970 resultados para Protein Purification


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U7 snRNPs were isolated from HeLa cells by biochemical fractionation, followed by affinity purification with a biotinylated oligonucleotide complementary to U7 snRNA. Purified U7 snRNPs lack the Sm proteins D1 and D2, but contain additional polypeptides of 14, 50 and 70 kDa. Microsequencing identified the 14 kDa polypeptide as a new Sm-like protein related to Sm D1 and D3. Like U7 snRNA, this protein, named Lsm10, is enriched in Cajal bodies of the cell nucleus. Its incorporation into U7 snRNPs is largely dictated by the special Sm binding site of U7 snRNA. This novel type of Sm complex, composed of both conventional Sm proteins and the Sm-like Lsm10, is most likely to be important for U7 snRNP function and subcellular localization.


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Death-associated protein kinase 2 (DAPK2) is a Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent Ser/Thr kinase that possesses tumor-suppressive functions and regulates programmed cell death, autophagy, oxidative stress, hematopoiesis, and motility. As only few binding partners of DAPK2 have been determined, the molecular mechanisms governing these biological functions are largely unknown. We report the identification of 180 potential DAPK2 interaction partners by affinity purification-coupled mass spectrometry, 12 of which are known DAPK binding proteins. A small subset of established and potential binding proteins detected in this screen was further investigated by bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assays, a method to visualize protein interactions in living cells. These experiments revealed that α-actinin-1 and 14-3-3-β are novel DAPK2 binding partners. The interaction of DAPK2 with α-actinin-1 was localized at the plasma membrane, resulting in massive membrane blebbing and reduced cellular motility, whereas the interaction of DAPK2 with 14-3-3-β was localized to the cytoplasm, with no impact on blebbing, motility, or viability. Our results therefore suggest that DAPK2 effector functions are influenced by the protein's subcellular localization and highlight the utility of combining mass spectrometry screening with bimolecular fluorescence complementation to identify and characterize novel protein-protein interactions.


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The hydroxylation of N- and O-methyl drugs and a polycyclic hydrocarbon has been demonstrated in microsomes prepared from two transplantable Morris hepatomas (i.e., 7288C. t.c. and 5123 t.c.(H). The hydroxylation rates of the drug benzphetamine and the polycyclic hydrocarbon benzo {(alpha)} pyrene by tumor microsomes were inducible 2 to 3-fold and 2-fold, respectively by pretreatment of rats with phenobarbital/hydrocortisone. Hepatoma 5123t.c.(h) microsomal hydroxylation activities were more inducible after these pretreatments than hepatoma 7288C.t.c. Two chemotherapeutic drugs (cyclophosphamide and isophosphamide) were shown to be mutagenic after activation by the tumor hemogenate with the TA100 strain of Salmonella typhimurium bacteria. NADPH-cytochrome P-450 was purified from phenobarbital/hydrocortisone treated rat hepatoma 5123t.c.(H) microsomes 353-fold with a specific activity 63.6 nmol of cytochrome c reduced per min per mg of protein. The purified enzyme, has an apparent molecular weight of 79,500 daltons, and contained an equal molar ratio of FMN and FAD, with a total flavin content of 16.4 nmol per mg of protein. The purified enzyme also catalyzed electron transfer to artificial electron acceptors with the K(,m) values of the hepatoma reductase similar to those of purified liver reductase. The K(,m) value of the hepatoma reductase (13 uM) for NADPH was similar to that of purified liver reductase (5.0 uM). In addition the purified hepatoma reductase was immunochemically similar to the liver reductase.^ Hepatoma cytochrome P-450, the hemeprotein component of the hepatoma microsomes of rats pretreated with phenobarbital/hydrocortisone. The resolution of the six forms was achieved by the DE-53 ion-exchange chromatography, and further purified by hydroxyapatite. The six different fractions that contained P-450 activity, had specific contents from 0.47 to 1.75 nmol of cytochrome P-450 per mg of protein, and indicated a 2 to 9-fold purification as compared to the original microsomes. In addition, difference spectra, molecular weights and immunological results suggest there are at least six different forms of cytochrome P-450 in hepatoma 5123 t.c.(H). ^


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Surface proteins of Staphylococcus aureus are linked to the bacterial cell wall by sortase, an enzyme that cleaves polypeptides at the threonine of the LPXTG motif. Surface proteins can be released from staphylococci by treatment with hydroxylamine, resulting in the formation of threonine hydroxamate. Staphylococcal extracts, as well as purified sortase, catalyze the hydroxylaminolysis of peptides bearing an LPXTG motif, a reaction that can be inhibited with sulfhydryl-modifying reagents. Replacement of the single conserved cysteine at position 184 of sortase with alanine abolishes enzyme activity. Thus, sortase appears to catalyze surface-protein anchoring by means of a transpeptidation reaction that captures cleaved polypeptides as thioester enzyme intermediates.


