973 resultados para Raw materials for ceramics


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The objective was to evaluate the effect of ZnO-Functionalised-Sepiolite (ZnO-Sepiolite) to fulfil Zn requirements and health status of weaning piglets. Pre-starter Basal Diet (BD, corn– soybean based, from weaning till 14 days on trial) was calculated to provide 27 mg Zn/kg feed from raw materials and had no added ZnO and no antibiotics or organic acids. Treatments during pre-starter period were: 1) BD+90% of NRC Zn requirements completed with ZnO (ZnO90); 2) BD+90% of NRC Zn requirements completed with ZnO-Sepiolite (ZnOS90); 3) BD+3000 mg ZnO/kg of diet (ZnO3000); 4) BD+150 mg added Zn/kg diet from ZnO-Sepiolite (ZnOS150). The starter feed (corn–soybean based, from 14 till 31 days on trial) was common for all piglets, and met 90% NRC Zn requirements by adding ZnO. Diarrhea affected more than 50% of the animals of ZnO90, ZnOS90 and ZnOS150, and 33% of the ZnO3000 animals. Animals from ZnOS90 tended (Pb0.10) to improve Gain to Feed ratio (G:F) compared to animals from ZnO90 (0.830 kg/kg vs. 0.811 kg/kg for G:F). Performance of animals from ZnO3000 was not significantly different from the other treatments, and was numerically similar to animals from ZnOS90. The inclusion of ZnO at 3000 mg/kg of feed in the pre-starter period numerically decreased P in serum at the end of this period, with no effect on Ca level; normal levels were restored after 2 weeks of feeding the same levels of Zn than other animals. Animals fed ZnOSepiolite diets had numerically higher serum Ca than ZnO90 and ZnO3000 at 12 days and higher than ZnO90 at 28 days. Serum Zn levels were significantly higher for ZnO3000 than the other treatments.


