999 resultados para Profile predictive likelihood


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RESUMO: Os circuitos fronto-estriatais constituem um sistema em ansa fechada que une diversas regiões do lobo frontal aos gânglios da base, participando, com outras áreas cerebrais, no controlo do movimento, cognição e comportamento. As Distonias Primárias, a Doença de Parkinson e a Hidrocefalia de Pressão Normal, são doenças do movimento caracterizadas por disfunção do circuito fronto-estriatal motor. A conectividade funcional entre as diversas ansas do sistema fronto-estriatal, permite prever que as doenças do movimento possam também acompanhar-se de sintomas da esfera cognitiva e comportamental, cuja avaliação seria importante no manejo diagnóstico e terapêutico dos doentes. Objectivos Os nossos objectivos foram avaliar, por estudos clínicos, a relação entre sintomas motores, cognitivos e comportamentais em três doenças do movimento com fisiopatologias diversas - distonias Primárias, Doença de Parkinson e Hidrocefalia de Pressão Normal - analisando os dados sob a perspectiva teórica fornecida pelo conhecimentos dos vários circuitos frontoestriatais. Os nossos objectivos específicos para cada doença foram: a) Distonias Primárias: avaliação de disfunção executiva em doentes com Distonia Primária e relação com a gravidade dos sintomas motores b) Doença de Parkinson: 1. avaliação breve das funções mentais nas fases iniciais da doença, incluindo análise longitudinal para determinação de factores preditivos para declínio cognitivo; 2. relação entre a função motora e cognitiva e a Perturbação do Comportamento do sono REM, incluindo análise longitudinal; 3.avaliação de sintomas psiquiátricos, de um ponto de vista global e especificamente com incidência sobre as Perturbações do Controlo do Impulso (PCI). c) Hidrocefalia de Pressão Normal: 1. caracterização das alterações da marcha, incluindo comparação com a Doença de Parkinson; 2. caracterização das alterações cognitivas e da relação entre estas e a disfunção da marcha; 3. estudo evolutivo das alterações da marcha e cognitiva em doentes submetido a cirurgia e doentes não submetidos a cirurgia. Métodos: A Distonia Primária, a Doença de Parkinson e a Hidrocefalia de Pressão Normal foram diagnosticadas segundo critérios clínicos validados. Sempre que justificado, foram recrutados grupos de controlo, com indivíduos sem doença, emparelhados para idade, sexo e grau de escolaridade. Os doentes foram avaliados com instrumentos de aplicação clinica directa, incluindo escalas de função motora, testes neuropsicológicos globais e dirigidos às funções executivas e escalas de avaliação psiquiátrica. Testes aplicados nas Distonias Primárias: Unified Dystonia Rating Scale, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, teste de Stroop, teste de cubos da WAIS, Teste de Retenção Visual de Benton; na Doença de Parkinson: Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), REM-sleep behaviour disorder Questionnaire; Symptom Chek-list 90-R, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, FAS (fluência verbal lexical) Nomeação de Animais (Fluência verbal semântica), prova de repetição de dígitos (WAIS), Rey auditory verbal learning test, teste de Stroop, matrizes progressivas de Raven, Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders; na HPN: prova cronometrada de marcha,MMSE, prova de memória imediata da WAIS, prova de repetição de dígitos (WAIS), FAB, desenho complexo de Rey, teste de Stroop, cancelamento de letras, teste Grooved Pegboard. Os doentes com HPN foram também submetidos a estudo imagiológico. A avaliação estatística foi adaptada às características de cada um dos estudos.Resultados Distonias Primárias: encontrámos défices de função executiva, envolvendo dificuldade na mudança entre sets cognitivos, bem como correlação significativa entre as pontuações nos testes cronometrados e a gravidade dos sintomas motores. Doença de Parkinson: os doentes com DP obtiveram pontuações significativamente inferiores na FAB e em sub-testes do MMSE (memória e função visuo-espacial). A pontuação no MMSE encontrava-se significativamente correlacionada com itens da função motora não relacionados com o tremor. A disfunção da marcha, a disartria, o fenótipo não tremorígeno, a presença de alucinações e pontuação abaixo do ponto de corte na MMSE, foram factores preditivos de demência na avaliação longitudinal. A rigidez e a disartria foram factores preditivos de declínio nas funções frontais. A disfunção frontal foi factor preditivo de declínio na pontuação do MMSE. Encontrámos uma prevalência elevada de RBD nas fases iniciais da DP, que o estudo longitudinal mostrou ser factor preditivo de declínio motor, nomeadamente por agravamento da bradicinésia. Encontrámos também uma prevalência elevada de sintomas psiquiátricos, nomeadamente psicose, depressão, ansiedade, somatização e sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos. As PCI não se encontravam relacionadas com o fenótipo motor, com as complicações motoras do tratamento dopaminérgico ou com a disfunção cognitiva. HPN: os doentes com HPN