997 resultados para Próstata - Biópsia por agulhas
Benthic foraminiferal assemblages and the carbon isotope composition of the epifaunal benthic foraminifera Epistominella exigua and Fontbotia wuellerstorfi have been investigated along core MD02-2589 located at the southern Agulhas Plateau (41°26.03'S, 25°15.30'E, 2660 m water depth). This study aims to evaluate changes in the benthic paleoenvironment and its influence on benthic d13C with a notable focus on E. exigua, a species associated with phytodetritus deposits and poorly studied in isotope paleoceanographic reconstructions. The benthic foraminiferal assemblages (>63 µm) show large fluctuations in species composition suggesting significant changes in the pattern of ocean surface productivity conceivably related to migrations of the Subtropical Convergence (STC) and Subantarctic Front (SAF). Low to moderate seasonality and relatively higher food supply to the seafloor are indicated during glacial marine isotope stages (MIS) 6, 4, and 2 and during MIS 3, probably associated with the northward migration of the SAF and confluence with the more stationary STC above the southern flank of the Agulhas Plateau. The lowest organic carbon supply to the seafloor is indicated from late MIS 5b to MIS 4 as a consequence of increased influence of the Agulhas Front (AF) and/or weakening of the influence of the STC over the region. Episodic delivery of fresh organic matter, similar to modern conditions at the core location, is indicated during MIS 5c-MIS 5e and at Termination I. Comparison of this paleoenvironmental information with the paired d13C records of E. exigua and F. wuellerstorfi suggests that organic carbon offsets d13C of E. exigua from ambient bottom water d13CDIC, while its d13C amplitude, on glacial-interglacial timescales, does not seem affected by changes of organic carbon supply to the seafloor. This suggests that this species calcifies preferentially during the short time span of the year when productivity peaks and phytodetritus is delivered to the seafloor. Therefore E. exigua, while offset from d13CDIC, potentially more faithfully records the amplitude of ambient bottom water d13CDIC changes than F. wuellerstorfi, notably in settings such as the Southern Ocean that experienced substantial changes through time in the organic carbon supply to the seafloor.
We report relative paleointensity proxy records from four piston cores collected near the Agulhas Ridge and Meteor Rise (South Atlantic). The mean sedimentation rate of the cores varies from 24 cm/kyr to 11 cm/kyr. The two cores with mean sedimentation rates over 20 cm/kyr record positive remanence inclinations at 40-41 ka coeval with the Laschamp Event. Age models are based on oxygen isotope data from three of the cores, augmented by radiocarbon ages from nearby Core RC11-83, and by correlation of paleointensity records for the one core with no oxygen isotope data. The relative paleointensity proxy records are the first from the South Atlantic and from the high to mid-latitude southern hemisphere. Prominent paleointensity lows at ?40 ka and ?65 ka, as well as many other features, can be correlated to paleointensity records of comparable resolution from the northern hemisphere. The records are attributable, in large part, to the global-scale field, and therefore have potential for inter-hemispheric correlation at a resolution difficult to achieve with isotope data alone.
Investigating the variability of Agulhas leakage, the volume transport of water from the Indian Ocean to the South Atlantic Ocean, is highly relevant due to its potential contribution to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation as well as the global circulation of heat and salt and hence global climate. Quantifying Agulhas leakage is challenging due to the non-linear nature of this process; current observations are insufficient to estimate its variability and ocean models all have biases in this region, even at high resolution . An Eulerian threshold integration method is developed to examine the mechanisms of Agulhas leakage variability in six ocean model simulations of varying resolution. This intercomparison, based on the circulation and thermo- haline structure at the Good Hope line, a transect to the south west of the southern tip of Africa, is used to identify features that are robust regardless of the model used and takes into account the thermohaline biases of each model. When determined by a passive tracer method, 60 % of the magnitude of Agulhas leakage is captured and more than 80 % of its temporal fluctuations, suggesting that the method is appropriate for investigating the variability of Agulhas leakage. In all simulations but one, the major driver of variability is associated with mesoscale features passing through the section. High resolution (<1/10 deg.) hindcast models agree on the temporal (2–4 cycles per year) and spatial (300–500 km) scales of these features corresponding to observed Agulhas Rings. Coarser resolution models (<1/4 deg.) reproduce similar time scale of variability of Agulhas leakage in spite of their difficulties in representing the Agulhas rings properties. A coarser resolution climate model (2 deg.) does not resolve the spatio-temporal mechanism of variability of Agulhas leakage. Hence it is expected to underestimate the contribution of Agulhas Current System to climate variability.