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Dans les dernières années du 20ème siècle, l'aluminium a fait l'objet de beaucoup de communications outrancières et divergentes cautionnées par des scientifiques et des organismes faisant autorité. En 1986, la société PECHINEY le décrète perpétuel tel le mouvement « L'aluminium est éternel. Il est recyclable indéfiniment sans que ses propriétés soient altérées », ce qui nous avait alors irrité. Peu de temps après, en 1990, une communication tout aussi outrancière et irritante d'une grande organisation environnementale, le World Wild Fund, décrète que « le recyclage de l'aluminium est la pire menace pour l'environnement. Il doit être abandonné ». C'est ensuite à partir de la fin des années 1990, l'explosion des publications relatives au développement durable, le bien mal nommé. Au développement, synonyme de croissance obligatoire, nous préférons société ou organisation humaine et à durable, mauvaise traduction de l'anglais « sustainable », nous préférons supportable : idéalement, nous aurions souhaité parler de société durable, mais, pour être compris de tous, nous nous sommes limités à parler dorénavant de développement supportable. Pour l'essentiel, ces publications reconnaissent les très graves défauts de la métallurgie extractive de l'aluminium à partir du minerai et aussi les mérites extraordinaires du recyclage de l'aluminium puisqu'il représente moins de 10% de la consommation d'énergie de la métallurgie extractive à partir du minerai (on verra que c'est aussi moins de 10% de la pollution et du capital). C'est précisément sur le recyclage que se fondent les campagnes de promotion de l'emballage boisson, en Suisse en particulier. Cependant, les données concernant le recyclage de l'aluminium publiées par l'industrie de l'aluminium reflètent seulement en partie ces mérites. Dans les années 1970, les taux de croissance de la production recyclée sont devenus plus élevés que ceux de la production électrolytique. Par contre, les taux de recyclage, établis à indicateur identique, sont unanimement tous médiocres comparativement à d'autres matériaux tels le cuivre et le fer. Composante de l'industrie de l'aluminium, le recyclage bénéficie d'une image favorable auprès du grand public, démontrant le succès des campagnes de communication. A l'inverse, à l'intérieur de l'industrie de l'aluminium, c'est une image dévalorisée. Les opinions émises par tous les acteurs, commerçants, techniciens, dirigeants, encore recueillies pendant ce travail, sont les suivantes : métier de chiffonnier, métier misérable, métier peu technique mais très difficile (un recycleur 15 d'aluminium n'a-t-il pas dit que son métier était un métier d'homme alors que celui du recycleur de cuivre était un jeu d'enfant). A notre avis ces opinions appartiennent à un passé révolu qu'elles retraduisent cependant fidèlement car le recyclage est aujourd'hui reconnu comme une contribution majeure au développement supportable de l'aluminium. C'est bien pour cette raison que, en 2000, l'industrie de l'aluminium mondiale a décidé d'abandonner le qualificatif « secondaire » jusque là utilisé pour désigner le métal recyclé. C'est en raison de toutes ces données discordantes et parfois contradictoires qu'a débuté ce travail encouragé par de nombreuses personnalités. Notre engagement a été incontestablement facilité par notre connaissance des savoirs indispensables (métallurgie, économie, statistiques) et surtout notre expérience acquise au cours d'une vie professionnelle menée à l'échelle mondiale dans (recherche et développement, production), pour (recherche, développement, marketing, stratégie) et autour (marketing, stratégie de produits connexes, les ferro-alliages, et concurrents, le fer) de l'industrie de l'aluminium. Notre objectif est de faire la vérité sur le recyclage de l'aluminium, un matériau qui a très largement contribué à faire le 20ème siècle, grâce à une revue critique embrassant tous les aspects de cette activité méconnue ; ainsi il n'y a pas d'histoire du recyclage de l'aluminium alors qu'il est plus que centenaire. Plus qu'une simple compilation, cette revue critique a été conduite comme une enquête scientifique, technique, économique, historique, socio-écologique faisant ressortir les faits principaux ayant marqué l'évolution du recyclage de l'aluminium. Elle conclut sur l'état réel du recyclage, qui se révèle globalement satisfaisant avec ses forces et ses faiblesses, et au-delà du recyclage sur l'adéquation de l'aluminium au développement supportable, adéquation largement insuffisante. C'est pourquoi, elle suggère les thèmes d'études intéressant tous ceux scientifiques, techniciens, historiens, économistes, juristes concernés par une industrie très représentative de notre monde en devenir, un monde où la place de l'aluminium dépendra de son aptitude à satisfaire les critères du développement supportable. ABSTRACT Owing to recycling, the aluminium industry's global energetic and environmental prints are much lower than its ore extractive metallurgy's ones. Likewise, recycling will allow the complete use of the expected avalanche of old scraps, consequently to the dramatic explosion of aluminium consumption since the 50's. The recycling state is characterized by: i) raw materials split in two groups :one, the new scrap, internal and prompt, proportional to semi-finished and finished products quantities, exhibits a fairly good and regular quality. The other, the old scrap, proportional to the finished products arrivïng at their end-of--life, about 22 years later on an average, exhibits a variable quality depending on the collect mode. ii) a poor recycling rate, near by that of steel. The aluminium industry generates too much new internal scrap and doesn't collect all the availa~e old scrap. About 50% of it is not recycled (when steel is recycling about 70% of the old scrap flow). iii) recycling techniques, all based on melting, are well handled in spite of aluminium atiiníty to oxygen and the practical impossibility to purify aluminium from any impurity. Sorting and first collect are critical issues before melting. iv) products and markets of recycled aluminium :New scraps have still been recycled in the production lines from where there are coming (closed loop). Old scraps, mainly those mixed, have been first recycled in different production lines (open loop) :steel deoxidation products followed during the 30's, with the development of the foundry alloys, by foundry pieces of which the main market is the automotive industry. During the 80's, the commercial development of the beverage can in North America has permitted the first old scrap recycling closed loop which is developing. v) an economy with low and erratic margins because the electrolytic aluminium quotation fixes scrap purchasing price and recycled aluminium selling price. vi) an industrial organisation historically based on the scrap group and the loop mode. New scrap is recycled either by the transformation industry itself or by the recycling industry, the remelter, old scrap by the refiner, the other component of the recycling industry. The big companies, the "majors" are often involved in the closed loop recycling and very seldom in the open loop one. To-day, aluminium industry's global energetic and environmental prints are too unbeara~ e and the sustainaЫe development criteria are not fully met. Critical issues for the aluminium industry are to better produce, to better consume and to better recycle in order to become a real sustainaЫe development industry. Specific issues to recycling are a very efficient recycling industry, a "sustainaЫe development" economy, a complete old scrap collect favouring the closed loop. Also, indirectly connected to the recycling, are a very efficient transformation industry generating much less new scrap and a finished products industry delivering only products fulfilling sustainaЫe development criteria.


