu and catla. Setting at 25 °C followed by cooking at 90 °C increased the gel strength. Increased setting temperature, however, decreased the gel strength of cooked gels. Gel strength and compressibility data were supported by folding characteristics.


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Condoms are widely accepted as a contraceptive for family planning and population control. It is also accepted as the most effective barrier against sexually transmitted diseases, especially AIDS, the incurable disease. But presence of pinholes and low film strength of condoms make it unsuitable for the purpose. Quality improvement of condoms by reducing the pinhole formation and increasing the film strength is thus an essential requirement for population control as well as for preventing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Strict implementation of WHO specification of condoms further increases the rejection percentage. This causes higher rejection loss to condom manufacturers because the defects could be identified only at the final stage of processing. If the influence of various factors which cause these defects is known, manufacturers can take remedial measures to reduce the defectives so that rejection loss can be decreased and quality of condoms increased. In the present study, it was proposed to conduct experiments to improve the quality of condoms by reducing the pinhole rejection percentage and increasing the tensile properties, burst volume, and burst pressure. Ageing property improvement also was an important target among other parameters. Until a cure for AIDS is found, a high quality latex condom is the only effective device in the prevention of the spread of HIV, AIDS and STD's. Hence it is all the more necessary to have high quality condoms.


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The gel strength, compressibility and folding characteristic of suwari (set) and kamaboko (set and cooked) gels prepared from rohu (Labeo rohita), catla (Catla catla) and mrigal (Cirrhinus mrigala) surimi were examined to understand the occurrence of suwari and modori phenomena in surimi from major freshwater carps. Suwari setting of gels did not take place at lower temperatures. Suwari gels showed good gel strength at 50 C for rohu and at 60 C for catla and mrigal after 30 min setting time


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Mesoporous silica nanoparticles provide a non-invasive and biocompatible delivery platform for a broad range of applications in therapeutics, pharmaceuticals and diagnosis. Additionally, mesoporous silica materials can be synthesized together with other nanomaterials to create new nanocomposites, opening up a wide variety of potential applications. The ready functionalization of silica materials makes them ideal candidates for bioapplications and catalysis. These properties of mesoporous silica like high surface areas, large pore volumes and ordered pore networks allow them for higher loading of drugs or biomolecules. Comparative studies have been made to evaluate the different procedures; much of the research to date has involved quick exploration of new methods and supports. Requirements for different enzymes may vary, and specific conditions may be needed for a particular application of an immobilized enzyme such as a highly rigid support. In this endeavor, mesoporous silica materials having different pore size were synthesized and easily modified with active functional groups and were evaluated for the immobilization of enzymes. In this work, Aspergillus niger glucoamylase, Bovine liver catalase, Candida rugosa lipase were immobilized onto support by adsorption and covalent binding. The structural properties of pure and immobilized supports are analyzed by various characterization techniques and are used for different reactions of industrial applications.


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Fish and fishery products are having a unique place in global food market due to its unique taste and flavour; moreover, the presence of easily digestible proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals make it a highly demanded food commodity.Fishery products constitute a major portion of international trade, which is a valuable source of foreign exchange to many developing countries.Several new technologies are emerging to produce various value added products from food; “extrusion technology” is one among them. Food extruder is a better choice for producing a wide variety of high value products at low volume because of its versatility. Extruded products are shelf-stable at ambient temperature. Extrusion cooking is used in the manufacture of food products such as ready-to-eat breakfast cereals, expanded snacks, pasta, fat-bread, soup and drink bases. The raw materialin the form of powder at ambient temperature is fed into extruder at a known feeding rate. The material first gets compacted and then softens and gelatinizes and/or melts to form a plasticized material, which flows downstream into extruder channel and the final quality of the end products depends on the characteristics of starch in the cereals and protein ingredient as affected by extrusion process. The advantages of extrusion process are the process is thermodynamically most efficient, high temperature short time enables destruction of bacteria and anti-nutritional factors, one step cooking process thereby minimizing wastage and destruction of fat hydrolyzing enzymes during extrusion process and enzymes associated with rancidity.


