940 resultados para Purification and Characterization


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Los sistemas de agua dulce constituyen fuentes vitales para el desarrollo de la vida. Entre otras causas, el excesivo y poco controlado uso de pesticidas por las prácticas agrícolas modernas ha contribuido con la degradación de estos ecosistemas en la provincia de Córdoba (Secretaría de Ambiente, 2008). Los pesticidas son compuestos tóxicos y químicamente estables en el ambiente. Diversas especies microbianas presentan la capacidad para mineralizar dichos compuestos, siendo uno de los mecanismos de descomposición más importante. En el presente trabajo se pretende (1) Detectar y cuantificar principios activos de pesticidas en diferentes aguas ambientales de la región centro-sur de la provincia de Córdoba; (2) Aislar y caracterizar especies bacterianas a partir de muestras de aguas superficiales y subterráneas de la región que demuestren ser eficientes en la biodegradación de diferentes pesticidas. Para ello, se estudiará la presencia de 10 pesticidas organoclorados y organofosforados (lindano, 2,4D, DDT, p,p-DDE, �-endosulfán, �-endosulfán, clorpirifós, dimetoato) y herbicidas (atrazina) en muestras de agua superficiales y subterráneas (8 - 12m de profundidad) de la región agrícola centro-sur de Córdoba. Se establecerán diferentes puntos de muestreo en las principales cuencas hidrográficas: Río Tercero y Embalse de Río Tercero, Canal Desviador de Bell Ville, Laguna La Salada, Río Saladillo, Río Carcarañá y Río Cuarto. La determinación de pesticidas se realizará mediante Cromatografía de Gases (GC). Conjuntamente, se realizará el aislamiento de microorganismos a partir de las muestras de agua suplementadas con diferentes concentraciones de pesticidas (López et al., 2005) y se procederá a la caracterización morfológica y bioquímica (Lechevalier, 1989). Se realizarán curvas de crecimiento (DO600) y se determinará la viabilidad celular mediante el método de recuento en placa. El potencial catabólico de cada aislamiento se determinará analizando la concentración residual de pesticidas en el sobrenadante de los cultivos (Benimeli et al, 2003) y mediante ensayos de resting-cell (Hernández et al, 2008). Finalmente se realizará la caracterización genética (Weisburg, 1991) de los aislamientos que demuestren una mayor eficiencia en la biodegradación de pesticidas. El presente estudio pretende abordar una temática prioritaria como es la contaminación ambiental de ecosistemas acuáticos de la provincia de Córdoba. la detección de principios activos de pesticidas sería, por lo tanto, un indicador de contaminación de origen antropológica y brindaría información respecto al deterioro de la calidad del agua. Por otra parte, el aislamiento de bacterias adaptadas a las condiciones ecológicas de la región y capaces de metabolizar eficientemente diferentes pesticidas como fuentes de carbono y energía sería beneficioso para su utilización en futuros ensayos de biorremediación.


