322 resultados para Rana palmipes
El trasplante hepático es una opción terapéutica para enfermedad hepática avanzada cada vez más frecuente en Colombia. La sobrevida del 80% a 5 años conlleva a un aumento del riesgo cardiovascular y de eventos cardiovasculares, por esta razón esta investigación determina el comportamiento del riesgo cardiovascular en los pacientes con trasplante hepático de la Fundación Cardioinfantil, realizado en 3 años de seguimiento . Lo encontrado en esta investigación es que existe un aumento del riesgo cardiovascular a tres años en pacientes post trasplante hepático, estadísticamente significativo, principalmente secundario a hipertensión, diabetes e hipertrigliceridemia. El aumento es mayor a lo descrito en la población general, y similar a otros pacientes trasplantados, en un periodo de 5 años
La cercanía geográfica y los vínculos históricos existentes entre Francia y África mantienen hasta la actualidad unas relaciones enmarcadas en un escenario de cooperación entre ambos. Sin embargo, el creciente número de migrantes de 1999 a 2013 desde las antiguas excolonias francesas, Malí y Senegal, llevó a Francia a impulsar una serie de herramientas para el codesarrollo, es decir, un conjunto de estrategias para que el migrante fuera un vector de desarrollo no solo para Francia sino para sus países de orígen. En ese sentido, este artículo pretende evaluar el codesarrollo como una herramienta discursiva de la política exterior francesa –a través del método de análisis del discurso de Teun van Dijk– en la cual ha prevalecido el poscolonialismo como una ideología que refleja una relación poder-conocimiento.
Shockley diode equation is basic for single diode model equation, which is overly used for characterizing the photovoltaic cell output and behavior. In the standard equation, it includes series resistance (Rs) and shunt resistance (Rsh) with different types of parameters. Maximum simulation and modeling work done previously, related to single diode photovoltaic cell used this equation. However, there is another form of the standard equation which has not included Series Resistance (Rs) and Shunt Resistance (Rsh) yet, as the Shunt Resistance is much bigger than the load resistance and the load resistance is much bigger than the Series Resistance. For this phenomena, very small power loss occurs within a photovoltaic cell. This research focuses on the comparison of two forms of basic Shockley diode equation. This analysis describes a deep understanding of the photovoltaic cell, as well as gives understanding about Series Resistance (Rs) and Shunt Resistance (Rsh) behavior in the Photovoltaic cell. For making estimation of a real time photovoltaic system, faster calculation is needed. The equation without Series Resistance and Shunt Resistance is appropriate for the real time environment. Error function for both Series resistance (Rs) and Shunt resistances (Rsh) have been analyzed which shows that the total system is not affected by this two parameters' behavior.
The paper states an introduction, description and implementation of a PV cell under the variation of parameters. Analysis and observation of a different parameters variation of a PV cell are discussed here. To obtain the model for the purpose of analyzing an equivalent circuit with the consisting parameters a photo current source, a series resistor, a shunt resistor and a diode is used. The fundamental equation of PV cell is used to study the model and to analyze and best fit observation data. The model can be used in measuring and understanding the behaviour of photovoltaic cells for certain changes in PV cell parameters. A numerical method is used to analyze the parameters sensitivity of the model to achieve the expected result and to understand the deviation of changes in different parameters situation at various conditions respectively. The ideal parameters are used to study the models behaviour. It is also compared the behaviour of current-voltage and power-voltage by comparing with produced maximum power point though it is a challenge to optimize the output with real time simulation. The whole working process is also discussed and an experimental work is also done to get the closure and insight about the produced model and to decide upon the validity of the discussed model.
A photovoltaic cell is a component which converts light energy into electrical energy. Different environmental parameters and internal parameters have a great impact on the output of the photovoltaic cell. To identify its characteristics and estimate the output, the well known Shockley diode equation is used. This equation contains all the parameters, as one environmental and different internal. The properties of these parameters were studied and their sensitivity have been analyzed through the use of an error function; this error function allows the study of the behaviour of the parameters and their characteristics against the output of the photovoltaic cell through the analysis of its curves giving the sensitivity of the different parameters to the output of the photovoltaic cell. Using these results the impact of the parameters of the photovoltaic cell has been clearly identified. White noise is included both with the ideal values and the simulation and the ideal value is imposed to get the real time environment flavor. This work analyses both systems with and without white noise.
Irradiation is the main component for producing the electricity from solar energy. When obstacles come in between the sun and the PV cell then it doesn’t get sufficient irradiance to produce enough electricity. Shadowing has a great impact on photovoltaic cell. The main fuel of PV cell is solar radiation. Using solar radiation, a photovoltaic cell produces electricity. The shadow on a PV cell decreases the output of the photovoltaic cell. It has been already shown in different papers that shadow effect decreases the output of the PV cell. There are different kinds of shadow effects which are observed, some minimize the PV cell output and some reduce the output to zero. There are different types of shadow based on their effects on the photovoltaic cell. The shadow has also effects depending on whether the PV cells are connected in series connection or in parallel connection. In series when one cell is out of order then the whole series of the PV cells will not work but in parallel connection if one cell is damaged, the others will work because they work independently. According to the output requirement the arrangement of the PV cells are made in series or parallel. Simulink modeling is made for series and parallel connection between two PV cells and the shadow effect is analyzed on one of the PV cells. Using SIMULINK, the shadowing is simulated on the two PV cells, where in one system they are in series and in another system they are in parallel. Slowly the irradiance is decreased to simulate the shadow effect. Simulation of the shadow effect gives an idea about the output of the PV cell system when system has shadow on the PV cells. Here the shadow effect on the two PV cells using series and parallel combinations are simulated and analyzed for understanding the effects on output.