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The pigments and the plasters of the Roman frescoes discovered at the House of Diana (Cosa, Grosseto, Italy) were analysed using non-destructive and destructive mineralogical and chemical techniques. The characterization of both pigments and plasters was performed through optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and electron microprobe analysis. The pigments were identified by Raman spectroscopy and submitted to stable isotope analysis. The results were integrated with the archaeological data in order to determine and reconstruct the provenance, trade patterns and the employment of the raw materials used for the elaboration of the frescoes.


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El objetivo de este proyecto ha sido analizar los posibles efectos del biochar obtenido de restos de biomasa de resinosas, de caducifolios y de un lodo de depuradora por tres procedimientos de pirolisis (lenta, rápida y gasificación), sobre un suelo (Haploxerept típico) y una planta de interés agrícola (Hordeum vulgare). Adicionalmente, se han comparado los efectos del biochar con los producidos por la aplicación de los materiales originales, y la interacción del biochar sobre el fertilizante mineral incorporado al suelo. Por último, se ha completado el trabajo con la observación de la influencia del biochar en la formación de micorrizas. Para llevar a cabo este estudio se ha realizado un ensayo en invernadero y diferentes análisis en laboratorio que han permitido el estudio comparativo de la germinación y crecimiento de la cebada, y de diferentes parámetros fisicoquímicos del suelo que podrían explicar la respuesta de las plantas crecidas sobre los distintos tipos de biochar. A partir de la interpretación de los resultados se ha determinado que los diferentes tipos de biochar han provocado un mayor desarrollo de la cebada en comparación con la aplicación de sus respectivas materias primas, o bien se ha observado la desaparición de efectos inhibidores como en el caso de los lodos de depuradora. Por otro lado, ha destacado el biochar obtenido por pirólisis lenta del resto de los biochars puesto que se ha observado menor mineralización de su materia orgánica de los suelos y mayor eficiencia en el desarrollo de las plantas. Por último, el efecto de la enmienda orgánica en forma de biochar sobre el desarrollo de las plantas ha sido menor que el efecto provocado directamente por la fertilización mineral.


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Besides polyurethanes and polyesters, phenolic and epoxy resins are the most prominent applications for technical lignins in thermosetting materials. To evaluate the potential application of lignin raw materials in phenol formaldehyde and epoxy resins, three types of alkaline lignins were characterized in terms of their structures and thermal properties. The lignin samples analyzed were kraft lignin (LIG-1), soda–rice straw lignin (LIG-2), and soda-wheat straw lignin (LIG-3). FTIR and 1H-NMR methods were used to determine their structure. Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) was used to determine the molecular weight distribution (MWD). Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to measure the glass transition temperature (Tg), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) to determine the thermal stability of lignin samples. Results showed that kraft lignin (LIG-1) has moderate hydroxyl-group content, is rich in G-type units, and has good thermal stability. These properties make it more suitable for direct use in phenol formaldehyde resins, and it is therefore a good raw material for this purpose. The alkaline soda-rice straw lignin (LIG-2) with a high hydroxyl-group content and excellent thermal stability is most suited to preparing lignin-based epoxy resin