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El hidrógeno tiene, actualmente, una atención considerable por su posible uso como combustible limpio y otros usos industriales y se ha demostrado que es posible hacer funcionar motores de combustión interna, por lo tanto es una alternativa viable respecto de fuentes de energía no renovables como el petróleo y tal vez sea en el futuro la tecnología más prometedora para reducir la contaminación, conservando el suministro de combustibles fósiles. Uno de los principales problemas para la utilización del hidrógeno como combustible es el del almacenamiento para que pueda ser seguro y transportable con todos los riesgos que esto supone. En este sentido el estudio de la adsorción de polímeros conductores (tal como polianilina, PANI o polipirrol PPy) y su posterior polimerización sobre hospedajes como aluminosilicatos meso y microporosos y carbones mesoporosos, es de suma importancia por sus propiedades para el almacenamiento de H2. El objetivo general de este proyecto es Investigar el almacenamiento de hidrógeno en nuevos composites nano/microestructurados. La síntesis de materiales micro/mesoporosos (MFI, MEL, BEA, L, MS41, SBA-15, SBA-1, SBA-3, SBA-16, CMK-3) para usos como hospedaje se realizan por sol-gel o síntesis hidrotérmica y se modificarán con TiO2, CeO2, ZrO2 y eventualmente con Ir, Ni, Zr. Muestras de estos hospedajes serán expuestos a vapores del monómero puro (anilina o pirrol). Luego se polimerizarán por polimerización oxidativa. Los nanocomposites sintetizados se caracterizarán por XRD, FTIR, DSC, TGA, SEM, TEM, EXFAS, XANES, UV-Vis. La adsorción de hidrógeno sobre los composites se llevará a cabo en un Reactor Parr, desde presiones atmosféricas y a altas presiones y varias temperaturas de adsorción . Los estudios de desorción de hidrogeno se llevarán a cabo en un equipo Chemisorb Micrometrics y se realizarán estudios termogravimétricos y de capacidad de retención de Hidrogeno por el nanocomposite. La importancia del estudio de este proceso tiene importantes implicancias económicas y sociales que serán preponderantes en el futuro debido a las cada vez más exigentes regulaciones ambientales. Además se contribuirá al avance del conocimiento científico, ya que es posible diseñar nuevos materiales, los que además permitirán generar reservorios de H2 con alta eficiencia. Por lo consiguiente: - Se desarrollarán nuevos materiales nanoestructurados, micro y mesoporosos y nanoclusters de especies activas en los hospedajes como así también la inclusión de polímeros (PANI, PPy) dentro de los canales de estos materiales. - Se caracterizarán estos materiales por métodos espectroscópicos (fisicoquímica de superficie). - Se estudiará la adsorción /absorcion de H2 en los nuevos materiales desarrollados. -Se aplicarán métodos de diseño de experimento (RDS), para optimizar el proceso de almacenamiento de H2, nivel de interacción de variables sinérgicas o colinérgicas.


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Raman spectroscopy has been applied to characterize fiber dyes and determine the discriminating ability of the method. Black, blue, and red acrylic, cotton, and wool samples were analyzed. Four excitation sources were used to obtain complementary responses in the case of fluorescent samples. Fibers that did not provide informative spectra using a given laser were usually detected using another wavelength. For any colored acrylic, the 633-nm laser did not provide Raman information. The 514-nm laser provided the highest discrimination for blue and black cotton, but half of the blue cottons produced noninformative spectra. The 830-nm laser exhibited the highest discrimination for red cotton. Both visible lasers provided the highest discrimination for black and blue wool, and NIR lasers produced remarkable separation for red and black wool. This study shows that the discriminating ability of Raman spectroscopy depends on the fiber type, color, and the laser wavelength.


