626 resultados para Professional visibility


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This research investigated professional identity transformation after personal loss. Through autoethnographic methods, I explore how my personal experience of my sister’s breast cancer and death affected my identity as a diabetes educator in the health culture. I discover a transformation of a professional who focuses on evidence-based medicine to a professional who values connection, therapeutic alliance, and mindfulness with patients and self in the diabetes education encounter. Using a holistic perspective on transformational learning, I integrate the poem “Wild Geese” to a collection of written narratives to connect my personal loss experience to my professional life. By unpacking the generated stories and using poetry, I conduct a process of critical and self-reflection to discover how my identity as a health professional has transformed and what makes meaning in my role as a diabetes educator in the health culture. I consider concepts of a conscious self, social relations and language and discover themes of knowledge exchange, food, and empathy as forms of language expression. These language expressions are not present in my professional life as I focus on rational, logical facts of evidence-based medicine and standardized education methods. Through this reflexive process, I hope to understand how my professional practice has changed, where I place an importance on connection, therapeutic alliance, and mindfulness. I move away from always “doing” in my professional life to focus on my state of “being” in my professional world. Rather than knowledge acquisition as the only factor in professional development, this study contributes to an understanding of additional qualities health professionals may consider that focus on the patient education encounter.


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Since the knowledge-based economy has become a fashion over the last few decades, the concept of the professional learning community (PLC) has started being accepted by educational institutions and governments as an effective framework to improve teachers’ collective work and collaboration. The purpose of this research was to compare and contrast the implementations of PLCs between Beijing schools and Ontario schools from principals’ personal narratives. In order to discover the lessons and widen the scope to understand the PLC, this research applied qualitative design to collect the data from two principal participants in each location by semistructured interviews. Four themes emerged: (a) structure and technology, (b) identity and climate, (c) task and support, and (d) change and challenge. This research found that the root of the characteristics of the PLCs in Beijing and Ontario was the different existing teaching and learning systems as well as the test systems. Teaching Research Groups (TRGs) is one of the systems that help Chinese to organize routine time and input resources to improve teachers’ professional development. However, Canadian schools lack a similar system that guarantees the time and resources. Moreover, standardized test plays different roles in China and Canada. In China, standardized tests, such as the college entrance examination, are regarded as the important purpose of education, whereas Ontario principals saw the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) as a tool rather than a primary purpose. These two main differences influenced principals’ beliefs, attitudes, strategies, and practices. The implications based on this discovery provide new perspectives for principals, teachers, policy makers, and scholars to widen and deepen the research and practice of the PLC.


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This qualitative investigation explored the professional experiences of 3 Ontario teachers who have mobility challenges. The study’s participants (2 male and 1 female) were Ontario teachers who have permanent physical disabilities that challenge their means of mobility. Each participant has an Ontario Certified Teaching License and has either taught or is currently teaching in an Ontario school. My primary source of data collection was a semi-structured face-to-face interview with each participant. The focus of the interview was participant perspectives. Data analysis was accomplished in 3 phases. Data analysis generated 5 prominent themes of commonality among participants: (a) independence and sacrifice, (b) living with pain, (c) barriers and obstacles, (d) the importance of communication, and (e) professional benefits and personal rewards.


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This study examined the use of mindfulness meditation in educator growth and professional development. The purpose was to create recommendations for an effective mindfulness meditation practice for educators. To this end, as the researcher is an educator as well as an experienced mindfulness meditation practitioner, the research methodology was self-study through narrative inquiry. The exploration of mindfulness meditation on the researcher’s personal and professional development was viewed through the lenses of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Mezirow’s transformational learning theory. These theories provided an analytical framework that guided this research. Themes were drawn from the exploration and connected with academic literature. The results were a mindfulness meditation framework for educators that is based on the Socratic Method, and utilizes the conceptual frameworks of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Mezirow’s transformational learning theory.


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The ability to perform collegial governance is a cornerstone of modern universities in the United States and Canada. This idea of governance is well practiced among faculty members but is not often practiced to the same extent with librarians in those same institutions. In this chapter, I will look at a popular form of collegial governance called the Library Council. Further, I will examine how the Library Council at Brock University has enabled librarians there to perform meaningful collegial self-governance.