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Biological sensing of small molecules such as NO, O2, and CO is an important area of research; however, little is know about how CO is sensed biologically. The photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum responds to CO by activating transcription of two operons that encode a CO-oxidizing system. A protein, CooA, has been identified as necessary for this response. CooA is a member of a family of transcriptional regulators similar to the cAMP receptor protein and fumavate nitrate reduction from Escherichia coli. In this study we report the purification of wild-type CooA from its native organism, R. rubrum, to greater than 95% purity. The purified protein is active in sequence-specific DNA binding in the presence of CO, but not in the absence of CO. Gel filtration experiments reveal the protein to be a dimer in the absence of CO. Purified CooA contains 1.6 mol heme per mol of dimer. Upon interacting with CO, the electronic spectrum of CooA is perturbed, indicating the direct binding of CO to the heme of CooA. A hypothesis for the mechanism of the protein’s response to CO is proposed.


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Expansion of a CTG trinucleotide repeat in the 3′ untranslated region (UTR) of DMPK, the gene encoding myotonic dystrophy protein kinase, induces the dominantly inherited neuromuscular disorder myotonic dystrophy (DM). Transcripts containing the expanded trinucleotide are abundant in differentiated cultured myoblasts, and they are spliced and polyadenylylated normally. However, mutant transcripts never reach the cytoplasm in these nonmitotic cells; instead, they form stable clusters that are tightly linked to the nuclear matrix, which can prevent effective biochemical purification of these transcripts. In DM patients, reduced DMPK protein levels, consequent to nuclear retention of mutant transcripts, are probably a cause of disease development. Formation of nuclear foci is a novel mechanism for preventing transcript export and effecting a loss of gene function.


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We purified from pea (Pisum sativum) tissue an ≈40 kDa reversibly glycosylated polypeptide (RGP1) that can be glycosylated by UDP-Glc, UDP-Xyl, or UDP-Gal, and isolated a cDNA encoding it, apparently derived from a single-copy gene (Rgp1). Its predicted translation product has 364 aminoacyl residues and molecular mass of 41.5 kDa. RGP1 appears to be a membrane-peripheral protein. Immunogold labeling localizes it specifically to trans-Golgi dictyosomal cisternae. Along with other evidence, this suggests that RGP1 is involved in synthesis of xyloglucan and possibly other hemicelluloses. Corn (Zea mays) contains a biochemically similar and structurally homologous RGP1, which has been thought (it now seems mistakenly) to function in starch synthesis. The expressed sequence database also reveals close homologs of pea Rgp1 in Arabidopsis and rice (Oryza sativa). Rice possesses, in addition, a distinct but homologous sequence (Rgp2). RGP1 provides a polypeptide marker for Golgi membranes that should be useful in plant membrane studies.


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Brefeldin A (BFA) inhibited the exchange of ADP ribosylation factor (ARF)-bound GDP for GTP by a Golgi-associated guanine nucleotide-exchange protein (GEP) [Helms, J. B. & Rothman, J. E. (1992) Nature (London) 360, 352–354; Donaldson, J. G., Finazzi, D. & Klausner, R. D. (1992) Nature (London) 360, 350–352]. Cytosolic ARF GEP was also inhibited by BFA, but after purification from bovine brain and rat spleen, it was no longer BFA-sensitive [Tsai, S.-C., Adamik, R., Moss, J. & Vaughan, M. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 305–309]. We describe here purification from bovine brain cytosol of a BFA-inhibited GEP. After chromatography on DEAE–Sephacel, hydroxylapatite, and Mono Q and precipitation at pH 5.8, GEP was eluted from Superose 6 as a large molecular weight complex at the position of thyroglobulin (≈670 kDa). After SDS/PAGE of samples from column fractions, silver-stained protein bands of ≈190 and 200 kDa correlated with activity. BFA-inhibited GEP activity of the 200-kDa protein was demonstrated following electroelution from the gel and renaturation by dialysis. Four tryptic peptides from the 200-kDa protein had amino acid sequences that were 47% identical to sequences in Sec7 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (total of 51 amino acids), consistent with the view that the BFA-sensitive 200-kDa protein may be a mammalian counterpart of Sec7 that plays a similar role in cellular vesicular transport and Sec7 may be a GEP for one or more yeast ARFs.