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Schwann cells synthesize a large amount of membrane that form a specialized structure called myelin that surrounds axons and facilitate the transmission of electrical signal along neurons in peripheral nervous system (PNS). Previous studies demonstrated that both Schwann cell differentiation and de-differentiation (in the situation of a nerve injury or demyelinating disease) are regulated by cell-intrinsic regulators including several transcription factors. In particular, the de-differentiation of mature Schwann cells is driven by the activation of multiple negative regulators of myelination including Sox2, c-Jun, Notch and Pax3, all usually expressed in immature Schwann cells and suppressed at the onset of myelination. In order to identify new regulators of myelination involved in the development of the PNS, we analyzed the gene-expression profiling data from developing PNS and from three models of demyelinating neuropathies. This analysis led to the identification of Sox4, a member of the Sox family of transcription factors, as a potential candidate. To characterize the molecular function of Sox4 in PNS, we generated two transgenic lines of mice, which overexpress Sox4 specifically in Schwann cells. Detailed analysis of these mice showed that the overexpression of Sox4 in Schwann cells causes a delay in progression of myelination between post-natal day 2 (P2) and P5. Our in vitro analysis suggested that Sox4 cDNA can be overexpressed while the protein translation is tightly regulated. Interestingly, we observed that Sox4 protein is stabilized in nerves of the CMT4C mouse, a model of the human neuropathy. We therefore crossed Sox4 transgenic mice with CMT4C mice and we observed that Sox4 overexpression exacerbated the neuropathy phenotype in these mice. While recognized as being crucial for the normal function of both neurons and myelinating glial cells, the processes that regulate the beginning of myelination and the nature of the neuro-glial cross-talk remains mostly unknown. In order to gain insight into the molecular pathways involved in the interactions between neurons and associated glial cells, we developed a neuron-glia co-culture system based on microfluidic chambers and successfully induced myelination in this system by ascorbic acid. Importantly, we observed that in addition to acting on Schwann cells, ascorbic acid also modulate neuronal/axonal NRG1/ErbB2-B3 signalling. The experimental setting used in our study thus allowed us to discover a novel phenomena of propagation for myelination in vitro. The further characterization of this event brought us to identify other compounds able to induce myelination: ADAMs secretases inhibitor GM6001 and cyclic-AMP. The results generated during my thesis project are therefore not only important for the advancement of our understanding of how the PNS works, but may also potentially help to develop new therapies aiming at improvement of PNS myelination under disease conditions. - Les cellules de Schwann synthétisent une grande quantité de membrane formant une structure spécialisée appelée myéline qui entoure les axones et facilite la transmission du signal électrique le long des neurones du système nerveux périphérique (SNP). Des études antérieures ont démontré que la différenciation et la dédifférenciation des cellules de Schwann (dans la situation d'une lésion nerveuse ou d'une maladie démyélinisante) sont régulées par des régulateurs cellulaires intrinsèques, incluant plusieurs facteurs de transcription. En particulier, la dédifférenciation des cellules de Schwann matures est contrôlée par l'activation de plusieurs régulateurs négatifs de la myélinisation dont Sox2, c-Jun, Notch et Pax3, tous habituellement exprimés dans des cellules de Schwann immatures et supprimés au début de la myélinisation. Afin d'identifier de nouveaux régulateurs de myélinisation impliqués dans le développement du SNP, nous avons analysé le profil d'expression génique durant le développement du SNP ainsi que dans trois modèles de neuropathies démyélinisantes. Cette analyse a mené à l'identification de Sox4, un membre de la famille des facteurs de transcription Sox, comme étant un candidat potentiel. Dans le but de caractériser la fonction moléculaire de Sox4 dans le SNP, nous avons généré deux lignées transgéniques de souris qui surexpriment Sox4 spécifiquement dans les cellules de Schwann. L'analyse détaillée de ces souris a montré que la surexpression de Sox4 dans les cellules de Schwann provoque un retard dans la progression de la myélinisation entre le jour postnatal 2 (P2) et P5. Notre analyse in vitro a suggéré que l'ADNc de Sox4 peut être surexprimé alors que la traduction des protéines est quand à elle étroitement régulée. De façon intéressante, nous avons observé que la protéine Sox4 est stabilisée dans les nerfs des souris CMT4C, un modèle de neuropathie humaine. Nous avons donc croisé les souris transgéniques Sox4 avec des souris CMT4C et avons observé que la surexpression de Sox4 exacerbe le phénotype de neuropathie chez ces souris. Bien que reconnus comme étant cruciaux pour le fonctionnement normal des neurones et des cellules gliales myélinisantes, les processus qui régulent le début de la myélinisation ainsi que la nature des interactions neurone-glie restent largement méconnus. Afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans les interactions entre les neurones et les cellules gliales leur étant associés, nous avons développé un système de co-culture neurone-glie basé sur des chambres microfluidiques et y avons induit avec succès la myélinisation avec de l'acide ascorbique. Étonnamment, nous avons remarqué que, en plus d'agir sur les cellules de Schwann, l'acide ascorbique module également la voie de signalisation neuronale/axonale NRG1/ErbB2-B3. Le protocole expérimental utilisé dans notre étude a ainsi permis de découvrir un nouveau phénomène de propagation de la myélinisation in vitro. La caractérisation plus poussée de ce phénomène nous a menés à identifier d'autres composés capables d'induire la myélinisation: L'inhibiteur de sécrétases ADAMs GM6001 et l'AMP cyclique. Les résultats obtenus au cours de mon projet de thèse ne sont donc pas seulement importants pour l'avancement de notre compréhension sur la façon dont le SNP fonctionne, mais peuvent aussi potentiellement aider à développer de nouvelles thérapies visant à l'amélioration de la myélinisation du SNP dans des conditions pathologiques.


