553 resultados para Rattus norvegicus.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a atividade antibacteriana in vitro e cicatrizante do óleo de buriti (M. flexuosa) em feridas realizadas em ratos (Rattus norvegicus albinus). Para a avaliação antibacteriana in vitro, foram utilizados cinco patógenos bacterianos incluindo espécies gram-positivas e espécies gram-negativas mediante o uso do método de difusão em ágar. Para a avaliação da atividade cicatrizante, foram utilizados 40 ratos da linhagem Wistar, divididos em dois grupos: o grupo I, composto por 20 ratos com feridas cutâneas, tratados com aplicação tópica do creme base com 10% de óleo de buriti, e o grupo II, controle, com o mesmo número de animais que receberam a aplicação tópica do creme base. A aplicação do produto foi realizada em feridas padronizadas, circulares de 1cm de diâmetro na região dorsolombar. As avaliações clínica, morfométrica e histopatológica das feridas foram realizadas no 3°, 7°, 14° e 21° dias. Em relação à avaliação da atividade antibacteriana, os resultados mostraram que houve inibição do crescimento bacteriano em quatro dos cinco patógenos testados. Em relação à área da ferida, foi observada redução significativa da área no 14o dia e maior percentual de contração das feridas do grupo tratado em relação ao controle. No décimo quarto dia, as feridas tratadas com o óleo do buriti apresentavam aumento significativo na contagem de fibroblastos e fibras colágenas, além de completo processo de reepitelização, enquanto o grupo controle necessitava de mais tempo para resolução do processo cicatricial


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a atividade antibacteriana in vitro e cicatrizante do óleo de buriti (M. flexuosa) em feridas realizadas em ratos (Rattus norvegicus albinus). Para a avaliação antibacteriana in vitro, foram utilizados cinco patógenos bacterianos incluindo espécies gram-positivas e espécies gram-negativas mediante o uso do método de difusão em ágar. Para a avaliação da atividade cicatrizante, foram utilizados 40 ratos da linhagem Wistar, divididos em dois grupos: o grupo I, composto por 20 ratos com feridas cutâneas, tratados com aplicação tópica do creme base com 10% de óleo de buriti, e o grupo II, controle, com o mesmo número de animais que receberam a aplicação tópica do creme base. A aplicação do produto foi realizada em feridas padronizadas, circulares de 1cm de diâmetro na região dorsolombar. As avaliações clínica, morfométrica e histopatológica das feridas foram realizadas no 3°, 7°, 14° e 21° dias. Em relação à avaliação da atividade antibacteriana, os resultados mostraram que houve inibição do crescimento bacteriano em quatro dos cinco patógenos testados. Em relação à área da ferida, foi observada redução significativa da área no 14o dia e maior percentual de contração das feridas do grupo tratado em relação ao controle. No décimo quarto dia, as feridas tratadas com o óleo do buriti apresentavam aumento significativo na contagem de fibroblastos e fibras colágenas, além de completo processo de reepitelização, enquanto o grupo controle necessitava de mais tempo para resolução do processo cicatricial


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A dismotilidade entérica é uma complicação a longo prazo da Diabetes mellitus (DM) que causa desconforto significativo em 76% dos pacientes diabéticos. Sabendo que as purinas estão envolvidas na neuromodulação colinérgica e que no SNC de animais diabéticos foram encontradas alterações na expressão de recetores purinérgicos, decidimos investigar se na dismotilidade diabética a neuromodulação purinérgica se encontra preservada. O modelo animal escolhido de diabetes tipo I resultou da administração de estreptozotocina (STZ, 55 mg/kg, IP) a ratazanas (Rattus norvegicus, Wistar). Este modelo STZ provou ser adequado para o estudo, apresentando 2 semanas após a indução polidipsia, poliúria, polifagia, hiperglicemia e um atraso da motilidade gastrointestinal. A caraterização morfológica macroscópica dos animais STZ revelou um aumento significativo do cego e do intestino. Funcionalmente, estudos preliminares indicam que as contrações espontâneas do íleo dos animais STZ perdem ritmicidade e apresentam maior amplitude que as dos animais controlo de uma forma insensível à TTX, sugerindo o comprometimento das ICC. Paralelamente, estudos imagiológicos revelaram uma perda neuronal mioentérica, principalmente de neurónios nitrérgicos, sendo os colinérgicos preservados. Contudo, a resposta muscular do íleo de animais diabéticos à acetilcolina (ACh) foi inferior à dos controlos, estando a libertação de ACh modulada pela adenosina modificada. Verificou-se que a inibição promovida pelos recetores A1 se mantinha, mas que se perdia a facilitação mediada pela ativação de recetores A2A, cuja imunorreatividade também se encontrava diminuída. Curiosamente, apesar do catabolismo do ATP e dos seus metabolitos estar aumentado nos animais STZ, não se verificou um aumento dos níveis extracelulares de adenosina. Nos animais diabéticos a adenosina é rapidamente desaminada e recaptada por transportadores de nucleósidos, com principal relevância para os concentrativos, sendo os equilibrativos responsáveis pelo transporte da adenosina em animais controlo. Os resultados apresentados nesta tese sugerem que a dismotilidade diabética pode dever-se à perda da atividade nitrérgica, das ICC e da neuromodulação purinérgica mediada por recetores A2A, comprometendo assim a libertação de ACh e consequentemente a motilidade GI.


