876 resultados para Random error


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There has been a recent revolution in the ability to manipulate micrometer-sized objects on surfaces patterned by traps or obstacles of controllable configurations and shapes. One application of this technology is to separate particles driven across such a surface by an external force according to some particle characteristic such as size or index of refraction. The surface features cause the trajectories of particles driven across the surface to deviate from the direction of the force by an amount that depends on the particular characteristic, thus leading to sorting. While models of this behavior have provided a good understanding of these observations, the solutions have so far been primarily numerical. In this paper we provide analytic predictions for the dependence of the angle between the direction of motion and the external force on a number of model parameters for periodic as well as random surfaces. We test these predictions against exact numerical simulations.


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The evolution of continuous traits is the central component of comparative analyses in phylogenetics, and the comparison of alternative models of trait evolution has greatly improved our understanding of the mechanisms driving phenotypic differentiation. Several factors influence the comparison of models, and we explore the effects of random errors in trait measurement on the accuracy of model selection. We simulate trait data under a Brownian motion model (BM) and introduce different magnitudes of random measurement error. We then evaluate the resulting statistical support for this model against two alternative models: Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) and accelerating/decelerating rates (ACDC). Our analyses show that even small measurement errors (10%) consistently bias model selection towards erroneous rejection of BM in favour of more parameter-rich models (most frequently the OU model). Fortunately, methods that explicitly incorporate measurement errors in phylogenetic analyses considerably improve the accuracy of model selection. Our results call for caution in interpreting the results of model selection in comparative analyses, especially when complex models garner only modest additional support. Importantly, as measurement errors occur in most trait data sets, we suggest that estimation of measurement errors should always be performed during comparative analysis to reduce chances of misidentification of evolutionary processes.


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The effects of flow induced by a random acceleration field (g-jitter) are considered in two related situations that are of interest for microgravity fluid experiments: the random motion of isolated buoyant particles, and diffusion driven coarsening of a solid-liquid mixture. We start by analyzing in detail actual accelerometer data gathered during a recent microgravity mission, and obtain the values of the parameters defining a previously introduced stochastic model of this acceleration field. The diffusive motion of a single solid particle suspended in an incompressible fluid that is subjected to such random accelerations is considered, and mean squared velocities and effective diffusion coefficients are explicitly given. We next study the flow induced by an ensemble of such particles, and show the existence of a hydrodynamically induced attraction between pairs of particles at distances large compared with their radii, and repulsion at short distances. Finally, a mean field analysis is used to estimate the effect of g-jitter on diffusion controlled coarsening of a solid-liquid mixture. Corrections to classical coarsening rates due to the induced fluid motion are calculated, and estimates are given for coarsening of Sn-rich particles in a Sn-Pb eutectic fluid, an experiment to be conducted in microgravity in the near future.


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In this study, we present a method designed to generate dynamic holograms in holographic optical tweezers. The approach combines our random mask encoding method with iterative high-efficiency algorithms. This hybrid method can be used to dynamically modify precalculated holograms, giving them new functionalities¿temporarily or permanently¿with a low computational cost. This allows the easy addition or removal of a single trap or the independent control of groups of traps for manipulating a variety of rigid structures in real time.


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The multiscale finite-volume (MSFV) method is designed to reduce the computational cost of elliptic and parabolic problems with highly heterogeneous anisotropic coefficients. The reduction is achieved by splitting the original global problem into a set of local problems (with approximate local boundary conditions) coupled by a coarse global problem. It has been shown recently that the numerical errors in MSFV results can be reduced systematically with an iterative procedure that provides a conservative velocity field after any iteration step. The iterative MSFV (i-MSFV) method can be obtained with an improved (smoothed) multiscale solution to enhance the localization conditions, with a Krylov subspace method [e.g., the generalized-minimal-residual (GMRES) algorithm] preconditioned by the MSFV system, or with a combination of both. In a multiphase-flow system, a balance between accuracy and computational efficiency should be achieved by finding a minimum number of i-MSFV iterations (on pressure), which is necessary to achieve the desired accuracy in the saturation solution. In this work, we extend the i-MSFV method to sequential implicit simulation of time-dependent problems. To control the error of the coupled saturation/pressure system, we analyze the transport error caused by an approximate velocity field. We then propose an error-control strategy on the basis of the residual of the pressure equation. At the beginning of simulation, the pressure solution is iterated until a specified accuracy is achieved. To minimize the number of iterations in a multiphase-flow problem, the solution at the previous timestep is used to improve the localization assumption at the current timestep. Additional iterations are used only when the residual becomes larger than a specified threshold value. Numerical results show that only a few iterations on average are necessary to improve the MSFV results significantly, even for very challenging problems. Therefore, the proposed adaptive strategy yields efficient and accurate simulation of multiphase flow in heterogeneous porous media.