e os DP apresentaram um padrão disfunção da marcha semelhante, caraterizado por passos curtos, lentidão e dificuldades de equilíbrio, sendo os sintomas mais graves na HPN. Os doentes de Parkinson com maior duração de doença, maior dose de dopaminérgicos e fenótipo motor acinético-rígido apresentaram um padrão de disfunção da marcha de gravidade semelhante ao encontrado na HPN. As alterações vasculares da substância branca, em particular as encontradas na região frontal, encontravam-se negativamente correlacionadas com a melhoria da marcha após PL. O estudo das funções cognitivas mostrou um padrão de atingimento global, com valores mais baixos na cópia do desenho complexo de Rey. Os resultados nas provas de função cognitiva não se encontravam significativamente correlacionados com os resultados na prova da marcha. A progressão na disfunção da marcha encontrava-se relacionada com o tratamento não cirúrgico, idade superior na primeira avaliação, presença de lesões da substância branca, e presença de factores de risco vascular, ao passo que não foram encontrados factores que predissessem de modo significativo o agravamento da função cognitiva. Conclusões: Os resultados dos diversos estudos, evidenciam a presença de alterações cognitivas e comportamentais nas três doenças de movimento. O padrão destas alterações e o modo como estas se relacionaram com os sintomas motores variou de doença para doença. Nas Distonias primárias, a perseveração cognitiva poderá ser o sintoma correspondente à perseveração motora própria da doença, sugerindo disfunção no circuito dorso-lateral frontoestriatal. A correlação entre a gravidade motora da doença e o resultado nos testes cognitivos cronometrados, poderá ser o efeito da relação entre bradicinésia e bradifrenia. Na Doença de Parkinson, o espectro de alterações é mais acentuado, espelhando a disseminação do processo degenerativo no SNC. Para além dos sintomas de disfunção executiva, sugerindo disfunção das tês ansas não motoras, existem sinais de disfunção cognitiva global, estas com uma influência mais significativa no desenvolvimento da demência. A relação entre os diferentes sintomas motores e cognitivos é também complexa, embora se evidencie uma dissociação significativa entre o tremor, sem relação com os sintomas não motores, e os sintomas motores não tremorígenos, relacionados com o declínio cognitivo. Enquanto que a presença de RBD parece ser um factor preditivo de agravamento motor, os sintomas psiquiátricos, também muito frequentes, apresentam uma relação menos clara com a função motora. Destes, os sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos são aqueles que com mais frequência se atribuem a disfunção do sistema fronto-estriatal, nomeadamente da ansa orbito-frontal. As PCI também não mostraram ter relação com os sintomas motores ou cognitivos. Na HPN, é patente o carácter fronto-estriatal das alterações da marcha, demonstrado tanto na sua caracterização quanto no efeito deletério das lesões vasculares da substância branca do lobo frontal na recuperação da marcha após PL. As alterações cognitivas parecem ter um padrão mais difuso, o que talvez explique a falta de correlação com os sintomas motores - esta dissociação pode ser causada quer por diferença nos mecanismos fisiopatológicos quer por presença de comorbilidades cognitivas. --------- ABSTRACT: Fronto-striatal circuits constitute a closed loop system which connects different parts of the frontal lobes to the basal ganglia. They are engaged in motor, cognitive and behavioural control. Primary Dystonia, Parkinson's Disease and Normal-Pressure Hydrocephalus are movement disorders caused by disturbance of the motor fronto-striatal circuit. The existence of cognitive and behavioural dysfunction in these movement disorders is predictable, given the functional connectivity between the several distinct loops of the circuit. Evaluation of cognitive and behavioural dysfunction in these three disorders is thus both of clinical and theoretical relevance. Objectives Our objectives were to evaluate, by clinical means, the relation between motor, cognitive and behavioural symptoms in three movement disorders with different pathophysiological backgrounds - Primary Dystonia, Parkinson's Disease and Normal-Pressure Hydrocephalus - and to analyse the study results under the theoretical framework formed by present knowledge of the fronto-estriatal system. Specific objectives: a) Primary Dystonia: executive dysfunction assessment and correlation analysis with motor dysfunction severity; b) Parkinson's Disease: 1. brief cognitive assessment in the early stages of disease, including a longitudinal analysis for determination of predictive factors for cognitive decline; 2. to investigate the relation between RBD and cognitive and motor dysfunction, including a longitudinal analysis; 3. psychiatric symptom assessment, with particular incidence on Impulse Control Disorders; c) Normal-Pressure Hydrocephalus: 1. gait dysfunction characterization and comparison with Parkinson's Disease patients; 2. determination of cognitive dysfunction profile and its relation with