828 resultados para Public Sector Information


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This study investigates societal effectiveness of transport sector’s Research & Development (R&D) operations. In this study effectiveness refers to organization’s capability to produce the intended and desired impacts through its operations. The aim of this study is to identify the motives for evaluating societal effectiveness and recognize the critical success factors for improving effectiveness. The theoretical framework focuses first in the policy context of effectiveness evaluation in public sector and secondly the framework introduces the concept and process of effectiveness evaluation. The empirical part is carried out as a case study, which investigates societal effectiveness of Finnish Transport Agency’s (FTA’s) R&D. The aim is to recognize FTA’s critical success factors for improving R&D operations’ societal effectiveness. Based on these factors, the organization is able to define indicators for measuring effectiveness in the future operations. In this study societal effectiveness is investigated from R&D purchasers’ and R&D end- users’ points of views according to Purchaser-Provider-model. The results indicate that societal effectiveness evaluation is important part of R&D operations, but the implementation of the evaluation as part of daily operations is challenging. Because of limited resources, the organization is forced to strong priorization and therefore R&D tasks are secondary after the operational tasks. Based on the results the critical success factors can be recognized as resources and priorization, clear strategy and objectives, internal communications, cooperation between public and private sector and R&D implementation and dissemination.


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This paper uses a rotating panel of households to analyze wage differentials between public and private sectors in Brazil. Focusing on the transition of individuals between jobs available in the public and private sectors and controlling for individual time invariant characteristics, we find evidence of small wage differentials in favor of the public sector.


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The role of the public export promotion in Finland needed more research. The part of the public sector export promotion in the overall export is significant. In an ever more global world not only the companies but also the counties compete against each other and the governments have an interest to boost their economy as much as they are able to. Every industrialized country has export promotion services in some form or another. In the 21st century the tendency has been the bundling of the services and this has also been done in Finland with Team Finland. The role and the efficiency of the services provided deserve more research. The research question of this study is: What is the role of the public export promotion services in Finland? The question is researched primary by expert interviews conducted for this study. The situation in Southwest Finland is studied from the viewpoint of the companies of the region by conducting a survey aimed to the successfully internationalized companies of the region and asking them on their views on the impact and role of public export services in their internationalization. The theory base is formed out of various export promotion studies, studies monitoring the effects of the promotion and theories of the internationalization process of companies. The primary material for the study are the three expert interviews conducted and the answers to the survey conducted. The research method in the first part is a constructive qualitative research. The research approach in the second part, where the views of the companies in Southwest Finland are studied, is quantitative. The study findings from the expert interviews: the aligning of the public export promotion done in Finland to the previous research and the addition of the role of the public sector in classical frameworks. The study findings from the survey: the utilizing of the public export promotion services is heavily delayed and the internationalizing companies start to utilize the services very late in their internationalization process, the average being 10,3 years from the beginning of the internationalization. Another central finding from the survey is that the successfully internationalized companies see the public export promotion services generally as highly beneficial but in the light of the answers the effect on their own company is not as significant. Concluding can be stated that the public export promotion is seen as beneficial, but the monitoring of the efficiency is complicated in the case of services. Getting the companies to start utilizing the services earlier in their internationalization needs attention from the service providers. By communicating the achieved results and benefits better to the potential users of the services the internationalization process of the companies could be accelerated


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Efforts to reform the public sector reflect the social, political and economic environment within which government must function. The recent demands by the public for more consensual decision-making, as well as more efficient, effective and responsive public service, have resulted in a number of reform initiatives, including an emphasis on partnership development. The purpose of this thesis is to examine partnership arrangements within the public sector. Specifically, the thesis will assess the value of partnerships and their impact on government by examining six partnership arrangements involving the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR). The OMNR, having recently been awarded the 1992 Institute of Public Administration of Canada Award for Innovative Management, on the theme of partnership development, is being lauded as an example for other government agencies considering similar alliances. The thesis begins by introducing the concept and practice of partnership within the public sector in general and the OMNR specifically. Descriptive analysis of six OMNR partnerships is provided and a number of criteria are used to determine the success of each of these arrangements. Special attention is paid to the political implications of partnerships and to those attributes which appear to contribute to the successful establishment and iii maintenance of partnership arrangements. The conclusion is drawn that partnerships provide the government with an opportunity to address public demands for greater involvement in decision-making while accommodating government's limited financial resources. However, few truly collaborative partnerships exist within the public sector. There are also significant political implications associated with partnerships which must be dealt with both at the political and bureaucratic levels of government. Lastly, it is argued that while partnerships within the OMNR are experiencing some difficulties, they constitute a genuine attempt to broaden the base of decision-making and to incorporate the concerns of stakeholders into resource management.