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Seeking the identification of Angiostrongylus cantonensis as a potential etiological agent of three clinical cases of eosinophilic meningitis, mollusc specimens were collected in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. The snails were identified as Sarasinula marginata (45 specimens), Subulina octona (157), Achatina fulica (45) and Bradybaena similaris (23). Larvae obtained were submitted to polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism diagnosis. Their genetic profile were corresponded to A. cantonensis. Rattus norvegicus experimentally infected with third-stage larvae, developed menigoencephalitis, and parasites became sexually mature in the lungs. Additionally, larvae obtained from A. fulica snails, from São Vicente, state of São Paulo, also showed genetic profiles of this nematode. This is the first record of Brazilian molluscs infected with this nematode species.


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The acceptance of four anticoagulant rodenticide baits was evaluated in a piggery. The bait bases were cracked wheat, wax block, pig feed, and Racumin Paste(R). Mean daily consumption of each bait was poor (< 5 g). Mean activity index measured with tracking plates did not change significantly throughout pre-baiting (3 days), baiting (37) or post-baiting (7), indicating that the baits had no impact on the population. The same baiting regime applied simultaneously in nearby stables with lower feed availability induced a significantly higher mean consumption of the cracked wheat based bait, and the activity index declined to zero at day 23, indicating that the rats were eradicated. The failure of the baits to control rats in the piggery was possibly due to the poor bait acceptance caused by the abundant feed supply. Results of live-trapping and radio- and spool-and-line tracking indicated that the population was confined within the piggery; lower windowsills were the most used above-ground structure for movements; and minimum home range span was 17 m. We suggest that rodent control should be implemented within the confines of the piggery to reduce the risk to non-target animals, and that mortality agents should be placed less than or equal to 17 in apart arboreally for the roof rat. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sympatric individuals of Rattus fuscipes and Rattus leucopus, two Australian native rats from the tropical wet forests of north Queensland, are difficult to distinguish morphologically and are often confused in the field. When we started a study on fine-scale movements of these species, using microsatellite markers, we found that the species as identified in the field did not form coherent genetic groups. In this study, we examined the potential of an iterative process of genetic assignment to separate specimens from distinct (e.g. species, populations) natural groups. Five loci with extensive overlap in allele distributions between species were used for the iterative process. Samples were randomly distributed into two starting groups of equal size and then subjected to the test. At each iteration, misassigned samples switched groups, and the output groups from a given round of assignment formed the input groups for the next round. All samples were assigned correctly on the 10th iteration, in which two genetic groups were clearly separated. Mitochondrial DNA sequences were obtained from samples from each genetic group identified by assignment, together with those of museum voucher specimens, to assess which species corresponded to which genetic group. The iterative procedure was also used to resolve groups within species, adequately separating the genetically identified R. leucopus from our two sampling sites. These results show that the iterative assignment process can correctly differentiate samples into their appropriate natural groups when diagnostic genetic markers are not available, which allowed us to resolve accurately the two R. leucopus and R. fuscipes species. Our approach provides an analytical tool that may be applicable to a broad variety of situations where genetic groups need to be resolved.


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The movements of the ricefield rats (Rattus argentiventer) near a trap-barrier system (TBS) were assessed in lowland flood-irrigated rice crops in West Java, Indonesia, to test the hypothesis that a TBS with a 'trap-crop' modifies the movements of rats within 200 m from the trap-crop. The home range use and locations of rat burrows were assessed using radiotelemetry at two sites, one with a TBS with trap-crop (Treatment site, the crop inside the fence was planted 3 weeks earlier than the surrounding crop) and the other with a TBS without trap-crop (Control site, the crop inside the fence was planted at the same time as the surrounding crop). Each TBS was a 50 x 50 m plastic fence with eight multiple-capture rat traps set at the base. More than 700 rats were caught in the TBS with trap-crop, whereas only 10 rats were caught in the TBS without trap-crop. The home range size of females was significantly smaller at the Treatment site (0.96 ha) than the Control site (2.99 ha), but there was no difference for males. Seventy-eight per cent of rats caught in the TBS and fitted with radiocollars had their daytime burrow locations within 200 m of the TBS. We could not determine if the rats caught in the TBS were residents or transients according to demographic parameters. Our results support the hypothesis that a TBS with a trap-crop protects the surrounding rice crop out to a distance of at least 200 m.