gait dysfunction; 3. follow-up study of cognitive and motor outcome in patients submitted and not submitted to shunt surgery. Methods: Primary Dystonia, Parkinson's Disease and Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus were diagnosed according to clinically validate criteria. Where warranted, we recruited control groups formed by healthy individuals, matched for age, sex and educational level. Patients were evaluated with instruments of direct clinical application, including motor function scales, neuropsychological tests aimed at global and executive functions and psychiatric rating scales. Tests used in Primary Dystonia: Unified Dystonia Rating Scale, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Stroop Test, Cube Assembly test (WAIS), Benton’s Visual Retention Test; in Parkinson's Disease: Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB) , Mini-mental State Examination (MMSE), REM-sleep behavior disorder Questionnaire, Symptom Check-list 90- R, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, FAS (phonetic verbal fluency), semantic verbal fluency test, digit span test (WAIS), auditory verbal learning test,Stroop test, Raven's progressive Matrices, Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders; in NPH: timed walking test, MMSE, immediate memory task (WAIS), digit span test (WAIS), FAB, Rey’s Complex Figure test, Stroop test, letter cancellation test, Perdue Pegboard test. NPH patients were also subjected to an imaging study. Statistics were adapted to the characteristics of each study.Results: Primary Dystonia: we found set-shifting deficits as well as significant correlation between timed neuropsychological tests and dystonia severity. Parkinson's Disease: PD patients had significantly lower scores on the FAB and on the memory and visuo-spatial tests of the MMSE; MMSE scores were significantly correlated to non-tremor motor scores; gait dysfunction and speech scores, non-tremor motor phenotype, hallucinations and scores bellow cut-off on the MMSE were predictive of dementia at follow-up; speech and rigidity scores were predictive of frontal type decline; frontal dysfunction was predictivy of decline in MMSE scores; RBD bradykinesia worsening; psychiatric symptoms were prevalent, particularly Psychosis, Depression, Anxiety, Somatisation and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms; Impulse Control Disorders were unrelated to motor phenotype,motor side effects of dopamine treatment and executive function; NPH: gait dysfunction was worse in NPH when compared to PD patients, although the pattern was similarly characterized by slowness, short steps and disequilibrium; PD patients whose gait disturbance was as severe as that of NPH patients were characterized by longer disease duration, predominance of non-tremor motor scores, more advanced disease stage and higher dopamine dose; frontal white matter lesions correlated negatively with improvement after LP; cognitive function assessment revealed wide spread deficits, with lower results on the drawing of the complex figure of Rey, which were not significantly correlated to gait dysfunction; older age, white matter lesions and the presence of vascular risk factors were predictive factors for motor but not cognitive function worsening. Conclusion: Results from our studies highlight the presence of cognitive and behavioural dysfunction in all three movement disorders. Symptom pattern and the relation with ovement derangement varied according to the disease. In Primary Dystonia, set-shifting difficulties could be the cognitive counterpart of motor perseveration characteristic of this disorder, suggesting dysfunction of the dorso-lateral circuit. The relation between timed tests and dystonia severity could suggest a relation between bradyphrenia and bradykinesia in Primary Dystonia. In Parkinson's Disease patients, the spectrum of non-motor symptoms is wider, probably reflecting the spread of neurodegeneration beyond the fronto-striatal circuits. While frontal type deficits predominate, suggestive of dorso-lateral and orbito-frontal dysfunction, non-frontal deficits were also apparent in the initial stages of disease, and were predictive of dementia at follow-up. The relationship between cognitive and motor symptoms is complex, although the results strongly suggest a dissociation between tremor symptoms, which bore no relation with non-motor symptoms, and non-tremor symptoms,whichwas frequent, and a predictive factor for which were related with cognitive decline. While RBD was found to be a predictive factor for bradykinesia worsening, psychiatric symptoms, which were also frequent, showed no apparent relation with motor dysfunction. Relevant to our theoretical consideration was the high prevalence of OCS, which have been attributed to orbito-frontal dysfunction. As to the particular case of ICD, we found no relation either with motor or cognitive dysfunction. The fronto-striatal nature of gait dysfunction in NPH is suggest by the clinical characterization study and by the effects of frontal white matter lesions on gait recovery after LP, whereas cognitive dysfunction presented a more diffuse pattern, which could explain the lack or relation with gait assessment results and also the different outcome on the longitudinal study - this dissociation could be caused by a real difference in pathophysiological mechanisms or, in alternative, be due to the existence of cognitive comorbidities.