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Rad is the prototypic member of a new class of Ras-related GTPases. Purification of the GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for Rad revealed nm23, a putative tumor metastasis suppressor and a development gene in Drosophila. Antibodies against nm23 depleted Rad-GAP activity from human skeletal muscle cytosol, and bacterially expressed nm23 reconstituted the activity. The GAP activity of nm23 was specific for Rad, was absent with the S105N putative dominant negative mutant of Rad, and was reduced with mutations of nm23. In the presence of ATP, GDP⋅Rad was also reconverted to GTP⋅Rad by the nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase activity of nm23. Simultaneously, Rad regulated nm23 by enhancing its NDP kinase activity and decreasing its autophosphorylation. Melanoma cells transfected with wild-type Rad, but not the S105N-Rad, showed enhanced DNA synthesis in response to serum; this effect was lost with coexpression of nm23. Thus, the interaction of nm23 and Rad provides a potential novel mechanism for bidirectional, bimolecular regulation in which nm23 stimulates both GTP hydrolysis and GTP loading of Rad whereas Rad regulates activity of nm23. This interaction may play important roles in the effects of Rad on glucose metabolism and the effects of nm23 on tumor metastasis and developmental regulation.


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Etheno adducts in DNA arise from multiple endogenous and exogenous sources. Of these adducts we have reported that, 1,N6-ethenoadenine (ɛA) and 3,N4-ethenocytosine (ɛC) are removed from DNA by two separate DNA glycosylases. We later confirmed these results by using a gene knockout mouse lacking alkylpurine-DNA-N-glycosylase, which excises ɛA. The present work is directed toward identifying and purifying the human glycosylase activity releasing ɛC. HeLa cells were subjected to multiple steps of column chromatography, including two ɛC-DNA affinity columns, which resulted in >1,000-fold purification. Isolation and renaturation of the protein from SDS/polyacrylamide gel showed that the ɛC activity resides in a 55-kDa polypeptide. This apparent molecular mass is approximately the same as reported for the human G/T mismatch thymine-DNA glycosylase. This latter activity copurified to the final column step and was present in the isolated protein band having ɛC-DNA glycosylase activity. In addition, oligonucleotides containing ɛC⋅G or G/T(U), could compete for ɛC protein binding, further indicating that the ɛC-DNA glycosylase is specific for both types of substrates in recognition. The same substrate specificity for ɛC also was observed in a recombinant G/T mismatch DNA glycosylase from the thermophilic bacterium, Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum THF.


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Utrophin/dystrophin-related protein is the autosomal homologue of the chromosome X-encoded dystrophin protein. In adult skeletal muscle, utrophin is highly enriched at the neuromuscular junction. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying regulation of utrophin gene expression are yet to be defined. Here we demonstrate that the growth factor heregulin increases de novo utrophin transcription in muscle cell cultures. Using mutant reporter constructs of the utrophin promoter, we define the N-box region of the promoter as critical for heregulin-mediated activation. Using this region of the utrophin promoter for DNA affinity purification, immunoblots, in vitro kinase assays, electrophoretic mobility shift assays, and in vitro expression in cultured muscle cells, we demonstrate that ets-related GA-binding protein α/β transcription factors are activators of the utrophin promoter. Taken together, these results suggest that the GA-binding protein α/β complex of transcription factors binds and activates the utrophin promoter in response to heregulin-activated extracellular signal–regulated kinase in muscle cell cultures. These findings suggest methods for achieving utrophin up-regulation in Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy as well as mechanisms by which neurite-derived growth factors such as heregulin may influence the regulation of utrophin gene expression and subsequent enrichment at the neuromuscular junction of skeletal muscle.