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Des del segon quart del s. I aC i, especialment, durant el regnat d’August, es va desenvolupar a l’antiga província Tarraconensis un sistema productiu centrat en l’explotació agrària vitivinícola amb una finalitat clarament comercial. La majoria d’assentament vitivinícoles es troben emplaçats al litoral català, associats de vegades a figlinae que fabricaven les àmfores per al transport i comerç de l’excedent vinícola. No obstant, a l’àrea del Vallès Occidental i del Baix Llobregat es troben una sèrie de vil•les vinculades a la producció de vi i a la fabricació d’àmfores que han proporcionat restes molt significatives sobre la contribució d’aquesta zona a l’expansió econòmica de la província. La caracterització arqueològica i arqueomètrica d’un gran nombre d’àmfores procedents de diversos tallers ceràmics situats al Vallès Occidental i al Baix Llobregat, utilitzant diverses tècniques d’anàlisi química, mineralògica i petrogràfica, ha portat a establir quins tipus d’àmfores es van fabricar a cada taller i de quina manera. S’han identificat alguns dels processos tecnològics de la cadena operativa: la selecció i processat de les matèries primeres per conformar la pasta procedents, generalment, de l’àrea on es troba cada centre de producció, el modelatge, l’assecat i la cocció de les peces. En alguns dels casos analitzats, s’ha identificat quins tipus de contenidors van ser importants a l’establiment i la seva provinença. La integració d’aquests resultats en la base de dades analítica que disposa l’ERAAUB ha permès avaluar el grau d’estandardització dels processos tecnològics en aquesta àrea. La contrastació final amb les dades històriques i arqueològiques contribueix al coneixement arqueològic de les àmfores vinàries de la Tarraconensis i, a través d’elles, al coneixement de les societats que les van fabricar, comercialitzar i utilitzar.


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Stylized facts regarding the industrial process include emphases on obtaining information about and control over the quality of raw materials. We provide a model that establishes conditions under which informed control involves ensuring uniformity in inputs and increased uniformity encourages more extensive processing. We show when the Boltzmann-Shannon entropy statistic is an appropriate measure of uniformity.


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A multi-analytical study has been carried out on a collection of white and coloured Iberian marbles. A total of 135 marble specimens were collected in Spain and Portugal from the Betic chain (Alhaurin de la Torre, Mijas, Macael), Ossa Morena (Alconera, Almaden de la Plata and Viana do Alentejo), and the Estremoz Anticline (Bencatel, Borba and Estremoz) areas. X-ray diffractometry and carbon and oxygen stable isotope analysis were carried out on these samples; 38 samples were also investigated by optical and scanning electron microscopy. The results provide a set of diagnostic parameters that allow discriminating the sampled marble quarries. The carbonate minerals composition is distinctive for the Mijas and Alhaurin de la Torre marbles; the isotopic analysis allows discriminating also between these two dolomitic marble quarries. The Ossa Morena and Estremoz Anticline marbles share a similar stable isotope composition; the accessory mineral content, the maximum grain size (MGS) and the fabric are particularly useful in the distinction between them. In the framework of archaeometric provenance studies on Thamusida (Kenitra, Morocco) Roman marble artefacts, a specific comparison between this new Iberian database and archaeological findings has been carried out. The hypothesis of commercial exchanges between the Iberian regions and Roman Morocco is supported by the results of the provenance study, which suggested the Almaden de la Plata and Mijas quarries as possible sources of raw materials for the production of archaeological artefacts.


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Resum L’any 1969 es van començar a comercialitzar els sistemes digitals programables coneguts com autòmats programables o PLC’s, utilitzats per controlar qualsevol tipus de procés industrial. Al llarg de tots aquests anys, aquests sistemes i tota la tecnologia en general han evolucionat molt, i només és qüestió de temps que la tecnologia que utilitzem avui en dia quedi obsoleta i substituïda per una de millors característiques i amb més avantatges. Aquest és el motiu de l’elaboració d’aquest treball, que com a objectiu pretén modernitzar un procés de fabricació d’una industria química que ha quedat molt limitat a causa de l’antiguitat de la instal•lació. Per dur a terme aquesta modernització, s’introdueixen sistemes de control amb majors prestacions, s’utilitzen xarxes de comunicacions per facilitar el muntatge elèctric de la instal•lació i un sistema de supervisió i adquisició de dades per poder obtenir un control més estricte del procés de fabricació i de tots els factors que intervenen. El funcionament del procés de fabricació és que a partir d’unes matèries primeres líquides emmagatzemades en dipòsits, es dosifiquin aquestes matèries en l’ordre i la quantitat desitjada dins un o diversos recipients per barrejar-les i aplicar els tractaments que siguin necessaris. Tot aquest procés està controlat per un autòmat programable, i disposa de diferents terminals operadors per poder interactuar amb el sistema. També té implementat un sistema SCADA en diversos ordinadors per aportar una visió general de la planta en temps real, un registre de dades dels paràmetres que es controlen i alhora serveix per enllaçar amb la xarxa d’ordinadors existent. Com annex d’aquest treball, es presenten els esquemes elèctrics i el programa de l’autòmat programable per veure totes les característiques elèctriques dels dispositius i el mètode de funcionament del procés. S’ha aconseguit donar un salt tecnològic i poder gaudir de tots els avantatges que ofereixen les noves tecnologies, que com a resultat s’ha optimitzat i millorat el procés de fabricació. De totes les conclusions, la més destacada és la d’haver dissenyat un sistema de control basat en una estructura descentralitzada molt flexible, que es pot expandir i adaptar fàcilment als possibles canvis.