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Patients with AIDS are particularly susceptible to infection with intestinal coccidia. In this study the prevalence of infections with Cryptosporidium sp and Cystoisospora belli were evaluated among HIV/AIDS patients in the Triângulo Mineiro region, Brazil. Between July 1993 and June 2003 faecal samples from 359 patients were collected and stained by a modified Ziehl-Neelsen method, resulting in 19.7% of positivity for coccidian (8.6% with Cryptosporidium sp, 10.3% with Cystoisospora belli and 0.8% with both coccidian). Patients with diarrhoea and T CD4+ lymphocyte levels < 200 cells/mm3 presented higher frequency of these protozoans, demonstrating the opportunistic profile of these infections and its relationship with the immunological status of the individual. It was not possible to determine the influence of HAART, since only 8.5% of the patients positive for coccidian received this therapy regularly. Parasitism by Cryptosporidium sp was more frequent between December and February and thus was characterised by a seasonal pattern of infection, which was not observed with Cystoisospora belli.


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In this thesis, a predictive analytical and numerical modeling approach for the orthogonal cutting process is proposed to calculate temperature distributions and subsequently, forces and stress distributions. The models proposed include a constitutive model for the material being cut based on the work of Weber, a model for the shear plane based on Merchants model, a model describing the contribution of friction based on Zorev’s approach, a model for the effect of wear on the tool based on the work of Waldorf, and a thermal model based on the works of Komanduri and Hou, with a fraction heat partition for a non-uniform distribution of the heat in the interfaces, but extended to encompass a set of contributions to the global temperature rise of chip, tool and work piece. The models proposed in this work, try to avoid from experimental based values or expressions, and simplifying assumptions or suppositions, as much as possible. On a thermo-physical point of view, the results were affected not only by the mechanical or cutting parameters chosen, but also by their coupling effects, instead of the simplifying way of modeling which is to contemplate only the direct effect of the variation of a parameter. The implementation of these models was performed using the MATLAB environment. Since it was possible to find in the literature all the parameters for AISI 1045 and AISI O2, these materials were used to run the simulations in order to avoid arbitrary assumption.


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The aim of the present study was to outline the serological profile of hepatitis C among blood donors seen at the Uberaba Regional Blood Center, Hemominas Foundation, over the last 14 years. The frequency of hepatitis C was compared between first-time and repeat donors and the epidemiological characteristics of those with positive and indeterminate ELISA anti-HCV (third and fourth generation) were analyzed based on the donor histories kept in the archives of the Uberaba Regional Blood Center. The serological ineligibility rate was 0.3%, with higher prevalence in the group of first-time donors. We did not find any significant differences regarding age, skin color, marital status or place of residence between eligible and ineligible donors; however, the frequency of positive serology was higher among men. The lower (0.3%) rate of ineligibility due to hepatitis C that was observed at the Uberaba Regional Blood Center, in relation to most Brazilian blood centers, is probably due to the large number of repeat donors (83.3%). This reinforces the importance of achieving donor commitment for increasing transfusion safety.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has quite high prevalence in the prison system, reaching rates of up to 40%. This survey aimed to estimate the prevalence of HCV infection and evaluate risk factors for this exposure among male inmates at the Ribeirão Preto Prison, State of São Paulo, Brazil, between May and August 2003. A total of 333 participants were interviewed using a standardized questionnaire and underwent immunoenzymatic assaying to investigate anti-HCV. The prevalence of HCV infection among the inmates was 8.7% (95% CI: 5.7-11.7). The participants'mean age was 30.1 years, and the prevalence was predominantly among individuals over 30 years of age. Multivariate analysis showed that the variables that were independently associated with HCV infection were age > 30 years, tattooing, history of previous hepatitis, previous injection drug use and previous needle-sharing.