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A new solvable model of synchronization dynamics is introduced. It consists of a system of long range interacting tops or magnetic moments with random precession frequencies. The model allows for an explicit study of orientational effects in synchronization phenomena as well as nonlinear processes in resonance phenomena in strongly coupled magnetic systems. A stability analysis of the incoherent solution is performed for different types of orientational disorder. A system with orientational disorder always synchronizes in the absence of noise.


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We develop a general theory for percolation in directed random networks with arbitrary two-point correlations and bidirectional edgesthat is, edges pointing in both directions simultaneously. These two ingredients alter the previously known scenario and open new views and perspectives on percolation phenomena. Equations for the percolation threshold and the sizes of the giant components are derived in the most general case. We also present simulation results for a particular example of uncorrelated network with bidirectional edges confirming the theoretical predictions.


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We apply the formalism of the continuous-time random walk to the study of financial data. The entire distribution of prices can be obtained once two auxiliary densities are known. These are the probability densities for the pausing time between successive jumps and the corresponding probability density for the magnitude of a jump. We have applied the formalism to data on the U.S. dollardeutsche mark future exchange, finding good agreement between theory and the observed data.


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We present a generator of random networks where both the degree-dependent clustering coefficient and the degree distribution are tunable. Following the same philosophy as in the configuration model, the degree distribution and the clustering coefficient for each class of nodes of degree k are fixed ad hoc and a priori. The algorithm generates corresponding topologies by applying first a closure of triangles and second the classical closure of remaining free stubs. The procedure unveils an universal relation among clustering and degree-degree correlations for all networks, where the level of assortativity establishes an upper limit to the level of clustering. Maximum assortativity ensures no restriction on the decay of the clustering coefficient whereas disassortativity sets a stronger constraint on its behavior. Correlation measures in real networks are seen to observe this structural bound.


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We consider an infinite number of noninteracting lattice random walkers with the goal of determining statistical properties of the time, out of a total time T, that a single site has been occupied by n random walkers. Initially the random walkers are assumed uniformly distributed on the lattice except for the target site at the origin, which is unoccupied. The random-walk model is taken to be a continuous-time random walk and the pausing-time density at the target site is allowed to differ from the pausing-time density at other sites. We calculate the dependence of the mean time of occupancy by n random walkers as a function of n and the observation time T. We also find the variance for the cumulative time during which the site is unoccupied. The large-T behavior of the variance differs according as the random walk is transient or recurrent. It is shown that the variance is proportional to T at large T in three or more dimensions, it is proportional to T3/2 in one dimension and to TlnT in two dimensions.


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We present exact equations and expressions for the first-passage-time statistics of dynamical systems that are a combination of a diffusion process and a random external force modeled as dichotomous Markov noise. We prove that the mean first passage time for this system does not show any resonantlike behavior.


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A dynamical model based on a continuous addition of colored shot noises is presented. The resulting process is colored and non-Gaussian. A general expression for the characteristic function of the process is obtained, which, after a scaling assumption, takes on a form that is the basis of the results derived in the rest of the paper. One of these is an expansion for the cumulants, which are all finite, subject to mild conditions on the functions defining the process. This is in contrast with the Lévy distribution¿which can be obtained from our model in certain limits¿which has no finite moments. The evaluation of the spectral density and the form of the probability density function in the tails of the distribution shows that the model exhibits a power-law spectrum and long tails in a natural way. A careful analysis of the characteristic function shows that it may be separated into a part representing a Lévy process together with another part representing the deviation of our model from the Lévy process. This


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Uncorrelated random scale-free networks are useful null models to check the accuracy and the analytical solutions of dynamical processes defined on complex networks. We propose and analyze a model capable of generating random uncorrelated scale-free networks with no multiple and self-connections. The model is based on the classical configuration model, with an additional restriction on the maximum possible degree of the vertices. We check numerically that the proposed model indeed generates scale-free networks with no two- and three-vertex correlations, as measured by the average degree of the nearest neighbors and the clustering coefficient of the vertices of degree k, respectively.


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We prove that Brownian market models with random diffusion coefficients provide an exact measure of the leverage effect [J-P. Bouchaud et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 228701 (2001)]. This empirical fact asserts that past returns are anticorrelated with future diffusion coefficient. Several models with random diffusion have been suggested but without a quantitative study of the leverage effect. Our analysis lets us to fully estimate all parameters involved and allows a deeper study of correlated random diffusion models that may have practical implications for many aspects of financial markets.


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We study a class of models of correlated random networks in which vertices are characterized by hidden variables controlling the establishment of edges between pairs of vertices. We find analytical expressions for the main topological properties of these models as a function of the distribution of hidden variables and the probability of connecting vertices. The expressions obtained are checked by means of numerical simulations in a particular example. The general model is extended to describe a practical algorithm to generate random networks with an a priori specified correlation structure. We also present an extension of the class, to map nonequilibrium growing networks to networks with hidden variables that represent the time at which each vertex was introduced in the system.