1000 resultados para Project Apollo (U.S.)


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The positions of all cores recovered during Leg 90 in the southwest Pacific are shown within the standard calcareous nannoplankton zonation. The stratigraphic and regional occurrences and preservation of Paleogene calcareous nannoplankton found at Sites 588, 592, and 593 are discussed, and fossil lists are given for selected samples. Data on the Eocene/Oligocene boundary found in Holes 592 and 593 and on the Oligocene/Miocene boundary in Hole 588C are presented. Regional unconformities are noted in Hole 588C, where the upper Eocene to middle Oligocene interval (Zones NP17 to NP23) is missing, and in Hole 592, in which the middle Oligocene to lowest Miocene interval (Zones NP23 to NN1) is not represented.


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Dismembered ophiolitic rocks including abundant sheared, serpentinized peridotite (mostly harzburgite) and minor basalts, dolerites, gabbros, and altered metabasites (mainly altered amphibolite) were drilled at most of the sites on the upper to lower Middle America Trench landward slope off Guatemala during Leg 84 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. These rocks show characteristic Cataclastic deformation with zeolite facies metamorphism and alteration after amphibolite and greenschist facies metamorphism. These features indicate that the rocks originated in mid-oceanic ridge, offridge, and possibly other areas including island arc areas and were metamorphosed under a high geothermal gradient at low pressure. They were then structurally deformed and mixed within a serpentinite melange. Such ophiolite melanges may have been emplaced onto the Trench landward slope area during the initiation of subduction of the Cocos Plate. The emplacement seems to be connected to that of the Nicoya Complex in Costa Rica. The slope cover from early Eocene to Recent shows no history of these metamorphic and deformational events, therefore the emplacement of the dismembered ophiolitic rocks occurred at least before the early Eocene. The dismembered ophiolite-based Trench landward slope off Guatemala is a newly documented style of subduction, which has also recently been found at the easternmost edge of the Philippine Sea Plate along the Izu-Mariana-Yap Trench landward slope.


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We detail the petrography and mineralogy of 145 basaltic rocks from the top, middle, and base of flow units identified on shipboard along with associated pyroclastic samples. Our account includes representative electron microprobe analyses of primary and secondary minerals; 28 whole-rock major-oxide analyses; 135 whole-rock analyses each for 21 trace elements; 7 whole-rock rare-earth analyses; and 77 whole-rock X-ray-diffraction analyses. These data show generally similar petrography, mineralogy, and chemistry for the basalts from all four sites; they are typically subalkaline and consanguineous with limited evolution along the tholeiite trend. Limited fractionation is indicated by immobile trace elements; some xenocrystic incorporation from more basic material also occurred. Secondary alteration products indicate early subaerial weathering followed by prolonged interaction with seawater, most likely below 150°C at Holes 552, 553A, and 554A. At Hole 555, greenschist alteration affected the deepest rocks (olivine-dolerite) penetrated, at 250-300°C.


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One of the major shipboard findings during Leg 23 drilling in the Red Sea was the presence of late Miocene evaporites at Sites 225, 227, and 228. The top of the evaporite sequence correlates with a strong reflector (Reflector S) which has been mapped over much of the Red Sea (Ross et al., 1969, Phillips and Ross, 1970). This indicates that the Red Sea appears to be extent. Miocene sediments, including evaporites, are known from a few outcrops along the coastal plains of the Gulf of Suez to lat 14°N (Sadek, 1959, cited in Friedman, 1972; Heybroek, 1965; Friedman, 1972). Along the length of the Red Sea, the presence of Miocene salt is indicated by seismic reflection studies (Lowell and Genik, 1972) and confirmed by drilling. The recently published data from deep exploratory wells (Ahmed, 1972) demonstrate the great thickness of elastics and evaporites which were deposited in the Red Sea depression during Miocene time. The Red Sea evaporites are of the same age as the evaporites found by deep sea drilling (DSDP Leg 13) in the Mediterranean Sea. Therefore, Reflector S in the Red Sea is comparable to Reflector M in the Mediterranean. It is assumed that during Miocene time a connection between these two basins was established (Coleman, this volume) resulting in a similar origin for the evaporites deposited in the Red Sea and in the Mediterranean Sea. The origin of the Mediterranean evaporites has been discussed in great detail (Hsü et al., 1973; Nesteroff, 1973; Friedman, 1973). The formation of evaporites may be interpreted by three different hypotheses. 1) Evaporation of a shallow restricted shelf sea or lagoon which receives inflows from the open ocean. 2) Evaporation of a deep-water basin which is separated from the open ocean by a shallow sill (Schmalz, 1969). 3) Evaporation of playas or salt lakes which are situated in desiccated deep basins isolated from the open ocean (Hsü et al., 1973). The purpose of this study is to show whether one of these models might apply to the formation and deposition of the Red Sea evaporites. Therefore, a detailed petrographic and geochemical investigation was carried out.