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INTRODUCTION: Acute bacterial meningitis (ABM) remains a public health problem in Brazil. To evaluate the epidemiology of ABM cases at Giselda Trigueiro Hospital, Rio Grande do Norte, a descriptive retrospective survey was conducted covering 2005 to 2008. METHODS: Clinical and laboratory data were collected from the epidemiology department of the hospital and analyzed. RESULTS: Out of 168 ABM cases, 24.4%, 10.7%, and 2.4% were, respectively, caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis and Haemophilus influenza b, and 5.4% by other bacteria. The mean age was 22.48 ± 18.7 years old. CONCLUSIONS: Streptococcus pneumoniae was the main causative pathogen in the young urban population.


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INTRODUCTION: Positive serological tests for hepatitis viruses B and C at blood banks are an important reason for blood deferral. Additionally, high residual risk for transfusing hepatitis-contaminated blood has been estimated in southern Brazil. This study aimed to identify risk factors for positive serological tests for viral hepatitis (VH) in blood donors (BD). METHODS: A case-control study included consecutive BD with positive serology for VH, between 2008 and 2009. Cases and controls (BD with negative serology for VH) were paired 1:1 by sex and donation date. Assessment of clinical and epidemiological characteristics related to viral hepatitis was conducted. RESULTS: Among 1,282 blood donors (641 cases and 641 controls), those with positive serology for viral hepatitis had higher mean age (p<0.001); higher proportion of replacement donation (p<0.001); first donation (p<0.001); and interviewer deferment (p=0.037), compared to controls. Furthermore, donors with positive tests were less regular donors (p<0.001), had less previous history of rejection (p=0.003) and showed lower hematocrit median before donation (p=0.019). Multivariate analysis demonstrated that age (OR=1.056, 95%CI 1.042-1.069, p<0.001), replacement donation (OR=1.545, 95%CI 1.171-2.038, p=0.002) and first donation (OR=9.931, 95%CI 7.486-13.173, p<0.001) were independently associated with positivity of serological tests for viral hepatitis. CONCLUSIONS: Specific characteristics of blood donors were associated with positive serology for viral hepatitis. These peculiarities should be taken into account when assessing candidates for blood donation.


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INTRODUCTION: HIV-infected children and adolescents treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) regimens that include a protease inhibitor (PI) can show significant improvements in clinical outcomes, nutritional status and quality of life. The study aimed to report nutritional and metabolic alterations for pediatric patients continuously exposed to HAART and for healthy controls for up to 1 year. METHODS: Clinical, anthropometric, lipid profile and food intake data were collected prospectively over approximately 12-months for each patient. RESULTS: Fifty-one individuals were studied, of these, 16 were healthy. After 12 months follow-up, HIV-positive individuals remained below the healthy control group parameters. No change was observed concerning food intake. Triglyceride serum levels were higher in patients using protease inhibitor at the onset of the study [PI groups: 114 (43 - 336), and 136 (63 - 271) versus control group: 54.5 (20 - 162); p = 0.003], but after twelve months follow-up, only the group using protease inhibitor for up to two months presented higher values [140 (73 - 273) versus 67.5 (33 - 117); p = 0.004]. HDL-cholesterol was lower in HIV-positive individuals [HIV-positive groups: 36 (27 - 58) and 36 (23 - 43); control 49.5 (34 - 69); p = 0.004]. CONCLUSIONS: HIV-infected children and adolescents treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy showed compromised nutritional parameters compared to a paired healthy control group. Individuals using protease inhibitor presented worse triglyceride serum levels compared to their healthy counterparts.