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The proteins of adults worms (male and female) of two isolates (BH and RJ) of Shistosoma mansoni were extracted using Triton X-114 phase separation. The SDS-polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis profiles of the three phases (detergent, aqueous and insoluble proteins) obtained were compared after Coomassie blue and silver staining, surface radioiodination and Western blotting. No major differences were detected between the 2 isolates. Of the 25 or more proteins which partitioned into the detergent phase, only about 8 proteins could be surface radiodinated on live adult worms. A comparison was also made between the profiles of mael and females worms, isolated from bisexually infected mice. Two major female-specific and one male-specific band were detected by silver and/or Coomassie staining. The female bands, 32 KDa and 18 KDa, partitioned into the detergent and aqueous phase, respectively. The male-specific band of 42 KDa remained in the insoluble phase. Antigenic differences between male and females protins were detected by Western vlotting using a sera from infected Nectomys squamipes.


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As part of a project to use the long-lived (T(1/2)=1200a) (166m)Ho as reference source in its reference ionisation chamber, IRA standardised a commercially acquired solution of this nuclide using the 4pibeta-gamma coincidence and 4pigamma (NaI) methods. The (166m)Ho solution supplied by Isotope Product Laboratories was measured to have about 5% Europium impurities (3% (154)Eu, 0.94% (152)Eu and 0.9% (155)Eu). Holmium had therefore to be separated from europium, and this was carried out by means of ion-exchange chromatography. The holmium fractions were collected without europium contamination: 162h long HPGe gamma measurements indicated no europium impurity (detection limits of 0.01% for (152)Eu and (154)Eu, and 0.03% for (155)Eu). The primary measurement of the purified (166m)Ho solution with the 4pi (PC) beta-gamma coincidence technique was carried out at three gamma energy settings: a window around the 184.4keV peak and gamma thresholds at 121.8 and 637.3keV. The results show very good self-consistency, and the activity concentration of the solution was evaluated to be 45.640+/-0.098kBq/g (0.21% with k=1). The activity concentration of this solution was also measured by integral counting with a well-type 5''x5'' NaI(Tl) detector and efficiencies computed by Monte Carlo simulations using the GEANT code. These measurements were mutually consistent, while the resulting weighted average of the 4pi NaI(Tl) method was found to agree within 0.15% with the result of the 4pibeta-gamma coincidence technique. An ampoule of this solution and the measured value of the concentration were submitted to the BIPM as a contribution to the Système International de Référence.


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A new cell line designated LSB-AA695BB, was established from embryos of the mosquito Anopheles albimanus. The primary culture was initiated in April, 1995, and the first passage was made 48 days later. Serial subcultures of the cells have been carried through 90 passages from Abril 1995 to February 1996. The cells were grown at 28°C in MK/VP12 medium, supplemented with 20% fetal bovine serum; the pH tolerance ranged between 6.8 to 7.0. The cells have also been adapted to MM/VP12 medium under the same pH, temperature and serum concentration. The majority of the cells were a fibroblast-type. Isozyme characterization showed a pattern similar to that of An. albimanus pupae and adults but distinct from Ae. taeniorhynchus and Ae. albopictus (C6/36) mosquito cell lines. The culture was shown to be free of mycoplasma, bacteria and fungi. Microsporidia contamination of transovarial transmission was controlled with 6.0 mg/ml of albendazole


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Approximately 2.0 x 10 cDNA clones of an Schistosoma mansoni lgt11 cDNA library were screened in duplicate with serum from infected mice corresponding to distinct phases of infection. A cDNA clone (7/1) was isolated and recognized only by seven week serum. The clone was subcloned in pGEX-2T and Western-blot studies showed a specific antigenic expression confirming that only serum from the chronic phase is capable of recognizing this antigen. Dot-hybridization with RNA from different developmental phases of the parasite showed that the corresponding 7/1 RNA is expressed in all phases of parasite development in vertebrate hosts


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New triruthenium-carbonyl clusters derivatized with glucose-modified bicyclophosphite ligands have been synthesized. These compounds were found to have cytostatic and cytotoxic activity and depending on the number of bicyclophosphite ligands, and could be tuned for either anti-cancer or specific anti-angiogenic activity. While some compounds had a broad cellular toxicity profile in several cell types others showed endothelial cell specific dose-dependent anti-proliferative and anti-migratory efficacy. A profound inhibition of angiogenesis was also observed in the in vivo chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) model, and consequently, these new compounds have considerable potential in drug design, e.g. for the treatment of cancer.