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Drilling at Sites 534 and 603 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project recovered thick sections of Berriasian through Aptian white limestones to dark gray marls, interbedded with claystone and clastic turbidites. Progressive thermal demagnetization removed a normal-polarity overprint carried by goethite and/or pyrrhotite. The resulting characteristic magnetization is carried predominantly by magnetite. Directions and reliability of characteristic magnetization of each sample were computed by using least squares line-fits of magnetization vectors. The corrected true mean inclinations of the sites suggest that the western North Atlantic underwent approximately 6° of steady southward motion between the Berriasian and Aptian stages. The patterns of magnetic polarity of the two sites, when plotted on stratigraphic columns of the pelagic sediments without turbidite beds, display a fairly consistent magnetostratigraphy through most of the Hauterivian-Barremian interval, using dinoflagellate and nannofossil events and facies changes in pelagic sediment as controls on the correlations. The composite magnetostratigraphy appears to include most of the features of the M-sequence block model of magnetic anomalies from Ml to Ml ON (Barremian-Hauterivian) and from M16 to M23 (Berriasian-Tithonian). The Valanginian magnetostratigraphy of the sites does not exhibit reversed polarity intervals corresponding to Ml 1 to M13 of the M-sequence model; this may be the result of poor magnetization, of a major unrecognized hiatus in the early to middle Valanginian in the western North Atlantic, or of an error in the standard block model. Based on these tentative polarity-zone correlations, the Hauterivian/Barremian boundary occurs in or near the reversed-polarity Chron M7 or M5, depending upon whether the dinoflagellate or nannofossil zonation, respectively, is used; the Valanginian/Hauterivian boundary, as defined by the dinoflagellate zonation, is near reversed-polarity Chron M10N.


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Examination of the clay mineralogy of Cenozoic sediment samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 604 and 605 on the upper continental rise off New Jersey indicates that sediment deposition of two different clay mineral facies has occurred. These sites are marked by Paleogene deposition of illite with subordinate kaolinite and smectite covarying in inverse proportion, and by Neogene deposition dominated by illite with subordinate kaolinite and chlorite. Leg 93 results agree with the clay mineral facies proposed by Hathaway (1972), which defined a "Northern facies" consisting of illite and chlorite, with feldspar and hornblende, from erosion of rocks north of Cape Hatteras, and a "Southern facies" composed of smectite, kaolinite, and mixed-layer illite-smectites. Neogene and Quaternary sediments at Sites 604 and 605 contain the "Northern facies," and Paleogene sediments contain the "Southern facies" minerals. Feldspar is exclusively found in Neogene-Quaternary sediments, as is the majority of the amphibole found in these samples. Widespread Paleogene volcanic source materials are suggested by the presence of smectite throughout the early Paleocenemiddle Eocene sediments recovered at Site 605. The clay mineral stratigraphy at Leg 93 sites is comparable to the record at nearby DSDP sites on the lower continental rise and abyssal plain of the northwestern Atlantic (DSDP Sites 388, 105, and 106), and also with the sediments recovered by drilling on the Mazagan Plateau off northwestern Morocco (DSDP Sites 544-547) in the eastern North Atlantic.