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Little is known about the sustainability of irrigated oasis agriculture in northern Oman. The objective of this study therefore was to examine which factors allowed agricultural productivity to be apparently maintained during the two millenia of a mountain oasis’ existence. Soil moisture and physico-chemical properties were measured in a typical flood-irrigated field sown to alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Particle size, organic (C_org) and inorganic carbon content, pH and electrical conductivity (EC)of the soil profile were analyzed at 0.15, 0.45 and 1.00 m. Saturated hydraulic conductivity and the soil’s apparent bulk density and water potential were determined from undisturbed samples at 0.05, 0.25 and 0.60 m. During irrigation cycles of 6–9 days, volumetric water contents ranged from 30% to 13%. A tracer experiment with potassium bromide revealed that 52–56% of the irrigation water was stored in the upper 0.4 m of the soil. The rest of the water moved further down the profile, thus providing the necessary drainage to avoid the build-up of toxic salt concentrations. Due to differences in pore size, plant-available water in the topsoil amounted to 18.7% compared to 13% and 13.5% at 0.25- and 0.60-m depth, respectively. The aggregate structure in the upper 1.0 m of the profile is likely preserved by concentrations of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from 379 to 434 mg kg^-1 and C_org from 157 to 368 mg kg^-1 soil. The data indicate that the sustainability of this irrigated landuse system is due to high water quality with low sodium but high CaCO3 concentration, the elaborate terrace structure and water management which allows adequate drainage.


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We describe a model-based objects recognition system which is part of an image interpretation system intended to assist autonomous vehicles navigation. The system is intended to operate in man-made environments. Behavior-based navigation of autonomous vehicles involves the recognition of navigable areas and the potential obstacles. The recognition system integrates color, shape and texture information together with the location of the vanishing point. The recognition process starts from some prior scene knowledge, that is, a generic model of the expected scene and the potential objects. The recognition system constitutes an approach where different low-level vision techniques extract a multitude of image descriptors which are then analyzed using a rule-based reasoning system to interpret the image content. This system has been implemented using CEES, the C++ embedded expert system shell developed in the Systems Engineering and Automatic Control Laboratory (University of Girona) as a specific rule-based problem solving tool. It has been especially conceived for supporting cooperative expert systems, and uses the object oriented programming paradigm


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Por medio de la metodología suministrada por el CIDEM-MALOKA, se ha elaborado un análisis integral de la compañía, junto a la proyección de tres mercados objetivos a los cuales se puede realizar una exportación efectiva, y como resultado de lo anterior, una serie de actividades que la empresa llevara a cabo para la consecución de sus objetivos tanto a corto como a largo plazo. La Metodología de plan exportador desarrollada por el CIDEM Universidad del rosario se constituye en la realización de procesos de consultoria de cada uno de los procesos productivos de la empresa, esto, con el fin de encontrar estrategias de mejoramiento y capacitación para la penetración del mercado internacional. Dicha metodología se desarrolla a partir de los siguientes componentes: Se describe inicialmente un diagnostico empresarial en el que se definen cada una de las debilidades y fortalezas de la empresa, así como las oportunidades explicitas en el entorno con el fin de realizar planes de acción determinados en las áreas de mejoramiento existentes; luego de esto, la empresa recibe consultoria particular en cada una de sus áreas productivas (descritas inicialmente en el diagnostico), de las cuales surgen nuevas estrategias orientadas a la misión y al visión de la misma pero enfocadas al entorno internacional, se describen en esta nueva fase : área productiva y administrativa y luego de mercadeo dirigida a tres países con clientes potenciales para el producto de exportación y por ultimo comercio exterior y plan exportador, en estas ultimas, cuando la empresa se encuentra preparada para penetrar los mercados internacionales, se establecen estrategias dirigidas a países en los que se encuentran los clientes potenciales de la misma con lo que la empresa logra hacer efectiva su estrategia exportadora. A partir de lo anterior, el presente documento servirá a la empresa continental Trade como una herramienta que preparara a la empresa para realizar su proceso de exportación; permitirá entonces al empresario dar cuenta de las debilidades y fortalezas respecto al funcionamiento actual, con el fin de realizar un redireccionamiento estratégico, y consecutivamente a esto, llevar a cabo su primer proyecto exportador.


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How the argument for Open Access hasd been made to government and the research industry over the last ten years.


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Lectures, files and 'source material everywhere'. Ready for #WSAmacd students to remix.