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INTRODUCTION: To describe the clinical and epidemiological profile of pregnant women and children treated at a reference outpatient clinic for congenital toxoplasmosis. METHODS: Pregnant women potentially exposed to Toxoplasma gondii were observed. Diagnoses were made using serologic tests compatible with acute toxoplasmosis. Children presenting with: Toxoplasma-specific antibodies (IgM or IgA or ascending IgG titers higher than maternal titers in the first 3 months of life) coupled with toxoplasmosis symptoms; intracranial calcifications (by transfontanelar ultrasound or cephalic segment tomography); or retinochoroiditis (by fundoscopy examination) in the first 8 months of life were also included in the study. RESULTS: Fifty-eight mother-child pairs were observed (mean age of the mothers was 22.1 years). Most patients lived in urban areas (86.2%) and had attended less than 8 years of school (51.7%). Diagnosis was made after birth in 19 (32.8%) children. Thirty-four (58.6%) women received some type of treatment during pregnancy. Most (72.4%) of the children did not present with clinical alterations at birth. The main findings were ophthalmological: 20 (34.5%) children with retinochoroiditis, 17 (29.3%) with strabismus, and 7 (12.1%) with nystagmus. Of the children with retinochoroiditis, 9 presented with subnormal vision. Ten (32.3%) out of 31 children presented with intracranial calcifications by cephalic segment congenital toxoplasmosis, and 9 (42.9%) children presented with delayed psychomotor development. CONCLUSIONS: Our results highlight a critical situation. Protocols for follow-up of pregnant women and their children must be created to improve medical care and minimize sequelae.


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INTRODUCTION: Infection by Neisseria meningitidis, termed as meningococcal disease, can cause meningococcal meningitis and septicemia with or without meningitis. Meningococcal disease is endemic in Brazil and has a high potential to cause large-scale epidemics; therefore, it requires the immediate notification of cases to the Information System for Notifiable Diseases (SINAN) in Brazil. The aim of this study was to describe an epidemiological profile using data from notified and confirmed cases in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, from January 2000 to December 2009, obtained from the investigation records of individuals with meningitis registered with SINAN. METHODS: This was a retrospective, population-based study. Descriptive analysis of the data was made using the simple and relative frequencies of the categorical variables in the investigation records. RESULTS: There were 1,688 confirmed patients in Minas Gerais of which 45.5% lived in the Central, North, and Triângulo Mineiro regions. The highest frequencies of cases were in the 1-4-years age group (26.3%), males (54.7%), caucasian (36.4%), and lived in an urban area (80%). In the patients with specified education, 650 (60.9%) patients had secondary education. Serogrouping of meningococci had been performed in 500 (29.6%) patients by age and gender; 285 (57%) belonged to serogroup C, 67 (13.4%) were in the 1-to 4-years age group, and 168 (33.6%) were male. CONCLUSIONS: The epidemiological profiles of patients in the Central, North, and Triângulo Mineiro regions were not significantly different from the profile of patients in Minas Gerais.


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INTRODUCTION: This study sought to describe the profile and geographic distribution of reported cases of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in the City of Campo Grande, State of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Brazil, from 2002 to 2009. METHODS: Human data were collected from the Brazilian National Information System for Notifiable Diseases. Canine cases and entomological data were obtained from the Information Service for Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis Control/Campo Grande, MS. RESULTS: A total of 951 records from 2002 to 2009 were investigated. The number of reported cases of VL in males was significantly higher (p < 0.0001) than that in females. The higher frequency observed among males was associated with age (p < 0.0001), which increased in individuals aged 40 years and older. The overall fatality rate was 7.4%. Entomological surveys conducted in 2006, 2007, and 2009 showed the insect vector Lutzomyia longipalpis to be present in all urban regions of the county. CONCLUSIONS: VL cases in humans and dogs, as well as in vectors, occurs in all urban regions of Campo Grande. Despite not observing tendencies of increase or reduction in the incidence of the disease due to aging, the major incidence in men is higher in those aged 40 years or above.


