998 resultados para PowerPoint


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Material didàctic del grup d'investigació Observatori sobre la Didàctica de les Arts (ODAS)


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Material didàctic del grup d'investigació Observatori sobre la Didàctica de les Arts (ODAS)


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Material didàctic del grup d'investigació Observatori sobre la Didàctica de les Arts (ODAS)


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PowerPoint presentation that showcases: • Research Objectives • Strategic Value of the Lean Enterprise • Multi-Stakeholder Value Optimization • Lean Enterprise Self-Assessment Tool (LESAT) • Leading and Lagging Indicators of Lean Enterprise Transformation • Empirical Results in the Aerospace Industry • Accelerating the Lean Transformation - Linking LESAT to Strategic Objectives • Summary and Questions


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Resumen basado en la publicación


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Resumen basado en la publicación


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El Programa PALE (programa de apoyo al aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras), cofinanciado por el Ministerio de Educaci??n y Ciencia y las Comunidades Aut??nomas, pretende dar respuesta, desde el Sistema Educativo, a las necesidades derivadas de la mejora de la ense??anza y el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras en una sociedad como la actual, donde las lenguas se consideran conocimientos b??sicos que precisa la ciudadan??a europea para su formaci??n, para mejorar sus posibilidades de empleo, para la promoci??n del intercambio cultural y para la realizaci??n personal. Esta publicaci??n es el fruto del grupo de trabajo constituido en la tercera fase del curso PALE 2007 para Secundaria del C.P.R. de Oviedo, tras la formaci??n recibida en Asturias y en el extranjero. Se presentan una serie actividades para llevar a cabo en el aula a partir de los contenidos en Secundaria en las ??reas de: Arte, Biolog??a, Ciudadan??a, Ciencias Sociales, Matem??ticas, M??sica, Educaci??n F??sica, F??sica y Qu??mica, y Tecnolog??a. Las unidades trabajadas son respectivamente: Observation; Vertebrate animals; Human rights; 3-d shapes; Sound and its properties; Outdoor activities; Work and energy; Electricity; Technical materials. El libro est?? acompa??ado por 1 CD-ROM que muestra los contenidos en versi??n PDF y PowerPoint.


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L’Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyers de Telecomunicació (ETSET) de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) promou la mobilitat dels seus estudiants i professors, no només a través de programes nacionals –SICUE-Sèneca– o internacionals (ERASMUS, PROMOE), sinó també per la realització de viatges de pràctiques de llengua estrangera. D’aquesta manera, els estudiants matriculats en les assignatures de francès, anglès o alemany poden beneficiar- se d’una estada a França, Gran Bretanya o Alemanya, visitant-ne les universitats i empreses del sector. En aquesta comunicació ens remetem a l’últim viatge realitzat a París al març passat, durant el qual quinze estudiants de l’ETSET, matriculats en els cinc grups de les assignatures de francès (nivell bàsic, intermedi i avançat), van visitar una Grande École, l’ENSEA (École Nationale Supérieure de l’Électronique et de ses Applications). La visita, coordinada i programada entre els professors responsables d’ambdues escoles, va consistir a efectuar presentacions institucionals (escola, universitat d’origen) i generals (informació sobre la ciutat i la seua cultura) per part dels mateixos estudiants espanyols i francesos en els diferents grups de les assignatures d’espanyol. Per a fer-ho, cada grup havia preparat la presentació en PowerPoint de la seua escola o ciutat en la llengua d’estudi. Aquest tipus d’activitats facilita la immersió lingüística, cultural i acadèmica dels estudiants, de manera que els permet rebre informació de primera mà sobre el panorama dels seus estudis en un altre país, i alhora patrocinen la seua pròpia escola entre els estudiants estrangers


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A Powerpoint file for a Lecture on the development of the world wide web. Intended for lecturers and undergraduates. Produced by Hugh Davis, ECS for a 3rd year Module.


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Organic Molecules: Depiction of Structure - The Basics. Powerpoint presentation of A Level revision material for 1st year undergraduates written by Jeremy Hinks, School of Chemistry in 2002.


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Powerpoint presentation given at the JISC Institutional Exemplars meeting, Woburn House 29 January 2008. Meeting attended by all 5 of the Institutional Exemplars bids. For EdShare: Hugh Davis, Les Carr, Jessie Hey and Debra Morris.


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A "vodcast" by David Read. This short Camtasia presentation of a narrated powerpoint presentation (14 minutes) is intended to support academic staff who are interested in using audience response systems (or zappers as they have become known at Southampton).


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This is an image taken from Anatomy tv, an interactive resource for teaching and learning in anatomy and physiology which the University Library subscribes to. This image may not be changed, but you may take a copy and present it with other materials and resources you are using so long as they are password protected for access by members of the University only. "All products and all images within the products are protected by copyright. The products and images can only be used for private educational purposes, unless a specific license is purchased for any other usage. For any commercial usage of the images, please contact Primal Pictures Limited. The products allow members of the University of Southampton to ‘copy and paste’ all of the text as well as the images in the 3D-model window and all of the slides. These can then be pasted into nearly any other word-processing or graphics program, including Powerpoint. These resources can be made available to members of the University of Southampton via a password-protected service. This again is designed solely as a service for private educational uses. Like any publisher, Primal Pictures protects itself against copyright infringement. Please do contact Debra Morris in the University Library before using these resources to ensure that conditions are respected. ©Primal Pictures Limited 2007


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A colour image of the human heart. This is an image taken from Anatomy tv, an interactive resource for teaching and learning in anatomy and physiology which the University Library subscribes to. This image may not be changed, but you may take a copy and present it with other materials and resources you are using so long as they are password protected for access by members of the University only. All products and all images within the products are protected by copyright. The products and images can only be used for private educational purposes, unless a specific license is purchased for any other usage. For any commercial usage of the images, please contact Primal Pictures Limited. The products allow members of the University of Southampton to ‘copy and paste’ all of the text as well as the images in the 3D-model window and all of the slides. These can then be pasted into nearly any other word-processing or graphics program, including Powerpoint. These resources can be made available to members of the University of Southampton via a password-protected service. This again is designed solely as a service for private educational uses. Like any publisher, Primal Pictures protects itself against copyright infringement. Please do contact Debra Morris in the University Library before using these resources to ensure that conditions are respected. ©Primal Pictures Limited 2007


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A powerpoint presentation given by Hugh Davis and Debra Morris at the University of Southampton Learning and Teaching Week event 2 April 2008.