Investigating the variability of Agulhas leakage, the volume transport of water from the Indian Ocean to the South Atlantic Ocean, is highly relevant due to its potential contribution to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation as well as the global circulation of heat and salt and hence global climate. Quantifying Agulhas leakage is challenging due to the non-linear nature of this process; current observations are insufficient to estimate its variability and ocean models all have biases in this region, even at high resolution . An Eulerian threshold integration method is developed to examine the mechanisms of Agulhas leakage variability in six ocean model simulations of varying resolution. This intercomparison, based on the circulation and thermo- haline structure at the Good Hope line, a transect to the south west of the southern tip of Africa, is used to identify features that are robust regardless of the model used and takes into account the thermohaline biases of each model. When determined by a passive tracer method, 60 % of the magnitude of Agulhas leakage is captured and more than 80 % of its temporal fluctuations, suggesting that the method is appropriate for investigating the variability of Agulhas leakage. In all simulations but one, the major driver of variability is associated with mesoscale features passing through the section. High resolution (<1/10 deg.) hindcast models agree on the temporal (2–4 cycles per year) and spatial (300–500 km) scales of these features corresponding to observed Agulhas Rings. Coarser resolution models (<1/4 deg.) reproduce similar time scale of variability of Agulhas leakage in spite of their difficulties in representing the Agulhas rings properties. A coarser resolution climate model (2 deg.) does not resolve the spatio-temporal mechanism of variability of Agulhas leakage. Hence it is expected to underestimate the contribution of Agulhas Current System to climate variability.
El cáncer de próstata en los puertorriqueños compara con las tendencias a nivel mundial siendo la enfermedad de mayor incidencia y mortalidad entre los hombres. En muchos casos cuando no se descubre a tiempo se debe a la renuencia de los hombres a ser examinados por un proctólogo lo que pone en riesgo su salud. Aquellos que se examinan y salen positivos han de someterse a tratamientos que conllevan efectos secundarios que tienen un impacto tanto en su salud física como emocional. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de un estudio fenomenológico más amplio llevado a cabo en Puerto Rico con parejas cuyo compañero experimentó cáncer de próstata. Se discute la construcción social de la masculinidad y el impacto de la misma en la búsqueda de diagnóstico y en la reacción a los efectos secundarios del tratamiento. Se encontró: a) una renuencia a realizarse el examen de detección de cáncer de próstata asociada al concepto de machismo y a la posibilidad de impotencia, b) falta de orientación para trabajar efectos secundarios como la incontinencia y la disfunción eréctil, c) escasa atención a la concepción de masculinidad que pone en riesgo y en una posición de vulnerabilidad emocional a estos pacientes. Se ofrecen recomendaciones para los profesionales de la salud.
Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo en 105 pacientes ingresados con diagnóstico de cáncer de próstata, en el serivicio de urología del H. José Carrasco Arteaga en los años 2003-2007. Se utilizó para la recolección de datos el cuestionario. Se encontró que la edad de la mayoría de los pacientes, oscila entre 70 a 79 años: 35.2promedio de 73 años y desvio estándar de 11,12, la raza mestiza predomina con un 99y el nivel de instrucción primaria es de 66.7. Pocos de ellos tienen antecedentes familiares de cáncer de próstata, tan solo un 4.8, tampoco se han expuesto a químicos 80, aunque cierto número ha estado en contacto con pesticidas 13.3, pinturas 4.8y lubricantes 1.9, la mayoría no realiza ejercicio físico 99, y el 97.1consumen una dieta hidrocarbonada
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Con el objetivo de validación de la biopsia transrectal de próstata por octantes guiada por ecografía, como criterio diagnóstico de enfermedad prostática maligna, frente a la histopatología en pacientes con antígeno específico de próstata sugestivo de neoplasia. Materiales y método: con un diseño descriptivo y una muestra no probabilística se incluyeron 124 pacientes que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión para la toma de biopsia por octantes en el Servicio de Imagenología del Hospital José Carrasco durante el año 2007. Se calculó sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo y negativo e índice de verosimilitud positivo y negativo.Resultados. La población de estudio estuvo representada por varones de 67.5 ± 10.8 años de edad (rango 40 a 90), con 25.8% de hipertensos y 8.1% de EPOC. El peso prostático fue de 69.2 ± 34.9 g (rango 18 a 306). El 96.4% tuvo PSA > 4 ng/dl. El índice PSA libre/PSA total fue anormal en el 69.4% con una mediana de 0,10 (P25 0,07 – P75 0,15). La sensibilidad de la biopsia por octantes ecodirigida fue del 92.4% (IC95% 84,4 – 100), la especificidad del 92.9% (IC95% 86,3 – 99,6), el índice de verosimilitud + del 13,13 (IC95% 5,6 – 30,6) y el índice de verosimilitud - del 0,03 (IC95% 0,03 – 0,21). Hubo un 13.7% de hematuria y un 12,1% de disuria, como complicaciones del examen. Discusión: el diagnóstico de cáncer de próstata sólo puede ser establecido mediante el estudio histológico del tejido prostático. La aparición de la ecografía transrectal y la toma de muestras ecodirigidas ha aumentado considerablemente el rendimiento diagnóstico de la biopsia de próstataanalizarán utilizando las pruebas estadísticas de acuerdo al tipo de variables.au