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IntroductionAutoantibodies are often produced during infection with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV), but it remains controversial whether they influence the biochemical profile and histological features of this disease. Therefore, this current study sought to describe these autoantibodies and evaluate their impact on the clinical and histological presentation of hepatitis C.MethodsThis cross-sectional analytical study assessed patients with HCV (RNA+) from October 2011 to July 2012.ResultsThis study included 66 patients, with a mean age of 53.2±10.5 years. Of these patients, 60.6% were male, and 54.3% presented with genotype 1. Non-organ-specific autoantibodies (NOSA) were detected in 24% of the patients; of these, 7.6% were anti-mitochondrial antibodies (AMA+), 26.7% were anti-smooth muscle antibodies (SMA+) and 6.8% were liver kidney microsomal type 1 antibodies (LKM1+). With respect to the thyroid autoantibodies, 7.4% were anti-peroxidase (ATPO+) antibodies, and none were anti-thyroglobulin (ATG+) antibodies. Regarding celiac disease autoantibodies, 5.8% were endomysial antibodies (EMA+), and no transglutaminase (TTG+) antibodies were detected. Cryoglobulins were found in 2.1% of patients. When NOSA+ individuals were compared to patients without the presence of NOSAs, they exhibited higher median alkaline phosphatase (0.7 vs. 0.6 xULN; p=0.041), lower median platelet counts (141,500.0 vs. 180,500.0/mm3; p=0.036), lower mean prothrombin activity (72.6±11.5% vs. 82.2±16.0%; p=0.012) and an increased prevalence of significant fibrosis (E≥2) (45.5% vs. 18.2%; p=0.012). There was also a tendency for a greater proportion of NOSA+ cases to have marked periportal activity (APP≥3) (44.5% vs. 15.6%; p=0.087).ConclusionsIn addition to the high prevalence of autoantibodies associated with HCV infection, it was observed that NOSA positivity was associated with a more severe histological and biochemical profile of hepatitis C infection.


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INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to assess the epidemiological characteristics of Trypanosoma cruzi-infected mothers and the live birth conditions of neonates.METHODS:A serological survey with IgG-specific tests was conducted using dried blood samples from newborn infants in the State of Minas Gerais. T. cruzi infection was confirmed in mothers through positive serology in two different tests, and infected mothers were required to have their infants serologically tested after the age of 6 months. The birth conditions of the neonates were obtained from the System of Information on Live Births database.RESULTS:The study included 407 children born to T. cruzi-infected mothers and 407 children born to uninfected mothers. The average age of seropositive mothers was 32 years (CI95% 31.3-32.6), which was greater than the average age of seronegative mothers - 25 years (CI95% 24.8-25.2). The mothers' level of education was higher among uninfected mothers (41% had 8 or more years of education, versus 22% between the infected mothers). Vaginal delivery was more frequent among infected mothers. There was no evidence of inter-group differences with respect to the child's sex, gestational age, birth weight or Appearance, pulse, grimace, activity and respiration (APGAR) scores at 1 and 5 minutes.Conclusions:The level of education and the greater number of previous pregnancies and cases of vaginal delivery reflect the lower socioeconomical conditions of the infected mothers. In the absence of vertical transmission, neonates had similar health status irrespective of the infection status of their mothers.


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Introduction Chagasic megaesophagus (CM) is the most common digestive manifestation of Chagas disease in Brazil, and the State of Goiás is one of the most affected regions. In recent decades, the Hospital das Clínicas (HC)/Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) has been a reference center for the study and treatment of CM. The objective of this study was to characterize the current epidemiological profile of patients with CM observed at the HC of the UFG from 1998 to 2010. Methods In total, 939 patient records were analyzed, and age, gender, place of birth, serology, symptoms and radiological classification according to Rezende et al. were analyzed. Results The median patient age was 55 years. Male patients were more (54%) prevalent than female patients. The prevalence of younger patients (less than 31 years of age) was 4.2%, but 82.1% of the younger patients were from State of Bahia. Patients older than 40 years were the majority (85.5%). The radiological groups were distributed as follows: Group I (35.9%), Group II (32.9%), Group III (17%) and Group IV (14.2%). Conclusions Compared with previous studies by the same group in 1975, 1994 and 1995, the number of younger patients decreased, and the frequency curve has shifted to older patients.