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This paper develops a bargaining model of wage and employment determination for the public sector. the solution to the model generates structural wage and employment equations that are estimated using data from New York State teacher-school district collective bargaining agreements.


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L'absentéisme parmi le personnel soignant prend de plus en plus d'ampleur dans les institutions sanitaires publiques au Cameroun. Il représente à l'heure actuelle l'une des principales causes de l'effondrement du système de soins de santé. Ce phénomène se doit d'être réduit à des proportions raisonnables; cependant, les informations nationales sur les niveaux d’absentéisme parmi ce personnel, les coûts associés, ainsi que sur les facteurs qui le déterminent restent encore très faibles. Cette recherche avait pour objectifs de mesurer le niveau d’absentéisme parmi les prestataires de soins de santé des hôpitaux publics du Cameroun ; de déterminer l’influence des caractéristiques personnelles et des facteurs occupationnels sur le comportement d’absence parmi ces professionnels ; et d’évaluer les répercussions économiques de l’absentéisme en termes de coûts associés à la perte de productivité pour les employeurs. Elle portait sur du personnel soignant, notamment les médecins, les infirmiers et les aides-soignants exerçant dans les formations sanitaires publiques (hôpitaux) du Cameroun au mois d’octobre 2008. L’absentéisme était mesuré par le nombre d’heures et d’épisodes (fréquence) d’absences et concernait les retards et les absences de trois jours consécutifs et moins. Les facteurs personnels et occupationnels étudiés étaient l’âge, le sexe, le statut civil, les responsabilités familiales (nombre d’enfants), le niveau d’éducation, l’unité de soins, le type d’emploi, le régime d’emploi, l’horaire de travail, le temps supplémentaire, l’ancienneté dans l’hôpital, la taille de l’hôpital et le revenu de l’employé. Les données ont été recueillies dans 15 formations sanitaires publiques réparties dans six régions du Cameroun, sur la période allant du 1er au 31 octobre 2008, à partir des documents officiels émanant du gouvernement et des hôpitaux. Les analyses statistiques comportaient des analyses descriptives, des analyses bivariées et des analyses multivariées. Le taux de participation moyen des employés a été de 50,7%. Sur les 516 personnes qui composaient l’échantillon, 93,4% avaient eu au moins une absence au travail au mois d’octobre 2008. Le taux d’absentéisme global était de 7,2%, et variait entre 2% et 37% dans les hôpitaux. Chaque participant avait en moyenne 12 épisodes d’absences pendant cette période et la durée moyenne d’absences par participant était d’environ 13 heures et 21 minutes. La durée de l’horaire de travail, le fait de travailler dans un hôpital régional, de travailler selon un horaire fixe, d’être un personnel PPTE et de ne pas effectuer du temps supplémentaire, sont associés significativement à une plus grande fréquence des absences. La durée de l’horaire de travail, le fait d’être médecin, de travailler dans un service d’accueil et des urgences, de travailler selon un horaire fixe et d’être une femme, ont un lien significativement positif avec la durée des absences. Cet absentéisme a absorbé environ 8% de la masse salariale d’octobre 2008. On estime à environ 4 088 568 dollars US courants (2008), les dépenses consacrées par le secteur public de la santé du Cameroun à cet absentéisme en 2008, ce qui représentait approximativement 2,1% des dépenses publiques de santé. La réduction de l’absentéisme de courte durée parmi les professionnels de la santé du secteur public au Cameroun passe par l’amélioration du style de gestion des hôpitaux et l’approfondissement des recherches sur le comportement d’absence parmi ces professionnels.