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The Act to establish the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario (APEO) was passed on June 14, 1922. The creation of the APEO was part of a larger movement in Canada to license the engineering profession. At first, membership in the APEO was not mandatory in order to work as an engineer, but this changed in 1937 when the Professional Engineers Act was amended so that licensing by the APEO was required. In 1945, the initials “P. Eng.” were adopted by the APEO as the official abbreviation of the professional engineer. Many other amendments have been made over the years in order to strengthen the APEO’s ability to regulate the profession. Members of the APEO must also abide by a Code of Ethics, which emphasizes the regard for public welfare as paramount. There are currently 36 chapters of the APEO. In 1993, the APEO’s name was changed to Professional Engineers of Ontario, in part to emphasize the group’s role as a licensing body for engineers as opposed to an association of member engineers.


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Receipt to the Estate of the late J.A. Woodruff from McIntyre and Son, Professional Embalmers and Undertakers and Funeral Directors, St. Catharines for funeral services, Oct. 14, 1886.


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Cette recherche exploratoire vise à documenter, du point de vue des intervenants, les conditions nécessaires à la mise en place de projets utilisant des outils de narrativité numérique, de même que les principaux apports de ces outils à l’intervention. Ces outils peuvent être des récits numériques qui sont de courtes vidéos (deux à cinq minutes) intégrant images, musique, texte, voix et animation, ou encore de courts fichiers audio, aussi appelés podcasting ou baladodiffusion. Il peut aussi s’agir de jeux vidéo interactifs ou d’un montage vidéo à partir d’extraits de témoignages. Dans un contexte où les pratiques d’intervention, dans les services publics en particulier, sont de plus en plus normées et standardisées, une recherche qui explore des outils d’intervention recourant à la créativité s’avère des plus pertinentes. Par ailleurs, ce champ n’a été que très peu exploré en service social jusqu’à maintenant. Des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été menées auprès de huit intervenants ayant utilisé ces outils dans leur pratique. L’analyse de leurs propos met d’abord en lumière les conditions nécessaires à la réalisation de ce type de projet, de même que les questions éthiques qui les accompagnent. Ensuite, du côté des principaux apports de ces outils, ils se situent, d’une part, dans le processus créatif collaboratif. Celui-ci permet d’enrichir l’intervention en donnant un espace de parole plus libre où intervenants et usagers créent des liens qui modifient le rapport hiérarchique entre aidant et aidé. D’autre part, l’attention professionnelle accordée à la réalisation des produits et à leur diffusion contribue à donner une plus grande visibilité à des personnes souvent exclues de l’espace public. Ainsi, en plus d’explorer les apports d’un outil artistique à l’intervention, cette recherche permet également d’analyser les enjeux de visibilité et de reconnaissance associés à l’utilisation de médias participatifs.


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À l’ère du web 2.0, l’usage des sites web se multiplie et génère de nouveaux enjeux. La satisfaction en rapport à l’interactivité, facteur d’efficacité des sites, détermine la popularité, et donc la visibilité de ceux-ci sur la Toile. Par conséquent, dans cette étude, nous considérons que les utilisateurs ont un rôle à jouer lors du processus de conception de ces derniers. Certes, autant en théorie que dans la pratique, les concepteurs semblent bel et bien tenir compte des utilisateurs; toutefois, ils ne les intègrent pas comme participants actifs dans leurs démarches. Cette étude vise au moyen d’une recherche documentaire et d’observations sur le terrain à comprendre les principales catégories et morphologies des sites web ainsi que les usages qui en découlent. Une analyse des diverses démarches de conception et des perceptions et attentes des internautes est réalisée sur la base de ces résultats. Pour répondre à ces objectifs, cette analyse cible deux catégories de sites réalisés par des professionnels et par des amateurs. Celle-ci nous permet de démontrer que les résultats de chacune de ces démarches, exprimés à travers les interfaces graphiques des sites, diffèrent au niveau de la qualité perceptible. Cette étude souligne également l’importance d’un traitement efficace de la communication graphique des éléments des sites web, afin de structurer la lecture et transmettre au final un message clair et compréhensible aux internautes. Dans le but consolider nos propositions, nous faisons référence à deux théories de communication graphique, la Gestalt et la sémiotique, l’une s’intéressant à la perception visuelle, l’autre à l’interprétation des signes. Celles-ci se sont révélées pertinentes pour analyser la qualité et l’efficacité des éléments de contenus. Notre étude révèle que les participants ne sont pas satisfaits des deux sites testés car l’utilisabilité du site conçu par des professionnels est trop complexe et l’interface du site conçu par un amateur manque de professionnalisme et de cohérence. Ces résultats soulignent la pertinence d’une approche centrée sur l’utilisateur pour la conception de sites web, car elle permet d’identifier et de résoudre des erreurs de conception. Nos résultats permettent également de souligner que les professionnels ayant un savoir technique et théorique se démarquent des amateurs au niveau des intervenants, des outils et des limites. Des pistes de solution, via des critères de design centré sur l’utilisateur, sont proposées à la fin de cette étude dans le but d’optimiser la qualité et l’efficacité des interfaces graphiques web.