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Direct blood examination and xenodiagnosis of 47 synanthropic rodents (Rattus rattus, R. norvegicus, Mus musculus) captured in the valley of Caracas, Venezuela, revealed trypanosomal infections in 12 R. rattus, 10 with T. lewisi and 2 with T. cruzi. Of the latter the course of parasitemia, the pleomorphism of the bloodstream trypomastigotes, tissue tropism in naturally and experimentally infected rats and mice, host mortality, morphology of fecal parasites in Rhodnius prolixus used for xenodiagnosis, and infectivity of the bug feces for NMRI mice, were all characteristic of Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi. One rat, with a patent parasitemia, had numerous nests of amastigotes in cardiac muscle and moderate parasitism of the smooth muscle of the duodenum and of skeletal muscle. Mice inoculated with fecal flagellates from the bugs had moderate tissue tropism in the same organs and also in the colon and pancreas. The possible role of R. rattus in the establishment of foci of Chagas’ disease in Caracas is discussed


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The aim of the present research was to evaluate the potential of Nectomys rattus, the "water rat", to develop Schistosoma mansoni infection. Comparison with N. squamipes was carried out. Both species of rodents were submitted to transcutaneous infection using different infective cercariae loads: 50, 100 or 500. N. rattus showed high susceptibility to S. mansoni, with an infection rate of 71%. Rodents were able to excrete viable eggs of S. mansoni in the feaces during all infection period. For both species, the small intestine, followed by the liver and the large intestine, presented the highest concentration of eggs among the surveyed organs. Infection caused no animal death. Moreover, N. rattus accomplished the parasite's life cycle, by infecting the snails Biomphalaria glabrata and later Mus musculus. These evidences indicate that both N. rattus, as for N. squamipes are potential reservoirs for schistosomiasis in Brazil. Considering the fact that N. rattus and N. squamipes exist in the same natural ecosystems of S. mansoni, we suggest that these rodents must be regarded as influential factors in epidemiology surveys.


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A total of 519 wild animals belonging to eleven species were collected during a two year study in a cutaneous leishmaniasis endemic area in Venezuela (La Matica, Lara State). The animals were captured in home-made Tomahawk-like traps baited with maize, bananas or other available local fruits, and parasites were isolated from 27 specimens. Two different species were found naturally infected with flagellates, i.e., cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) and black rats (Rattus rattus). Characterization of the parasites using PCR, kDNA restriction pattern and hybridization with species-specific probes revealed the presence of Leishmania (L.) mexicana in three of the black rats and Leishmania (V.) braziliensis in two others. The latter species was also identified in the single positive specimen of S. hispidus. The results suggested both species of animals as possible reservoirs of Leishmania sp.


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The thermal energetics of rodents from cool, wet tropical highlands are poorly known. Metabolic rate, body temperature and thermal conductance were measured in the moss-forest rat, Rattus niobe (Rodentia), a small murid endemic to the highlands of New Guinea. These data were evaluated in the context of the variation observed in the genus Rattus and among tropical murids. In 7 adult R. niobe, basal metabolic rate (BMR) averaged 53.6±6.6mLO2h(-1), or 103% of the value predicted for a body mass of 42.3±5.8g. Compared to other species of Rattus, R. niobe combines a low body temperature (35.5±0.6°C) and a moderately low minimal wet thermal conductance cmin (5.88±0.7mLO2h(-1)°C(-1), 95% of predicted) with a small size, all of which lead to reduced energy expenditure in a constantly cool environment. The correlations of mean annual rainfall and temperature, altitude and body mass with BMR, body temperature and cmin were analyzed comparatively among tropical Muridae. Neither BMR, nor cmin or body temperature correlated with ambient temperature or altitude. Some of the factors which promote high BMR in higher latitude habitats, such as seasonal exposure to very low temperature and short reproductive season, are lacking in wet montane tropical forests. BMR increased with rainfall, confirming a pattern observed among other assemblages of mammals. This correlation was due to the low BMR of several desert adapted murids, while R. niobe and other species from wet habitats had a moderate BMR.


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Hermetia illucens (L.) (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) é uma espécie abundante em todo o continente americano. No entanto, ainda há poucos estudos no Brasil abordando aspectos em relação a sua biologia e ecologia, em particular associados a estudos forenses. Neste trabalho, nós observamos os efeitos de hormônios esteróides na decomposição corporal de Rattus norvergicus, variedade Wistar enterrados na atração de H. illucens. Além da presença de diversas espécies de larvas e adultos de insetos freqüentemente encontrados em carcaças nessas condições, observou-se uma grande quantidade de imaturos de H. illucens. Essa espécie representou aproximadamente 22% de todos os espécimes coletados, tendo aparecido somente nos animais que receberam tratamento com esteróides sexuais dos tipos testosterona, progesterona e estradiol. Dentre esses, a maior abundância foi verificada nos que haviam recebido testosterona (68%). A presença de imaturos de H. illucens, apenas nos animais que receberam o tratamento com esteróides, em experimentos realizados em dois anos consecutivos revela uma possível atração/seleção dessa espécie por corpos com quantidades aumentadas de hormônios sexuais. Esse comportamento pode ser particularmente útil para a entomologia forense no que diz respeito à estimativa do intervalo pós-morte (IPM), particularmente quando tem como base informações sobre o ciclo de vida e ecologia de insetos necrófagos.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias) UANL