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Cette recherche porte sur le financement public de l’enseignement supérieur au Pérou et ses impacts dans une perspective longitudinale couvant la période 1993-2003. Cette période est importante parce qu’elle a été témoin, dans ce pays, de changements majeurs aux plans du financement public et de la configuration du système d’enseignement supérieur. La recherche consiste principalement dans des analyses secondaires de données pertinentes publiées par des organismes nationaux et internationaux. Les analyses sont structurées à partir d’un schéma d’inputs et outputs. On considère comme inputs les ressources financières et les ressources humaines, lesquelles comprennent les professeurs et les étudiants, et comme outputs les taux de diplomation (efficacité interne) et la demande de diplômés par le marché du travail (efficacité externe). La théorie de la dépendance de ressources sert de cadre pour interpréter les rapports entre le financement public et ses incidences sur les réponses institutionnels et ses conséquences. Dans la période retenue, le financement du secteur public a décru de 32% en raison d’un désengagement progressif de l’État. Une conséquence majeure de la diminution du financement public a été la croissance rapide du secteur privé de l’enseignement supérieur. En effet, alors qu’en 1993 il y avait 24 institutions privées d’enseignement supérieur, il y en avait, en 2003, 46 institutions. La baisse du financement public et la croissance du secteur privé d’enseignement supérieur ont eu des incidences sur la sélectivité des étudiants, sur le statut des professeurs, sur l’implication des universités en recherche et sur les taux de diplomation. Le taux de sélectivité dans le secteur public a augmenté entre 1993 et 2003, alors que ce taux a diminué, dans la même période, dans le secteur privé. Ainsi, le secteur public répond à la diminution du financement en restreignant l’accès à l’enseignement supérieur. Le secteur privé, par contre, diminue sa sélectivité compensant ainsi l’augmentation de la sélectivité dans le secteur public et, par le fait même, augmente sa part de marché. Également, tant dans le secteur public que dans le secteur privé, les professeurs sont engagés principalement sur une base temporaire, ce qui se traduit, particulièrement dans le secteur privé, dans un moindre engagement institutionnel. Enfin, les universités publiques et privées du Pérou font peu de recherche, car elles favorisent, pour balancer leurs budgets, la consultation et les contrats au détriment de la recherche fondamentale. Paradoxalement, alors que, dans le secteur privé, les taux de sélectivité des étudiants diminuent, leurs taux de diplomation augmentent plus que dans le secteur public. Enfin, les formations avec plus d’étudiants inscrits, tant dans le secteur public que privé, sont les moins coûteuses en infrastructure et équipements. Dès lors, la pertinence de la production universitaire devient problématique. Cette recherche révèle que les organisations universitaires, face à un environnement où les ressources financières deviennent de plus en plus rares, développent des stratégies de survie qui peuvent avoir des incidences sur la qualité et la pertinence de l’enseignement supérieur.


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The study is undertaken by the researcher with the object of examining the remuneration pattern of executive personnel in the manufacturing public enterprises in Kerala so as to find out whether there is any rationale or criteria involved in remunerating executives. It is also envisaged to find out the pattern of executive remuneration in the various categories of industries and inter—industry disparities among the public sector enterprises. This is considered to be a very fruitful area for investigation, particularly in view of the generally prevailing notion that public sector executives in Kerala are not remunerated properly and glaring inequalities and disparities are existing among the various categories of industries and within the same industry. Therefore the study is to explore the criteria used for the determination of executive remuneration and the relative weightage of various factors such as size of the firm, rate of return sales volume etc of the organisation and various other factors such as qualification, experience, level of job and functions of executives. Further the study is extended to find out the role of 'pay' towards motivation and efficiency of the executive personnel


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The paper ‘Impact of Quality on Ethics and Social Responsibility in Marketing in Industries in Kerala in the present Indian scenario’ highlights the observations, based on a descriptive research carried out in five leading industries in Kerala, in the private and public sector. Ethics and social responsibilities, practiced in these industries, are reflected in the results of the survey conducted on specific queries like awareness of products/services provided by them, total understanding of the requirements of the customer, open discussion on technical matters, accountability of employees to the society and social needs, consumer ethics vis a vis business ethics etc. Team working goes a long way, in building relations, which in turn, results in a progressive and effective marketing strategy. This assumes paramount importance, considering the severe competition we are facing in the light of liberalization, privatization and globalization, which encompasses the globe. The prediction of India becoming a lead nation, along with USA, China and Japan, in this decade, can get fructified only if we follow a very high standards of ethics and social responsibility, in all domains including marketing. Organizations like TRW.Rane, Sundaram Fasteners, TVS Motors, in Chennai are a few among others in India, who have achieved the highest distinction in quality viz Deming Prize, and these demonstrate their commitment to quality, society and humanity at large. Cost effectiveness, without jeopardizing quality has become the need of the hour and MRTP has become history. This trait is being brought out through the survey and the results speak for themselves. Unethical practices like switch and bait, not only brings shame to the organization, and country but also results in the company getting wiped out from the market. Adherence to standards like ISO 14000 helps to maintain the minimum level of social responsibility and environmental friendliness. Like quality audit, safety audit etc, social audit is being insisted in all progressive countries to ensure that the organization comply with the minimum statutory requirements. The paper also touches upon Corporate Social Responsibility practiced in the industries and this becomes crystal clear through their commitment to improve the community. Green Marketing lays a lot of importance on the three Rs of environmentalism viz Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The objective of any business is to achieve optimal profit and this is possible only by reducing the cost as well as waste. In this context, management tools like brainstorming, suggestion schemes, benchmarking etc becomes helpful. These characteristics are brought out through the analysis of survey results. The conclusions drawn throw a lot of information on the desirable practices with respect to Ethics and Social Responsibility in Marketing