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Objective: An interprofessional steering committee was created at Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Medicine to examine how social media are integrated in medical and health professional education in universities across the globe, and to propose a strategic plan for integrating social media in the Faculty’s various curricula. This presentation will summarize the steering committee’s work and describe the librarian’s contribution. Methods: The Committee’s project leader first conducted a literature search on best practices of social media in medical and health professional curricula. A reference website was then created (mse.med.umontreal.ca) to provide easy access to a large number of the articles and resources reviewed. A steering committee was constituted and 11 meetings were held over a 9-month period. The Committee comprised 18 members and included assistant deans, academic program directors, professors, communication advisors, undergraduate and graduate students and a librarian. An online survey on social media use by students and professors of the Faculty was conducted, ten pilot projects were put forward and a three-year strategic plan was proposed. Results: A total of 1508 students and 565 professors participated in the survey. Results showed that both groups had a strong interest in learning how social media could be integrated in academic and professional activities. Participants reported concern with risks associated with social media use and expressed the need for a Faculty policy and guidelines. The librarian’s contribution to the steering committee included: writing posts on the website’s internal blog, assisting in the design of the survey questionnaires and writing the final report’s survey results chapter. She also proposed two pilot projects: creating a social media learning portal and an altmetrics workshop. Conclusions: Based on the literature review and the survey results, the Committee affirmed the importance of integrating social media in the various study programs of the Faculty of Medicine. Despite the restricted timeline, this interprofessional steering committee was able to carry out its mandate because of the leadership and expertise of each of its members. As the librarian had the most experience with the use of social media in a professional context, her knowledge was instrumental in assisting the project leader in a group mainly composed of social media non-users.


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The shift from print to digital information has a high impact on all components of the academic library system in India especially the users, services and the staff. Though information is considered as an important resource, the use of ICT tools to collect and disseminate information has been in a slow pace in majority of the University libraries This may be due to various factors like insufficient funds, inadequate staff trained in handling computers and software packages, administrative concerns etc. In Kerala, automation has been initiated in almost all University libraries using library automation software and is under different stages of completion. There are not much studies conducted about the effects of information communication technologies on the professional activities of library professionals in the universities in Kerala. It is important to evaluate whether progress in ICT has had any impact on the library profession in these highest educational institutions. The aim of the study is to assess whether the developments in information communication technologies have any influence on the library professionals’ professional development, and the need for further education and training in the profession and evaluate their skills in handling developments in ICT. The total population of the study is 252 including the permanently employed professional library staff in central libraries and departmental libraries in the main campuses of the universities under study. This is almost a census study of the defined population of users. The questionnaire method was adopted for collection of data for this study, supplemented by interviews of Librarians to gather additional information. Library Professionals have a positive approach towards ICT applications and services in Libraries, but majority do not have the opportunities to develop their skills and competencies in their work environment. To develop competitive personnel in a technologically advanced world, high priority must be given to develop competence in ICT applications, library management and soft skills in library professionals, by the University administrators and Library associations. Library science schools and teaching departments across the country have to take significant steps to revise library science curriculum, and incorporate significant changes to achieve the demands and challenges of library science profession.