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The α1- and β1-subunits of human soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) were coexpressed in the Sf9 cells/baculovirus system. In addition to the native enzyme, constructs with hexahistidine tag at the amino and carboxyl termini of each subunit were coexpressed. This permitted the rapid and efficient purification of active recombinant enzyme on a nickel-affinity column. The enzyme has one heme per heterodimer and was readily activated with the NO donor sodium nitroprusside or 3-(5′-hydroxymethyl-2′furyl)-1-benzyl-indazole (YC-1). Sodium nitroprusside and YC-1 treatment potentiated each other in combination and demonstrated a remarkable 2,200-fold stimulation of the human recombinant sGC. The effects were inhibited with 1H-(1,2,4)oxadiazole(4,3-a)quinoxalin-1one (ODQ). The kinetics of the recombinant enzyme with respect to GTP was examined. The products of the reaction, cGMP and pyrophosphate, inhibited the enzyme. The extent of inhibition by cGMP depended on the activation state of the enzyme, whereas inhibition by pyrophosphate was not affected by the enzyme state. Both reaction products displayed independent binding and cooperativity with respect to enzyme inhibition. The expression of large quantities of active enzyme will facilitate structural characterization of the protein.


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The monoclonal a-70-kDa heat shock protein (hsp70) antibody recognizes in crude extracts from watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris) cotyledons two hsps with molecular masses of 70 and 72 kDa. Immunocytochemistry on watermelon cotyledon tissue and on isolated glyoxysomes identified hsp70s in the matrix of glyoxysomes and plastids. Affinity purification and partial amino acid determination revealed the 70-kDa protein to share high sequence identity with cytosolic hsp70s from a number of plant species, while the 72 kDa protein was very similar to plastid hsp70s from pea and cucumber. A full-length cDNA clone encoding the 72-kDa hsp70 was isolated and identified two start methionines in frame within the N-terminal presequence leading either to an N-terminal extension of 67 amino acids or to a shorter one of 47 amino acids. The longer presequence was necessary and sufficient to target a reporter protein into watermelon proplastids in vitro. The shorter extension starting from the second methionine within the long version harbored a consensus peroxisomal targeting signal (RT-X5-KL) that directed in vivo a reporter protein into peroxisomes of the yeast Hansenula polymorpha. Peroxisomal targeting was however prevented, when the 67-residue presequence was fused to the reporter protein, indicating that the peroxisomal targeting signal 2 information is hidden in this context. We propose that the 72-kDa hsp70 is encoded by a single gene, but targeted alternatively into two organelles by the modulated use of its presequence.


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Incremental truncation for the creation of hybrid enzymes (ITCHY) is a novel tool for the generation of combinatorial libraries of hybrid proteins independent of DNA sequence homology. We herein report a fundamentally different methodology for creating incremental truncation libraries using nucleotide triphosphate analogs. Central to the method is the polymerase catalyzed, low frequency, random incorporation of α-phosphothioate dNTPs into the region of DNA targeted for truncation. The resulting phosphothioate internucleotide linkages are resistant to 3′→5′ exonuclease hydrolysis, rendering the target DNA resistant to degradation in a subsequent exonuclease III treatment. From an experimental perspective the protocol reported here to create incremental truncation libraries is simpler and less time consuming than previous approaches by combining the two gene fragments in a single vector and eliminating additional purification steps. As proof of principle, an incremental truncation library of fusions between the N-terminal fragment of Escherichia coli glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase (PurN) and the C-terminal fragment of human glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase (hGART) was prepared and successfully tested for functional hybrids in an auxotrophic E.coli host strain. Multiple active hybrid enzymes were identified, including ones fused in regions of low sequence homology.


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The properties of human DNA helicase V (HDH V) were studied in greater detail following an improved purification procedure. From 450 g of cultured cells, <0.1 mg of pure protein was isolated. HDH V unwinds DNA unidirectionally by moving in the 3′ to 5′ direction along the bound strand in an ATP- and Mg2+-dependent fashion. The enzyme is not processive and can also unwind partial RNA–RNA duplexes such as HDH IV and HDH VIII. The Mr determined by SDS–PAGE (66 kDa) corresponds to that measured under native conditions, suggesting that HDH V exists as a monomer in the nucleus. Microsequencing of the purified HDH V shows that this enzyme is identical to the far upstream element-binding protein (FBP), a protein that stimulates the activity of the c-myc gene by binding specifically to the ‘FUSE’ DNA region localized upstream of its promoter. The sequence of HDH V/FBP contains RGG motifs like HDH IV/nucleolin, HDH VIII/G3BP as well as other human RNA and DNA helicases identified by other laboratories.