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In 2001 the Indian Banks Association have come up with a model frame work for educational loans in the country. With the approval of the Central Government the public sector banks in India started to give education loans. The private and cooperative banks also joined the fray. Due to growing NPAs and the intervention of the Government these norms were modified in 2011. The budget allocation for the primary and higher secondary education is on the increase in India. However, higher education has been of late relegated or left to the mercy of the private players. There has been a steady growth of educational loans disbursed, private colleges and deemed universities started and enrolments of students in higher education during the years 2001 to 2011. This paper is a humble attempt to 1) analyse the growth of the educational loans vis-à-vis other forms of personal loans at the national level, 2) showcase the disbursements of educational loans in Kerala State, 3) to assess the growth of educational institutions and enrolment of students in higher education in India from secondary data and 4) to make suggestions based on the findings


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Los esfuerzos de la presente investigación se concentran en el cumplimiento del objetivo principal, el cual consiste en analizar el arrendamiento como un programa que puede ser incorporado en la política de vivienda en Colombia, para dar respuesta de forma transitoria y/o temporal de alojamiento a los hogares con ingresos iguales o inferiores a dos salarios mínimos, ya que actualmente la política sectorial no incorpora esta forma tenencia de la vivienda para ofertar soluciones habitacionales. El arrendamiento tiene rasgos interesantes e importantes de destacar, tales como que él mismo constituye una forma de tenencia de vivienda eminentemente urbana. Además, es un mercado al que acuden todos los estratos socioeconómicos, por lo cual no es un mercado segregado. Igualmente, al relacionar ésta tenencia con el territorio y por ende con la economía espacial, se puede decir que no existe segregación socio-espacial muy pronunciada frente a la distribución urbana de la tenencia de la vivienda en arrendamiento. En este sentido, la tenencia de la vivienda en forma de arrendamiento se presenta en todo el territorio urbano de Cali, Medellín y Bogotá.


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La crisis que se desató en el mercado hipotecario en Estados Unidos en 2008 y que logró propagarse a lo largo de todo sistema financiero, dejó en evidencia el nivel de interconexión que actualmente existe entre las entidades del sector y sus relaciones con el sector productivo, dejando en evidencia la necesidad de identificar y caracterizar el riesgo sistémico inherente al sistema, para que de esta forma las entidades reguladoras busquen una estabilidad tanto individual, como del sistema en general. El presente documento muestra, a través de un modelo que combina el poder informativo de las redes y su adecuación a un modelo espacial auto regresivo (tipo panel), la importancia de incorporar al enfoque micro-prudencial (propuesto en Basilea II), una variable que capture el efecto de estar conectado con otras entidades, realizando así un análisis macro-prudencial (propuesto en Basilea III).


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El presente documento hace un análisis de la influencia que ejercen los diferentes tipos de liderazgo, carismático y transaccional, de un directivo de una organización sobre los subordinados de la misma, que a su vez afecta positiva o negativamente el nivel de resiliencia de los mismos. De la misma forma, se ha identificado la relación que existe entre el nivel de resiliencia de los subordinados de una organización y el cumplimiento de objetivos corporativos de la misma. Todo lo anterior se justifica en la economía globalizada de la que ahora hacemos parte que obliga a las empresas a generar nuevas estrategias de competitividad dentro de ambientes turbulentos y cambiantes donde, el desarrollar y motivar el recurso humano de la organización toma importancia para la ejecución exitosa de estrategias diferenciales.


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La incorporación Software Libre para Geomática (FOSS4G), para la explotación de Información Geoespacial en Sistemas de Información (SI) empresariales es una tendencia inexorable. Aunque estas tecnologías se están difundiendo con rapidez en entornos de empresas especializadas, Universidades, Administraciones Públicas y Centros Tecnológicos, todavía es algo incipiente en grandes empresas, especialmente en aquellas no directamente relacionadas con las tecnologías de los SIG. El objetivo de esta presentación será mostrar cómo se está consiguiendo introducir el software de SIG libre en el mundo empresarial, con tres casos de éxito. El primero es un desarrollo tradicional para una compañía tipo ‘utility’ donde el cliente define una funcionalidad y contrata su desarrollo. El segundo es un modelo de contratación de servicios. La tercera es una aplicación para la administración pública. En los tres casos, el uso de software libre ha permitido ofrecer soluciones exitosas para los requerimientos de los clientes (tanto funcionales como de rendimiento), y óptimas en coste