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Entre el segundo semestre del 2012 y el primer semestre del 2013, con la empresa colombiana Prosectorglass S.A.S., ubicada en Bogotá se desarrollo de la mano del CIDEM de la Universidad del Rosario y la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá una metodología ofrecida por el CIDEM para exportar sus productos fijando como mercado objetivo el mercado mexicano haciendo énfasis en la industria vidriera y los distribuidores de seguridad industrial, así mismo se identificaron como mercados secundario y contingente a los mercados Chileno y Costarricense correspondientemente. Habiendo superado la etapa de investigación de mercados se procede a evaluar la situación actual de la empresa en aspectos de producción y costeo del producto haciendo aportes importantes a la empresa sobre todo en la revisión de los costos del producto. Paralelamente se evalúan costos logísticos para el mercado objetivo por distintas rutas y utilizando diferentes medios de transporte, teniendo en cuenta los diferentes INCOTERMS para dejar a la empresa con herramientas que le permitan ofrecer a sus futuros clientes internacionales los precios adecuados acorde a la negociación desarrollada. Para terminar la asesoría se ofrece a la empresa un apoyo comercial que le permita fortalecer el posicionamiento de sus productos en el mercado nacional y posicionar los mismos en los mercados fijados en la inteligencia de mercados basándose en la cercanía de filiales en Colombia de empresas identificadas en los mercados estudiados.


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Una de las ideas principales del proyecto fue analizar aspectos sobresalientes con que cuenta Colombia, como su gente y la manera como se planifica la proyección de su identidad, con el objetivo de trasmitir ciertos atributos de nuestros productos o servicios a los consumidores, logrando que sean recordados en sus mentes para una próxima acción de compra. También se analizó la forma como se puede lograr construir una imagen clara y fuerte “Colombiana” como marca sombrilla, la cual facilite cobertura en la presencia Internacional de los productos, empresas e instituciones colombianas donde se consiga potencializar los puntos fuertes del país. Para esto se quiso analizar la importancia y los beneficios aportados por la marca país colombiana buscando y encontrando estrategias para un buen desarrollo y seguimiento de una reconocida imagen de marca.


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Educating health professionals implies the challenge of creating and developing an inquiring mind, ready to be in a state of permanent questioning. For this purpose, it is fundamental to generate a positive attitude toward the generation of knowledge and science. Objective: to determine the attitude toward science and the scientific method in undergraduate students of health sciences. Materials and methods: a cross-sectional study was made by applying a self-administered survey, excluding those who were transferred from other universities and repeated. The attitude toward science and the scientific method were valued using the scale validated and published by Hren, which contains three domains: value of scientific knowledge, value of scientific methodology, and value of science for health professions. Results: 362 students were included, 86,6% of them graded the attitude toward scientific knowledge above 135 points, neutral scale value. Similar scores were registered in the domains value of scientific knowlede for the human dimension of the students and value of science for health professions. 91,4% of the students graded the value of scientific methodology below 48 points. Conclusions: the favorable attitude of the students can be explained by the contact that they have with the scientific method since the beginning of their studies and its concordance with the evolution of science. The domain value of scientific methodology obtained the lowest grade on the part of the students, which could be related to the lack of knowledge about scientific methodology.


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Este proyecto caracteriza la logística del sector cemento en Colombia al identificar y describir los principales actores, procesos y materiales involucrados en la cadena de suministros del sector. Este documento compila la información logística relevante para la producción de cemento en Colombia. Esta información se obtuvo sintetizando estudios y reportes acerca de las prácticas logísticas y las condiciones en las que éstas se desarrollan. Adicionalmente se realizaron visitas empresariales en diferentes plantas de producción de cemento y entrevistas semiestructuradas a expertos en logística de los diferentes eslabones. Con la información primaria y secundaria se caracteriza del producto, las materias primas e insumos necesarios para la producción de cemento. Se identifican los principales agentes que componen el sector y se describen los procesos logísticos relacionados con el cemento en cada uno de ellos. Para las cementeras y canteras se hace un análisis de entradas y salidas de los procesos principales de su cadena de valor. Adicionalmente se expone la operación de transporte como un elemento clave en el sector y se presentan las simulaciones de fletes, rutas y cubicaje. Por último, se incluye un caso de optimización de transporte aplicando teorías de investigación de operaciones.