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With its central U.S. location, access to a plethora of agricultural raw materials, a highly educated and skilled workforce, and a supportive state government; food and ingredient manufacturers find many advantages to locating in Iowa. Another major plus for Iowa’s food makers is access to one of the strongest food science and human nutrition programs in the nation, located on the campus of Iowa State University (ISU). At ISU, you will find scientists who will assist your organization in bringing food related innovations in plant, animal and microbial products to commercialization. The Department of Food Sciences and Human Nutrition (FSHN) is jointly administered by the Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Human Sciences. Our mission is to generate new knowledge around food and human nutrition and to promote health through food.


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IPI is comprised of three divisions. Private Sector funds are handed over to the General Fund. Traditional Industries and Farms funds are managed by IPI. The auditor of the state provides oversight on policies, procedures, and compliance with state law. Each year, the auditor is responsible for providing the Governor, legislature, Director of Corrections, and the public the findings of their comprehensive audits. IPI has received a clean bill of health and has not been cited for any violations in ten (10) years. IPI operates under the guidance of an advisory board, comprised of seven members. The advisory board meets at least four (4) times per year at a location of the board‟s choice, generally at a different prison each quarter. The board reviews the financials, policies, approves any new private sector ventures and offers comprehensive guidance on issues that will impact correctional industries as well as the public and local businesses. Each member serves for two (2) years and may be re-appointed. IPI has found that retaining board members has helped immensely with the continuity of transition and has afforded IPI with superb leadership and guidance. IPI is 100% self-funding. We receive no appropriations from the general fund. We hire our staff, pay their salaries, and pay the stipend of the offenders. We pay for our raw materials, equipment, and construct our buildings all from the proceeds of our sales. We operate with a revolving fund and retain any earnings at year-ends. The retained earnings are used for expansion of our work programs.


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Any transportation infrastructure system is inherently concerned with durability and performance issues. The proportioning and uniformity control of concrete mixtures are critical factors that directly affect the longevity and performance of the portland cement concrete pavement systems. At present, the only means available to monitor mix proportions of any given batch are to track batch tickets created at the batch plant. However, this does not take into account potential errors in loading materials into storage silos, calibration errors, and addition of water after dispatch. Therefore, there is a need for a rapid, cost-effective, and reliable field test that estimates the proportions of as-delivered concrete mixtures. In addition, performance based specifications will be more easily implemented if there is a way to readily demonstrate whether any given batch is similar to the proportions already accepted based on laboratory performance testing. The goal of the present research project is to investigate the potential use of a portable x-ray fluorescence (XRF) technique to assess the proportions of concrete mixtures as they are delivered. Tests were conducted on the raw materials, paste and mortar samples using a portable XRF device. There is a reasonable correlation between the actual and calculated mix proportions of the paste samples, but data on mortar samples was less reliable.


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Recently, a number of roads have begun to exhibit the onset of deterioration at relatively early ages. Since this deterioration appears to be the result of materials issues, data concerning raw materials, design, and paving conditions have been collected and analyzed for correlation between independent variables and deterioration. This analysis shows that there is a positive and statistically significant correlation between deterioration and the following variables: alkali and sulfate content of the cementitious materials, impermeable base course, paving temperature, and the presence of fly ash. This study also concludes that there is a significant need for improvement in data collection and maintenance by many organizations responsible for the production of concrete.